Fitness: Work up to a heavy but perfect triple on the Hang Power or Hang Squat Clean
Performance: Work up to a heavy but perfect triple on the Power or Squat Clean. See if you can best last week’s triples.
If you did the Hotshots 19 WOD yesterday you may be fried, adjust accordingly.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs to last week’s exposure weight.
Performance Heavy 3
Attempt to best last week’s triples by 5-10lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Clean/FSQ e2/6
10 Intervals of:
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Use a heavy Kettlebell and rest as needed.
Nothing like a little community support to get you through a rough WOD.
Thanks to everyone who donated to the Hotshots 19 grant yesterday and particpated in the workout. As of writing a total of 128K+ was raised worldwide for the families of those who perished. To see archived coverage of the live event from Prescott Arizona and see what the current total is, click here. Many of the elite CrossFit athletes completed the workout in sub 30 minutes. Amazing!
Tomorrow’s Schedule
We will have a slightly modified AM schedule that day with classes at 7am, 8am, 9am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm
What is a Hotshot Crew? CNN
Why Do We Sleep? TED Talks
Gabby Douglas’ routines from the 2012 Olympic Gymnastics trials
9am with Arturo and Fox. Cleans felt really good today. Sets of 3 @ 53#, 73#, 93#, 103#, 113#, and 123#. Pretty bummed that I'll be missing a bunch of Sundays after this, because I feel like things are really starting to click.
130x5x3 on the front squat.
32kg on the kettlebell swings. Went heavy since it was NFT.
Damn, Laura! I wanna be you when I grow up.
Cleans: got 2 sets at 93, failed 2nd rep at 98. Ugh.
Front squats, got to 160×3. Woot!
50 KB swings at 24kg — wanted to save myself for kipping pull-up practice, which did not go as well as yesterday.
Now my low back is lit up. I think I tweaked it cleaning and I should have skipped the KB altogether ๐
Good progress on last week's numbers.
Went from 209 to 215 on the Cleans (did Power Cleans to save a little more for the Front Squats, but then added one Squat Clean at the end for practice).
Went from 220 to 230 on the Front Squat. Last rep was more challenging than I would have liked, but it went up.
Cashed out with the 40kg bell. Actually wasn't that bad while I was doing it. We'll see if my lower back agrees with that statement in the morning.
Hell Yea Laura!!
Cleans: worked up to #93, then tried an even #100. Got the first one at 100 but then failed the rest
Front Sq: #135 felt super heavy for my first exposure of the cycle so backed down to 125, which still felt terrible. finished at #115 – have some serious work to do on these
KBswings at 24kg – thanks for convincing me Stella! Finished the day with some handstand kick-up practice
holy smokes, laura! those are some numbers there, girl. i did 68# but it felt more coordinated than last week so i'm happy enough.
Oh, shucks guys, thanks. ๐
Decided to climb today.
Short session with lots of rest and a long warm-up before getting on the wall. Found a V1 that I liked and attempted it 3 times so that I could practice my efficiency and work my problem solving skillz.
12pm w/Arturo & Melissa
60lbs cleans, from 53 last week. I still have to work a lot on my technique, so I'll probably only add 2 and 3 pounds per week moving forward.
75lbs squats, 5+ from last week. These still feel non challenging, but given my mobility issues, I don't want to compromise my form by going heavier.
20kg kettle bells, which were starting to feel heavy toward the end.
On another note, I'm expecting my first weightlifting shoes this week and hoping for nothing short of a miracle, as I once heard DO say ๐ Not to mention that they're pink leather with hearts!
Ariel- you did one set of 3 at 73 as well, remember?! Which is where I ended up again this week. Knees caving in as always. I feel like as soon as I figure out one part if this lift, something else goes. Will get there eventually, I guess.
Front squat 105#- these felt good once Arturo told me to stay rigid at the bottom.
KB swings 50 at 20kg and 50 at 24kg. I love kettlebells,
Michelle, I can't wait to see your shoes!
Made up hot shots with Dan G tonight at OG. We split up the squats, cleans, and pullups and did the runs together. I went for 95# on the cleans; Dan, because he is massive and strong, did 135#. We finished in 33:37. Really glad Dan asked me to do this with him, I was going to go for a run instead but this was fun, and it was long enough I can at least pretend it counts as a run in terms of training.
Noah was right, this was kind of an odd workout: very long, and I was very tired at the end, but it didn't really feel like my last cleans were much harder than my first. We slowed down a bit, but not too much, as the workout went on. Felt good to finish the last run with plenty of kick left. Probably going to be super sore tomorrow…
Packer- the other weird thing is that you might not be that sore. I certainly wasn't. So I went in for 11AM Group Class.
Cleans felt fine positionally, but my CNS felt like it was misfiring. Worked to 198, kept hitting the bottom and just dying. I think the 114 cleans yesterday may have had something to do with it. (The FBI would call that a "clue.")
FSQ 220X3 with a misloaded bar, I'm a genius. 235×3. Same weight I hit last week, but it was a bit squirrely last week and felt solid today, CNS be damned.
Then went on a nice moto ride with the rest of the Hell's Tacos. About as perfect a late summer Sunday as could be.
Cleans 185
Squas 215