Fitness: Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch
Performance: Snatch Deadlift (with a pause at the knee) + Hang Snatch
Take 15 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy load on today’s complexes. See if you can meet last week’s numbers or surpass them with good form.
High Bar Back Squat
Fitness: 3×8 Across
Add 2.5-5lbs from exposure 1
Performance Heavy 8
Try to beat last week’s heavy 8 by 5-10lbs.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/HBBSQ e2/6
Fartlek Mile
Fartlek, which means “speed play” in Swedish combines aerobic low intensity work with more anerobic high intensity intervals. Generally the intervals are based on feel and somewhat unstructured. Play with this protocol for three laps around the block.
Julian Sets Up His Pull Mid WOD
- Happy Birthday, Elena Y!
Upcoming Schedule Changes
Please make note of these upcoming schedule changes at the gym.
Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day)
We will have a slightly modified AM schedule that day with classes at 7am, 8am, 9am, 12pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm
Friday, September 6th
There will be no PM open gym as we are hosting Mark Rippetoe for the Starting Strength Seminar this weekend. Morning and afternoon classes are on as normally scheduled.
Saturday, September 7th
There are no classes Saturday. We will instead be hosting a Track Workout in Red Hook if you’d like to get a WOD in.
Sunday, September 8th
There are no classes Sunday. We will instead be hosting a Flag Football Game and Social at Prospect Park. All are welcome to attend!
6 Tips for Not being a CrossFit A$$hole CrossFit IF
Golden Arches: Human Feet More Flexible Than We Thought NPR
6 Truths About Exercise That Nobody Wants to Believe HuffPo
Does this mean the hotshots wod will be run on the normal Saturday schedule?
Missed posting this yesterday.
I think that was my first bear complex. Nice change of pace.
88# Thruster fail – did not get full arm extension, too far forward on my feet
93# Thruster fail – said "I can't do this" mid-movement, embarrassing
Cleans felt great. Happy to get through all the lunges. Too bad I blew it with the thrusters. By the time the thruster came around I kind of felt my body being crushed…
I can't really take credit for any of the delicious meals I've had for at least the last month. There was a side dish in there though, involving kale in garlic and oil with chilies and crispy nuggets of sopressata. I made that, and it was good.
Just ordered a standing desk for work.
Stay tuned…
Yes normal schedule on Saturday. We'll be offering some scaled versions and a fun partner version since the volume is so high on the workout.
6am with David and Jess. Snatches went well today – a look back at my notebook reminded me that last week Jess told to drop under the bar faster. Did that and was able to move up 5# to 78#. Tried 82#, but pressed the bar up. I'll get this next week. HBBS felt much better this week, probably because David helped me with my warm-up scheme (thanks!). Hit 120x3x8. Fartlek was fun.
Ugh, my snatch is so temperamental. (Go ahead and quote me on that.) Last week I made a rep at 85, but this time I failed twice at 83 and had to cut it back to 78. Still some leftover shoulder soreness from Monday's burpees that I think was part of it. And the other part is that consistency in Oly lifting is just so damn elusive anyway.
HBBSQ much better. 140x8x3, with the super-badass, 8.5-months-preggo-yet-squatting-like-a-boss Christie (sp?) as my partner. To all the ladies who are PG now or whom I've ever seen in the gym working out while PG…you're an inspiration.
Stuck around for the fartlek even though I probably should have headed to work. Funny how a mile seems to go by so much faster when you're doing speed play. If you're running the whole thing fast, it seems to take forever because your lungs are about to explode, and if you're running the whole thing slow, it's just…slow. Fartleks are fun!
Posting from yesterday: worked with Doug and got up to 145. Had i akipped some levels i might have had a shot at 155 but the thruster would have sucked. I really appreciate the lunges for the reasons fox mentioned. My right hip is way stronger/tighter than my left hip. The lunges are great for evening them out. Since we started doing them in warm ups I've noticed improvement in my back but I think bigger heavier lunges and other unilateral work will/would e extremely useful.
Large 8 am class with Fox and special guest Jeremy.
Worked up to 58# on the snatch- not worried about not adding much weight to this just yet. Got some very helpful extra explanations/ breakdowns from Jeremy, and finally beginning to wrap my head around this lift, I think, though that could change by next week!
HBBS- still feels a bit awkward and must remember to keep my elbows under the bar and look straight ahead. 105 x 8 x 3. And also- if in a group of three, no chatting as time goes fast!!! (probably good as a general rule)
Fartlek mile- what Stella said…
Did 7 x 1 chin-ups and a little bit of handstand practice with Lindsay and Arturo afterwards. Chin-ups felt really good- handstands were OK.
I'm going away this weekend to visit my parents, outside of Boston. On my commute in to work today I realized I'd failed to pack my jump rope and felt pretty upset with myself. I'm even still considering going out at lunch to find one.
I'm a grownass adult who's upset she forgot to pack her jump rope for a weekend trip.
You are the only people who will understand.
Gina: I SO understand.
In Tucson,AZ for the next 5 days for a wedding. Being left without a car at the resort while the boyfriend attends to best man duties made me construct a workout with what I had available in the hotel gym. It was pretty easy! There were dumbells and kettlebells. So, 15 min warmup on the treadmill then a triplet of 21-15-9 db thrusters, kettlebell swings, and 400 meter run. Took me about 15 minutes and killed it on the last 400m. It's so much easier to run sprints on a moving belt! Now to lay by the pool and go for a swim!
Jumped in to the noon class a few minutes late and felt the lack of warm up. played at 50kg on the snatch 1st pull plus hang snatch.
Fartlek mile, always makes me smile. Saw Aaron in his UHaul at the gas station during my 2nd lap. Safe travels, Aaron and Lauren and congrats on the purchase of your first home. Visit BK often.
Update: Crystal is my hero!!! She had an extra speed rope just lying around the office as most offices do (but not mine?) So now when I come back from this weekend I should be stringing like a million DUs together.
Gina, YOU ARE MY HERO! I love to help out a friend/workout freak in need. Have a great week end!
Mgmt: If we come in on Friday Sept. 6th in the AM, and we already did Thursday, Sept. 5th WOD, will there be a Sat. WOD to do?
Joy – yes
Turns out that wasn't a bear complex, which, I'm told, is a specific thing.. that I still haven't done.
Great warm-up for the snatch complex with Jess. I've been hovering around 83#. Hypnosis might help me get past this point, since I confirmed today it's about confidence to get under the bar and not about the weight.
HBBS – first time in a long time. Thanks Josh for the tips on how to, ah, HBBS. 125#x8x3 (altho 2nd set was a lopsided 130# — yes, I did all 8 of those). Really came together on the 3rd set after incorporating all of Josh's tips (and getting the bar evened out).
Shout out to Becca for nailing her lifts today and being a motivational partner : )
Missed the Fartlek, and worked on some gymnastics with David instead. Still a work in progress, but if someone were to try to punch me in the stomach right now, I'm pretty sure they'd hurt their hand. So, I've got that going for me.
I think I'll Fartlek tomorrow before heading out for the 3rd and final trip this month…
Performance Snatch Complex:
SO close to 175. Got both overhead but couldn't secure the catch. Next time!!!
High Bar Back Squat
Happy with today's numbers.
6:30 with Josh and Fox. Partnered with Nate –
Snatch felt pretty good today, except for the hook grip which feels weird. Catching the bar between the high pull and the hang power snatch with a hook grip in felt stressy on my thumbs. But otherwise everything felt good. Worked up to 105, thanks for the tips, Fox!
Then hbbs, 175 x 8 x 3, this felt light-ish. 185 should still be pretty easy next week. I guess I was bouncing out of the bottom too quickly, Josh told me to go down slower and drive out quickly. This was definitely harder than what I was doing before, but still good.
Fartlek mile, again with Nate – I've been flirting with sickness for the past few weeks and hadn't gotten a run in yet this week, so pushed pretty hard on the sprints. Felt good!
Heading out of town for a quick vacation tomorrow, sad I'm going to miss a workout but happy to get some time away… have a good weekend, everyone!
Partnered with Shawn for snatches:
Bunch of snatches at 95, a couple at 105 and then back down to 95. Right shoulder wasn't all there. Got Josh to do some voodoo magic on it, which made it feel better.
Partnered with Ryan for squatting:
HBBS: 235x8x3 – these felt pretty good.
Then fartlek with Ryan – pretty interesting experience.
When I was a teenager, I used to be a bit obsessed by the great British middle distance runners like Sebastian Coe and Steve Ovett, and remember reading about all the fartleks they used to do in their training. Never knew what it meant back then. Now I know.
Snatch today wasn't feeling good, multiple fails at 145 after nailing it last week. The pause at the knee if tough, makes my second pull feel very mechanical.
HBBSQ: 240×8, challenging but good and organized.
Did all of the barbell work, then the Fartlek run, with Rickke, which is about all I could possibly ask for.
Biked from work for the 5:30 with Josh and Fox.
Really like the shoulder and snatch warm up on these days. Nice to mix that in with the regular NFT stuff. Snatched with Spencer:
85, 100, 110, 115, 120, 125
Did the complex twice at each weight through 120, the first time as a power snatch, the second with a squat snatch. Felt like the bar moved faster and that I had more hip pop today. Need to watch my back position on the deadlift up, though. 125 felt really good–I think that a lot of things are making sense about the snatch this cycle, and I'm seeing real progress.
Squatted with Samir. Worked up to a tough 8 at 245. Last two reps were very tough.
Fartlek mile was fun. Agree with Stella that it goes by quick.
6:30 with Fox and Josh
Performance Snatch
95×1 105×1 115×1 125×1 135×1 145xF,1 150×1 155xF,F
Definitely should be hitting 155 regularly now, going to have to try it with more rest at OG on Sunday. Need to speed up the second pull and really pull myself under more actively on the third pull.
45×8 135×8 185×5 215×8
Less volume this week, 215 went up but not super easily so I didn't push it.
Treated the fartlek like 100m sprint repeats, felt great. 1k cooldown row and some time with the legs up to hopefully keep them from killing me tomorrow.
4:30 with Josh
Snatch…well, well, well. I feel like every week these suckers come up, I get one really good one in…and luckily it happens when Josh is watching. Man they feel awesome when the stars align…I just wish they did so more often.
#43, #53, #63, #68×3 —I wanted to push 70 but am desperately trying to nail them better so I always end up playing it safe. A couple landings hurt my knee…I think I was too wide?
Couldn't face the pain of HBBS. Did some accessory pause snatch work. Man that shit is tough.
Fartlek Row–6:43
Seeing Deb tomorrow for my hip. Finally. Looking forward to getting some answers/help and hop on the road to some kind of recovery. My lower extremities feel completely shut down on both sides and I am beyond frustrated and feel like my knee fucks with every athletic goal I ever set. There's my pity party. Now, I'm gonna go have a pitty snuggle party with Cass.
Ps: Saturdays WOD terrifies me and I'm pumped to do it partner style
Mgmt: is there OG on Sunday?
There have been a lot of good links posted this week– thanks!
135x5x4 and 155×1
Solid. 155 was a bit difficult but not hard. First heavy-ish press in a quite a while.
Bench: 165x6x4
Kept rest to 3 minutes.
Circuit: all kinds of DB and cable pull nonsense.
ERG: 20 seconds full blast and 1:40 rest for 7 rounds.
I have to include Tuesday night's make-up post because it was brutal!
Squat: 305x5x4 and 350×1
Single felt crazy heavy. Actually felt difficult controlling the weight down.
2-count paused deadlifts: 245x6x4
This is the hardest exercise I've ever done. Ever. After the first set I literally almost passed out. I went to get some air and Fox gave me that wry smile of his and I said "did you see what I was doing?" And he replied, "no, but that that look on your face…." I was toast and then did 3 more sets.
Luckily he mentioned using wraps and that made it much more manageable. It's just a long time to hold the bar and with straps I could just focus on keeping my back and pulling back with my lats. So thanks for that one Foxy-Fox.
Aaaaaaand from now on I will only refer to him as Foxy Fox.
oooh. nature
6:30 with josh and fox. Worked up to 90# on the performance snatch complex. Felt like my landing position was still a little shaky, and my landing position maybe a little wide, but not horrible on the whole.
High bar squats at 130 for 3 sets of 8. Hot damn that's a lot of squats at once. Really took a lot out of me.
Fartlek with Keith was fun. Haven't ran that hard since probably 5th grade recess..
No, often the Sunday night Q and A goes long, well into the normal OG time. I double checked to make sure we couldn't run it. :/
And just to clarify, open gym is on like normal this Sunday but is cancelled next Sunday due to the Starting Strength seminar.
This afternoon I had some time to make up Monday's inversion work.
3RNFT of :10 wall walk hold and 25 hollow rocks then
4RNFT of 3 part handstand kick ups and 10 supine press outs.
-I'm predicting very sore abs and triceps in my future!
Then 6:30pm class:
Snatch- worked up to 93 on the performance complex.
-Need to be confident dropping lower faster as the weight gets heavier.
HBBS: worked up to 160×8.
-there's plenty more room here but I'm definitely taking my time loading it up as I adjust to the positioning. Need to keep my hands more relaxed and elbows down.
Kinda loved the Fartlek run!
Worked up to a 100# on the snatch. The pause definitely got me rethinking my explosion. I also need to start thinking about getting lower. I am making my snatches but I am also only coming close to a 1/4 squat.
The high bar hit 165 for 8 reps. I only did two sets and bailed on the cash out so that could catch my neighbor before they left for work since I left my keys in my apartment like a tool.