Work up to a heavy load on the barbell complex:
7 Deadlifts
5 Power Cleans
3 Reverse Lunges each leg
1 Thruster
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- Happy Birthday Sarah LR and Belated Birthday Sam Ay
Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Vegetables
By Christian Fox
Here’s a great, simple, way to enjoy either of the two sauces from the last recipe installment. If you have the sauces on hand (you do, right?) then most of the prep time, which is minimal, is spent chopping the vegetables. The vegetables are easily interchangeable with others you have on hand or like better. Zucchini, cauliflower, parsnip, or bell pepper would all work well. The denser the vegetable the smaller you’d chop it so they all finish at the same time.
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
You’ll need:
2 1¼ – 2 lb Pork Tenderloins (these often come wrapped two in a pack)
3-5 cloves of garlic, minced
1 large Onion, chopped or sliced into bite sized pieces
1 large Carrot, peeled and ¼ inch slice on the bias
1 head of Broccoli, chopped into bite sized pieces
4 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Thyme
2 tsp Black Pepper
3 tsp Salt
2 tsp Oregano
2 tsp Cumin
¼ – ½ tsp Cayenne Pepper (or dried chipotle), optional
In a large mixing bowl, toss the onion, carrot, and broccoli with 2 Tbsp olive oil, thyme, and 1 tsp salt to coat the vegetables in oil and seasoning. Spread the vegetables into one layer on a large sheet pan. Put the pork tenderloin in the mixing bowl with the remaining olive oil and salt, black pepper, oregano, cumin, garlic, and chile if using, and toss to coat. Place pork on top of vegetables on the sheet pan and roast at 425 degrees in pre-heated oven until a thermometer reads 150 degrees on the pork, probably 15-20 minutes. Remove the pork to cool before slicing and let the vegetables roast for another 10 minutes so they become a bit crispy (and infinitely more yummy). Serve the pork sliced over the vegetables and top with either the marinara or the aji’.
Cook! Enjoy!
What was the last thing you cooked that you were proud of?
Training In The Heat with Bill Starr CrossFit Journal
Does anyone have a reccomendation for a box in San Antonio?
I cooked a pork loin roast for Meghan's family last night. (We're in Cape Cod visiting them.)
Basically a pork loin roast is a bunch of pork chops that haven't been sliced apart yet. It's a great way to cook pork and great for a special occasion.
Get a pork loin with one bone per adult you're serving. Preheat the oven to 500.
Unskin two sweet Italian sausages, plus two cloves minced garlic, a tablespoon minced rosemary, and lots of black pepper. Mashed that all together.
Starting from the thicker end of the loin, cut a pocket into the loin, working as close to the bone and as close to the edges as possible. Stuff the sausage mix in as evenly as you can and tie closed with cotton string. Salt and pepper on top.
Roast rib side down at 500 for 10 minutes, then 325 for 1 hour 15 minutes or until the center registers 160F. Take out and let rest, tented with foil, for 10 minutes before carving.
Carving is a snap. Just flip the roast rib side up, cut the strings, and cut in between each rib bone to create a nice discrete chop for each person.
Serve with whatever you want, because people will pretty much ignore the side dishes.
Your niece…and me 🙂
Always love the Fox recipes!
Perfect timing Fox! I bought a pork tenderloin from my local meat market (United on ProsParkWest) yesterday and it's already marinating in chipotle & maple syrup. I was about to look up time & temperature for roasting but i checked the blog first. Thanks!
Holy lunges, Batman! Upon arriving at the gym this morning at 7, I assumed the thruster would be the limiting factor on the complex. I was incorrect. Loved, the WOD today, I really dig barbell complexes. It's a good one!
Becca: You had me at "chipotle" and "maple syrup." Can I invite myself over for dinner?
I do all of the work-week cooking for my husband and myself, so what I make tends to be good low-effort stuff rather than something I'm particularly proud of. But I did make a ROCKIN' roast goose for Christmas dinner last year. If you have six to eight people and want to feed them something really special, this is it.
6am with McDowell and Noah. Like KH said, lunges were a limiting factor and I loved the barbell complex. Did the complex at 53#, 63# and 68#. In hindisight, I wish I had done the first attempt a bit heavier so I could have tried something in the 70s.
This was way tougher than I thought. Turns out I am not so great at weighted reverse lunges.
Worked up to 145 and called it a day there. The rest of the movements were not too challenging, but I had major balance and stability issues on the reverse lunges.
Reverse lunges were extremely challenging. I was looking for some new/unknown muscles to "unlunge" myself.
Brandon, dunno about a box, but make sure you hit Henry's Puffy Taco's – a puffy taco I a transformative experience.
Lately I have been grilling peaches and I really can't get enough. And there is NO recipe. Cut them in half, remove the stone, and blacken them. Unreal.
I'm not sure I've ever cooked something I'm actually proud of. Lately I've been buying a bushel of kale, a bunch of asparagus, green onions and broccoli. Cutting them all up and putting them in Tupperware then throwing handfuls of the green mixture into whatever protein I happen to be cooking. Any by cooking I mean just heating. I don't do spices.
I cooked some really pure blue shit that blew everyone's mind, south and north of the border.
6am with Noah and McDowell
Barbell complex: Moved through #135 pretty well, got through everything at #145 and then failed on the thruster. Not surprising to me. Shoulder strength is not my strong suit.
oh, I also recommend watching that Valeri Voboril video from yesterday. It made me a fan of hers!
8am with Noah.
Kind of messed up on time management/ warm-up weights ( sorry Micheline) and worked up to 68# but I think I could have done more. Not that it wasn't really challenging- like everyone else, the lunges were definitely the hardest part for me. I loved this complex and could have kept going.
Pull-up Club 'B' day with Susan. I almost managed two more single pull-ups, but those last two inches have been evading me this week.
1000m cool down row.
QOTD- last night's dinner; perfectly pan-seared (if I may say so) duck breast with plums and a mountain of roasted veggies. This is the freshest in my head, but really, I am proud of everything I cook, since I only started cooking about a year and a half ago.
And I have gotten a ton of practice in the last month, thanks to this Whole30 business.
So I'm glad to read everyone else struggled with the reverse lunges as well. I did this yesterday , got to #115 lbs but the lunges sucked! Can anyone explain why they are so hard? Are these muscles we are not otherwise building? Mobility or balance issues?
6am w/Noah & McDowell
43, 53, 58, 63 fail
I'm new to cleans, so I'm pretty happy with my performance, although I'm aware I still have room for improvement (LOTS).
And my legs are super tired right now…
And my lunges suck too.
Thanks Rebecca for being a great partner, as always!
7:30p last night for the barbell complex. It went like this:
52, 57, 62, 67, 72, 77, 82
I wan't really sure where I was going with this to begin so I was happy with it. I did the last two very close together so I was happy to get through the 82#er. Not sure if I could have gone higher, I might have crumpled under the reverse lunge AND the thruster on the last one felt like a super slo-mo rolling wave of power transfer from my legs to my arms to get that overhead.
That was really a fun workout though, hooray for heavy WOD Wednesdays!
This was a fun WOD but my left lunge was incredibly ugly and needs lots of work.
#53, #63, #73, #83, #88
The lunges felt better at #88 than #83, but my #88 Thurster looked like a very ugly interpretive dance of some sort but I got it over head which is what counts, right?
Depressing, woe is me part:
Comp Class Last night:
EMOTM 1 RD Bear Complex (Power Clean, FSQ, Sh2O, BSQ, SH2O)
Score is max weight through 10 rounds/minutes.
Felt super messed up from the day before, having done Sundays cleans and FSQs, then Monday's inversion work and Burpee Massacre. Hit 155 for 4 RDs, 165 for 3, then 175 and failed the last jerk. Felt like my positions sucked and was basically asking to get hurt, so called it. Very frustrating, and entirely my fault. Need to start resting on Mondays as opposed to Wednesdays.
Fun part: I've told some people this story/hallucination, but while watching the Crossfit Games this year, I misread the 21 GHD Medball Situps event as 21 GHD Meatball Situps, which I envisioned as a contest where you'd do a GHD Situp and get fed a meatball at the top, which you had to consume before your next rep. I thought A) I'd be very good at this workout and B) I want meatballs.
3 hours later I made some awesome (totally Paleo, bro) meatballs. This is the way my brain "works."
Worked up to 125# today. I think I might of had 130-135 but kept it conservative and also low balled the first set which cost me some gas in the tank.
The lunges were hard but I think if you kept pressure in your back foot you could get out of it. Transition of grips from lunge to thruster was a pain.
Last thing I cooked/made I was proud of…
Guacamole maybe… For last thing made…
Meal wise: baked spicy sausages in a tomato sauce from scratch with pan roasted Brusslesprouts with garlic and fennel plus roasted beets.
I love to cook.
I recently made my first Thomas Keller recipe. It was from "Ad Hoc at Home." It involved boneless skinless chicken breasts, which generally I'm not proud of, but the preparation was a success, and following the recipe of such a detail-oriented culinary master is a great pleasure.
This is the August *28* work-out, right? So WOD 8.28.13 … maybe this is why you've missed a birthday. (Ah-hem!)
Well, I think we can all agree Noah's meatball WOD should be programmed as soon as possible.
I once built a meat smoker out of two flower pots and a hot plate and then smoked a pork shoulder for 18 hours in it (had to wake up at 3 am to start it). Turned out pretty good.
I did Monday's workout at home this morning. 81 burpees. Loved it. Thx for the double unders pic 🙂
@tom thanks!! Restaurant recco's are the next best thing!
Did todays workout here in the office.
Warmed up with 3 rounds of 15 swings at 1.5pood and 10 toes to bar.
On the complex: 95, 115, 125, 135
Was definitely planning to try 145 after that but then I lost my grip (we even have chalk here but i didn't use it) while trying to catch the bar at my hip after the thruster at 135, it rolled down my shins and slammed onto the floor. No bueno.
Nursed my wounded pride and moved on to 3×8 banded muscle up transitions with a red band.
Happy Bday Sarah and Sam!
I made a pretty killer cumin/cinnamon/chile spiced lamb burger (Herondale, of course!) with caramelized onions, harissa yogurt, and tomato salad for dinner last night.
4:30 with McDeezy
Barbell complex was fun, and tough. Knee felt tender on the reverse lunges during warm ups, so went for 5 front squats instead. Woof. And, woof.
#43, #53, #63, #68, #73
I had a good time doing this complex.
"Last thing I cooked with pride…" – This morning I put some beef stew (park slope food coop) into a slow cooker with fennel, carrots, assorted spices and a bottle of cheap white wine. My wife loved it – and any time I can make something that puts a smile on the face of someone in my house (whether they're telling the truth or not) makes me proud. Oh, and the recipe was from a book from the Brklyn Library – The Paleo Slow Cooker, by Arsy Vartanian.
Tough time on the WOD today. I haven't done many bar complexes. I think we ended up at 85. Lunges were ok but I lost it on one of them and bailed before crashing.
Partnered with Chris A.
95, 115, 125.
I tried 135 and made it all the way to the thruster where I failed. I went down a little soft, felt my back give a little, so I bailed.
5:30 class with Noah
Bar complex with Rickke
45-95-135-155-165 (F)
165 through the power cleans but bailed the very 1st lunge. Left hip felt WEAK! Not surprised.
I love that so many people recognized that they are weak at unilateral lower body movements. We do a fair job at doing upper body DB work which can highlight and help even out imbalances but haven't done a great job at improving lower body R/L imbalances, which in fact often play a part in back issues. (Look for more soon at a CrossFit near you).
This weekend Jess spontaneously invited six friends over for a meal on our deck and I had two hours to plan. Wound up grilling a dry rubbed pork tenderloin (4 of them in fact) and made an improvised grilled "ratatouille" which turned out better than I'd hoped. I hate eggplant but the CSA has demanded that I cook it. I love to cook, love especially to drink a bit while doing it, and love it best when people eat it all up. Success on all levels.
4:30 with Magnificent Mcdowell
worked the complex like this #33 #53 #63 #68 #73 felt good was a little scared dropping the barbell on my black and blue thighs but manage to have it under control. Those
reverse lunges were very difficult I think I have to work more on those now.
730pm w/Noah & McDowell
Loved this workout! Second what Nancy said. Noah saw me awkwardly drop the bar on my thigh. By the time I got home it was all black and blue. Looks like a battle wound for sure.
mmm. meatballs.
5:30 with Noah.
Partnered with Sean for the third time in a week, I think. It's been excellent to work with someone stronger than myself–he's convinced me to tackle a couple weights I may not have gone for on my own.
95, 115, 135, 155 (new best for a thruster)
Organizing the cleans was really difficult. The fourth rep at 135 was really ugly. Taking a second to get my grip, feet, and back set made all the difference at 155. Lunges were very challenging, heavy but I didn't feel too wobbly on them.