Part A
3 Rounds NFT of:
2 Wall Walks with a :05 hold at the top
25 Hollow Rocks
Part B
4-5 Sets of:
Perform 3 kick-ups to the wall
Perform 10 Supine Press Ups on an elevated surface between kick-ups
We’ll be focusing on a smooth kick-ups with varying levels of inversion. From partial kick-ups, to heel taps and finally full inverts against the wall.
10 Rounds For Max Reps of:
:30 Burpees
:30 Rest
Post total reps to comments.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s CF Subway Series!
Hot Shots Workout
On June 30th 19 members of the Granite Mountain Hotshots firefighting crew tragically lost their lives while fighting a fire in Yarnell, AZ. Recently the CrossFit Kids Foundation organized a grant that would send 100% of the donations collected to the families of the fallen. As a sign of solidarity, CFSBK will be programming the memorial workout (Still TBA) this Saturday, August 31st. If you’d like to donate to the cause, you can do so directly online here. Alternatively, CFSBK will be accepting cash donations day of which we will then match via online donation. There is no requirement or minimums to participate in the workout and all donations will be kept anonymous.
- To learn more about what a “Hotshot Crew” is, read the wikipedia page.
- To learn more about the events that transpired on read this NPR report
- To see a video about the Hotshot crew from their gym, Captain CrossFit, click here.
CFSBK Track Workout on Saturday, Sept. 7th
CFSBK will be hosting a remote Track workout on 9/7/13 in Red Hook. This will coincide with the weekend the gym is closed for the Starting Strength Seminar with Mark Rippetoe. We will meet up at 9:30 am by the bleachers at the Red Hook Track (Hicks and Bay) for an outdoor running and body weight workout with your CrossFit buddies. Football (aka , Soccer) is usually going on down the block and the food trucks (tacos!) should still be around for post-WOD replenishment and entertainment. Show up on time and plan to spend about an hour or so warming up and WODding with us. RSVP to christian(AT) so we know how many folks to plan for. If all you know about Red Hook is the Ikea, you’ve been missing out. Come explore this great part of Brooklyn!
We will also be hosting a Flag Football and CFSBK Social at Prospect Park on Sunday September 8th.
The Tabata Delision Tony Gentlecore
The Missing Link Of The CrossFit Athlete: Chiropractic Treatment Breaking Muscle
Handstand practice: Ay, need to work on getting my front foot to the wall. I almost had it…once. One of these days, Alice…
70 reps in burpee hell.
Noah is definitely the most photogenic.
6am with McDowell and Fox:
Spending a good amount of time upside down today: FUN
116 burpees: NOT SO MUCH
Really enjoyed working in various hand positions today: pushups with rotated hands, and supine press ups both felt really good for my shoulders, which have some ongoing issues/injury. Love learning experiences like this at the gym. Planning to incorporate these into home workouts.
Pumped for the track workout. Hope we get to test our mile times there.
Hey gang. Within the last week or so my reusable plastic tumbler (with a black band of skulls on it!) has left the gym. I'd really love if it made it's way back into the sink…it's my favorite iced coffee vesicle and I miss it ๐ If you mistakenly left the gym with it please bring it back.
I'm gonna go ahead and say the Wild Card wins most photogenic in that shot. Seriously, look at that mug.
7am w/Fox & McDowell
Great class, I'm really enjoying working on inversion strength. I also really like that I can come in to class Sat-Sun-Mon without exhausting myself, since only Sunday involves heavy weight lifting.
70 burpees, didn't suck, but I planked them so… I guess I could have made it harder on myself.
!!! Finally came back to classes today !!! so excited for handstand Monday. Although the hollow rocks definitely reminded me that I haven't worked out in almost a month…
Flippin' great to be back! although I might be singing a different tune tomorrow ๐
60 burpees, stepping them back since I can't jump. Did about a third of the push ups strict, the rest from knees. Whatever. It is good to be back.
400m cool down row.
and back to pull-up club action with A day with Micheline and Susan!
<3 CFSBK <3
Between the handstand kickups and the burpees, the heel of my right hand kinda hates me right now. Any clever mobilization work I can do about that?
So pleased to see we are participating in the HOT SHOTS benefit. Sadly, I'll be out of town this weekend, but I plan to donate anyway.
Thank you MGMT!
For those of us following along at home, can you explain what a Supine Press-up is?
Strong beats handsome every time!
Noon with Fox & Ro.
Loving inversion Mondays. Feel very confident about my handstand work. Who says tall kids can't do this shtuff! Hollow rocks really fcuked with my SI joint/hip. It's so hard to keep my lower back on the ground so I keep sticking to nailing the hollow hold. Damn long levers. Supine press ups were fun!
I hate burpees. My hip really started hurting the last 3 rounds. 8-8-8-8-6-7-6-6-7-8 #weaksauce
Jog around the block with Cass. I was impressed with her. She put a bit of leash in her mouth and jogged all the way around. Yesssss, running buddy/I have no business running still.
Today: lots of icing, mobility work with this hip and a call into a doctor because I can't handle this pain anymore and nothing I'm doing is working and climbing stairs of my apartment is now officially painful.
Here you go, DO
It's cued up to start at the movement.
4:30 class
Handstand work was fun. I like the slow, methodical approach to something that usually feels hit or miss for me. I had a few quiet and controlled kick ups mixed in with the clunkers. The Supine Plank Press Ups smoked my triceps but DO assured me that they would help develop that coveted "horse shoe" look on the head of my upper triceps.
106 Burpees. Iron status. Arm (tricep) fatigue was the limiter for me here.
4.30 with David.
Handstands were fun!! I love Mondays! Managed 81 burpees- got an extra one in my last round for good measure. The whole thing was not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Pull-up club afterwards- managed three chin-ups in a row for the first time! DB work was difficult- shoulders and forearms were screaming at that point.
I just ordered a Klokov t shirt. I am pretty sure just wearing it will guarantee a 5kg PR in both lifts immediately.
Was it $600?
I jumped into the 6:30pm Burpee WOD on Melo's peer pressure
130 Burpees
Did 13 in all but two rounds, one where I did 12 and then the last where I Had to do 14.
Everything was miserable after the 5th round. Buck Furpees.
on one can pick up a nifty Klokov 50/50 T for a mere $22. I shall be sporting it shortly, and all who behold it shall be jealous.
Pretty glad not to be doing burpees. Sorry….
Strength Cycle, Bench day:
Regular: 170x5x4 and 198×1 paused
Close grip: 160x6x4
GPP Circuit: 4 rounds NFT w/ 1 min rest between
DB Press: 40×10
DB Row: 40×10
DB curl: 25×10
DB triceps rollback: 25×10
10 pushups
Had to move to 20# DB on the 3-4th rounds for the lighter movements. Arms were just toast. Pushups on 3rd round were totally broken up which was a big ego-check. 4th round was unbroken again though.
Handstand fail-fest at 5:30… Still can't kick up. Not even one measly heel to one stupid wall.
Burpees were rough, but I feel like I was able to cycle them a lot faster than I usually do. Love intervals. Got 93 reps.
7:30pm class
First time taking a class here and it was definitely a fun one. I'm usually a little shaky on wall walks, but Noah and Melissa did a great job breaking down the movements and helping me make sense out of it.
Burpees were a little tougher than I thought they'd be, but I finished with 85 reps.
Overall, great class. It made me work on a few things that I often neglect or maybe even try to avoid all together. Thanks Noah, Melissa, and David for being so welcoming ๐
Looking forward to coming back!
Hit 105 burpees this is semi necropsy since I have not been looking as often as usual.
Some other comments from past days.
So after physicals for several years my dr. Suggested a few supplements. I bought what he suggested and took them without missing a dose. The following year my physical comes back..made. Says you really should try taking xyz…
I look at him and say are you joking? Explaining I took them, bought from where he said to and did not miss a dose. The followig year I took none, did not change my diet and got the same results. I didn't take any for another year and still no change. I then took different supplements and different amounts and after that year's physical still nothing has changed. Two years ago I went much more paleo but upped my cardio far more than ever in my life, took fish oil, ate cleaner lost some fat and put on much more muscle… Also my dr. Of 10 years left the state so I have a new dr.
Results: nothing that my old dr. ever said was an issue (low vit b12 for example) is mentioned but now my cholesterol is ( however itsnstill below average) but has gone up some from my last physical. Never a mention to take supplements.
At the moment I have two jars of fishoil and some other supplements but I almost never take them. The only thing I got out of the fish oil was fish burps. ((Shrug))