Fitness: Work up to a heavy but perfect triple on the Hang Power or Hang Squat Clean
Performance: Work up to a heavy but perfect triple on the Power or Squat Clean. Leave room to grow.
Take 15 minutes to work up to a moderately heavy load on today’s complexes.
Front Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Take the time to find your first weight for a linear progression in the Front Squat
Performance Heavy 3
Work up to a heavy 3 rep set. No Failing
Post loads to comments.
Clean/FSQ e1/6
3 Intervals of:
400m at approx 90% perceived intensity
Consistent efforts. Perform 10 Burpees for every +/- 5 seconds off your first effort. For example if you run 1:32 on your first, 1:30 on the second, and a 1:22 on your last you owe 20 burpees for the 10 second deviation between the first and last sprints.
New Fish Oil, Vitamin D and Magnesium now in stock at CFSBK
- Happy Birthday, Dan L!
Pure Pharma and CFSBK
We recently switched from carrying Prosource Fish Oil to Pure Pharma. While this brand is more expensive per bottle, Pure Pharma (PP) proved to be a higher quality product as well as more environmentally conscience than Prosource (PS). Here are some of the reasons we like it:
– PP has an Omega 3 concentration of 84% per capsule compared to PS’ 60%
– PP has a natural triglyceride form while PS uses an Ethyl Ester which is less stable and can create free radicals.
– PP uses deep sea anchovies and sardines only from 5 star Friend of the Sea certified fisheries where as PS is derived from Jack Mackerels, a fish higher on the food chain (less desirable) and does not publish where their fish are caught.
The benefits of Fish Oil are that it’s been proven to reduce inflammation, support cardiovascular and cognitive health as well as improving oxygen delivery and a myriad of other positive health benefits.
On top of carrying fish oil, we also now carry Vitamin D and Magnesium. To read more about the benefits of these products and how they’re sourced, click on the links for each one above to get a comprehensive outline of the product.
While we don’t think everyone needs to take supplements, they can sometimes fill in gaps missing in your nutrition that help support your performance and health. We like Pure Pharma because of their commitment to quality and the environment as well as having one of the smallest product portfolios in the entire supplement industry. Ultimately, it’s up to you to do some research, experiment with your body and see what’s right for you.
Each product is available for purchase at the front desk for the following prices:
Fish Oil: $35
Magnesium: $25
Vitamin D: $15
Or, purchase all three for $70
Do you take any supplements? Why or why not? What have been your experiences with them?
crystal says
9 am with Fox and Arturo
I love Sundays at CFSBK!
Clean Complex 75x3x5.
Front Squat 85x3x5
I like both of these movements. Excited for Sundays and getting more comfortable with cleans and front squats.
400m sprints, 1:26, 1:25, 1:27 FUN! Dry Mouth on my recovery lap around the gym! Now the cool down is bike to the Rockaways. Beach Day with Todd's Mom!!!!
ariel c says
just read noah's warm up manifesto. man, just when i think i cant love cfsbk anymore than i already do….
that said today's workout was HARD for me. i'm just not good at cleans… so i'm glad we're doing them, and i'm glad they are on sundays, when i can pretty much always come, but sheesh. then, last week i did 73x8x1 on front squats so i moved to 78x5x3 today… and it pretty much knocked my on my ass. after all that work my sprints could not rightfully be called sprints but i did my best thanks to my awesome sprint team of yooni (sp?), charlie, and carlos. you guys are rock stars. says
Partnered with Shawn for cleans.
Did 135×3 and then after doing the first two at 145, bailed as I had tweaked something in my upper back. Spent the rest of the session trying to roll it out.
Front squat partnered with Chris A. and David.
The 400 m runs were SLOW. After yesterdays' Quad Massacre, and today's front squats, there was little to no pop in the 'ol legs.
Did them all in the 1:35 to :140 range.
Charlie says
10 am with Fox and Arturo.
Cleans are difficult. Worked up to 73#, but still not really getting it. I feel like the weight is not the problem but I may drop a little next week and just work on technique.
Front squat- did 100 x 5 x 3- this felt pretty good and was the same weight I did last week x 8.
I enjoyed the running part because it made me realise that I can probably push harder when running is involved in a WOD- 1.37, 1.38, 1.36. says
Effing cleans! I was debating with myself whether to skip Wednesdays or Sundays this cycle, and I'm glad/sad I decided on coming in on Sundays.
Got up to one ugly, slow-elbow set at 93, then failed the third rep the second time I tried that weight. Fox says I'm starting off too narrow with my feet, so that's something to think about for next week.
FSQ 155×3, pretty hard. Nice to lift with Carlos again, which I haven't done since strength cycle early last year.
Sprints: glad I did these with partners or I probably would have been doing burpees. says
To chime in on the QOD.
I take all three supps currently. I'd been taking another brand of Vitamin D, especially in the winter when I was getting much less sunlight. New to taking magnesium.
To be honest, I don't personally feel a difference when I take Fish oil versus when I don't take it. Often people say they can really notice but I never do. Or maybe I'm not listening to the cues my body is telling me. That being said, there is enough evidence out there proving the positive benefits of each of these supplements that I'm going ahead and taking them on the regular. If Ive not been sleeping well, or eating as clean as I should I increase my fish oil consumption usually.
The ultimate supplement is my foam roller.
Nancy says
11am with Arturo and melo
LOVEEEEE the power cleans went to 73 lbs which felt nice and easy also LOVEEEEEE front squats started them at 75lbs which also felt smooth and easy and finished with the 400m sprints at 140 and decided an hour later to do a cash out with Arturo "CINDY WITH A 2k ROW" my time was 23:30 pretty damn good for my first time!!!
Laura Mc says
Nooner with Arturo and Melo. Super sore from yesterday. Worked up to 113# on the clean triplet. Tried 123# but wussed out of the drop and caught the 2nd and 3rd reps in a power stance. Dropped weight to 113# to work technique on the full clean.
Front squats: 125x5x3.
Then the 400m runs in 1:38, 1:36, & 1:36. Legs feeling real wobbly.
David Turnbull (D-Turn) says
Here's what I take every day:
* 2 caps of fish oil
* Vitamin D
* Magnesium/Potassium
I take them based on what I've read. I feel no difference taking them or not taking them. So I guess you could say that I take them "religiously."
Michelle B. says
Noon with Arturo and Melo
After last cycle's total fail on my first and only exposure to cleans after foundations (almost a year ago), I was surprised that I was able to do them, sort of well (with lots of room for improvement). Thanks to all the coaches for giving me pointers and correcting my form. Worked up to 53lbs from 33 and even squated on the last round.
70lbs front squats.
WOD: I ran as slow as a turtle, but no burpees!
1:55, 1:51 & 1:51 says
9am with Fox and Arturo
Worked with Sean (Shawn?) on the clean complex. Focused on power cleans today after a heap of squat cleans at yesterday's Subway Series event.
95, 125, 145, 165, 175, 185
Going to mix in some moderate weight squat cleans as the cycle goes on in the hopes of developing more comfort in lower catch positions.
Front squats: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×3, 215×3 – some room here, but legs were a bit wobbly after the past few days.
Runs in 1:26, 1:26, 1:27. says
As I wrote my earlier comment, I kept being tempted to use the word "faith" in terms of why I take them. More accurately, I believe the research.
Long one today!
Movement Prep
Used the ORB on my legs for a while and then the LAX on my back and shoulders. We've had a rough couple days of programming and I have been doing extra AR to keep up with it all.
3 Rounds NFT of:
16 OH Walking Lunges, 45lb
8 Strict Toes To Bars
4 Strict CTB Chin-Ups
Power Clean and Push Jerk
Worked up to 185×2
I was honestly expecting to hit 205 today but I was not finding my groove on the jerks and felt a little sore from yesterday's Wall Ballapalooza
Front Squats
Worked up to 185x3x2
3 Rounds NFT of
Down and Back Dog Sled Push +125
10 Unbroken Ring Dips says
I never noticed a difference taking fish oil, even when I did the Wolf initiation protocol which called for a TON so I stopped a couple of years ago. However, since I got knee tendonitis I thought it might be smart to try it for the inflammation…
– cod liver oil
– Magnesium glycinate
– D3 on and off throughout year
– BCAA pre and post workout
– Lipoic Acid pre and post
– Extra Beta Alanine (an amino acid) pre and post
– L-Carnitine (an amino acid) pre and post
– Creatine every day
– BCAA 1/2 way between all meals
– Whey Protein when I can't get the required amount of protein which is pretty much everyday
Most of this was prescribed by my nutritionist who is helping me get stronger and shed fat, a nearly impossible task. But I'm doing it.
Workouts the last couple of days…
Hang power cleans; 145×2, 150x, 155×2 (basically a warmup for Deads)
Deficit Deadlift: 318x5x4 and 365×1
First time doing a lot of sets of Deads. It was a lot.
Paused squats: 185, 215, 225, 185 (x5)
Knee was unhappy about these. Will try box squats instead next week.
ERG: :20 full blast then rest 1:40 for 10 rounds
Circuit: (10 reps of each for 4 rounds, NFT)
Good Morning with 95# BB
Air Squat
Russian swing with 45# DB
Abwheel from knees (Only 6 reps on this exercise)
That was pretty good but my rests between 2nd and 3rd and 3rd and 4th rounds were way too long– I ran into Christian R. and we got caught up. Great to see him– his Lat rehab is coming along… says
Noon w/ melo & Ro.
Exhausted after spending the night in the ER and losing my shit and walking into the box in tears. Poor Charlie caught me in the locker room–thanks for the support lady. Cleans suck for me, too much muscling up and psyching myself out. Didn't help that I was mentally wiped as well.
Hang Power Clean: surprisingly worked up to #93, but last two rounds we backed off to #75 to stick some form issues.
Front Squat: decided to back off 5lb today and start the first day of the fitness cycle @ #95. Felt good for the most part but my right hip is still killing me and really frustrating.
Soccer after with some fighting tacos was fun. Not great for knee but fcuk it.
Stay started off really shaky and ended in the bright sunshine. Thank you again CFSBK coaches and community for being a safe space on the shitty days.
Psyched for inversion Mondays already.
Dan L says
Birthday recovery lifting at OG
Legs were shot from HBBS on Friday and yesterday's quad-fest so I did power cleans to save a little for the Front Squat. Used the metric plates
60×3, 80×3, 90×3, 95×3 Felt light and moved well. Threw in some squat cleans at 95 for good measure.
Front squat – worked up to 100kg for a set of 3. Hamstrings weren't feeling it so I didn't push more than that.
Those numbers are all not far off of where I ended the last time we did these movements respectively and they felt quite light. Excited to see where I end up in 6 weeks.
Pckr says
Re: supplements, when I was doing triathlons I noticed a big difference in recovery after long workouts if I ate properly during and after. I notice it less with crossfit, but I still want to eat appropriately after lifting and the easiest way for me to do that consistently is with protein powder. I used to use Vega but I'm not a veggie anymore so now I'm trying other things.
I've taken vitamin supplements and never really noticed any difference. I'm trying fish oil again because it's so widely loved and I hope it will help me feel less beat up. Or work out harder for equal amounts of feeling beat up…
Today's lifts sounded fun but I'm training for this half in October so went for a run instead. I don't know why I wasn't sore from Saturday's workout, must have been active recovery! But I'm wicked sore now. I'm writing this from on top of my foam roller, truth be told… says
I have noticed a difference with fish oil. Whenever I get lazy about it and drop off I don't recover as well post workout. I have particularly noticed this with my back.
I use a concentrated liquid. It's expensive, but it means I take less to hit RDA and my stomach doesn't get upset like it does with pills.
I have started supplementing with leucine, creatine and whey protein powder in the last year, which I felt has been useful.
Overall, I feel good diet is of hallmark importance. Supplement are useful, but it's the whole mantra of you can't out train a shitty diet.
Todd says
I currently take all 3 listed (the Magnesium in ZMA before bed). I also do BCAA's pre/intra-workout, and I cycle through adding Citrulline Malate, Beta Alanine, and Creatine to that. Like Sarah, I feel that their aid in recovery is the most important part for me. It allows me to keep a slightly higher training volume (as long as I'm also eating properly along with the supplementation) without overtraining or "under-recovering."
Fun but brutal weekend. Climbed Friday AM, then came into the gym to test the movements for the Saturday Subway Series workout. Did about 3 rounds and then rowed 500 to get a feeling. Did not prepare me well enough for the beating my body took during the whole workout on Saturday. Ended up doing better than I expected, had just been hoping to get a good start on the row but actually made it 90% through, left 200m on the row.
Felt pretty beat today, so skipped AM class and went for a long, slow bike ride to the beach along with a short swim there. Then swung by OG to play around on the rings and do some gymnastics stuff. MeLo spotted me through my first forward roll out of a handstand and then I did a few more without dying. I love it.
Whit H says
Fun noon class.
Worked up to 93# on triple squat clean. Haven't pulled from floor or worked with full squat in quite some time so this was interesting. Also… 3 is different than just 1. Yup.
Went to 103# but the third one was a disaster. Caught it way forward and just collapsed.
Pulling a bit too early still and not hugging it close enough. Getting down is fine but def feels like a slog on the way up.
Front sqt: 45×5, 75×3, 95x5x3
Doable. Played with grip. Bracing is key.
Sprints… 1:30 ish and 1:28 ish. Stitch in my side on third one so I stopped and made it up with 10 burpees.
Feet are tired from walking around and teaching yoga in bare feet for 6+ hours on sat!