Raise your hands if you love Wall Ball but hate T-Shirts!
- Check out the amazing photos CFSBK photog Asta F took at this past weekend’s Subway Series event 4 hosted at CFSBK. Pictures are on view at our Flickr Page
Flag Football in Prospect Park
Are you ready for some football? We will be hosting an informal flag football game in Prospect Park on Sunday, September 8th. We had a similar gathering a few years ago and it was great fun, despite leaving many of our weekend warriors hobbling around for the next week! Plan to meet at the Long Meadow field around 10AM, although we may have to move to find a good open space (check the blog for updates!) Bring picnic blankets, food, drink, babies, dogs, friends and your GAME FACES! This event is open to everyone, even folks who just want an excuse to hang out with the park and drink beer while people chase each other around. We will probably play until around 2 or 3 pm depending on how the day goes.
Email noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn if you’re interested in helping set up/break down or have any questions.
Email noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn if you’re interested in helping set up/break down or have any questions.
This will coincide with the weekend the will gym be closed while we host world class barbell coach, Mark Rippetoe for his Starting Strength Seminar. There will also be a track workout on Saturday, details TBA.
American Coach In London NBC
By The Numbers: A Look at the CrossFit Games in 2013
Late posts:
Wednesday: 10:20 @185lbs. I was slow and tired throughout. This was not my finest hour. My shoulders felt fried.
Thursday: 225x3x8. Fox thought I was grunting too much for the first lift of the cycle and that perhaps the weight was too heavy. Julian and I agreed that grunting has just become my schtick, so for the third set I put the kibosh on the grunting. The weight went up fine. In each set, except the second, the reps felt better as the set progressed. Maintaining elbow position is the hardest part of the HBBS.
Samir – nice kibosh
@Samir Its def yr schtick. We all have different ways of forging elite fitness.
Hint: Today's photo is totally a clue about what tomorrow's WOD is. It was very Subway Series deja vu. 16:50 Rx.
Practiced kipping pullups afterward. I do seem to have them, but am stuck at 3 in a row because my hip drive keeps slowing down at that point. But 3 is better than 0, so I'm happy. Goal: Rx Fran by the end of the year.
Trying to start coming 5x a week, but it's going to be hard. for one, finding the time – and for two, keeping my body together. Tweaked my leg yesterday doing those HBBS.
Tuesday – KBswings wod – 4 rounds exactly in 7 minutes, really pushed myself.
Wed – 11:20 @ 275lbs.. The double unders eventually devolved into single-unders. I really have to work on my double-unders. I will learn them one day, won't I?
Thur – 115#on the snatch and #205×8 on the HBBS. Definitely a mobility challenge for me with the high bar, but I think really good for me.
Apparently UberX is giving out $40/person worth of car rides this weekend.
To the beach!!
Hoooow about tackle football?
So in a scheduling SNAFU that only I could manage, I thought I had overbooked my weekend, gave my Subway Series slot away to Ryan J. (who's gonna kill that workout), then realized I actually could make it!
Anyone not making it to LIC tomorrow who wants to give me their spot?
8 am class with Noah.
Did tomorrow's WOD in 16.57. It was pretty rough but also awesome.
I got my first pull-up afterwards- I was inspired by Stella who was practicing her kipping pull-ups.
The first two attempts were made jumping from the floor, which didn't count, and I took a small rest and did it from a dead hang. I couldn't believe it actually happened!! So happy!!
Yoga afterwards was great- so relaxing- but I will admit I was distracted by the thought of doing another pull-up, which I then almost managed, but not quite. Next time, hopefully.
'American Coach in London' is especially funny for me as I love football ('soccer') and have never seen a game of 'football' in my life.
8 am class with Noah.
Did tomorrow's WOD in 16.57. It was pretty rough but also awesome.
I got my first pull-up afterwards- I was inspired by Stella who was practicing her kipping pull-ups.
The first two attempts were made jumping from the floor, which didn't count, and I took a small rest and did it from a dead hang. I couldn't believe it actually happened!! So happy!!
Yoga afterwards was great- so relaxing- but I will admit I was distracted by the thought of doing another pull-up, which I then almost managed, but not quite. Next time, hopefully.
'American Coach in London' is especially funny for me as I love football ('soccer') and have never seen a game of 'football' in my life.
Yesterday's work:
Performance snatch complex:
75, 75, 90, 105, 115, 120F, 120
120 is a PR for a hang snatch. Hesitate to call it a squat snatch because I'm still riding the bar down, but I'm definitely slowly getting more comfortable catching in progressively lower power snatch positions. My two goats, speed and hip extension, are still nagging me here. Excited to practice this more for the next six weeks.
HBBS with Julian and Samir. 235×8. So very different from low bar, but I like it. Need to watch what I'm doing with my neck during these.
Today, 8am with Noah. 17:07 Rx. Followed that up with the cash out and yoga with Whitney. Very sad to have to miss this during the school year.
Congrats on the pull-up, Charlie!!
6am with Josh
I'm ridiculously excited about snatching again this cycle.
Squat snatches @ #115 the whole time.
I didn't push weight today so I could work on dropping faster. My squat snatch is basically a power snatch with an OHS appended. My goal now is to figure out how to get my legs and body moving sooner and faster. I think I'm not jumping hard enough, and I'm relying too much on the shrug to get the bar up.
HBBS 5x3x175 no trouble at all. Spent this time thinking about position.
cash out: ran around the block with a #25 plate in my hands.
all-in-all a pretty light day, which is good because I felt like mud this morning.
Been off-and-on again sick for the last two weeks. But I was feeling ok this morning and crawling out of my skin from being sedentary, so did a DIY makeup of Thursday. Light snatch practice @ 95, thinking maybe I should only snatch in group class in case I'm ingraining bad habits. Then some hbbs up to 185×8. I feel a huge difference between hbbs and lbbs, much more upright and stress on the upper back. Fun –
Finished off with 3×1 mile runs with 4 minutes rest between. During the first I thought, no way I'm running a second. During the second I thought, no way I'm running a third. During the third I thought, I really have to get back to work!
Worked up to 75kg on the Squat Snatch – 10# PR with plenty of room to grow
HBBS – 245×8 – Knees started to cave a bit but it moved well. need to work on pushing my knees out.
Finished with a lap carrying a heavyish sandbag (75# maybe?) in front of me. Rough on the arms
Brooklyn Boulders
Kind of a light day. A few misses in there and a couple failed attempts at a V3.. or 4 I can't remember. Doing their bouldering Foundations program starting next Tuesday. Hoping to get some skillz.
Then I did about 45 minutes of AR focusing on using the ORBs on my thighs and LAX on my shoulders. Lots of stuff to work on after yesterday's Squats and the 10K row earlier this week. Wanted to make sure I was ready for tomorrow's Wall Ball extravaganza. I hate wall ball.
Did tomorrows WOD – came home and took a 4 hour nap. Can't move. 🙂
A little late on posting so thought i would catch up…
LOVED Monday's inversion work! Love wall-walks and looking forward to continuing work on handstand kick-ups, etc. Finished 5 rounds of Heavy WOD Wednesday in exactly 15 min (thanks for letting us run the entire 15 min instead of 12)! Moved consistently during each round, DL #165, and even strung together a few double-unders in a row each round (no more crying about DUs!!)
Noon class today w/Josh – worked on yesterday's Snatch & HBBSQ. Worked up to #85 on Snatch and really need to work on getting out of my own head & psyching myself out w/Snatch. HBBSQ 3×8 working at #135. Favorite part was "Coach-Carry-Cash-out" – fireman carried Arturo to 4th Ave & back!! Thanks again Ro!!!!
Noon w/ Lady Fox & Josh.
Saturdays WOD: 16:38, wall balls Rx, step ups on box jump cause my knee fcuking hurt during warm up rounds. Pissed, but really enjoyed the WOD. Totally geared towards my tall people problems and…confession: I love wall balls.
makeup post:
Yesterday's Performance Snatch complex:
-worked up to 90#, which felt surprisingly good and relatively fast.
-worked up to 145×8
this is weird for me and I really need to focus and not initiating with my hips. This should be an interesting cycle but at least it feels good to squat with a barbell on my back again.
Extra love to all who said that the Foxes were your favoritie duo! I agree! 😉
Press: 135×4,3,2. Cash out set of 8 w 50# dumbbells. Only a very modest improvement over last week, but I've been sick, sleeping poorly, drinking too much.
Finished with a bunch of MU rocks. New favorite exercise.