Dedicate 15 minutes of today to do some active recovery at home. Perform some General Informed Freestyling and see which positions feel good versus which ones that feel a little gnarly. Turn off the music, leave the phone on silent and have a conversation with your body.
If you don’t have any tools or a dedicated place to mobilize in your apartment, your RWOD is to assign yourself a spot for A/R and purchase/make/hack at least 2 different tools to help get you started. One of the easiest ways to modify or initiate a behavior is to change the environment in favor of what you’d like to do (or not do). If you’ve got the tools laying around and have a dedicated space for it, you’re more likely to start doing your own body work as opposed to creating a quick excuse about how you don’t have a foam roller or the floor is too hard or a particular room is too cluttered.
Below is a picture of my mobility “war chest”. I’ve got a small room in my apartment that’s about 7’x9′ which I use for daily mobility work. Since taking the time to permanently lay out a mat (use the discount code cfbrooklyn36 to get $10 off) and having plenty of tools including a cool star machine on hand I find myself going in there at least once a day to do some body work. Sometimes it’s 2 minutes, others it’s 45. Just depends on how I’m feeling and what kind of groove I get into. The point is that I made it really easy for myself to get in there and get to work so the habit stuck and I’ve been doing something everyday for a couple months now. I feel better, have integrated mobility into my daily routine and really just enjoy the process. Additionally, it cuts way down on the movement prep I need to do before working out since my default physical state is always calibrated to “supple”.
Remember, active recovery should ideally be prehab, not rehab.
What kind of mobility tools and space do you have at home?
David’s mobility and movement war chest at home
Check out these additional services at CFSBK:
Yoga for Athletes with Whitney H.
Wednesdays & Fridays 9:15AM-10:15AM
If you’re looking to increase range of motion and flexibility, discover some take-home techniques to help you recover, and de-stress your body and mind, Yoga for Athletes is for you. Designed and taught with the CrossFitter in mind, these classes will make the fundamentals of yoga accessible to all. Learn more…
Chiro and ART Body Work with Dr. Fidler
By Appointment
Got some issues with your tissues? Sore shoulder? Funky Hip? Come see Dr. Jason Fidler on Saturday and Friday nights at CFSBK to get an assessment and some body work done on yourself. To learn more about these services and Dr. Fidler’s background, click here
Massage With Inka
By Appointment
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy. Learn more…
Ultra Runner Turned Masters Champion: Sharon Lapkoff CrossFit Games
Some impressive and beautiful gymnastics/body weight skills
In detail:
1 large and 1 small blue "orb"
These are great for rolling out my legs, the smaller one is especially effective on the hamstrings and tibialis anterior. They can get into corners and localize compression more effectively than a foam roller can.
Foam Roller
I use this mainly for thoracic extension, rolling out my lats and as a fulcrum under my hip for ground based hip openers and stretching. Probably the tool I use most, works great as a mobility tool and prop.
Lacrosse balls
I mostly use these on my back and shoulders against the wall. I also use them on the back of my neck while laying on the ground. Amazing.
I don't use this that much, it's great for folks who are stiff in the upper back and sit for long periods slouched over. It's a valuable tool for others but something I've used maybe once.
Wooden Dowel
I found this thing on the street and it's awesome. I use it for pass throughs, flag poles and unweighted good mornings.
Religious candle
Good for rolling out calves. Don't use it on your thighs like a foam roller.. they crack! probably a better tool would be a thick but short segment of PVC from the hardware store.
Tiger Tail
Similar to "the stick" I'm actually not too crazy about these as I feel I'ts hard to create enough pressure with them. I use it sometimes on my calves, mostly to get some blood flowing and prep the tissue before I dig into it with a lax ball or the candle. I wouldn't recommend purchasing this.
I use these to rig up some distractions with. The ones I have really only work for wrist and elbow distractions since they're so thin. I should pick up a thin green band for more utilitarian usage.
Voodoo Bands
These things are magic (or voodoo, I guess). I luckily don't have to use them to treat any tendonitis or inflammation but I do however use them about once a week to do lymphatic flushes with. Meaning I start distally on an appendage (like at my foot) and wrap myself in segments going upwards. Foot >Ankle > shin > below the patella > above the patella > lower thigh > upper thigh. I do each segment for 1-3 minutes and by the time I'm done the entire limb feels amazing.
Wrist Wrap
Every now and again when I do a lot of hand based gymnastics movements, especially dynamic ones like back handsprings my right wrist gets a little cranky. For whatever reason immobilizing my wrist over night clears it right up by morning. I rarely ever have to do this but it works when I've over done it and my wrist isn't happy.
Clearly you can, DO!
This is a good reminder to me to freakin' bring $2 to the gym so I can get another lacrosse ball. We lost mine in the move and I've been missing it sorely (literally). But I have a Rumble Roller (LOVELOVELOVE), a regular foam roller, a green band, and a lacrosse ball "peanut." Thanks to summer Paleo challenge, I am in the habit of using them almost every night again — I'd fallen into a bad pattern of skipping mobility work while apartment-hunting, and I definitely felt the difference in class.
I have a lax ball, a foam roller, a band and a yoga belt/strap. I try to AR nightly and it's. certainly helped me get back to crossfit quicker after my injury almost a year ago.
I've got a foam roller, my walls, and my yoga mat. Pigeon and wheel pose are my best friends (with about 30 minutes to warm up to them)
6am today with Jess and McDowell
I warmed up before class with
10 – 20 – 30 – 40 – 50ish DUs (last set in two pieces)
Wenesday's WOD with #205 in 10:20
6am with Jess and McDowell. I've been sleeping poorly the last few nights and feeling generally tired. Wonder if I'm getting sick. Tackled Wednesday's WOD in 10:29 Rx. The WOD is a gasser with nowhere to hide, so I interspersed a few sets of hands-on-knees-trying-to-catch-my-breath.
My at-home mobility tools include several thicknesses of bands, a foam roller, a lacrosse ball and a golf ball (great for the bottom of the foot). I'd like to pick up a gemini as I'm one of those people with a stiff upper back.
6am with Coach McDowell, working Monday's workout. Fun times with the inversion stuff, really liked the wall walks/hollow hold sets. Nice way to do a lot of work in those positions. Kickups were fun. Then, WOD with (oops!) a 28kg bell: 3 rounds + 12 swings, ring pushups. I really thought I'd grabbed a 24kg until Fox pointed out it was a 28. No wonder those goblet holds were such a beeyotch.
Nick and I spent the past 6 weeks obsessed with the Danish version of "The Killing," so I spent almost every night rolling out, and really noticed a difference every morning when I woke up. Tools: Foam roller, lax ball, KB handle (great for calf mashing). Want some voodoo bands!
I keep a LAX ball at work and occasionally lock myself in a conference room to use it. I also recently recommitted to my standing desk, and I use the ball on my feet while I stand.
On another note, I had some requests from veg CSA members for eggplant recipes. See my recipe blog, thedailypaleo dot tumblr dot com, for ideas.
just making my semi-annual request that mgmt reconsiders not posting the next day's wod on rest days. I banged up my foot over the weekend, but there's still a lot of things I can do. I'm busy tomorrow and don't want to hobble all the way to the gym today only to find out that it's Nancy or something
Recently, I spent 8 days horseback riding across the Scottish Highlands. Amazing. However, after 6-8 hours of riding every day I was extremely thankful I remembered to pack my lacrosse ball. Each evening I’d spend some time stretching and using the lacrosse ball and I felt strong and avoided any injuries. (The whiskey may have helped just a little as well). Each day I try to find some time for active recovery, it makes a big difference in my running, riding and cf classes and I’m hoping to make it to one of Whitney’s yoga sessions to learn more techniques.
DO – Great summary and very helpful. My favorite part was describing the small room in you apt. My apt is a small room.
I ordered the square yesterday – I actually got $25 off with the code, which paid for the shipping.
I have two foam rollers (white and black), the stick (like DO, I think this is a good warm-up tool or good when my calves are super sore), a lax ball, and gemini. I foam roll my legs fairly regularly, but I've been working on incorporating different mobility work into my routine and doing that work for longer periods of time.
Paleo Nutella for anyone interested and missing the sweet fix
Regarding AR, I have lax ball, a black foam roller and a yoga band, all of which I use a hand full of times each month. I know, I know. I need to create better habits.
Yes you CAN David!
Me Current: foam roller, lax ball, kettle bell that I use the handle to mash out, religious candles for mashing out.
Me Wish: Two lax balls taped together. Some of those bands. Yoga mat. Ab mat.
PS: What Luca said.
I wish my default physical status was calibrated to supple. That was a great sentence.
writing in from boulder, where I have checked out 2 different gyms out here.
Crossfit Roots (older style more organic crossfit gym)- Nice spot, huge gym looking at the rockies. Good coaching, lots of focus on mobility. did a 4 rd 15 thruster @95 and 400m run.
Crossfit Sanitas- More of a reebok feel but still an awesome spot. Great facility. Good coaching super warm and friendly. Bear complex today @165
The altitude here is a major factor. recovery is tougher.
Miss yall see you in a few weeks
Favorite AR Tool: heavy puppy paws walking up and down my hamstrings/glutes
Tool kit: Foam roller, LAX ball, Gemini (I love mine, it fits right in between my shoulder blades where I carry a lot of tension), green band that I need to use more, voodoo wraps that I should probably use more). I roll out a yoga matt and play around on that. Sometimes the kids come help by providing additional weight. The pup just snuffles my face and licks my ears.
I've been working a lot on my hips and back, which I think has been good. I should probably focus more on my shoulders.
About 10 LAX balls in assorted places in the house, back packs, cars…2 foam rollers, 1 "The Stick", a TP roller, a yoga mat, and a few bands. I really wish I had a wrestling mat, too. Plenty of space but the wooden floors are cumbersome to roll around on.
Luca – Coaches can always find a sub for various injuries so if you come tomorrow you'll be good to go. The WOD involves deadlifts, doubles, and burpees. If the knowledge that there are double unders doesn't keep you away (we all know how much you like them) then you can be certain we can work around your hurt foot.
Our kit: A couple red bands, lacrosse balls, one "peanut," DIY VooDoo bands (sliced up bicycle tires), pull-up bar (for anchoring the bands and also hanging from for spinal decompression), and a Trigger Point foam roller.
The hollow Trigger Point roller is great for travel because you can pack it with the rest of your mobility gear (and your socks) and it doesn't take up too much room in the suitcase.
This post was very motivational. I've been standing for the past 3+ hours rolling every inch of my feet on/in a "peanut". Stretching my toes, ankles and calves. It feels so good……….
I have been wrapping my knees at home when they feel bad after a workout. Just until my leg gets tingly, once or twice a night while I'm laying in bed.
Todd has collected/made a small arsenal of mobility tools that hide all over our apartment.
@Todd jinx. are you posting from the subway?
Can DO or someone recommend a good wrap for cranky bartender wrists?
Love this post!
My mobility/recovery corner includes:
-1 small blue Orb. This thing rules and I might need to get a big one since I realized how awesome it is at mashing my adductors, which are very tight.
-1 LAX ball
-1 foam roller
-2 yoga blocks
-1 yoga mat… well actually I have like 6 or 7 yoga mats. If anyone wants one, let's chat.
-2 yoga straps
-pull-up bar (what Todd said)
-various therabands that never get used but could…
-a little foot roller with ridges on it
-also, not a tool but I keep things like Tiger Balm, china gel, arnica, and the like around for particularly sore muscles. Arnica is great for bruises and bar hickeys.
-also… books. Supple Leopard, Anatomy of Movement, Yoga Anatomy, etc. so that I can look at, read, and learn more about my body and what I'm mashing while I'm doing it 🙂
Cue "The More You know…" theme music!
I try to have a LaX ball with me everywhere. There's one at work, in the car, one in my gym bag and I have about 2 more at home.
– Thera-cane. I have a great one that has 2 different sized nubs that I've been using on my quad.
– 1 band– don't use it enough at home as there's no good locale to attach it to
– 2 sets of 2 balls in a sock. 1 w/ tennis and the other w/ LaCross balls
– 1 ball in a sock. Grab the two ends for leverage
– yoga mat
– 2 foam rollers, 1 large softie and 1 short hard.
– rumble roller 12"– I sort of like this for my glutes/hams but I'm not sure it does that much
– pull-up bar had to bring it to work as the "new" apartment has glass over the doors.
– Stretch band. Mainly for PNF on my hammys and calves
– Voodoo bands. Just got these last week as I developed knee tendonitis. Which sucks.
– various "wet heat" packs and an electric heat pack
One of the best tools I have is the shower and doing hot/cold contrast.
I need to get an orb, I'm a fan. Also, those large plastic balls– much better than LaX for legs.
Monday night bench marathon at the globo…
Bench: 165x5x5 and 195×1
All first reps paused. Really light work sets, but then I had to do:
Close grip Bench: 155x6x4
Still pretty easy. But then I did…
Circuit4 rounds w/ minimal rest:
50×8 DB press
50×10 DB row
25×12 DB triceps rollbacks
25×10 DB curls.
The circuit really kicked my ass. I don't like doing sets with more than 6 reps! This got me sweating and I got a pump on.
Yes, I did 9 sets of benching last night. If this doesn't make me swole, nothing will.
A guy worked in with me on bench. He had this elaborate hand placement technique and then he rested the bar on his flat, open hand. Freaking crazy. Of course he only did 1/4 of the ROM, but it still scared the hell out of me. I saw at least 4 guys benching thumbless. Unbelievable.
I'd just like to throw in there that the small orb is devastatingly effective on psoas/tummy smash.
I have 5 bands, 2 foam rollers(nobby&traveltrigger), 3lax balls, DIY voodoo(bike intertubes) Gemini (great for cracking my thoracic) and I have the mwod super ball.
I'm going to get the mat, when I have the space. I just roll around on the hardwood at present.
oh man its so hard not to make a bunch of dildo/sex toy jokes right now.
i have the same wooden dowel that david has (its from a closet), foam roller, lax ball and an old can of lysol (good for feet and hard calf rolling) and my shag carpet that do all sorts of fun things to myself on. i also have a sadistic amazonian blond woman that beats the shit out of me every sunday, thanks sarah
@uzef Figured I wasn't the only one. So much ripe material, it hurts a little.
I have a foam roller, lax ball, lots of bands, and a yoga mat. Clearly under-equipped, good thing I love shopping.
See you on Sunday, Uzef.
Decrypting Fox's posts, this may be one of the greatest WODs of all time – did this w Will of Will and Robin fame maybe 2-3 years ago, and then skied Alta like a boss the day or two after. Too bad I will miss this bad boy, if I have the right strain identified.
I always have a lax ball. Always. Home, office, meetings, car, etc. Well, not in the subway or shower, so not "always." I have both a rumble and reg foam roller and I should use them more consistently. One thing I do use a lot is my KB, Bunk Moreland, for calf mashing. Don't know anything about the Gemini or voodoo bands so that is something to embrace.
Ummm…. thanks for this- I have several things at home- yoga mat, Y roller, abmat, a couple of bands and LAX ball. I have barely used them, but this inspired me to create a permanent space- got rid of the rug in my bedroom, which is massive, and will be investing in a square mat shortly. 🙂
If the gym started selling thin green bands, I would buy some.
@Tom, excellent kettlebell name, but I have to ask, why not Stringer "Bell"???
Did tomorrows WOD in 6:16 rxd. Fun workout and happy I was able to move through it consistently
Did tomorrow's WOD rx'd. I probably should have scaled the volume on the double unders because they were slowwww. 14:31. Really great, brutal workout.
Andrew and I share some yoga mats, lax balls, and a foam roller. Also a cat for thigh mashing.
Also, that gymnastics video is mesmerizing.
So happy to be back in the gym after some time away. AR and 7:30 group class. WOD with 20kg KB: 3 rounds plus 11 KB swings.
My only unique AR tool (i.e., one not listed above) is a rolling pin. Since I don't do much baking anymore, I use it for mobility, similar to how you'd use The Stick. I wouldn't buy one just for mobility but it works if you have one lying around.
@todd – v fair question. I just looked at his inert iron self and it was Bunk. A good guy.
Well that was rough. Monday's work-out that is. Felt pretty amazing going into it thanks to a much needed AR class. Everything we did was perfect for my 12 hour travel day yesterday.
Then, I got my butt kicked a little bit by that damn 20kg kb. 2 rnds + 21 swings + 12 rev lunges. I went max on each (my heavier bell overhead, ring pushups), but fell short on rounds. A lovely cool down lap under a gorgeous moon.
I am back on the track of my nightly AR ritual which includes some of the below and ends in legs up the wall on my fire escape:
– calf mash on a chair leg (I can do this for an inordinately long time)
– lax ball against the wall all over back and shoulders
– lax ball against floor on gluts, feet
– large orb for quads (I don't do this one enough)
– small orb against wall on lats and pecs
– reclined hamstring stretches, hip stretches and twists (almost every night)
I would like to add a square, a foam roller and bands.
I need to add a star machine.