Part A
5 Wall Walks with a :10 hold
Then DIY :30 Hollow Hold
Work your hollow position in both an inverted and supine position.
Part B
Kick-Ups 101
Perform 5 sets of 2-3 kick-ups. The goal is to learn how to gracefully transfer your body weight from your feet to your hands. Some folks will get inverted others will work on maintaining their shoulder and arm positions as they become loaded. If you’re already well versed in kicking up, work on your non-dominant side today.
Watch Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of Carl Paoli’s progression
Post experience to comments.
Inversion e1/6
As Many Rounds As Possible In 7 Minutes Of:
21 Kettlebell Swings
14 Alternating Goblet Lunges (7 each leg)
7 Ring Push-Ups or Push-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Throwback: Coach Laurel at the 2010 North East CrossFit Regionals
- CSA Members: Is your fridge overflowing with eggplants?! Michele K has got you covered with some great Paleo eggplant recipes over at The Daily Paleo. On that note, want to learn more about eggplants? Check this out.
Civilian Military Combine: NYC Metro Urban Assault ’13
The CMC event at Aviator Field in Brooklyn is only 30 days away! The race consists of the “Pit” a 7 minute AMRAP of 7 shoulder to overhead, 7 kettlebell swings and 7 burpee box jumps, followed by a 5 mile obstacle course race which consists of roughly 25 obstacles. If you signed up for the race, please email Coach MeLo Melissa(AT) so we can include you in the upcoming training sessions.You can also receive 10% off with this coupon code: NY101410
The Improbable Art of Giuseppe Colarusso
Michael Pollan Speaks at Google
Are they hot dogs or legs?
Julian that is hilarious.
7am with Nick and McDowell. It's been a while since I did a wall climb, and I'm glad they've gotten easier for me. Looking forward to Mondays, always fun to do something a little different.
Dan G has been goading me to go heavier on kettle bells after an idle comment I made about them not being Soso bad. I went with 2 pd today and concede his point. Totally winded after 3 rounds & only finished one round unbroken.
Handstand practice! Really looking forward to this aspect of the cycle.
WOD 3 rounds + 1 KB swing with 20kg bell and pushups with feet on a bench. (Not enough rings for everyone who wanted a pair, very sad.) The pushups were pretty challenging — I'll have to try this at home.
Kipping pullup practice since class ended a little early. This did not go as well as yesterday, but then yesterday's work was not nearly so shoulder-intensive. Managed to chain 2 together once or twice.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Loved class today! Wall walks and kick-ups have gotten easier/less scary. Really looking forward to Mondays.
On the WOD finished 3 rounds plus KB swings plus 1 lunge using a 16kg KB and doing regular push-ups.
7 am with Nick and McDowell
Handstand kick-ups were fun. Managed to only kick all the way over once (on the first attempt). Looking forward to working on this this cycle.
4 rounds + 4 KBs at 32kg.
7am with Nick and McDowell
Loving the handstand practice and the wall climbs.
WOD: 3 rounds + 21 KBs at 32kg. I had about 20 seconds to go at the end and just stared at the bell instead of doing goblet lunges ๐ I could certainly have gotten a few, but I was seriously winded after 84 kb swings at 2 pood.
6am w/Nick & McDowell
I really liked Kick-ups 101, can't wait to see progress on these.
WOD: Short of 3 rounds. Just when I thought I had gotten better at lunges, after doing them in standard warm ups during two cycles…not the case, sigh*
Nice to see hand stands coming around.
3 rounds plus 10 lunges with 24kg
Had to use a bench since we were out of rings… Certainly made it hard.
From OG last night:
Warmup: for lack of a better term, "MU rocks". You rock in and out of the transition. They're really fun, and they seem to be a good way to get your elbows warm for other rings stuff.
Press: up to 135×3, 135×2. Cashout set of 7 with 50# dumbbells. I'm trying an experiment: press/do HSPUs all the damn time until I get 150×5.
Back levers: couldn't quite do them unassisted, so I did a few solid reps with a red band. I can finally pull back up with the red band, so that's cool. My elbows started feeling a little tender so I skipped iron cross pulls.
Noon w/ Fox, Arturo & Cassidy
I LOVE Mondays! Class was super fun and very well taught for such HUGE class. Felt really solid on the wall walks & kick ups despite my extremely long levers! I have to thank all the handstand/headstand/shoulder stand work from yoga teacher training. Need lots more work on hollow holds…another long lever problem. #tallpeopleproblems
WOD: #16, 3 rounds + 1 KB round
Had a DO sighting! Glad you're feeling better!
Ps: Noah, thank you for not sending me home in my own cone.
love that photo of Laurel! Looking forward to hitting this tomorrow. First time in I don't know how long I'll choose Monday's workout…
Sort of nightmarish experience at Heritage CF just north of the RI/MA border.
Barely a hello from the coach before class started with WOD one of three for the day:
For time:
1000m row
50 DB thrusters (40 lbs)
30 pull-ups
Three minutes rest before a second for-time WOD (again, no warmup):
21-15-9 of:
Deadlifts (225 lbs)
Box jumps (30 in)
Then three minutes rest before the final WOD:
"Karen" – 10 minute cap.
Managed 100 wall balls when time ran out. Penalty for not finishing was another 1000 meter row, which I used as a cool down.
I mean, talk about crazy–I felt like I was Josh Martinez for the day. Very few cues on anything the entire time for me or anyone else, and I saw a lot of less than stellar movement. Won't be returning here and happy I left in one piece.
I know Glassman is a big believer in "the market" weeding out inferior affiliates, but with the nearest gym 35 minutes away, the local residents don't have a choice in the matter. The weirdest thing about the gym–only one squat rack in the ENTIRE place.
Ryan — that sounds hideous. I feel like those are the kinds of gyms that make people think, "CrossFit is awful, it just gets you injured."
Ryan – I would have walked out…free market and all.
4:30 class
Fun with handstands
WOD w/24kg and ring push ups.
3 rounds plus 10-15 swings. Fun
Humongous noon class!!
Kudos to the coaches for keeping it organized and moving.
Handstands were fun! I went pretty vertical on the last wall-walk and got excited and did the noodle thing Fox said not to do and got a hole in the knee of my pants. Lesson learned. Kick-ups need work as well..
WOD at 20kg- this got heavy! Completed three rounds plus 12 kb swings and did all of my push-ups strict for the first time in a WOD. Yay!!
Pull-up Club 'A' day and 1000m slow cool-down row.
Ryan – scary. That's the kind of CF that keeps chiropractors in business, for sure.
@Fox — Had I known a bit more on advance and not traveled as long then for sure, I'd have been more likely to turn around. The WOD wasn't posted online and the Karen cash out and the no warmup before the deadlift were surprises. I didn't have it in me to walk away once class had started, but I guess that's the follower in me. As it was, I tried to use what I've learned at SBK and was careful and deliberate with my movement and avoided pushing too hard as the class went on.
Oof, Ryan, that sounds pretty rough!
Comparatively mellow 6:30 class with Noah and MeLo.
Wall walks were good warm up, but I could have done without all the hollow holds after having done Annie as a cashout at OG last night. Ouch.
Enjoyed the kick-up practice too. I do a lot of solo handstand practice but it was good to go back to the basics. Can't wait to see what this cycle does for my inverted comfort-zone.
WOD with a 2-pood bell was pretty brutal. 3 rounds plus 4 swings, my glutes were seizing up by the end.
Fartlek run around the block with Crystal and Artie to loosen up a bit.
Also–if any SBKers can't make Saturday's final event, my schedule changed and I'd love to take on the fourth event! Hooray for 2k rows! You can get in touch at ryanmjoyce (at) gmail
@Ryan – my sympathies. That is some really lame-ass programming.
530 with David. Lots of hard work in the practice – I always feel like such an idiot doing handstand work.
WOD with 24kg bell and ring push-ups: 3 rounds + KB swings.
Then spent 2 fruitless laps trying to catch Sean B. (WELCOME BACK!!).
Laurel – Such a great photo! I hope you and baby Max are doing great and we'll get to see you all soon.
Bummed I couldn't make it in tonight. I have a lot of catching up to do…
Oof, glad to know to stay away from heritage crossfit in my travels. Asheville Strength & Conditioning, on the other hand, continues to be a lovely place to drop in to do some lifting if you're ever in NC. I've heard good things about the boxes down here but I decided to stick with what I knew and just to get in some squats (140x5x3) and deficit pulls (190×3). Was going for 5 on the pulls, but didn't think I would have had it cleanly. So, go for 190×5 next week or 195×3…?
Changing subjects here! I am looking for someone to take over the rest of my Sol Flower Farm CSA. We are moving apartments and will be living in temporary housing for the next two months, so it's not going to be convenient to pick up veggies every Wed. I am looking to sell the remaining share at a good discount (veggies will be delivered until early November). If Interested, contact me at jason.horowitz(at)gmail.
i do not think im going to like inversion mondays.
7:30 with Noah and Melo. Handstand practice went okay. I feel sort of panicky when I'm upside down on the wall walk ups, and I think that my nervousness holds me back from really going for it on the kick-ups, but I am committed to making it in every Monday to try to get over myself.
Made it through 3 rounds plus the kettlebell swings at 20kg with ring push ups. The goblet lunges were definitely the limiting factor for me.
I TOOK CLASS TODAY…and loved it! So nice to be back in classes after 8 weeks of powerlifting. Holy shit, is my conditioning down though.
Even though I feel confident kicking up to handstands, I really enjoyed the wall walk ups and the slow break down of the handstand progression. I'm excited to see what the next 6 weeks of dedicated handstand work does for me.
WOD at 24kg, American swings.
2 rounds plus 21 kbs and 14 lunges.
-Oooooof! Didn't have gas to push harder though I know I should have cleared 3 rounds. Lunges were super difficult and I probably should have gone lighter on the kbs to ease back into group classes. Only 14 ring pushups overall but these are clearly not my strength.
Cash out: 2 laps around the block trying to catch Hallie. My ass was already on fire from the lunges so this wasn't fun. I've run more in the past 3 days than I have in the past 2 months. #deconditioned
Also, @jason H. We'd buy your share!
If there is another SBKer (in addition to Ryan's) who is unable to take part in the last Subway Series event I would love to give it a go. I did not sign up for it originally so am missing out on the fun and a chance to be reunited with my new friends from CFSI (#sarcasm)
Email jay_reingold (at) yahoo