WHAT!? CFSBK Now has new key cards so you can scan in instead of manually signing in. These will keep a more accurate track of your membership activities. Please get one at the front desk, they only take about :30 to set up!
- Check out the CFSBK Flickr Page to see some heavy lifting by Rob Is, CrossFitters being overhead squatted by other CrossFitters, and a variety of other pics from around the gym!
- Tomorrow is the last day to transfer your log books into the colored crates. Log books left in the black crates will be recycled!
- Last chance to buy a brand new pair of Reebok Oly lifters for $175 at the front desk before we return them. Size 7.5
The Subway Series Tomorrow at CFSBK
We will have an augmented schedule tomorrow, Saturday, August 17 while we host the third event of the Subway Series!
Group classes will be held at
and 10:30am only.
Additionally, there will be NO Active Recovery.
The event will get started at noon, and everyone is invited to come out in their Skull & Crossbones Tees to represent CFSBK, spectate, and cheer on all the athletes! This week’s WOD is:
In 15 Minutes
Run 1 Mile, and then in the remaning time
30 Wall Ball Shots
30 Box Jumps
We’ll need some more folks to help judge the competition and assist with scoring. Anyone interested should email David(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com.
Shari Keener talks about overcoming her drug additctions with CrossFit and endurance training CrossFit
DO I just want to hug you right now. Incredible timing. I'm bringing my kid brother to the box tomorrow to watch my noon class. I sent him that video. I hope CrossFit can give him that positive space to choose his life over heroin.
That picture is amazing. It makes me all kinds of happy.
I've been on vacation down the shore this week, so I spent a few days at CrossFit Toms River. Great place, nice people – but I have missed SBK! The programming is a bit different in that at least one movement from the warm-up or strength training is always included in the WOD – which makes it really tough (especially on the snatch day!). I did get my bench press comfortably back to 70# and hit 50# on the snatch, though.
Last night's beach WOD – I was expecting a fun, lighter workout and this is what I got:
Beach Murph Partner WOD
400m run or 50m swim
100 Burpees
200 Push-ups
300 Sit-ups
400 Walking lunges
400m run or 50m swim
beach burpees = enough penance for 2 cheats on the paleo challenge!! My partner and I finished in 34:40.
Looking forward to being back at SBK this weekend!
Okay, I cannot be the only SBKer who is obsessed with Clueless. (In fact, I know my Wonder Twin is too…but there have to be others.)
A week from Tuesday there's a Clueless trivia night in Billyburg: http://bkwinery.com/event/clueless-trivia/3276
I'm trying to get a team together. Email me if you want to come. stellavision, gmail.
C'mon Rob, singlet at open gym, just do it.
Can't make it Tuesday, but I'm with you in spirit.
Work travel is ruining fun life stuff. @Stella, I 100% would've been in, but I'll be on a plane to go to California.
Miss CFSBK, so going to OG tonight because my buns, they don't feel nothin' like steel.
In the meantime, gotta go. I can't find my Cranberries CD. I need to go to the quad before someone snags it.
Did yesterday's WOD
OHS 95×5, 135×3, 155×3, 165×3, 175×3, 185×3 – 20# over my previous 1RM (which was from quite some time ago) Very happy with that
Got through 4 rounds of the NFT work. Best DUs were 98, best weighted chin-up set was at 70#
another plea for someone to return my heavy black umbrella, with annoying corporate logo, taken from the gym tuesday night
That picture just made me spit coffee up. It is so amazing. Cannot wait to yell for CFSBK tomorrow — whoot whoot!
8am with Noah.
OHS with Cliff:
45×6, 75×4, 95×3, 115×3, 135×3, 145×2
I remember the last time with did OHS I missed at 105, so I was happy to hit two at 145 today. Need to focus on pushing up into the bar more.
2 rounds at BW, one at +15 for the chins, about 45 double each minute. The shoot-throughs I needed a box for.
Followed up with Whitney's yoga class, which I highly recommend. Excellent change of pace from regular group classes.
Brooklyn Boulders
Noon Class
Did 2 carrys with the 1.5 poods and then did a fireman's carry with McDowell on my shoulders
30 Hollow Rocks
DB Bench
Row: 6:12
Run: ??
Not sure about my run time, however I was bummed because I pushed the 2nd and 3rd laps hard and it was probably a PR mile for me.
Cashed out with some calf mash, Couch Stretch and LAX work on my shoulders.
Please tell me there are photos of the DO/McD fireman carry.
+1 for the picture request.
Thank you Bethany for supporting ioby! LAST DAY FOR THE CASH MOB! ioby.org/cashmob. Thank you!
Noon w/ Lady Fox & McD.
Saturdays workout:
Warm up w/ 30lb farmer carry, 30sec hollow rock hold
DB bench press: #30 3×12
3K row split into 1500m
1st: 6:15
2nd: 6:12
Hands are wrecked. Rowing kills me—grip tips?
HA! Exactly what I was thinking Stella. I hope there is a video!
And I wish I could go to Clueless trivia but I'm front desking it that night…so I leave you with this:
It's like that book I read in the 9th grade that said "'tis a far far better thing doing stuff for other people." (like covering FD shifts!)
I have a spot in tomorrow's Subway Series event if anyone can take it!
Press: up to 130×5. I finished the last cycle at 110×5, so yeah, apparently doing lots of HSPU work helps?
I think I more or less got a couple unassisted back levers; they were a major goal for the summer, so I'm pretty happy. I'm going to wait for Ken to confirm they actually count though…
Finished with three sets of blue band iron cross pulls. They felt much stronger than last week.
Noon class
Carries – 24kg/Jerry Cans/24kg
30 Hollow Rock
DB Bench – 30/45/55/65/656
1500m Row
1000m Run (jog)
Kept a comfy 2:00 split and ran slow. Fun class.