Overhead Squat
Take 15 Minutes to work up to a heavy triple.
Post loads to comments.
4-5 Rounds NFT of:
5 Strict Chin-Ups
5-8 Parallette or Box Shoot throughs
Max Doubles in 1:00
There is a 20 minute cap on this work. Add weight to the chins if needed.
Greg G and Crystal C take flight
- Happy belated birthday, Jenn S
Rumman’s Thank You
I was in the 8am class this morning (earlier this week) and just wanted to say thanks again for the encouragement. I was really struggling with the thrusters and burpees after the fourth round. Having you and some of the other participants cheering me on gave me the motivation to finish the workout. The last time I had so many people cheering me on was high school track (maybe 15 years ago…).
I really enjoy coming in for the workouts. Keep up the great work!
CFSBK Spartan Race
CFSBK is sending a team to next year’s Spartan Sprint taking place at Tuxedo Ridge Ski Resort on Saturday, May 31, 2014. This year, CFSBK sent 27 members and finished 77th out of the 760 teams registered! We had such a blast that we went ahead and registered a team for 2014. Here are the details:
- Date: Saturday, May 31, 2014
- Time: Register for any of the open heat times. Spartan will group us all together the week of the race.
- Place: Tuxedo Ridge Ski Resort
- Select Team Name: Crossfit South Brooklyn
- Click on this link to receive a discount code for 15% off
- Early bird registration is $60 and runs until November 30 (there are discounts for military, first responders and students)
Spartan Race has recently partnered with NBC Sports to bring obstacle racing to television. NBC will be filming 8 professional athletes as well as 4 everyday Spartans at the Spartan Race World Championships in Killington, VT on September 21st for a 90 minute TV special. If you’re interested in more information about how you can be one of those 4 individuals featured, check out the Spartan media page
If you have any questions or hesitations about the race, email or speak to Coach MeLo Melissa(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
The Sports Gene Considers The Root Of Athletic Success NYT
Yep, now I'm sure Greg could put me in his pocket.
Those 4 rounds of DB presses and rows were deceiving. I can't lift my arms today!
6am with D.O. Overhead squats: 45×5, 95×4, 115×3, 135×3, 145×3, 155×3. Strangely, I missed the first rep at 115. Weight wasn't a problem, just didn't have my shoulders in a good position and lost the bar forward. Probably could have made another jump or two in weight, but ran out of time. Parallette shoot throughs were much more challenging than I remember. Did 8 on the first round, then 6, then 5 and 5. My double unders have been feeling great recently, so I was properly humbled in the first round by being unable to string together more than 5 in a row. Put together 25 straight in the second round and finished with 50 in the fourth round. Cooled down with a 1000m row and 400m jog.
went heavier than I thought I could with the OHS 109# for 3 sets of 3. My wrist was not happy even with a wrap on. :-/
A great back off week workout.
Does anyone else harbor a weirdly intense fear of overhead squats?
OHS: limited by my right wrist. Hopefully these will show up again so I can try out DO's advice of taking a more narrow grip so as not to put my wrist in such a wonky position. Maxed out at 88×3.
Double unders were a hot mess disaster shit show today. Seems like I can only chain them together when I'm in the middle of a WOD and I'm too fatigued to overthink them. On a more positive note, did all the chins strict (if not all unbroken).
Does anyone own Risto weightlifting shoes? I'm trying to determine my size in inches, and the difference between a woman's 8.5-9 and 9.5 is literally .27 of an inch…. And each time I measure my foot I get a different size! Any advise would be much appreciated.
i love overhead squats. hit 3 reps at 2 lbs less than my prev 1rm. had i known i was so close i would have gone heavier
btw, jason khalipa's in town. he's gonna be at CF 5th ave on monday and maybe tonight too
SO excited for this new cycle and to be back at CFSBK for a few days, though I won't be in town much for the next two weeks to experience it – damn you, work travel.
Speaking of, has anyone been to the following boxes? They're close to my hotels in Boston and Cupertino, respectively. Can't go another 2 weeks without working out.
Boston: Crossfit Fenway, Reebok Crossfit Back Bay
Cupertino: NorCal Crossfit
Actually, I think the real question might be, "How likely am I to make it through a WOD at NorCal CF alive?"
Michelle B, I own Risto's you can try on. EMail me: mignyc at gmail dot com.
I went to NorthCal last June. Great box, fun people, very similar type of programming as CSBK.
The wod were scaled and you should have no problem with them.
More overhead squats, please.
back bay was fun court but corporate. fenway nice people even for sawx fans.
In San Fran on business and worked out at United Barbell CrossFit SOMA. Pretty cool to walk in and see a CFSBK hoodie hanging on the coat rack 🙂
Question for all electronic geeks. I'm looking to buy airplay speakers. Any recommendations for one that costs under $400? Thanks.
I bet I have that gene.
@Kate R. Yes! Something quite like stage fright. Someday it will pass I guess….
Anyone know of a good box in DC? Here for a few days on business and need to get my Fit Fix…
Courtney, I worked out at Crossfit Fenway for a year before I moved to New York. I loved it there and I still miss them. give my best to JT, Stacey, and Eric if you stop by.
@Brandon I worked out at CrossFit DC (1722 14th NW) when I was down there recently. Nice people, programming seemed interesting. Have some friends that are regulars there and swear by it.
I started CrossFit at CrossFit Balance. Been a couple years though so don't know what they've been up to programming-wise, but the people were great. They have Thomas Circle and Kalaroma locations.
Worked out at crossfit Hollywood today
Reached a PR for my 1rm back squat at 305
Wod: 3 rounds of 100m walking lunges/50DU/25boxjumps
The DUs sucked but I finally did jumps with a 24" box and it was okay… I guess my knees are really better.
Did a hybrid of today and Monday's programming since I took two days off.
Overhead Squat
185×3 (PR)
195×3 (PR)
Waited too long before the 200 and got a little cold and lost focus.Happy with this.
Dumbbell Press: 50sx8ex3
Dumbbell Bent Over Row: 60sx12ex3
These were more taxing than I anticipated they would be.
Then I added two red bands around my shoulders pulling me down (accommodating resistance) and did 3 sets of 5 with that.
I saw that Khalipa was going to Rbk 5th ave. HATER!!!!!!
Thanks, friends! Much appreciate the recs. Think I'll try Fenway (even though they whack you for a $30 drop-in fee) & NorCal.
Noon class with JBoo.
Worked with a killer group of ladies for the OHS which helped me overcome so many fears I have of the OHS.
Hit my heavy set of 3 @ #83! Really happy about it. Struggles with th least rep in my sets and ended up bailing the bar forward. I think it was a matter of lack of focus and psyching myself out/going down too low. But nailed every rep for my heavy set. Boom.
My assisted chin-ups sucked today…just when I thought I was ready for a thinner band…false. Bench paralettes. Surprised at how I was able to piece together more DUs together today! I still feel like I jump higher to compromise instead of work the rope faster…which isn't good for the knee, but working on it.
Coming in with the kid brother to watch a class 🙂 he's hoping to start foundations now that he knows his schedule at his new sober living facility. Happy, proud sister 🙂
Forget Khalipa, we should get Spencer Hendel in here. He and I can thrown down for rights to the "Spencer H." moniker. (Spoiler: I lose)
Brandon–I dropped in a few times at CF Balance a couple of months ago and was pleased. Echo Spencer's sentiment about the people.
Was at CFGC yesterday:
15 min to work up to a heavy single on push press:
45x10x2, 95×4, 115×3, 135×2, 155×1, 175×1, 185×1, 195F, 195F.
Happy considering that I have t push pressed since February. 195 is my current jerk PR, so happy to come close with the push press.
WOD was 21-15-9 of:
Sumo deadlift high pulls (95/65)
Push press (95/65)
Triple volume double unders (sets of 63-45-27)
12:08 Rx. Push presses were in tiny sets throughout. That's a movement I have trouble organizing for lots of reps. Doubles weren't really there–consistent sets of 10-15, but nothing longer than 20.
@Charlie: thanks for the solidarity, I already feel better. 🙂 @Luca and Jon S, I don't think we've met, but when we do, I'll be sure to give you a friendly kick in the shins. Jokes, jokes. I'm happy for you.
Also, Industry City Distillery in Sunset Park is having a 2-year birthday party Sept. 1 on their gorgeous roof (3PM ‘til late), and it's going to be awesome. Just wanted to share in case anyone wants to jump on the Labor Day train-of-fun where beers are $2. Details from their invite:
The day’s highlights will include ten bands, plenty of grilled and fried goodness of all kinds for sale (with veggie options), treats of all sorts, Industry Standard vodka cocktails, the famous beet-backs, and much much more.
Ten dollars admission, 21+ only. Please bring valid ID, we’ll be checking at the door.
Don't forget a little spending money: Beer $2, Cocktails $3, Sausages $3
Space is limited, so we’re selling tickets in advance here – buy early! buy often! bring your friends!
Thanks Ryan and Spencer for the help! I hit a 5:30pm class at Crossfit DC. It was nice as they don't charge for anyone visiting from another box (but it's suggested to get a t-shirt).
Short warm up of "spider" stretches and bw squats. Next was 2 rounds of 1min each: frog stretch and holding the bottom of a squat. Then the back squats:
45×5, 75×5, 125×5, 135×5, 155×5, 165×8(!)x3
Felt good through the warmups, but knew I working with more warmup reps than usual. It showed in my first work set where I was softening at the bottom and dropping my chin. 2nd and 3rd work sets were much more organized and I took my time to breath and brace with each rep. Finished strong, but could not go another set…
No met-con, subbed some couch stretches to end the class. Decided to jog the mile back to the hotel and it felt good to loosen up after all those reps.
Overall real cool experience to go to a different box. Shows how strong te community is, and I'm glad I'm a part of it!
Nice 530 with Josh.
So, this is how long it has been since I've overhead squatted: I hit 140 as my heavy triple today, and that is my old 1RM.
Accessory on the parallette was humbling. Did the chins with 20lb DB.
Dogsled tore me apart tonight. Lit up my posterior chain like crazy. Worked up to 4×45 on it for 2-3 passes, reduced rest d/t partners
Thanks to Kate and Greg for sprinting w/me after class
125×3 OHS
wish I had more time to see how far I could have gone. Curious where my 1rm is on this.
58 consecutive DU. Pr by 10 or so, good stuff.
I just told DO this earlier, but the last two days of programming were sublime. Left a lot of baggage behind in the process.
Tonight, I really had awkward moments w my OHS – got to 105X3, but I know that this could go a lot higher – just a move I don't do much, and I really want to go farther – I have a bionic shoulder and I think it can take a lot more. Steve Austin, you have been warned.
Loved seated box jumps and parallete whatever they are a lot – I really like these dynamic/gymnastic movements.
Also, I had never handled a 2 pood KB before, so Wednesday's bit was superb – I have to respect the big boy, but I did make it move.
Overall, these were great sessions where the actual couplet or whatever worked well, and the whole class meshed too. Plus, this weather gets me jazzed – I rode my bike to work a lot this week, and that made the doin' all the more fun. Oh, and I did a lot of MOB work these couple of days too, and the more I do, the more I want.
Did I mention that this was fun?
everything i did today sucked, from the overhead squats to the double unders to the paralette shit. but at least i was there i guess. and YESTERDAY i jumped on a regular sized box for the first time in my life! and i did it six times! it was crazy fun. coach noah is a rock star.
i love when i do things i never thought id be able to do. like when i learned how to climb a freaking rope at david's rope climbing clinic. unbelievable. maybe we can do that again some time?
reading rumman's thank you was a great start to my day. thank you for sharing that. <3 cfsbk.
You guys, don't do that Spartan Race! jkjkjk it was a fun kind of hell. I haven't decided if I'm going back for more next year.
I've enjoyed the last two days of programming. Back-off week is a nice palette cleanser and I pleasantly surprised myself on the seated box jumps last night. I think I have a similar irrational fear of jumping with both feet that Kate has with overhead squats.
Got to 63×3 for the overhead squats today. I think I could have gone a little farther but time was up…maybe something to add to a future open gym list.
Humble pie today
45-95-115-125 (F) – 115-115
NFT (had about 10 minutes)
5 BW Chins
5 Shoot throughs with push up and dip
a few sets of 30 doubles in the minutes