7 Rounds for time of:
3 Muscle Ups
7 Thrusters 95/65
7 Rounds for time:
7 Burpees
7 Thrusters 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to Crush Week WOD: 12.18.11
We’re cleaning house in the old log book department. If you keep a performance notebook in the black crates, please transfer it to one of the colored crates. On 8/16 we’ll remove all the abandoned books. If you can’t make it in before that, please email cfsbkfrontdesk(AT) so we can find your book and put it in the new crate.
- Happy Birthday, Andrew M!
CFSBK in the Battleground Today
If you’re competing today either at the USAPL powerlifting meet or CF Subway Series, please post your experience and results to comments! We can’t wait to hear how everyone does today. To see the competition roster and details, scroll down to yesterday’s post.
Announcing late morning Yoga at CFSBK with Whitney Hubbard!
CFSBK is proud to be hosting an ongoing Yoga for Athletes class with Whitney Hubbard. Read up:
What: Yoga for Athletes with Whitney H.
Where: CrossFit South Brooklyn!
When: Wednesdays & Fridays (ongoing, weekly classes; starting Wed, Aug 14)
Pricing: Drop-In: $18
5-Class Card: $80 ($16/class)
10-Class Card: $150 ($15/class)
“We Are Rising” The Growth Of CrossFit In Ireland CrossFit Games
Tomorrow's (today's?) WOD at OG tonight (?Friday)
Rx'd with muscle ups in 12:15. Happy to have no misses on the muscle ups. Being quite a few lbs lighter and maintaining a false grip work wonders…who knew?
Started a clock with the intention of hitting the 15 minute cap with a DNF…Charlotte wound up starting the Snatch WOD a few seconds before me on the big clock so I figured I'd gut it out alongside her for the 12 minutes and then call it quits. I was pretty pleased to finish when I did. All unbroken, and all rounds in about a minute with 30 or so seconds rest after the thrusters.
Howdy CFSBK. Been awhile. After I returned from the Middle East, I was suffering some serious knee issues. Turns out I had completely severed my ACL. Yuk. Now I'm a week post surgery and looking for some pt recommendations. Anyone use someone you loved for this sort of thing?
I'm sure you'll get other Brooklyn-based recommendations. I've used Michael Conlon at The Finish Line Physical Therapy on 23rd street in Manhattan and I thought he was pretty terrific. Good luck with your recovery! I had ACL surgery – It's a slog and takes a while, but it does get better eventually!
8 am with David
I came to OG last night and saw today's wod, got super excited, and decided I needed to learn kipping muscle ups. I spent about 2 hours not getting them, but did manage to get a few blisters that ran from my hand up my arm and some sore biceps.
Fear settled in this morning and the game plan was to try to do 1 mu per round with a lighter thruster, 55#
It felt like I was cheating for the first few rounds but without knowing if I could get through it all I didn't want to add more weight to the thruster as I was saving 3 m-ups for the last round. The last round i started failing. 3 times I got over easily but couldn't press out the last 1/2". David had to assist on the fourth. Got back to the thrusters very rested. 9:18
I LOVE CRUSH WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
crystal you are a BEAST. love it. wish i could have seen your muscle ups.
AR with David, then 12pm with Josh and McDowell… AR was good, I never realized how tight my arms are. Mash mash mash.
I decided to try today's WOD @ 95. I usually pick a weight where I know I can keep moving and finish quickly, but I figured with a 15 minute cap I might as well try a heavier weight. The burpees were no problem, but I took them slowly to save energy for thrusters. I ended up doing 2 rounds at 95, 2 at 85, then 3 at 75. Finished in 14:48, mighty slow at the end. Glad I tried a heavier weight though!
Not sure if I'll be able to make it in tomorrow… if I can it'll be the first time I hit all 5 crush week workouts.. If I can't make it in my consolation prize will be a 10k run with some sprints thrown in. Either way I feel pretty good about this week!
Fun WOD – MUs got pretty challenging by the end.
7:24 Rx'd with MU
AJ Shpetner, age 9: "I wish there was a children's taco leaderboard. I would totally be on that!"
Scott. Google Friedrich Boettner at the hospital for special surgery in manhattan. An ace, trained @ the Steadman clinic in Vail.
@scott: I have had both knee surgeries done at Hospital for Special Surgery–they've got a great team, good rehab programs and great recommendations if their location isn't doable.
Can someone move my purple sparkly log book to the new bins please? It has my name inside. I'm on vacation until the 19th. Thank you!
Took the noon class
With muscle ups
No me gusta
1 PM w McDapper.
A very slow 13:58 Rx'd. My 4 cylinder motor was bogged down by a hangover. I stopped doing the thrusters unbroken about half way. Lame. I tried to move through the burpees in good positions. Too much rest. I really wanted to quit. My only consolation was that none of the SBKers that I was out with (Luca, Elisa Pickleback, and Dave & Sara Elwell) made it in. Happy to finish that sucker.
Good luck to all those competing today.
Make-up post from yesterday… I think my time was 13.12 (?!) 53# bar, which felt pretty heavy, and all strict burpees for the whole thing for the first time ever in a workout! Yay!
This was another fun workout 🙂 Can't wait to see what is in store for us tomorrow!
Very excited that the yoga classes are happening at the perfect time for me- I'll have no excuse not to do yoga now, since I will be right there at those times.
Best of luck to everybody who is competeing today and tomorrow!
Rings class was awesome today. I've been feeling shitty and run-down recently, and I've glumly skipped crush week. I guess the rest payed off though, since I came *very* close to getting an unassisted back lever today–my whole body was so contracted that my left quad almost cramped.
Ken also showed us how to start training iron crosses! They feel amazing–my arms + lats + chest are toast right now.
Snuck in a few workouts in gyms scattered across VT over the course of vacation.
Ran into my Ragnar teammate Kryn at CF Burlington after a great class. Worked power snatches to start — got up to 125, which is not a PR but felt much snappier and organized than when I last tried to snatch that heavy during the Open.
The WOD was a 12 minute AMRAP of 6 snatches (75lbs) and 30 double unders. Got through 7 rounds and 2 snatches.
Couple days later in Brattleboro ran into an old friend from college. Squatted 245x5x5, which felt tough after little lifting and eating deliciously unhealthy food.
Their WOD was move 7,000 lbs via clean and jerks in under 18 minutes. Did 52 reps at 135, which felt surprisingly good. Hit 30 at 8:39, finished at 52 at 15:50.
Last WOD was Death by Kettlebell Snatch, followed by Death by Wall-Ball.
Made it into minute 10 on both (11 of 20 snatches, 12 of 20 wall balls).
Good luck (and at this point, congrats) to all who are/were competing today!
EFF that was harder than I thought it would be!!
WOD in 13:52 with burpees and as RX'ed at 65#. Those thrusters got heavy real quick. A bit disorganized at first, then they dialed in well, and then I just got super tired and it started to fall apart a bit, elbows falling down.
Burpees were done in sets of 4 or 3, a copule rounds did all 7 unbroken. If i had one less cup of coffee this morning or one more glass of water, I think I would've taken it under 13:00. Heart racing, a bit of nausea during the last two rounds.
Taught 3 yoga classes today, 2 of which were after the WOD. I went to show a lunge pose bending both knees and I almost fell over from the cramp in my quad. fish oil and hydration, here I come!
11:00 class with Josh and McD. Rx'd with burpees in 8:39. Had to lie down afterwards to keep my breakfast down. Can't decide whether that wod was awesomely awful or awfully awesome.
Since I haven't been WOD-ing with the rest of you lovelies, I have to find other things to amuse me when I am not gracing the desk with my presence…I bring you this 12 course meal in a can. Can we please talk about this? Would anyone try it?
Oh yeah I would eat that
Laura Mc I saw your time posted up on the board after I finished. DAMN GIRL, you kicked some ass during that WOD!
Matt C warned me on the way to the gym this was a tough one.
11am class. 75lbs, burpees. 12:52. I took some 10-15 sec breaks from round 1 on which helped.
McDowell gave me a hard time when I traded my 15lbs bumpers for Laura Mc's 10lbs bumpers right before we started. Love the smack talk. Put 5 lbs bumps on immediately after his smack down. Next time I'll Rx I promise.
Also starting to get some kipping pull-ups. 3-4 at a time. All due to Noah's class a month or so ago.
Pumped about Whitney's new yoga class and that yoga will be a full-time part of the gym. I think it's great for our community on multiple levels.