SBK Throwback: Charlotte Kaiser 3 Weeks Before Giving Birth To Linus
CFSBK Competing Tomorrow
Subway Series
Intrepid CFSBK Warriors, Jenn Stopka, Ryan Flynn, Mike Fiore, Zach Hodge, Rickke Mananzala, Matt Katz and Alan Lynch are all competing at the Subway Series event at CF Virtuosity tomorrow! They will be taking on a ladder version of “Amanda”. Good luck, team!
Andrew Midgail had to bow out of tomorrow, if anyone is interested in taking his spot, please email him at andrew.migdail(AT)
Powerlifting Meet
Coaches Jeremy, Noah, Lady Fox and Melo as well as Rob Is, David Turnbull, Lauren Howe and Sarah Larosa will be competing in the 30th Anniversary USAPL New Jersey State Open Powerlifting Championships in New Brunswick. Good luck, team!
Still Some Room To Get Strong
There are a few slots left in Coach Jeremy’s upcoming Strength Cycles, strike while the iron’s hot!
Strength Intensive-B Cycle-Intermediate
3 classes per week
August 13-October 6
Tuesday, Thursday at 7pm, Sunday at 10am
(5 spaces left)
Strength Intensive-C Cycle-Morning Novice
2 classes per week
August 12-October 2
Monday and Wednesday 6:30am
(2 spaces left)
ioby Cashmob Ends In One Week
Charlotte K (pictured above) says CFSBKers have pledged $250. We’ve still got one week before the cashmob ends and Charlotte will match all donations that come in from CFSBKers!
ioby turns five this summer. Since its founding, ioby has allowed more than 300 projects to raise more than half a million dollars in donations averaging $35. This funding provides crucial unrestricted operating money for ioby staff to recruit new project leaders, identify corporate sponsors, build out a better web platform for listing projects and managing data, and continue to grow. Today ioby is in 80 cities helping support civic engagement, neighborliness, and making life better for all of us. Your support means a lot! Donate here!
CrossFit Games the Musical
How To Say No To Almost Anything Psychology Today
Shark Found On NYC Subway BBC
How To Train The Overhead Press Starting Strength
no sleep in brooklyn. a dog and def leppard. no animals were hurt in the vining:
good luck tomorrow subway and powerlifters. kill it.
Seriously, if anyone wants to compete and can make it tomorrow to take Midgdail's space, you should. It's a ton of fun.
Made up yesterday's WOD
5 rounds + 20 DU Snatch was what slowed me down the most, but kept moving pretty well overall. Looking forward to tomorrow's WOD too.
I'm pretty sure Dave Turnbull is competing as well…
Singlet is packed for NJ, ready to go!
You guys! We're at >$18K raised today! Hoping the Black Sea can help a bit more. Remember, I"ll match all donations made by CFSBKers. And thanks to Joy, Alex C, and Asta for your support!
That picture: whoa.
Missed Thursday b/c of coop shift, am excited to come to OG tonight.
Love that photo of Charlotte! Working out with a very-pregnant Charlotte (the day she gave birth, in fact!) had a profound impression on me how I viewed fitness and pregnancy. I have her to thank for inspiring me to continue to lift and Crossfit through my last pregnancy and, god willing, this one!
Thanks Becca and Crystal for your support!
Good luck to all who are competing tomorrow!!!
Noon class with Jess and McDowell
Did Saturdays workout time 11:32
The worse one so far for me went to heavy on the weight!
Best of luck to all the competitors tomorrow!!!
Back to Climbing Fridays at Brooklyn Boulders with Todd and his brother, Craig.
Was feeling a little sore and tired from not the best sleep and some hard training days recently. Did a couple V2s and then the same V4 that I did last time. A couple unsuccessful V3s in there followed by another big "L" to Todd in ping pong. Humbling day, but nice to be active.
Todd- take midgails spot if it's not already been scooped.
Excited for tomorrow's WOD.
Flight delayed – at least we found out before we left. Plenty of time to shower, have lunch and CHILL for a minute before heading to the airport. This is good because I'm pretty amped up from 12pm group class, and I've never been sweatier.
Did yesterdays workout at 63#. That felt light enough to keep form really tight. I felt like I'd rather have done them all in a row without putting it down, and I wasn't scared each time I set up to pull. That probably means it was too light, but together with the DUs and pull-ups, it felt plenty challenging. 3 Rnds + 50 DUs, 3 snatches. I paced it too fast up-front and lost it on DUs towards the end.
Highlights were feeling confident with all three movements (I remember when I was afraid of all of these), not tearing my hands (altho I used some pre-emptive tape), working with the super-impressive 8-month pregnant Christie, and sneaking in a quick MU before class.
@David – I was hoping to read about your V5 today. Next week!
Forgot to wish everyone luck tomorrow on the powerlifting meet and subway series. Go team CFSBK!
Good to be back in South Brooklyn last night….
Final workout before the meet:
Squat: 205x2x3
Bench: 115x2x3
Pretty sweating. Not super crazy about how my knee or squat is feeling, but it is what it is at this point. Hoping to finally get that 400 squat in the books.
Aw shucks Bethany. Thanks David and all the CFSBK coaches for creating such a great safe space to be a crossfitting pregnant lady. I love how many mamas have worked out here through their pregnancies.
And, thanks for all the ioby love that's been flowing! Do me a favor, if I didn't email you a thank you already, shoot me an email at charlottejerome(at) if you gave just so I can be sure to catch you.
And thanks Peter Mattis!
Good luck to everyone competing tomorrow!!!!
6am with Nick and McDowell
12:41 on Saturday's WOD, Rx
First two rounds unbroken, after that the barbell stuff was broken up into 3 sets each round. Really good times. <3<3<3 Crush Week. Thanks to DO and all the coaches for the thought and care you guys put into it.
@ David – as you already know from lifting, athletic exercising can be a humbling experience. Every day is different. Your body is different, the weather is different, your mind set is different. Lots of factors go into whether or not you are "successful"
My experience has been one of failure. Constantly. Learning from it. And getting right back up and trying again, and again, and again. Humbling to say the least. But as they say – It's the journey not the destination.
Indoor Parkour training in BK…
Thanks Lindsay and Yoshi for the donations!
Vacant OG with coach Josh. Did yesterday's WOD at 85#. Holy god that was brutal. My kipping pull-ups are a shit show, my snatches slightly worse. I fell apart in the second round of double-unders – thanks Fox for the "relax" cue you tossed my way in the midst of your muscle-up madness, it really helped. 2 rounds plus 50 DUs and 7 snatches.
Tomorrow's (today's?) WOD at OG tonight
Rx'd with muscle ups in 12:15. Happy to have no misses on the muscle ups. Being quite a few lbs lighter and maintaining a false grip work wonders…who knew?
Started a clock with the intention of hitting the 15 minute cap with a DNF…Charlotte wound up starting the Snatch WOD a few seconds before me on the big clock so I figured I'd gut it out alongside her for the 12 minutes and then call it quits. I was pretty pleased to finish when I did. All unbroken, and all rounds in about a minute with 30 or so seconds rest after the thrusters.