5 Rounds for load and times:
Bench Press, heavy 5
250m Row
Work up to a heavy 5 on the Bench Press. If you think you’ve got room, go up each round. That being said, don’t go to failure on any set. Spotters are a must. Each row should be all out. Move quickly to the erg but don’t freak out about transition time, rest as needed after the row.
Post each Bench weight and 250m interval time to comments.
Meghan runs an 800m, Cheneve is hot on her tail.
- We’re 4 days into the new month. Post your short term goals to comments AND the goals board at the gym.
- Editor Wanted: David is looking for an editor to help proof read some writing on a semi-regular basis. (about 2-4 times per month). Compensation would be handled through a % discount on group membership depending on total work load. Please email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com if you’re interested.
Crush Week!
We’ll be hitting some more challenging WODs from today through Sunday before shifting into Back Off week. Use the next 5 workouts to really challenge yourself both mentally and physically. Try a slightly harder version of movements, attempt rep schemes and weights than you’ve not done before and see what happens. As always, prioritize movement quality, but even if scaling up slows you down a little this week, test drive some new territory. To read about the mental side of this week, read, “Zen and the Art of Crush Week“
Designing “The Pig” with Rob Orlando CrossFit Games
Spirit of the Games Award: Kristen Clever CrossFit Games
Mad I did not make it in this morning…
Worst night of sleep in such a long time I think I got 3 hours and now I have to head to DC.
Oh man, I'm sad to be missing some of crush week. Especially this WOD with benching?! I still want to makeup that workout from a while back with back squats + row.
I'm in New Orleans right now and have time to do some overdue posts. I feel ridiculous posting about the Total at this point but better late than never.
Here are the numbers:
Squat: 195, 205, 215
Press: 85, 90, 95 (F)
Deadlift: 245, 265, 275 (previous one rm was 205– 70# gain!)
I can't wait for the day when a 100# press is all mine ๐ Also, I couldn't have known this because I'd never done 1 RM's in squats before but all my squats seemed to pop right up so I think I went a little conservative and might have been able to hit 225. But I'm happy to have room to grow.
I was so grateful to have so many supportive people around, totalers and non-totalers alike. I was also super happy to experience firsthand how brilliant a coach Jeremy is… and a master of the super-terse advice and tips. I went into strength thinking that I'd have to really supplement with a lot of running and yoga since I'd be "taking it easier" than I would have it in group class. By the middle of the cycle, it took all the guts and courage inside of me to get up early every Monday and Wednesday and face down the Squat or Bench or any other lift that I could very well fail that day. And I got my first two strict chin ups during strength so definitely all kinds of growth and gains happened. Double ๐
Visited CrossFit Nola on Saturday before going to my nephew's FIRST BIRTHDAY <3
The WOD was
In teams of 2-3, complete for time:
200m run
30 Squat Clean & Jerks 135/95
400m run
20 Squat Clean & Jerks 135/95
800m run
10 Squat Clean & Jerks 135/95
**little surprise element here (which made me feel like i was back home at CFSBK– each team or pair carries a plate the whole workout, passing it off as they need. if the plate touches the floor before you're done, there's a 10 burpee penalty)
I got paired with two other ladies so we had fewer squat clean and jerks which I wasn't a fan of but it just ended up being a faster workout for us instead of a slower chipper. We finished in 18:18 and we carried at 25# plate. I scaled to 75# and I'm glad I did because I'm not super organized in squat cleans and they started to break down to clean + front squat + jerk. But I made sure to keep the integrity of each movement, even breaking it up like that and I got complimented on my form (which is ALLLLLLL cfsbk-influenced– something I'm super proud of, especially with the more boxes I visit).
Lastly: I went to the 5:30 class this morning at CrossFit Elucidation. I was so psyched to find this place on the CrossFit Affiliate Finder. I was idly hoping there'd be a place closer to my parents (who all but live in the gulf of mexico… it's that far "down the road" <— their expression down here). So when I found one in my hometown of Chalmette I was ecstatic. There's such an epidemic of obesity, diabetes and just ignorance about health, fitness and diet down here. Chalmette is just 20 minutes southeast of new orleans (right next door to the 9th ward) and it's blue-collar town with refineries and plenty of restaurants where the menu is 80-90% fried. I pray that CrossFit + clean eating catches on here like wildfire.
There were three other people in the class with me. We warmed up, worked on overhead KB windmills and then did a 10 minute AMRAP of 10 Deadlifts 135/95 and 5 Burpees. I got through 5 rounds + 5 deadlifts. Funny that I found myself looking forward to the burpees. My back felt pretty lit up from the deadlifts.
Then we did mobility work after that! It was built into the class ๐ Calf-mashing and hamstring stretching. I can't wait to come back and visit this place. The owner and I chatted about mindbody vs. zenplanner vs. wodhopper vs. honesty system ๐ I told him about how shocked I was when I was directed to put money for my makeup foundations class into a jar on the old front "desk." He smiled and said "I'm going to make a shirt that says 'CrossFit is an integrity sport' because you do your own counting, and only you know if you cut corners or not." Warm and fuzzy feelings. Oh, and they have a dog there– Dixie. She now (after their 6 months of being around) knows what 3,2,1 means. She starts running in a circle and barking to prepare everyone for the WOD. I know. <head explodes>
Sorry for the epic post. I filled my post-quota until November at least. <3 u and miss u, CFSBK
Keith: seemed like NO ONE made it in this morning! 7 people in 7 AM class — that hasn't happened in a long time.
105 for first round, 110 for all subsequent rounds. My best and worst times were within :01 of each other, so I guess I get a consistency prize if not a speed prize.
Can't wait until the last few boxes are unpacked and I can have a party in the new apartment!
I didn't make it in this morning, either – feeling under the weather, just in time for crush week! Hoping I feel well enough to make it in tonight, this workout looks like evil twin of my run yesterday: 5 x 200m-ish sprint up a hill.
Is 10 weeks close enough to count as a short-term goal? I'm super excited because yesterday I signed up for a trail half marathon! It's October 19th; I'm not worried about being able to run 13 miles but I've never finished a half in under 2 hours, so I'm making that a goal. This is the first event I'm really explicitly planning to train for since I started doing cf in early '12… I hope I can take the added training volume ๐
last thing: Rob Orlando designed the Pig on top of being the beast who can do 100 bodyweight back squats in 5 mins 12 seconds? Swoon.
Happy I came in this morning and got to give Kevin R. a big hug before he leaves for California this evening. Am bummed to see another regular 6 a.m'er leave, but I wish him and his family much happiness in their 3 bedroom with basement and backyard home! Come back and visit us often Kevin!!!
Went to sleep at 11:30 pm. Woke up at 3 am, back to sleep at 4:30 am. Didn't make it to class and got in an hour late to work. Great way to start crush week…
I posted my goals last month and it helped keep me accountable so I'm doing it here.
Last month I tried to match my June number of workouts, which at the time I thought was 21. Turns out it was 18. I hit that again in July. I also wanted to do 6 capoeira workouts, which I hit. And then I wanted to do 21 mobility sessions. Heh. I made 8.
So this month I want to make 18 workouts, 6 of them capoeira, and 15 mobility sessions. I want to work on pullups and handstands 2x/week each.
I'm not in a place where I can have actual performance targets. I just need to be putting in the time.
Thanks, Joy, and thanks to all of the awesome people at SBK. From DO and the rest of the coaches right on through the newest members, this community is a special group. Being a part of it has been a highlight of my NY experience and I will miss it, and you, very much. If CF Lodi is half as awesome as SBK, I will be getting my money's worth. Take care, and please drop me a line if and when you're out west. Kevinjrooney@gmail.com
6am will miss you, Kevin. It was inspiring to watch how you gave everything to each workout.
No workout today. Hit a goal on Sunday of finishing the mini Flight Simulator workout (10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 DUs). Took 14:05, but that was unimportant. Goal for August is 100 unbroken DUs.
So long, Kevin! Best of luck on your family's new chapter.
LFDoom- your post made me smile a bunch. Great stuff!
Good luck in Stockton, Kevin!
First day of two week trip in Los Angeles: crossfit Hollywood. No group gathering at the beginning, no QOTD? Ah I miss home – but there was some group yoga moves at the end led by the very mobile Andy Thompson, chief coach and affiliate owner. The 12pm class was only 5 people – we did snatches and snatches balances – I felt like cfsbk had taught me well – then a wod of a mile run plus squat cleans at 155 (I did 135)
4.30pm with DO.
That was fun! I really think Nick's workshop helped (thanks Nick!) as I was a whole second faster than Friday's erg sprints, and that was on my slowest 250m. I definitely kept hitting a mental barrier with around 70m to go, so that is something I need to work on.
Surprised myself on the bench press;
100 x5 (PR)
105 x 3 100 x 2
100 x 5
95 x 5
95 x 5
Erg sprints- best time was 54.1, probably a PR for me. I don't have my notes for the other times but I was pretty consistent, which is also a new thing.
Yay Crush Week! I can't believe I just said that!
Good luck, Kevin! We'll miss you!
Charlotte, congrats on matching your workout number and hitting your capoeira sessions! And Lisa F., belated congrats on the Total! And Peter, great job with the DUs.
My goal last month was to do a brick workout every weekend, which I did. This was my training for a sprint tri I did yesterday. Finished in 1:21:19, compared to 1:23:43 last year. Feel pretty pumped about this. My race goal was to do better on the bike (which I did, by over 2.5 minutes), not have an athlete riding a beach cruiser pass me on the bike, and not have my dad ask me after the race whether I fell off my bike or got lost on the course. Mission accomplished.
What a way to start off crush week! The QOTD was extremely relevant to today's workout. It took me an hour after finishing the WOD for the feeling of nausea to subside. I can't wait to see what the rest of the week has in store for us.
I so dislike erg sprints!
Bench went 145, 145, 150, 150, 150 for a total weight moved of 3700
sprints: 41.7, 43.4, 45.5, 47.5, 45.8 for a total of 223.9 or 3:43.9
Really been enjoying the CrossFit (and weather) here in Maine, but ready to get back and hit CFSBK and crush week hard!! Save an abmat for me.
make-up post from OG on fri and sun:
FRI: mobilized and then worked the DT ladder complex (in the name of the subway series). Didn't end up going to the event b/c the detailed heat info had it running 90 min or so after the event end time listed when I bought the ticket, and I had somewhere to be. anywayyyyy the result was that I came in to test and push this complex:
Warmed up with 33# bar, 63# drills then…
3 DL, 2 Hang PC, 1 S2O (split jerks on all) at:
75#, 85#, 95#, 105#, 110# (jerk PR), 115# (clean and jerk PR)!
came back to OG on Sunday:
DL : 95×5, 125×5, 145×2, 155×1. heavy set: 165×5
this is 5# up from last week. felt solid. bracing technique is killer awesome.
then played with c&j again. need to stop jumping my feet off the ground and stamping so hard. get better at just slipping my feet out FAST. also need to be more patient on the pull (pulling before hips are fully extended). got to 118# on the clean (PR) but didn't get under it for the jerk.
@Lisa – Loved reading your post.
LOVED today's workout! More, please!
Good luck in Cali Kev. 6am will miss you.
Goal for August: Press 135# was my failed attempt in last week's total.
Sorry to post 2x in one day, but I decided I was feeling well enough to make it to the 8:30 tonight and came in… Classes with Noah are always fun, but I'm with @BK: what a way to start crush week! Partnered with Joel, neither of us seemed inclined to let up while getting cheered on. I don't know what a 10/10 intensity feels like exactly, but this had to be close for me. I felt well and truly crushed on my way home, but after taking a cold bath I am now merely shaky and broken. It's amazing what a difference 30 minutes of recovery makes!
Bench press at { 145, 150, 150, 150, 135 } x 5 = 3650. Didn't want to push for more on this since this workout is really all about rowing…
Erg at (I think) { 44.4, 45.5, 47.6, 49.7, 47.7 } = 234.9
Looking forward to resting tomorrow!
Sorry to see you go Kevin. Good luck with your new place!
6am with Nick and McDowell
Benched 165 this workout, except for the last set when I dropped down to 160 and still failed my last rep there. Rows ranged from 44.something to 48.something. Would like to see more consistency there.
My goals for July are to make 4 crossfit workouts every week, do 2 hours/week yoga, and, same as Peter, hit 100 unbroken double unders this month.
Holy wow. I haven't had my ass kicked by an erg like that in a very long time. But that's actually one of the reasons I love the erg. No matter what your fitness level is, it's always a beotch.
6:30 tonight with MeLo and Noah.
Bench: 95#, 100#, 100#, 105#, 105# for a total of 2525# moved (over two tons! Jeez.)
Erg: 50.5, 51.3, 52.8, 52.8, 53.6. Total of 4:22.1 (post-WOD math is the worst).
I also had a great time at the Subway Series at CrossFit Queens this weekend! I'm really glad I signed up. The DT Ladder is my kind of work out. Before the competition I knew I could make it through 125#, so I set 130# as my goal. Sadly, I missed the jerk at 125#. I'm a little upset about it, but still happy with how I performed overall. My form felt really good until that last clean.
I'm thoroughly impressed with the CFSBK team. Congratulations to everyone who competed and a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came by to cheer us on. It was nice to have a sea of skulls in the crowd.
Stoked to head to Virtuosity this weekend for event #2!
Belated post, but holy crap, my upper abdominals may never recover from last night's workout. I'm a sore bear. But seriously, that was so fun.
GOALS: keep moving further towards the basic strength standard intermediate numbers set for my weight; start focusing on pull-ups again, at least once a week; continue ankle strengthening stuff; relearn some fast tricks with my jump rope; and hold a handstand for five seconds.
Probably more long-term than just for August.