Fitness: 1×5 across
Pick things up and put them down.
Performance: 5/3/1 “3 week“
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
20 Front Squats, 155/103
30 Box Jumps 24″/20″
40 Kettlebell Swings 53lb/35lb
50 Wall Ball Shots 20lb, 10′ / 14lb, 9′
*15 minute cap
Post time and Rx to comments.
Amanda Goodman wins the Clean and Jerk Ladder for the women with a 245lb Clean and Jerk. Goodman is 5′ and 139lbs
Today is the final day of the 2013 CrossFit Games! Who are your picks to win?
CrossFit Total Today!
Andrew M
Beau M
Yale M
Erica N
Thibault C
David T
Matthew D
Les K
Jonathon S
Mel L
Uzef G
Clare D
Lisa F
CFSBK Rowing Workshop
Coach Nick is teaching a two-hour rowing clinic on Saturday, 8/3, at 2:00. Do you want to improve your effectiveness on the erg? Do you dread rowing workouts? Or maybe you love them and want to row more on the side? The clinic will include the following:
- Review of the machine – footstretchers, drag factor, how to set up workouts, how to review scores after workouts
- Lecture with an in-depth breakdown of the rowing stroke (recovery, catch, drive)
- Learning the breakdown on the machine
- Drills to improve technique
- Workout
If you’re interested, please shoot Nick an email at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. There’s a cap on the number if participants, so sign up now! This workshop is $25.
275×7 on repout.
WOD @115lbs, 24kg KB, 24" box, 20lb ball. Finished in 8:55.
Mike caught up with me on the wallballs so I scaled the last 10 to the 9 foot target
Deadlift 160×3, 185×3, 205×7. Thanks Gina for the encouragement!
WOD in 7:32, FSQ at 85#, all else Rx. I think I could have done the FSQ Rx, but not so sure about cleaning 103# more than once. Sigh…one of these days my Oly lifts will catch up with my slow lifts.
Handstand practice, something I haven't had time for in a while, after, and I FINALLY KICKED UP INTO ONE! Held it for only about 2 or 3 seconds, so I've got a lot of catching up to do with the Whitney H's of the world. But it's still progress. Handstand pushups, here I come!
Deadlift – 275×3, 315×3, 357.5×8 last couple reps were a grind.
WOD – 7:10 Rx'd. This was faster than I would have guessed going in. Felt pretty gassed afterwards though. Lots of eating and sleeping to come this afternoon.
Back after a two week vacation. Started the Summer paleo challenge on Friday and this workout felt great!
135lb Deadlift, 20lbs+ from last time
55lbs front squats, unbroken
20 box step up (still afraid of falling up)
16 kettle bell unbroken
10lbs wall ball -these we're brutal. Had to break up in tens.
Didn't look at the time, but regardless I felt great about my performance!
afternoon wod: eat everything in my apartment, for time.
D-Turn… I heard a cool rumor about you!
12 pm with josh and Melissa
Very sore from ring class so had to back off from everything
Dead lift #135 and scaled everything on the WOD finished at 6:20
After that went for a 1 mile jog at the track and ran some sprints my legs felt really strong running especially after that WOD!
10 am Partnered up with Justin.
hit 243 for 5 on the deadlift… I could of had more but I didn't chalk up my hands and my grip was slipping.
WOD was fun went 105 unbroken… my calve started to cramp on the 18th rep which haunted me over the rest of the WOD as it threatened to cramp but didn't. the 24" box jumps I took slow because of the threat of a cramp… that cost me time as I typically fly through boxjumpts. the 24K kbs went well and then the suckfest of wallballs. I got it all done in 8:18.
Can we get some demon bells for the box =P
Was in Ithaca this weekend, mainly an eating-and-drinking-in-all-the-old-stomping-grounds tour de force. Dropped in at Crossfit Pallas for a lovely 7 person class, would recommend. Had us take 20 minutes to work up to a 1RM back squat. They all did high bar squats, which I didn't want to experiment with at high weights. Curious as to why we focus on low?
Hit 130#, and had two awesome fails at 140#. (135# is my previous PR.) My second bail was much better than my first bail where the bar hit every vertebrae on the way off. WOD: 5min AMRAP 5 thrusters/45# (rx 65#), 10 box jumps/20" (rx); 2min rest; 5min AMRAP thrust/jump again. In all, nice box, visit if you're upstate.
253F, 253F, 253F
I might be a little fried from this past week. The competition, i had a huge test in Phili on thursday. Cortisol levels have been through the roof for a little too long. Need a to put on the breaks and give it a rest (….we ll see how that turns out)
Almost forgot to post… OG:
135×5 185×4 220×3 250×3 280×4
Snatch (kg)
40×1,1,1 50×1 60×1 65xf,1,f,1,1
Last one was the best of the night.
3 Rounds max reps weighted chins, 20#x7,6,5
3×15 GHD Sit-ups