Fitness: 3×5 across
Should be a little bit of a fight but plan to hit all 15 reps today. Time your total bench pressing time so that you get your longest rest before your last set. Don’t doddle through the warm-ups.
Performance: 5/3/1 “3 week“
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
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3 Rounds NFT of:
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Dumbbell Presses
25 Sit-Ups
Go heavy on the Swings and Presses.
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Jake L Clean and Jerks 323lbs
Oly Meet Wrap Up
Congratulations to Coach DO, Brandon Renert and Jake Leviant on a successful showing at the CT Olympic Lifting meet yesterday. See the full results including some links to videos below. A special treat is watching David almost pass out on the platform after cleaning 100kilos/220lbs.
Snatch: 70 (154lbs), 75M, 75M
Clean and Jerk: 90, 94 (207lbs), 100M
Total: 164 kilograms
Ranked: 4th Place in Men’s 69k division
Snatch: 70, 80M, 80 (176lbs)
Clean and Jerk: 90, 96, 102* (224lbs)
Total: 182 Kilograms
Ranked: 3rd Place in Men’s 77k division, 5th place in Men’s Masters division
Snatch: 107, 114M, 118 (259lbs)
Clean and Jerk: 135, 143, 147* (323lbs)
Total: 264 Kilograms
Ranked: 3rd Place in Men’s 94k division
Attention Radhika Vaz Fans
Who doesnt love to laugh? Check out Radhika’s new show, “OLDER. ANGRIER. HAIRIER” playing all this week in the city. Radhika is a long time CFSBKer and has even performed in the gym for charity. We can’t recommend her enough!
At 40 I have the confidence I wish I’d had at 20, the body I hope I’ll have at 60, and nose hair. At 40 there is a lot of nose hair.
Written and Performed by Radhika Vaz.
July 24, 25, 26, 27 @ 8pm
July 28 @ 7pm
The Producers Club 358 W 44th Street. NYC.
$18 Tickets online here
$25 Tickets at the door.
Tickets are on sale now for the Soiree, so encourage folks to get them while they can! We are excited to have performances by The Drums and Tamaryn, as well as DJ Kilo Kish. Visit the website, or look for the evite, which I will forward out soon. Also, the event is up on facebook! Please share with all of your facebook friends – and look for updates there!
When Deborah Cordner Carson asks herself why she does CrossFit, she looks at her grandfather’s weightlifting belt and remembers.
No doddling. Or dilly dallying.
The meet was a lot of fun and I'm already excited to sign up for another one.
This was a bit of a disaster for me. I felt fine in warm-ups but when I walked out to the platform I felt like I was about to snatch for the first time. I didn't want to look at the audience and had no adrenaline. It was really weird, I felt like I was in a haze. I power snatched my opener and then hit 75 (165lbs) backstage with total ease however when I walked back onto the platform I ended up missing attempts 2 and 3. Was really bummed about this. Especially because I caught attempt two overhead and then, for some unknown reason just dropped it. Im getting really flustered as I even write this.
Clean and Jerks
This is where I was able to redeem myself a little. I opened at 90 (198lbs) which might as well have been 135lbs. Then I bumped to 94 (206lbs) for a very solid second attempt. I entered 98 kilos as my next attempt but was talked into going for 100 (220lbs). I knew that I'd have to squat clean it and that it was totally uncharted territory for the Jerk. So I Squat cleaned it and got REALLY dizzy on the recovery, (watch the video, I almost fall off the platform). Ive experienced this before and knew that it wasn't a big deal if I could just get my bearings back, the real problem was that I caught my ring and pinky fingers on my left hand UNDER the barbell and was too dazed and confused to figure out I could just pop the bar up and get them out. So I stupidly just attempted the jerk anyway which actually felt kind of light but with only three fingers around the bar I gave up before I had a chance to catch it.
Other stuff
It was great fun to meet new people, see a bunch of familiar faces, feel like a team with Jake and Brandon and I was so happy to have Lauren and Margie there to cheer us on. Overall while I've got a bunch of "woulda, coulda shoulda's" about today, I'm happy with my performance. Again, can't wait to sign up for another meet and crush it.
Congratulations to Brandon, David and Jake. Great work.
Noor and I will be out of town on 7th August. Would anyone be willing to help us out with our CSA share by either: a) buying it or b) picking it up and holding it for us till Monday the 12th?
We would really appreciate it.
First off, awesome job to our olympic lifters. Great numbers!
Second — I'm writing an article for my job at on using your campus as a gym (focused on the Columbia and NYU campuses) and we're looking for cool, fit people (like the people of Crossfit South Brooklyn) to volunteer for our photoshoots. We'd basically need you for an hour or two to demonstrate a couple of basic exercises (push-ups and dips on campus benches, running up the stairs at Columbia rocky-style, etc).
If you're interested, shoot me an email at mkatz at dnainfo dot com. Thanks!
Bench with Aaron and Megan, who I was floored to learn has been with SBK only a couple of months. GURL! With those Titsday numbers you are going to be a freaking STAR!
90×3, 105×3, 117×8. DO and the Foxes have been trying to train the opera-singer scream out of me, and it's working. Not sure how I feel about that. Okay, okay, it's good that I'm not losing tight body position on my final rep…but I kinda miss shrieking a high C.
Accessory work with 24 kg KB and 20# DBs. Probably should have gone to 25 on the DBs, but there weren't any left, or at least that's my excuse. On the other hand, 20 was plenty hard after swinging the 24 kg bell.
Holy crap, I'm moving in 11 days. Freaking out a little bit.
Late post from yesterday's nooner.
DL: 95×5, 125×5, 145×5, 160×5
That's 5# up from the heavy set I did two wks ago before TTD. Felt way lighter than 155 did though, I think in great part due to the fact that I was taking the time to set up the BRACING SEQUENCE before hinging over to grab the bar AND re-setting my front ribs and bearing down each time before lifting the weight again. That sh*t is good!
WOD: ouchsauce. 12:37
-Thrusters @ 45#, 50DU's. Got thru 2 rounds plus 15 thrusters before time.
-Scaled to ring rows since my hands are torn up and I wanted to do some good clean work instead of tweaking out my shoulders with crappy kips. Push-Ups RX'ed. Got 2 rounds plus ring rows plus 5 push-ups.
-400 M run was alright with enough gas at the end to sprint the last bit from 3rd ave.
kind of torturous to watch partners A+B for 14 minutes, seeing what was ahead! but… FUN one.
Beach after… TACOSSSSSS and then surfed for probably 90 min and caught a few nice ones. any day I get to surf is an awesome day, even if my arms are fried while trying to paddle 🙂
Hey guys- Charlie and I have decided to do a Paleo challenge for the month of August. Anyone want to join us? It's so much easier when you know others are suffering along with you.
Post here or shoot me an email – amy.leigh.ward at gmail dot com
Jake's happy face! Awesome!!!!!
I love the competition videos. Great job David, Jake, and Brandon!
Congrats Jake, Brandon, and DO! You guys rock!
8am benching with McD.
*almost* 3×5 @97# (failed the last rep 3rd set…gah!) when I get all of the reps next week this will be a 3×5 PR for me. Hooray!
NFT work with 20kg kb and 20# db. Those presses got hard fast…but I was inspired by Stella and didn't back off to a lighter DB.
Happy Monday, folks!
Nicely done, lifters!
Congrats, David, Jake and Brandon!
Nice work, fellas. Seeing you all constantly working your oly lifts inspires me to also want to spend more time working on my oly lifts.
Michele: do you have any paleo-ish custard recipes?
I dreamt we had to move the pool tables–about 20 of them–for the WoD. We put them in rows and sat on top of them and passed med balls to each other from end to end. Suggestion: Don't put 20 pool tables in the box.
WU: 750m row–500 slow, 250 fast
3 rds 10 pushups, 20 second hollow holds, 15 squats
15 KB @ 24k
15 DB push press @ 25#
25 situps
Congrats to the O-lifters. Impressive numbers!
Bench – 175×3, 205×3, 227.5×8
Was a little tired/sore from all the pushing yesterday so I was happy with 8 on the rep-out
NFT – 32kg KB, 35/40/35 on the press. Presses went away quickly after the second round and I barely finished the third at 35
Also of note – first group class with my brother at CFSBK!
Following up to my post from earlier, the Summer Paleo Challenge group is starting to form!
Here is the link to the spreadsheet/rules we've worked on today, largely based on January's challenge but with some tweaks:
We've all elected to start earlier, so we will start tomorrow or Wednesday, giving others a chance to join in.
If you'd like to participate, please email me at amy.leigh.ward at gmail dot com so I can add a tab for you and add you to our email chain!
Sheiko week 4, day 1
DB Press
Triceps were fried, weight was a disaster so I deloaded to BW
Front Squats
Good Morning
Noon class with Fox & Arturo
Bench felt wonky, suspect: right anterior deltoid which got F'd in warm ups
45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 105–failed 4th rep, scaled down to 100x2x5
Loved partnering with Inka & watch her kick ass on her sets!
NFT: 16kg, 20 DB. Would've gone heavier but shoulder felt whack as hell.
Lots of good knee tips from the team today to focus on. It was a breathe of fresh air to hear that I shouldn't just accpet my knee as jacked up & there are things to do to keep it healthy. Yay positivity!
Mgmt: I was totally inspired by today's gymnastics posts on instagram. Do you ever hold sessions like the rowing workshops for gymastics? I would love to spend some time on that – see if I still have a few back handsprings or tucks in me!
Oly Meet recap-
Went into the meet feeling a bit under prepared. Even though I had
hit PRs in both lifts last week, my training has been less than
consistent due to a new hospital schedule.
It was a SUPER long day for me since my weigh in was at 2:30 and when
I showed up with DO and Brandon at around 11 I weighed close to
209…2 lbs over!!! not good. That meant zero food or water for me
till the weigh in…I wound up making weight and I then housed a
huge bagel and creamed cheese, coconut water, jerky, trail mix…
Snatch- I sort of mis-timed my warm up. The bar was at 80kg (i was
planning on opening up at 110 (242) but had conservatively declared 105 (231) at the weigh in. This turned out to be a good move) and then 10 minutes later it
shot up to 100kg and i was 5 minutes out from lifting. This meant
that my warmup was incredibly rushed. I decided to open at 107. I basically ran to the platform for my first lift. The adrenline was pumping, i pulled like fuck and it went, felt light.
Second snatch i went for 114 (250). This lift felt really good but i lost it a tiny bit behind me and let it go. I decided to bump up my final attempt to 118. I was definitely feeling the pressure since 107 was most assuredly not what i wanted to get in the snatch. The 118 felt pretty heavy off the ground, but i got under it quickly and made the lift. THIS FELT AMAZING. I was pumped, it felt like a pretty clutch lift. This lift put me in second place (out of 20 or so) in the 94kg class going into the the CandJ.
Opened with a very conservative 135(297). Hit it and moved on. Second lift, 144(317 and my current PR at the time) . This is a heavy weight for me but i was feeling pumped. The lift felt great and I hit easily. It was go time. Time to make a big lift. I went for 147 (323.5#) which would be a 6.5# pr. The clean was heavy…I grinded through it, was seeing a little double, but just pushed as hard as I could under the bar to make the lift. Hells yea, good lift.
Great meet all in all for me.
Clean and Jerk-147 (323.3) This is a 13.3 lb Meet pr and a 6.5 lb all time PR for me.
I have the tentative goal of making The American Open nationals this coming December. I need a total of 277 for that, which makes me 12kg off right now. Its doable with some serious platform time between now and October.
Easy day post meet.
Bench press
PS: Competing with Brandon and DO makes the whole experience actually worth it. Its cool to lift heavy things, but if your not having fun with people you like, then whats the point??!!! It was a great little team atmosphere we had going. I hope we all do it again soon.
Great work, guys!!
Bench: 78x5x3
Bar is slowing down, but I made all of my reps
NFT work:
Sit-ups with 15# plate
KB swings at 20kg, 24kg, 24kg
DB presses (my nemesis) with 15# DBs
JJ, health-bent dot com has some, I think.
6:30 with MeLo and Noah
Warmup 1
45×5 95×4 145×3 165×3 190×5
Should have had 6+ here but the sixth one got out in front and i couldn't regain control.
KB Swings at 2 pood, all unbroken
DB Presses at 35# then 30#, first set was a mess, had to break it up quick, then it went 10/5 9/6 at 30#
Sit ups with 25# shoulders were fried from everything else PLUS heavy jerks last night, sets were like 10,5,5,5 after the first
Nice job gentleman! Glad you good time David– that clean was crazy!
Did a bunch of mobility (as usual) before squatting but I found some nasty bits with a foam roller in my interior quad above the knee which I think may be most of the cause of my knee pain. Will voodoo floss next…. Hoping to make some progress on this this week.
Squat: 320×5 and 300x5x3
Tapering down the volume a bit.
Hang Cleans: Worked up to 135 but my arms weren't feeling so great and my rack was slow. I wanted to take it easy.
6:30pm – benched 110# for 3 sets of 5. Pretty pleased: 110 was my 1rm back in January. Love this strength programming.
Did the NFT piece with high Russian swings at 24kg, 25# dumbbells (which was hella hard), and a 15# plate for the sit ups. Shoulders are toast.
315 1RM on my LBBS. Big win for me; thanks to the burly guy with the beard.
5:30 with MeLo
Bench with Katz:
[45×5, 135×4, 165×3, 180×1] 190x5x3 – bar moved slowest in set two, but pleased with this.
195 was my 1RM when I tested this back in February.
Used 35/40 lbs for the presses (broken into two sets), 32/40 kg for the swings (Russian), and 15/25 lbs for situps.
Nice work, Jake, Brandon, and DO!
Benching with Ray:
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×1
Work: 180x5x2, 180x6x1
Accessory Work with 28kg bell and 30# DBs. Situps with 15, 25, and 15lb plates.