Fitness: 1×5 across
Get stoked to lift some heavy weight.
Performance: 5/3/1 “5 week“
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
3 Rounds of:
20 Thrusters 75/45
50 Double Unders
3 Rounds of:
15 Kipping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
15 Push-Ups
Run 400m
Post total time and Rx to comments.
Whitney B Bench Pressing at TTD
- Good luck to Coach DO, Jake Leivent and Brandon Renert who will be competing in the 2013 CT Open Olympic Weightlifting Championships today!
Kettlebell Kitchen at CFSBK!
Want to make eating healthy Paleo meals easier? We are excited to announce our new partnership with Kettlebell Kitchen– your go to for Paleo & Zone meals! Food for CrossFitters by CrossFitters, Kettlebell Kitchen is an easy & convenient way to get top notch nutrition delivered right to the box. We’ve tasted the food ourselves, and we think it’s great!
They will make their first delivery to our box on July 24th (and every Monday & Wednesday thereafter). The order cutoffs are:
-Wednesday evening by midnight for Monday delivery
-Saturday evening by midnight for Wednesday delivery
The complete menu, along with ingredient lists and nutrition facts can be found here: MENU
Ordering instructions and FAQs can be found here: FAQs
We’ll have some of the folks from KBK at the gym on Saturday the 27th from 8:45am onward to give you the 101 and some samples of the food if you’re interested but not ready to pull the trigger.
Stop Glossing Over The Good Stuff
Go get em Captain.
good luck lifters!
i am PSYCHED. PR on my five rep deadlift…. failed on the fifth rep, so rested a bit and then tried again and KILLED IT. fuck yes!
then that wod destroyed me. my lord.
KILL IT lifters!! Awesome job Ariel!!
Happy with my DL for today but feel like i could have gone heavier. After TTD i've bumped up my lifting weights during group sessions but didn't want to get too greedy today, but still feel like i could have gone 5lbs heavier.
Actually enjoyed today's WOD….EXCEPT FOR THE DOUBLE-UNDERS, grrrrrr. I found them to be SUPER frustrating today, even as just attempts. Then Fox busted me for doing single-unders. I was so frustrated i was on the verge of tears in the middle of the WOD, but thankfully i held them in until i got home. Yep, i cried over double-unders!
Becca, I've been there. All I can say is that it gets better…SLOWLY. I'm never going to be super-coordinated a la Mike Mishik, but over the past 2.5 years I've gone from "double-unders make me cry and curse" to "I pretty regularly can do 5 in a row, and sometimes I get 10 to 15, but even when they're only coming in 2s and 3s they don't get me down." Like I said…SLOW progress. But progress nonetheless.
Deadlifts 150×5, 170×5, 195×10, need to work on where my shoulders are.
WOD was hideous. I scaled everything, even the pushups, and I wasn't expecting to have to do that. But it would have taken me all day otherwise. 12:31.
Deadlift – 255×5, 295×5, 337.5×10 – felt nice and easy. Had 2-3 more in the tank but decided not to push it.
WOD – this was *way* harder than it sounded on paper. The 60 thrusters caught up to me pretty quickly and the pull-up/push-up part was a lot slower than I thought it would be. Did the first round all unbroken, then thrusters unbroken and DU in 2 sets. Then 10-5-5 and 3 sets for the DU.
Ended up with 12:19 Rx'd.
2nd group class after foundations… the WOD was a bit intense. Thanks to my partner Josh for encouragement and thanks to whomever put away my dumbbells while I was dragging at the end of that run.
go d.o.. go
whoever programmed the for time portion is dead to me. dl's were cool, had a good time. ft? it broke me. i've been in bed all day cuddling gatorade. for reals i could not do du's or singles.. and had to run the rope. DEAD to me i say! but just for today.
serious bonkage kids. urp.
Good luck lifters!!!
LOVED today! Fo' serious.
DL 160#–felt good, ladies totally stroked my ego by saying I should go heavier next time. I have been neglectful about my Sundays this cycle, so I think this was a good place to play it safe.
WOD was bitchin…AWESOME. I'm jealous of all the DU hate/love talk. I can't even do them cause they FCUK up my bum knee. So I did 100singles. Poo. Thrusters were hard. Tried to break then up 10-5-5 the last 2 sets.
Left me zapped and smiling.
Aw, I'm cheesily honored/excited to be on the blog, thanks BlogGods! TTD was a really awesome day that I'm grateful to have been able to experience.
This WOD sounds kind of gross – I spent the day "sailing" (aka spectacularly seasick hanging off the back of a boat) with Lauren Bates, so all of you who accomplished any movement today are some real heroes.
And hope the meet went well.
Long, kind of lazy workout at open gym tonight.
Hit the set of 5 deadlifts at 225#, which felt strong. Opted to skip the wod for some clean and jerk practice. PR'd my (hang) clean and jerk at 133#. Went for it at 143#, but I chickened out of the catch at the last minute and caught it in a funny quarter squat instead. Didn't even try to put that overhead, but I will take the 20# hang power clean PR!
Then practiced the things I suck at most: double unders, pull up negatives, and handstand wall walk-ups. I really enjoy getting to play around with stuff at open gym, I wish I could make it in more often.
Quick OG session tonight.
Hit Deadlifts for:
135×5 185×5 205×5 235×5 265×12
Felt good on the rep-out, after I reset properly for rep 2 and I'm told maintained a good start to my pull for most of the set.
Hang Clean and Jerk (Kilos):
60×1 65×1 70×1 75×1 80×1
Clean and Jerk
85×1 90xf,f,f
Power Clean and 2 Jerks
Ran out of steam by 90 and couldn't get it overhead. Did some light work after to reinforce the drop under in the jerk.
Then some handstand practice, a couple solid balanced moments.
Oh and I can't wait to hear all about the meet.