Fitness: 3×5 Across
Performance: 5/3/1 5 week
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
or 70%x3x3
Consider doing paused squats to focus on positional strength.
Post loads to comments.
As Many Rounds As Possible In 4 Minutes Of:
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Burpees or 3 Muscle-Ups
Rest 2 Minutes
As Many Points As Possible In 4 Minutes Of:
Row for Calories
Post rounds completed, Rx and calories to comments.
- Happy Birthday, Brian S!
- Happy jumpingto everyone attending the Doubles Or Nothing clinic today!
Not For Time, A Primer
CFSBK programming often includes “Not For Time” (NFT) assistance work either on top of or instead of traditional CrossFit “For Time” conditioning. We usually use this method of training 1-3 times per week as a supplement to our primary lifts and conditioning tests. The value of this work can’t be overstated and in this article we’ll discuss the rational behind NFT work.
“Assistance Work”
Most NFT workouts generally fall under the title “assistance work” because their intention is to help develop the muscle groups and movement patterns used in our primary lifts and WODs. Sometimes a lagging muscle group might prevent you from properly executing an exercise, especially at load or intensity. For example, if your chest regularly drops when trying to squat heavy, you might benefit from some concentrated low back/hip extension work like good mornings, RDLS, perhaps even heavy kettlebell swings. NFT work is our opportunity to program in different exercises that may not lend themselves well to being timed or performed at maximal weight, but do help you get into better positions when you need it most.
Work on imbalances
NFT work also uses more unilateral (one side at a time) bilateral (alternating sides) and stabilization exercises to promote symmetry and balance. An imbalance in your pressing strength might not be apparent with a barbell, but it can become comically obvious when working with dumbbells. Perhaps your imbalance is actually neurological, you know how to “set your back” but proper abdominal bracing strategies still elude you. A healthy dose of hollow rocks, planks or a variety of other holds can help you identify how to engage and develop different parts of your body. Mobility work would also fall under this category, if you’ve ever done a workout that included holding a stretch or performing something like an “inchworm” you know we’re sneaking in some active flexibility training.
Same movements, different focus
Sometimes we even will take movements that you regularly see in WODs like push-ups, jumping rope and rowing and take the clock away. These are great opportunities to troubleshoot the movements themselves and aim for perfection with every rep without the stress of worrying about what your time or load will be. Instead, you can still get a significant stimulus by focusing on whatever you struggle with most about that movement. It could be coordination, range of motion or strength at a particular position in the lift. Whever your case may be, slow down and do it right so you can speed up and do it right later.
The take home message is that the better you can become at a wide variety of exercises and types of workouts, the more well rounded and successful of an athlete you can become. We hope this gives you some food for thought the next time a NFT workout comes up and what our thought process is behind it. As always, we’re always experimenting with new concepts and protocols to help you guys and gals achieve get better inside and outside the gym.
Mistakes and Forgiveness with Austin Malleolo
I can't make today's jump rope clinic if anyone wants my spot.
I want it!!!
Nancy! It's yours! Have fun.
Anyone know of any sites taking bets on the Games?
Squats partnered with Bjorn and Phil.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 280x5x3 (there was an abortive second set in there; on the first rep, I pitched forward and had to bail the bar off my back.)
Pardon my Serbo-Croatian but these squats are getting fucking heavy.
Accessory WOD with 24kg bell.
First section: 3 round + 5 burpees. I was very slow.
Rowing section: 57 calories. My legs were shot.
Vacation workout in Bath ME. Asta and I hit up the local YMCA since it was so close (15 minute walk from our B&B). Wish I brought my swim gear, they had a kick-ass olympic length pool with 8 lanes.
Was also free to first time visitors, and they had a squat rack! #sweet
Snatch from high hang (no blocks handy) 10 minutes to work up to a heavy triple (no misses), then repeat for three sets – rest as needed.
Clean & Jerk from high hang taking 10 minutes to work up to a heavy double (no misses), then repeat for three sets – rest as needed.
1) HBBS: 1X10@200, 1X8@215, 1X8@235, 1X8@250 – rest 3 minutes
Alternating between the following:
2a) Front Squat: 1X5@165, 1X5@180, 2X5@195 – rest 60 sec.
2b) 4X8x135 Close Grip Bench Press (hands 12″ apart) – rest 60 sec.
Then 3XME Strict Pullups – rest 60 sec.
15, 8, 6
Asta's WOD
Asta did back-squats 3x3x125 and then established a new 1 RM bench press: 80, 85(PR), 90(PR), 95(PR)! Yeah baby, 15 pound PR!!!
Then 3 rounds of:
12 reps of weighted sit-ups (10lbs)
12 reps lunges – alternating legs (10lbs)
Couldn't risk bailing since we were at the Y; just kept the weights light enough that I could lower them quietly.
Working out 12" away from the mirror was rather odd, but in this case noticed a slight imbalance in my front rack position and a slight biasing of my left side when bouncing out at the bottom of my squat. Something to work on.
Snatched and clean & jerked inside of a cage which was weird. Not feeling any shoulder impingement from jerking, which is awesome!
Commented to Asta yesterday that there were a single set of 45lbs bumper plates and some PVC parallettes — clear signs there's a Crossfitter working out there. Turns out one of the guys who works there is also following Outlaw and we geeked out a bit on that. He also saved my ass big time as I forgot my iPad there in the early morning daze.
The trend of good people and Crossfit continues!
Looking forward to being back in BK.
DB Bench
Good Morning
LBBS w/ bench infront. Was a little scary at first, but super helpful. Much thanks to josh/Noah/melo/McDowell keeping an eye on me. Focused on keeping knees out, flat back and not going too low–losing tension etc. To be a stickler about my form, backed off 5lbs. Weight felt pretty heavy anyway–with lots of things to focus on.
45×5, 75×5, 105×5, 135x3x5
WOD 1: 16kg KB –3rounds–a lot harder than I thought. I love burpees…said no one ever
WOD 2: I think 55cal? Didn't have much to give on these rows. Tried to just keep moving.
Couple days of make-up posts here.
Added 5lbs for the reset on my Wendler.
[45×5, 135×4,] 195×5, 225×5, 255×11
A. 2 rounds, 10 swings, 8 burpees @ 32kg Russian swings
B. 77 calories
Out at CFGC for some muscle-up practice and "Annie Are You Okay?"
21-15-9 reps of:
Calories rowed
Thruster (65)
Sumo deadlift high pull (65)
Medicine ball clean (20)
Wall ball (20 to 10ft)
Had the honor and pleasure of doing this one-on-one with Jennifer Hunter-Marshall, a five-time regional competitor in the NE and maybe the nicest person ever. So impressive how efficient, quick, and clean she was with all of her movements. Finished in 20:38, a good three minutes behind Jenn.
Alright I'm pulling for Austin now! I'm a sucker for a sordid past.
As some of you have already heard, we've decided to partner with Kettlebell Kitchen to have paleo meals delivered directly to the gym. More details should go up on the blog tomorrow or the next day, but for now I wanted to let anybody who has been picking up their orders at another gym know that they can now change their pickup location to us. Tonight at midnight is the deadline for our first pickup date on Wednesday!
ooh thanks jess! just placed my first order. awesome.