Three panoramic views of an empty CFSBK
(Thanks, Coach Melo!)
- Happy Birthday, Sarah H!
- Don’t forget that tomorrow we’re hosting the sold out “Doubles Or Nothing” clinics after evening classes.
- Got the competition bug? Represent CFSBK at the upcoming CF Subway Series events!
- Check out Jenna Jerman’s 15lb Squat PR at TTD
CFSBK Rowing Workshop
Coach Nick is teaching a two-hour rowing clinic on Saturday, 8/3, at 2:00. Do you want to improve your effectiveness on the erg? Do you dread rowing workouts? Or maybe you love them and want to row more on the side? The clinic will include the following:
- Review of the machine – footstretchers, drag factor, how to set up workouts, how to review scores after workouts
- Lecture with an in-depth breakdown of the rowing stroke (recovery, catch, drive)
- Learning the breakdown on the machine
- Drills to improve technique
- Workout
If you’re interested, please shoot Nick an email at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. There’s a cap on the number if participants, so sign up now! This workshop is $25.
Ice, Ice Baby
What is Missing?
HIGHLY RECOMMEND putting Jenna's squat on mute. You will spare yourself the sound of my voice screaming into the phone. That's a fun video to watch save for that awfulness.
Yessss. I love ice baths! And whole9.
That looks more that 15lbs
Awesome job, Jenna, and happy birthday, Sarah!
Totally off topic, but since you are the smartest, savviest group of Brooklyners I know: any recommendations on a car repair/auto body shop in the area? I'm driving to Ithaca in two weeks, know nothing about cars, and my wife seems to think ours is falling apart. I'd just like to get it generally checked out before I get stranded in Binghamton.
If it's easier/less annoying to the group, please email any suggestions to
Thanks, and Happy Friday!
I'm SO glad that you caught JJ's squat on video, Joel! This was a hard-won PR and I think the best fight of the day. Kudos, JJ.
Ice baths are everything. I think that they're actually making it sound a tad more miserable than it is – I've found that it doesn't take as long to warm up afterward (um, especially in this heat) – but the initial shock to the system actually feels like a physical punch to the gut. Regardless, totally worth it. I did them after my long runs during marathon training and I swear it made me feel much better than had I not taken them.
When I used to take ice baths during marathon training, I'd fill the tub full of cold water, get in, and THEN dump the ice in. So it wasn't such a shock. Wearing a hoodie didn't hurt either, of course this was in the dead of a Minnesota winter…
Awesome job, Jenna! Happy Birthday, Sarah!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Worked up to a very ugly, probably no-rep 68# on the hang power snatch/ohs/hang power snatch complex. But very pleased with the complex at 63#, my initial plan for the day-snatches felt fast and OHS felt steady. Then 63x3x5 on the press. Thanks, Nick, for pointing out that I was bending my knees a bit — might stay here next week so I can clean that up. Waiter walk with 30# DB.
Had my first major (probably a bit of hyperbole) callous tear this morning. Thanks to everyone for the tips on what to do. I'm all bandaged up and will pick up the callous razor thing and a pumice stone. I feel like an official CrossFitter now.
Do you guys just go and grab a bunch of bags and bring them home? I feel like an idiot asking that but haven't done it. But after playing a few days of sguash in a row, my hip flexors feel like banjo strings and everything is sore. I might need to try it.
helps to actually read the article LOL sorry guys
Joel, your awesome screaming enhances that video, if you ask me. Nice lift Jenna.
JENNA! The best! And don't watch it on mute, JW's yelling only makes it better.
Summer Friday today so I had the luxury of coming in at 8 instead of 7. Squats with Leslie and Natalie, 145x3x3. Should have done that on Wednesday and done Wendler today, but oh well.
WOD: 3 rounds w/20kg KB, then 57 of guess-I'm-not-supposed-to-say-what. I'm still shaking all over. Can't wait for this heat wave to be over!
I'm sad I can't make it to open gym this weekend (out of town). Rings Club, have fun. Ha, also, I love how there's like a parallel Big Dudes Rings Club; you guys have fun too ๐
Great lift Jenna! I loved the video of the whole event the other day.
Now for my embarrassing appeal…. CFSBK fellas, I need some help. I've been lifting in exile in my garage for the last couple months, and I just hit 315x5x3 on the LBBSQ, which I'm very happy about. Problem is, my legs only fit into one pair of pants now. I went clothes shopping the other day and could hardly pull anything past my knees.
Any brand recommendations that fit a fairly narrow waist, accommodate the hips and thighs, and aren't super wide at the ankle? Some friends recommended Bononbos but I've even outgrown those. Anyone have experience with makeyourownjeans?
Thanks, and I hope everyone's doing great. I've really liked the focus of lifting alone, but I miss everyone!
There's an OG rings club? Do I have to be a Big Dude to join? Is there a Small Dude clan?
7:30 Yesterday w/Jess – I discovered that my precious baby hands (slash calloused, strong man paws) like gripping the yellow bar better for the snatch. This allowed me to improve my form and jump up big time on weight. I imagine I shouldn't spend too much time on this bar and I'll try and handle my grip on the blue bar in case I ever take these infant hands (slash blistered, mighty bear claws) to competition ๐ Anyway, for the first time I felt in control and successful.
6am today – McDowell showed me the couch stretch which made my legs feel reborn. This stretch, which I'll aim to do daily, makes me even more determined to break #200 on my squats.
I'm away this weekend and bummed to be missing the torture of AR. Have fun ๐
Welcome to my life. I've actually been surprisingly happy with Banana Republic's straight leg jeans. Also, too, Levi's straight leg were ok.
Really upset I'll be away for the subway series; it sounds right up my alley!
Joel W., if only that mute feature were available in real life. (Love ya, just kidding… sort of)
Away from CFSBK this morning. Squats: 225x8x4. Then some double under practice: 3 ME rounds with 2min rest: 47, 50, 38. And then an hour long tennis lesson. Holy crap am I tired. I can hardly lift my arms and think I lost about 5# of sweat.
I thought K-Star was recommending against icing nowadays. Something about icing interfering with the body's inflammation response which is how the body heals itself.
A bunch of folks asked me what to do with the fennel in our CSA boxes. I like a good fennel-citrus salad, myself; I put my favorite recipes up at thedailypaleo dot tumblr dot com.
Make the fennel salad with pistachio dressing that Crystal brought to Murph! It's absurdly delicious!
Ok, so this is super exciting…
I believe I have mentioned a number of times that Point Break is basically the best movie ever. Easily Kathryn Bigelow's finest work before emo wimpy snoozefests like Hurt Locker and Zero Dark Thirty.
A few years ago, some certifiable genius' in LA (weird, I know) invented POINT BREAK LIVE, which is basically a live stage version of the classic cinematic masterpiece, with an audience member playing the role of Johnny Utah (since its a Keanu Reeves role, its mostly grunting anyway.)
Anyway, in August, both the Bell House AND LIttlefield are hosting the show. Bell House is 8/2, and Littlefield is 8/31. I think it would be fun to go with other funny ass people, and most of you are pretty funny (but hey, looks aren't everything.)
Bell House is doing group rates that come with some sort of Survival Kit, which I believe includes beers and meatball subs (in a nod to Gary Busey's favorite sandwich.) If you are as interested/intrigued as I am, give me a shout at the gym, or email me at noah(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com, and I will try and do a little organizing.;jsessionid=WuGlQ01gBfyL2soHdDi6rA**.node10?dispatch=loadSelectionData&eventId=3599954
Yeah, I'm famous! thanks for the shout outs, guys.
Joel, loud and proud.
I think ice baths are great, and I'm not ashamed to admit I also think the NormaTec recovery pump boots are a miracle product., as long as we're on the subject of weird recovery rituals.
Noah: IM IN
Peter: Kstarr was talking about icing acute injuries and how he thinks compression and using the marc pro were more effective in that.
Ice baths are a general recovery method. Ice bath's rule.
I saw Point Break Live here in NY about 7-8ish years ago and YOU MUST GO. Definitely buy the "mystery" paper bag for $1 that they'll have for sale before you go in to sit. Mwahh hahaa ๐
Noah: Im In, too.
Ive been soaking in epson salt. full tub or just a bowl… Seems to relieve inflammation pretty well.
I prefer warm water, but a friend likes cool.
Ha! Noah, put me down for +2
OMG NOAH!! I am so pissed I missed that last time around…Point Break is one of my most favorite movies EVERRRRR! I am so in for whatever this is…(truthfully, I just saw "point break live" and had to comment instantly, I didn't even finish reading whatever it was you posted)
okay…I relaxed my shit and actually read. and yes. I am definitely IN!
Jon and I would like to join you for this event.
As for meatball subs: get me two.
I continue to have a hard time with the overhead work – squats, snatch & press – so I decided on an off-topic post for today:
Our after-camp sitter abruptly left today – off to India to help out her sick grandfather.
I'm curious if anyone knows of a sitter or nanny who might be interested in part-time after-camp work. This is only four days a week, starting at two pm ending at six. And we only need two more weeks of pickups from July 22 to August 1s (Tuesday thru Friday). There is the possibility of some work in August, and then during the school year starting in September – but our immediate need is the next two weeks.
Thanks in advance, rgreenspan (at) me (dot) com
I would definitely go again, either show but the Bell House would be super rad. Put me down for two, Noah please! And I didn't realize they actually named the bags now! I guess 2008 *was* a long time ago. Anyway, yes, the survival kits. Must haves. I really had a great time and laughed my ass off. YAY
I went with the air conditioning at the globo. I still sweated out a gallon.
Squat: 375x1x4
The middle two sets were pretty fast. The outer two, not so much, but not a grind either. My knee hurts. The MOB's I'm trying aren't doing it. (4 different ones so far)
DL: 390×4
Dropped the 5th rep around the knees. Was losing my back which is officially toast right now.
Bench: 210×2
Worked up to this double. I should have done 12 of them. I cannot bench at Crunch. Pins are too low, no decent spotters, crappy bench, horrible bar. The list goes on. We may not have AC, but at least the barbells are good.
I will say that squatting over 2x body weight on a oly platform WITH safety pins made me feel safe.
Mixed bag tonight. I start 3 week peaking cycle for the NJ powerlifting meet Monday…
Point Break is a good movie. It's got surfing AND sky-diving.
Whenever Melon posts, it's always my favorite post.
ive never seen point break! want to!