Fitness: Hang Power Snatch + Overhead Squat + Hang Power Snatch
Performance: Hang Power Snatch + BTN Snatch Grip Push Press + Hang Squat Snatch
Attempt to go a little heavier than last week.
Fitness: 3×5 Across
This is probably getting tougher at this point. Consider smaller jumps (1-3lbs) and dynamic starts if you’re running into a wall.
Performance: Wendler 5 Week
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
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270m Waiters Walk
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Shaye L Gets into the Squat Zone
- The coat room was getting a little stinky so we took it upon ourselves to spray the inside of everyone’s shoes. If you’d like to take it upon yourself, use this spray bottle located at the front desk.
Gracie’s Testimonial
I just wanted to thank you for all that you, your staff, and the community have done for me in the last 6 months. In the last 4.5 yrs, I have been walking around in a daze, feeling incredibly lost and alone. Sports and athletics has always been a safe haven for me growing up, but with my mothers Multiple System Atrophy Parkinson’s diagnosis and my little brothers constant struggle with sobriety, I really took it out on myself and my body in the last 4 yrs.
Since I came to CFSBK, I have grown to love who I am again. I revel in the triumphs that I make every week and always feel the support of the entire community behind me when I’m struggling. It’s a feeling that cannot be duplicated anywhere else or accurately described.
On my birthday, my mother had a very bad fall and broke two ribs and got 7 staples in her head. On that same day, my brother pleaded guilty to felony charges of possession with intent to sell heroin. He is currently in rehab and has two years of random drug testing in front of him to pass or he goes to jail. I cannot express how incredibly overwhelming this has all been for me and the place that I always want to go to for peace and support is the box. Similarly, the people that I have chosen to reach out to for help have been those I have grown close with in the community. Both the box and the community have become my safe space to grow, work hard, and fight through some overwhelming emotional feelings of despair.
This morning, my mother had two bad falls again and cried in my arms. After I got her settled, I found myself in my car, crying and heading to the one place I needed to be. CFSBK. To nail some gnarly squats and crush a WOD. Duh.
I know this is all an incredible amount of personal and overwhelming information. But I felt it was necessary to include so that you could truly see how valuable CFSBK is to my life and, I am certain, to many others.
I am very proud to let you know that my little brother has started working out in rehab and is counting down the days to when he can sign up for foundations and get his healthy life going. I cannot wait to see him at CFSBK and I will be eternally grateful to you as he finally learns to fight for himself.
So, thank you. Thank you for providing the coaches, the space, and the community that gets me out of bed on dark days. You all do such incredible things and give us all the tools to do them as well.
CFSBK fo’life
Third CrossFit Games Announcement.. Clean and Jerk Ladder!
Stunning display of female athleticism and freerunning
The One Thing All Men Feel, But Never Admit
Hell that thing is kinda scary up there. Nevertheless. Swolemates fo'life. Two lift Thursdays. Saweeeeet.
Gracie, thanks for pouring your heart out. I love that our box can be a place to focus on something else other than the things in your life that are stressing you out, and also a source of warmth and moral support to get you through those times.
(Not to mention a source of good practical advice, too — THANK YOU to those of you who pointed me to the rat portal, which saved us from a potential problem with an apartment we liked! We found another one and are starting the application process…cross fingers, legs, eyes, and toes please!)
Snatch maxed out at a VERY UGLY 83. I will try that weight again next week or pull back to 78 to drill form. DO's cues really helped today, though — up until I got to 83, this was feeling much smoother and more organized than last week.
Press 54×5, 53×5, 71×8. Would have liked 10, but I think it's a respectable rep-out given all the overhead work we'd just done (and I think some leftover Titsday fatigue as well).
Class ran over so no waiter's walk for me.
6am with David and Jess
Finally made it to a Thursday. I think the last time I snatched was in November? 53# was feeling quick and stable, 58# got up but there was no stability at the top and I dropped it quickly. I really want to make it to more Thursdays.
Press just felt heavy but I think it moved well. First time back to these since last cycle and I forgot the whole set up process. Had to straighten wrists, get elbows in front, forearms parallel. 53x3x5.
30# waiter carry. This is the real reason I want to come to Thursdays. FUN STUFF!
6am with D.O. and Jess. Worked up to 135 on the snatch complex. Made the hang squat snatch at that weight once and then failed on it several times. Shoulders are sore and stiff from yesterday's jerks. Press: 120×5, 140×5, 160×7. Wasn't pushing my head through on the sets at 120 and 140, but did better on the set at 160. Waiter's walk with a 50# DB. Before I started, Kevin declared that we were doing 400m instead of 270m. Oomph. Cooled down (if you can call it that) with a 1000m row and 800m jog.
@Peter I find your cool downs intriguing. I wish you went to the pm classes.
This morning for the 7am…
Happy to hear you're feeling the love Gracie. We are all fighting our own fights but when we are in the box we fight them together.
My shoulders were smoked more than the meat from dinosaure BBQ this morning and my hands are hamburger. Went down in weight on the snatch :-/ and my press was horrible as I went from 95 to 90 after the first set only to struggle the last two sets.
Should have went a little heavier on the waiter walk.
When will you be getting more men's black CFSBK T's as a friend shipping out wants one.
Thanks Gracie (and Stella) for eloquently putting into words all that is awesome about our community. CFSBK has definitely saved my life. Maybe some day I'll be brave enough to write it down! But for now, I really appreciate everyone at the box and am thankful that I have this amazing place to go and thankful for all the lovely friends I've made (and will continue to make). You all make it worth it.
And @Keith "We are all fighting our own fights but when we are in the box we fight them together." Brilliant.
Snatch @58# felt okaaay. not great. eh. one day it'll stick, right?
Press 3×5 @55# dropped down a bit, but didn't do the dynamic start. also, even though I *have* been coming on Thursdays, apparently I still can't organize the setup. derp.
Waiter walk with 20# dumbbell. (Missed the scoldings from DO, should probably have gone heavier…)
Then negatives and some handstand practice! LOVE HANDSTANDS!
<3 my Swolemate Gracie.
This forum is making me look like an emotional wreck at work, I've been crying so much. Gracie, I'm so glad that this space give you strength to deal with all that is going on in your life. You have been a wonderful person to have at the gym. Thanks for sharing and hang in there!
Gracie, what a beautiful and brave write-up.
Gracie we have never met but I am so happy CFSBK is able to be so much for you. All the best to you and your mom and your brother.
First time in the gym in a week, first Thursday in the gym in a month, so my second snatch exposure. (Or as I said today, "This is only my second time here," which is kinda…no.) Worked the fitness complex to 73 with the lovely Rob. Limiting factor definitely the OHS. Need to spend more time with that movement, it is my major, major goat.
Then, press at 80x5x3. Except then David watched my last set and evidently a month of pressing on my own in my basement has led to some shitball form. So I did a 4th set where I actually went, you know, overhead.
Then waiter's walk with a 16kg bell. Think that was the right weight for me and my sad shoulders.
Gracie, I just wanted to say thanks for being bold enough to put words around what I imagine is a fairly common sentiment. Sounds like you're a master at summoning strength when the obstacles seem huge (in other words, CrossFit was made for people like you!).
Sheiko Week 3 day 2
Halting DL
Bench (all paused)
Rack Pulls
DB Lunge
Gracie – That's a lot on your shoulders. So great that you are finding the support you need at CFSBK. Thank you for sharing your experience, and I hope things improve for you and your family.
Noon class. First 2 lift Thursday in recent memory. It did not disappoint.
Happy to have hit 73# on the snatch complex (fitness), without much difficulty, altho I'm landing with my feet a bit wide (great tip from Jess helped reel this in) and my hands are pretty beaten up.
I haven't been following the press this cycle – ended up with 8 on my rep-out at 58#, which isn't showing any improvement from May. I'm chalking this and most of my limitations up to the heat. It's really been getting to me the last week or so – light headed, shaky and feeling straight up wiped after every workout.
Last but not least, 40# DB on waiters walk.
I'm in paragon and its still so surreal to me that you can buy weightlifting shoes (Adidas) in a retail store. Non coincidentally, they're next to the reebok CrossFit nanos <3
Lauren! Talk to me about the cue Jess gave you about your feet. Because although today did feel way better for me than last week, I did notice I had starfish feet a few times.
I can't say enough good things about my half-hour session with David this morning! I've been struggling with tendonitis in my left knee since February, and I got my first bit of relief today with just six minutes on the lax ball (among other things). My physical therapist had me doing these useless, boring exercises; I should have known CFSBK would have better ideas! If anyone, especially runners, are struggling with injuries or mobility issues, I highly recommend doing some work with David. He will tie you up in weird rubber bands and make you wimper like a baby, but it's worth it! Thanks again for the help!
Gracie, you've got such a strong, beautiful heart. So much love to you <3 And your RIDICULOUSLY adorable pup!
Rocked my swole patrol tank on the beach today! Thank you for all the supportive shout outs texts, emails, etc. Incredibly grateful!
@shaye my swolemate <3 TBS!
Thanks, Lily!!
Last heavy Clean and Jerk day, figuring out my openers
(all in kilos)
8 am with Fox. I've been coming more regularly to the 8am class, and I definitely enjoy getting the workouts in earlier with this heat!
Snatch at 37 – same as last week. I tried going up, but I couldn't organize it right. I think I'm going to need Fox a bit more next week to see what's up with the movement.
Press 3×5 at 48. Some good pointers on how to clean it up.
Despite DO's suggestion of 30# on the waiters walk, I wimped out at 20#.
Joined my first pull-up session today with Lindsay and Charlie – I am excited to get started; hoping for a chin-up by end of summer. Thank you ladies for the encouragement!
5:30pm with Fox
Squat-snatch complex (performance): worked up to complete 4 complexes @ #105, + 2 attempts. Didn't have much juice, this was 10lbs less than last week's work, but felt like plenty. Got some good cues from Fox, as always, which helped.
Pressing wasn't happening at all as expected: set out to repeat last week's work – 105 x 5 x 3 – but instead ended up doing:
105 x 3
95 x 4, F
95 x 4, F
Basically, I was at least 10lbs off my numbers from last week for both lifts. I noticed I've lost weight, so I'm going to try to eat more.
Waiter's carry with #45. Hard but not crushingly so. Had to switch hands three times.
Extra cash-out — 5 rounds of:
30 DUs, pausing for 30 breaths between rounds
1st and 4th rounds unbroken.
Saw a new fridge in the gym. By any chance, are we getting Kettlebell Kitchen delivery? That would be awesome.
530 AM with Da Fox.
After many months of no overhead work, I finally tried out some today.
Snatches: Did a few of the fitness complexes at 75, 85 and one at 95.
Press: 75×5, 85×5, 95x5x3 (slight, painful twinges in the left shoulder in the second and third set but nothing too bad). I'll continue doing the rehab pressing I've been doing and add in some DB work as well.
Yes to KB Kitchen
I don't post on here much… but that KB kitchen post brings me to the front lines. I'd been working on the logistics of picking up from Crow Hill Crossfit, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I second that this will be awesome.
+1 for the gracie support/respect
+1 for the kettlebell kitchen orders