Fitness: 3×5 across
Should be a little bit of a fight but plan to hit all 15 reps today. Time your total bench pressing time so that you get your longest rest before your last set. Don’t doddle through the warm-ups.
Performance: 5/3/1 “5 week“
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Add 5 lbs to your Training Max from the last rotation.
Post loads to comments.
15 Minutes, NFRs of:
Run 270m
Accumulate :20 second Supine Plank on Paralettes
5-10 Strict Knees 2 Elbows or Strict Toes to Bars
Post experience to comments.
The 4th Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet
We witnessed some epic successes and heartfelt losses on the platform yesterday as these ladies put their strength to the test. Each athlete had three attempts to establish 1 Rep Maxes in the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. Congratulations to everyone who PR’d and/or placed in the event.
- Click here to see the results
- To see Asta’s photos from the event, visit our Flickr Page
Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and talents to make the event a huge success. We’d also like to thank all the spectators who cheered on the lifters and especially recognize CFSBK’s favorite Powerlifting farmer, Coach Margie for creating and executing this event.
If you haven’t already, post your experience to comments.
2013 CF Subway Series Announced!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the 2013 Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate — the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year!
Event Schedule
Saturday, August 3th, 12pm: CrossFit Queens
Saturday, August 10th, 12pm: CrossFit Virtuosity
Saturday, August 17th, 12pm: CrossFit South Brooklyn
Saturday, August 24th, 12pm: CrossFit Long Island City
Scoring will work “Open-style”: top 3 male and top 3 female athletes from each affiliate will score based on their place finish in each event. Athletes may score in any event regardless of attendance at other events.
The ultimate series winner will be the affiliate with the least points after all 4 events have been completed. In the event of a tie, a 5th tie-breaking event will be held.
Although only athletes competing RX’d will qualify for affiliate scoring, all athletes are encouraged to participate or watch and cheer. There will be scaling options available at each event.
All athletes MUST register for each individual event in advance via EventBrite in order to participate. Each event will be capped at 100 total participants, so we strongly advise you to register early!
Register Here!
Defining Beauty CrossFit Invictus
Some… interesting fare, much of it Paleo
So proud of all the women yesterday. It was a hot, sweaty day, but our girls really brought their best. Spotting definitely gave me a serious air squat workout. Hah.
Looking forward to the next!
ALSO- subway series is a lot of fun. If you think you want to do it, register now. Someone will take your spot, no problem, if something comes up.
Congrats Ladies! It broke my heart not to be there yesterday, as TTD is one of the cornerstones of my experience at CFSBK and the absolute most fun. I was explaining the event to my colleagues here in Madrid and showing off the photos and they were all blown away by your total awesomeness (which made me especially proud since I work for a feminist human rights organization full of tough ladies). Looking forward to getting home, getting back to the gym and back to lifting.
Tits recap:
BSQ: 165/175(PR)/185(PR)
Bench: 80/90(F)/90(F) (previous PR 85)
DL: 190/205(F)/205(F) (previous PR 200)
Overall I am happy with my performance, even though I failed my PR attempts on both bench and DL, because I did not go conservative with any of my lifts and fought HARD for every single one. Although I did PR my squat by 15# since the total last month, (which I was especially pleased with, because for a couple seconds I didn't think it was going up) so I guess Wendler paid off… I am creepin' on that 200# squat slowly but surely! Just gotta get my DL to keep up. So I guess I have some deficit pulls in my very near future. 205 has eluded me for months.
Another AWESOME ladies meet; super impressive feats of strength from all the women who participated. And I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but after I lifted all the weights, I went home and painted my nails hot pink, while ALSO thinking about the destruction of the patriarchy. So all in all, a really successful day as a woman…. (Fuck haters!)
Big thanks to all the coaches, spotters, judges, and scorekeeper, and shout out to Joel W for being my personal coach and videographer all day. Favorite celebration of the day was definitely Nancy's.
Inspiring to see the awesome lifting, and general awesomeness, yesterday at the Tough Titsday powerlifting meet.
7am with Nick and McDowell.
Benched 100# 3×5 today, +5 from last week.
Had a nice vacation last week, but it's good to be back in the box!
Hey, did anyone accidentally grab a pair of Nike sunglasses from the gym yesterday? MIne seem to have wandered away. Someone left behind another pair of shades that looked similar, so maybe you just grabbed the wrong pair? If you've got em, please drop at the front desk. Thanks!
TITSDAY! As always, a super-positive experience to see so many strong women surprising themselves with how much they can do. (AHEM…Becca W, I'm looking at you, beast!)
I'm kind of shocked at the numbers I was able to put up despite being DQed or outright failing on five (!) of my nine attempts:
Squat 190F (depth…dammit!)/190/205
Bench 120/130F/130F (rack…DAMMIT!)
Deadlift 240/250F/250F (both legit fails)
I didn't PR anything unless you count paused bench press separately from unpaused bench, but frankly I'm just proud of myself for finishing the meet, because the heat was REALLY getting to me, especially by the time deadlifts rolled around.
You ladies rule. I'm proud to lift with all of you.
Noah somehow they ended up in my backpack. I was very confused when I out them on this morning. They'll be at the gym shortly.
A great day as always yesterday!! Thanks to all the judges, spotters and Ryan for making it run smooth as silk. And to the lifters for working hard. And to the spectators for awesome support. And to the gym for hosting.
Until the next one!
Yesterday rocked. Can't think of a better way to spend my birthday but in the presence of inspiring kick ass ladies.
8am with McDowell
bench press: 3 x 5 @ #165 Felt heavy but bar speed was good throughout
WOD: did 20 sec planks and 7 strict toes to bar / round: did 5 rounds + 1 270 m run
cashed out with 5 rounds of 30 double unders with a 40 second rest between rounds. Last three sets unbroken.
Another great Tits Day!
135/155/165 (PR)-I feel I have more room and finally have my squat confidence back
90/100(PR0/105(PR)- So happy to break into the 100's
200/210(PR)/220(PR)- Also could have put a little more on the bar, I'm coming for you 250!
Thanks to all the spotters, coaches, Ryan for AV, spectators, and Margie for an amazing meet!
Congratulations to all the competitors yesterday and huge thanks to Margie, the judges, spotters, Ryan and spectators for executing a world-class event once again.
There is some mind-boggling strength and resolve in the CFSBK community, and I am proud to have been a part of it.
Like last time, the meet left me fired up. Arguably, my performance on back squat was an emotional disaster (permit me some melodrama). Ending up with the same result as the January meet was pretty tough, especially as a result of improper execution on the 3rd attempt and after I thought I had it. Ooof.
But, I got through it and gained 25# on my bench press and somehow pulled a barbell off the ground that wouldn't budge in the prior attempt.
Nothing like a strong cocktail of victory and defeat to whet the appetite.
And, I moved a shit-ton of weight, gave it all I could, had a lot of fun, witnessed shear awesomeness on the part of my fellow lifters, and experienced the energy and support only found at the best gym in the world.
Tough Titsday has been a test of will as much as a test of strength. Thank you David for keeping me focused and determined!
Also – That food video just made me nauseous.
Just now before I ate my lunch, I got worried I didn't have enough lunch so I got a second lunch and ate that first and then ate my original lunch. Everything turned out ok.
Yes, I wanted to lead with that. Tough Titsday yesterday was awesome! I came away with a PR on my bench which I hadn't tested before. I tired going for too much on the squat (lesson learned) and held on for too long on the deadlift (wasn't happening).
Thanks Margie & spotters & judges & everyone who came to sweat and watch and sweat.
Nice job yesterday, ladies! Sorry I couldn't stick around for the DL, but Dan says he got some good video of everyone making moves.
If, for some reason, I did not post ANY photos of you during your squat or bench, please let me know as it was an oversight (I tried to get photos of everyone up for each movement). I rushed to get them live and didn't even bother editing them so there's a chance I could have missed a person somewhere in there.
Yesterday was an amazing experience both personally and as part of this awesome community. I was having a horrible morning by the time I got to the gym, horrible to the point that I was thinking about dropping out all together. I'm so happy I didn't it. It was hot and humid, but there was definitely an electricity in the air that was empowering.
My squats didn't go as well as I had hoped, bench press was great and DL I would have had a PR but moved my foot right at the end of the pull and got DQ'ed.
Squat: 150/160F/160
BP: 70/75/80(PR)
DL: 155/170/185F
I'm still going to count the DL as a PR in my notebook. That 185# has been elusive in my past two attempts at pulling it and despite the DQ I am really excited that I fought for it.
Overall, it's been a long time since I've felt so supported by and truly part of an amazing community. I had a great time watching some amazing feats of strength, poise and sportsmanship. Congrats to my fellow lifters and a special thanks to Margie and everyone else who made the day possible. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Awesome numbers from yesterday!
Bench this morning – 165×5, 190×5, 215×10 – still moving nicely. Might have had another rep in me but didn't push it
Ended up with 4 rounds +270m on the NFR piece. Took it relatively easy.
Congrats to all the awesome ladies of Titsday! You gals are the bees knees! Asta the pics are great, and I gotta give a special shout out to Shaye's hair. That shit is FIERCE!
Such a fun and inspiring day at the gym yesterday. Thanks everyone 😀
Congrats strong ladies! There was amazing energy in the gym yesterday. Nerves were running high at the beginning which made me thankful to be a spectator, but it was obvious that everyone involved was having a great time. You were all exemplary competitors and I can't wait for the next TTD. Great event Margie et al.
* Todd and I have eaten a lot of the "stuff" in the food video. It's usually the best, most memorable part of our travels. IMO
Yesterday was amazing!! I walked into TTD thinking "i'm just gonna do what i've learned and do the best i can" no other expectations…well, to say i surprised myself would be an understatement!! There are no words that come close enough to express how thankful i am for the support of everyone yesterday (a highlight was when DO looked at me and said how proud he was)! I am so amazed by each one of the ladies who participated, your PRs and accomplishments are mind-boggling! It was an honor to lift with each of you!
Big thank you to Margie, spotters, and judges! Really are some Tough Tits at CFSBK!!
Sq: 170/180/200
BP: 110/115/135
DL: 185/200/235
What an awesome day it was and so pleased to have been apart of it! a big huge thanks to Margie for a well organized event and big thank you to the spotters and coaches and Ryan because it was not easy in that heat! I was amazed with my numbers
Squat 130 F because I didn't go full depth but in my book I nailed it!
Deadlift 150
Bench 75 failed my second attempt but got my 3rd I was so excited I jumped up!!
Thks JJ for the compliment !!
I have to say all the ladies did amazing I look up to each one of you and love so much being apart of this community we might not all sit down and chat or i might not recognize some faces because they take morning sessions but yesterday i screamed and clapped like they were my family members great job!! I have been here for only 6 months and I am so proud to say I started with the 15 lb bar not being able to even squat properly to now be able to squat 130!! I have to say I smiled all the way home!! Thank you crossfitsouthbrooklyn !
Also thanks Julie I would have never signed up if you hadn't told me to!
NANCY! This Juliebird thinks you're the best! Now you have to listen to me all the time #doomed
A fantastic day! If only I could have kept my shit together to stop red carding myself for foot shuffling and such. At least I got the weights, except the last bench, and a PR for my Deadlift. Honestly, I totally misunderstood something Jeremy said to me which was the best thing or I would not have gotten that lift. I am still exhausted mentally and physically.
To Margie and ALL the strong ladies and gents, participating in whatever aspect, thank you for everything. SBK is truly the best community to be involved with and can't wait for the next one.
PS: MGMT my little lunch tote is in the drawer with the fish oil containers, I will grab tomorrow.
Benching partnered with Shawn:
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×1
Work: 175x5x2, 175x7x1
Accessory Work: was on the 4th round when time ran out.
Little bit o bench
275 3×5- I thought this would feel super light, it kind of didnt during reps 4and5….
Some light front squats after in lieu of running
Snatch Balance
Worked up to 165×1 before I had to start the 4:30pm class
Bench Press
Did some back flips and back handsprings before calling it a day. It's been a while since I've attempted either and it showed. Couldlnt stick the landing on the back flip and was really inconsistent on the spring. oh well.
now for my favorite part of the day… AR time!
Another really inspiring day of lifting yesterday. Glad to have done my little part to make the day run more efficiently. Really excited to see Shaye and Courtney add 75+ pounds to their totals in so little time, not to mention the many women who pushed themselves well beyond what they thought they were capable of. Thanks to the gym for hosting, Margie for organizing, and all the spotters and judges.
Out at CFGC today, who had Fran on. 6:00 even, 2:12 faster than my time in December. Rounds went 15/6, 8/7/6; 9/6, 6/4/5; 9, 9.
6:30 with Melissa and Noah
Warm up
Rev lunge w 25# it's starting to feel light. 35# from now on.
Hollow holds 20 sec
Pull ups x5 with hold are going unbroken and feeling good. Thanks David.
Bench 75x3x5. Felt good.
Wod. 6 rounds of running. 5 rds hold/10 t2b
I'm MAD I missed backflips!!!!!!
David and/or MGMT…
when signing up for subway series, it asks if you are going to be in the Rx or Scaled division… how do we know this if we don't know what the workout is?
signing up regardless for the first event which is the only one I can attend! pumped!
Belated T-Day post!
Another amazing Titsday with a kickass group of strong women. Thanks to DO, spotter extraordinaires, judges, Ryan and his spreadsheet wizardry, and fearless leader Margie for making it all happen, especially from afar. Margie, you've got the toughest tits of all.
I was happy with my total even though my goal on DL continues to elude me.
S: 145/155 (PR)/165 (F)
B: 85/95 (PR)/100 (F)
DL: 180/190 (F)/190 (F)
It felt pretty awesome that my starting weights for squat and bench were my PRs from the last Titsday. Even though I failed a few, I feel like I learned a ton on Sunday: to not give up on myself so easily (my squat), to pull the bar in closer and, um, not almost fall over backward (my deadlift), and to not beat myself up if sometimes, a lift just isn't happening (my bench).
Favorite moments of the day were Nancy's celebration, JJ's epic battle with her squat (and her conquering it!!), and Cher's luxurious and luscious locks.