Fitness: 1×5 across
Get stoked to lift some heavy weight.
Performance: 5/3/1 “1 week“
75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Run 550 meters
40 Kettlebell Swings, 32kg/24kg
Run 550 meters
For Time:
Row 550 meters
40 Wall Ball Shots, 20lb/14lb, 10’/9′
Row 550 meters
Athletes will have 10 minutes to perform each workout. Your rest will be however much time is left in the 10 minute window plus transition.
Post each time and Rx to comments.
Katie M in a solid receiving position on the Snatch
- Happy Birthday, Gracie L!
- Best of luck to Michael Olzinski who will be racing for the first time as an elite triathlete in today’s NYC Triathalon. This will be Mikes 9th triathlon with a goal to finish in 2:05. Kickass!
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet Today
The big day is finally upon us! 28 of CFSBK’s finest female lifters take to the platforms today to attempt 1RM’s in the Back Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift. The event will start at 2:30pm and spectators are highly encouraged. First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts. If you’ve never seen a powerlifting meet, today is your lucky day. PL meets are true tests of strength, guts and iron will. We wish all the competitors the best of luck!
Jen Stopka’s Raffle to Help End Cancer
Up for grabs:
A Mandate and An Opportunity
Part two in the CrossFit Journal series on Title IX and its implications for female athletes as well as CrossFit’s approach in our own sport.
BEAST out ladies! Wish I could be there to cheer you all on, but hope to join in the post-lifting festivities!!
BEAST out ladies! Wish I could be there to cheer you all on, but hope to join in the post-lifting festivities!!
By Gracie L, hopefully you mean me 🙂
Double WOD on my birthday? Hells yeah!
Kick ass today, ladies! I'm coming to cheer you on!
Hey! Strong ladies. If you listen carefully, you'll hear me hollerin' for you from way down south. Good luck today, I'll be wearing my "mascot" t-shirt.
Go git 'em today ladies!
Good luck to all the ladies at today's meet!
Logistic question: Is open gym still happening? Hoping to snatch, clean & jerk, and then do Fran. #fun
Good luck to all the ladies today!
Super hot and muggy 11am class.
Deadlift 300×5, 335×3, 367.5×6. Was hoping to hit 6 and was pretty hapy to do so
WOD – 5:39 on the run (32kg Russian swings)
7:04 on the row.
The row was brutal after everything else and with the heat and humidity. Runs were pretty nice comparatively since there was a little breeze outside.
225×5, 255×3, 275×6
Run-KB with 24kg-Run in 7:07
Row-WB RxD – Row in 8:07
The runs felt the best. The wallballs sucked wallball.
Apparently I was a bit brain dead after the WOD today and I wrote my total time including the rest on the board.
I talked myself into using the 20kg kettle bell, which felt good.
The 14lb wall ball however may not have been a good choice, but I got through it. I did the running part in over 7 mins and the second part in 9.12. Thanks Melo for getting me through the last part of the row. That was pretty brutal.
Wish I could be there for Tough Titsday. Good luck to all and have fun!
I had a blast at Tough Titsday today!! It was awesome to see so many strong ladies kick some major butt out there. Totally inspiring. Also wanted to shout out Whitney for an awesome yoga class yesterday. She rocks! It felt great post WOD and looking forward to more!
Great crossfit weekend included: 1. getting close to my top numbers from last cycle on the squat and deadlift (150 yesterday and 180 today). 2. Whitney's yoga class was great especially with the concentration on posterior stuff considering today's DL. Hopefully I'll remember most of it for next Saturday. Maybe a regular crossfit event/class??
3. Congrats to all the Titsday competitors! My two daughters wanted to come and watch (I talked it up a ton) but we had other plans today…next time. But congrats to everyone.
4. WOD1 – I did the KB at 20kg unbroken which was my goal going in. and I hit 7:19 on the run; but the wall balls did me in and with a 16 ball I could only manage 5, 4, or 3 in a row after the first 20. Finished that WOD in 8:46. But as I said, enjoyed the work all around this weekend.
Today's WOD was tough. I guess the last time I swung a 2 pood bell I weighed like 15-20 pounds heavier… I almost fell asleep on the stretching mat afterwards. Way too tired/sun exhausted to make it to open gym.
Congrats to all the lifters. I caught the beginning of the meet and it looked awesome.
Down with Crossfit South Brooklyn Patriarchy! Boo!
Good energy in the gym after TTD! I started warming up a bit early I think because Im the most impatient person on the planet. Apologies…
Snatch: Heavy Single
266F, 266F, 266!! (PR)
Clean and Jerk: Heavy Single
308F, 308
319F (I made the lift but It was a slight press out and I think in a competition I would have been redlighted…But ill take the PR clean.)
Todd and I did a max effort strict pull up OG cashout…16
Amazing performances all around at TTD today. CFSBK women are fucking awesome.
OG on the platforms, was hoping some of the PR dust that got sprinkled everywhere today would help me snatch. Alas it was not to be, good session anyway.
531 Deadlifts
135×5 185×5 235×5 265×3 295xF
Oops, I forgot to switch to mixed grip for my heavy set and i barely got it halfway up before I had to let go. At that point I should have called it but I gave it one more attempt and let it get out in front early. Resetting to the same work weight again for the next cycle.
95×1 105×1 115×1 125×1 135xf,1 145×1 155xf,f,1 160xf,f,f
Might have had 160 if I was a little fresher, lost the second one behind after one of my better pulls. Had some revelations on the set up and first and second pulls. Can't wait for next week!
Got 14 on my max rep strict chin cash-out.
ttd was amazing! i wish i could have stayed for the whole thing! and i cant WAIT to participate next time. great job, ladies. my hat is off to you all.