Fitness: 3×5 Across
Performance: 5/3/1 1 week
75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
or 70%x3x3 if you’ve already hit your one week.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
12 Dumbbell Burpee Squat Cleans
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Don’t forget about Whitney Hubbard’s Yoga workshop today and the Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet happening tomorrow!
New Membership Billing Software

We wanted to let you all know that we have recently adopted a new billing and membership tracking software called Zen Planner. Our old system (Volusion) was designed more as an online store rather than gym membership software. While you won’t see any significant changes from your end, please know that this system will make our behind-the-scenes work just that much better! One thing you will notice is the soon arrival of a scanner and membership cards! Say goodbye to signing in on that old-school sign in sheet!
Unfortunately, we don’t have the ability to automatically transfer your memberships over to Zen Planner so we’ll need your help. Here’s what this means. When your current recurring membership is set to renew we’ll email you to let you know how to sign up on the new system and that your Volusion account has been deactivated. In order to keep you membership active, you’ll need you to register and purchase your ‘new’ membership through Zen Planner. Zen Planner will then pro-rate you for the rest of the month and the bill on the first of every month moving forward.
If you’re not on a recurring membership, meaning you purchase drop ins, punch cards, personal training or any other one time membership option please use the link below to make your purchases.
Also, we do offer a discounted membership to the groups listed below. If you fit that profile then please let me know and I’ll send you the appropriate discount code.
NYPD, FDNY, EMS, Armed Forces, Full-time Teacher, Full-time student, Brooklyn Tri Club
Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or any problems signing up for your membership.
Thanks, Jess
Zach Hodge’s Discounted Spartan Race
I joined the Spartan street team, we’re promoting the races to get as many people to sign up as we can. This link will provide a code that gives a 15% discount @ checkout, valid for any race. The purpose of Spartan Races is to get people active, healthy, & excited about fitness. They provide a greater challenge and more dynamic experience than traditional linear races. Come alone, with family, friends, coworkers & put your strength, endurance, speed, & sense of adventure to the test…. Aroooo!
Check out the upcoming Spartan Race a bunch of CFSBKers have alreadys signed up for.
CrossFit Saved My Life CrossFit NYC
The Fate of Marcus Hendren CrossFit Games
Holy moly
If anyone's looking for a new place, I've got one bedroom opening up on Aug.1 in my 3-bedroom apartment at Pacific and Washington in Prospect Heights.
The room is huge — seriously, it's really, really big. Apartment has a BACKYARD, barbecue, lots of couches, bike storage, all that good stuff. Rent is $833 a month.
if you're interested, send me an email: mathew.a.katz at gmail dot com
Shieko Week 2 day 3
Squat (no belt)
Bench (first rep paused)
DB Press
Good Morning
Squatting partnered with Paul R.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 275x3x5 (this is a new PR for reps – gotta keep my shoulder and upper back tight on the way back up).
Accessory WOD @30lb DBS. This murdered my legs. I forgot to note the time. I'm afraid my form wasn't too good on these.
Squats: 3×5 @ 205
WOD in 16:24 with 45 lb dumbbells. Had to do the last round of cleans in four groups. My eyes were definitely bigger than my muscles on this one.
Keep those feet on the ground, me!
Came in for OG yesterday to work up to a heavy single Hang Squat Clean and Jerk:
115×1 125×1 135×1 145×1 155×1 165×1 175×1 185×1 195×1 205xf,f
205 is a hang clean PR, so thats cool. I'm going to get 200+ overhead one of these days, I swear.
Really needed today's AR after climbing and cleaning yesterday.
Squats: fitness @ 245.
Metcon: 14 something @ 40lb dumbbells. That was a fun workout.
Handstands: did one for a self-timed minute and change before class. They're feeling really good.
AR with El Capitan today, so bueno.
Lifted yesterday for the 1st time since wrenching my back out last Saturday. Did previous week's squat recovery numbers plus a redo of the volume bench and a few light deadlifts
Squat 245x3x3
Bench 210x5x4
Dead 135×5, 185×5, 225×5, 275×5, 315×2
Big thanks to Alec H for the body (and mind) work on Wednesday. You probably won't hear me hissing through my teeth anytime soon but I'm following his direction and putting my efforts toward still competing in August.
I was in rough shape after the WOD today, but yoga with Whitney made me feel so much better!
Just heard about you situation last night Fox– great to see you lifting already. BTW, I'm doing the meet after all– glad to hear you are still in.
Whitney's yoga class was awesome!!! This was my first yoga class and I enjoyed it.Thanks Whitney you were great!!