Group Class take on Sunday’s “50’s” Chipper
CFSBK Rowing Workshop
Coach Nick is teaching a two-hour rowing clinic on Saturday, 8/3, at 2:00. Do you want to improve your effectiveness on the erg? Do you dread rowing workouts? Or maybe you love them and want to row more on the side? The clinic will include the following:
- Review of the machine – footstretchers, drag factor, how to set up workouts, how to review scores after workouts
- Lecture with an in-depth breakdown of the rowing stroke (recovery, catch, drive)
- Learning the breakdown on the machine
- Drills to improve technique
- Workout
If you’re interested, please shoot Nick an email at nick [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn [dot] com. There’s a cap on the number if participants, so sign up now! This workshop is $25.
Yoga Workshop Tomorrow
Date: 2:15-3:45pm
Price: $15
Do you think you’re “not flexible enough” to do yoga? Have you been kinda-sorta-interested in checking it out before, but you wouldn’t go to a studio with a bunch of pretzel-bendy people or a teacher who is telling you to feel the aura of the person’s heart chakra next to you? Do you ever have mobility issues that restrict your movements in Crossfit? Are you interested in the complementary aspects of Crossfit and yoga?
This class will be an introduction to the foundations of a yoga practice, taught with the Crossfit athlete in mind. We’ll explore simple breathing exercises (pranayama), break down key poses (asanas), learn a bit about yoga philosophy, and leave time for some long stretches and deep rest. Your body and mind will thank you for this extra bit of recovery, and you’ll walk away with useful experience to incorporate into your own AR, other yoga classes, and your regular training.
Email whitneymhubbard(AT) with any questions or concerns! And here’s a link to my website if you want to find out more about my yoga background/certification or where else I’m teaching:
Impala eludes two hungry cheetahs by jumping into car full of tourists
Olga Zubova 120kg Snatch + 159kg Clean & Jerk
Hey! I am unable to attend the jump rope clinic next weekend. Please won't someone take my spot? Hit me up at: or here. Pretty please!
Saturday July 20th
Arg!! I'm out of town at a wedding on 8/3! Here's hoping for more than one rowing workshop….
Make up post for yesterday and today
Yesterday – worked up to 145# on the complex – did 115×5, 135×3, 155×4. First day back after a week in Costa Rica and was feeling pretty stiff and out of sorts.
Today – did recovery squats to ease my way back – 245x3x3. Felt decent by the last set
WOD in 9:55 with 40# DBs – everything unbroken
I left nearly a whole package of turkey salami and an apple in the fridge on the top shelf last night and I won't be back in the gym until Tuesday so please somebody eat them!
Turkey salami?
I had a really good open gym–must have been the swole patrol shirt.
I'm starting to use a red band for back levers, and my muscle ups felt great. I also finally got a bunch of good handstands: I self-timed one at about a minute, and Ken timed one at 38s.
Also, Coach Jeremy's ring HSPUs were pretty sweet.
Swole Patrol is the new black! Half a dozen shirts on display at OG. Great to be back in the gym after way too long an absence.
Catch up day:
Squat: (45, 95, 135×5, 165×2) 180x5x3
Bench: (45, 95×5, 110×2) 125x5x3
Press: (45×6), 75×3
Pull-ups 3×3
Thanks Josh & Rob for the spots! I am loving working a linear progression this cycle. As I told Josh, LP is magic: the weights feel the same every time, and yet keep getting heavier.
Saw Alan's very impressive handstands and back lever work, inspiring. One day I hope to come to regular class enough to make OG more of a play day.
Great to see everyone. Where can one discuss rotational cattle grazing and make a lame Westside Barbell joke all in one evening? CFSBK, obv.
OG late post…
Front squat- heavy single @340
330 (PR)
347Fail (SOON)