Fitness: 3×5 Across
Performance: 5/3/1 3 week
75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1+
Post loads to comments.
10 Rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees
10 Kettlebell Swings
Work with a partner and alternate per round until you’ve each completed 5.
Post time and Rx to comments.
New CFSBK “SWOLE PATROL” Tanks available at the front desk.
These are available in men’s and ladie’s cuts for $25 each
Tough Titsday Powerlifting Meet IV This Sunday!
We are hosting our fourth TTD powerlifting meet!
What: 3 attempts at a 1 rep max of Backsquat, Bench Press and Deadlift
When: July 14, 2013 at 2:30pm; weigh in and registration at 1pm; rules review at 2pm
Who: See Roster Here
All are welcome and encouraged to come spectate and cheer on these amazing lifters!
The Details:
Each woman will have 3 attempts to hit a max single in Squat, Bench and Deadlift, in that order. All lifters will make their attempts in each lift before moving to the next.
First, second and third place winners will be awarded in each weight class based on total combined weight of best lifts.
The Brave In the 2012 Open, Ashley Carriveau won the Northern California Region. That same year she was diagnosed with cervical cancer
The only thing more awesome than the Swole Patrol shirts is Tough Titsday. Everyone should buy one and attend Sunday's amazing event. For serious.
(Not wearing it to Titsday, though…I have a very special outfit for that.)
Very sad to miss squatting today but I think I slept about 2 hours last night. Probably don't need to be adding any extra stress on top of suddenly having to apartment-hunt. Sigh.
It probably had something to do with spending a week eating my way through New Orleans but today's WOD killed me! First time in a while that I felt close to puking. I even took the time to locate the closest chalk bucket just in case.
Partnered up with Virginia and I was hoping for a little extra rest between rounds but no such luck. She crushed it! I should know by now not to underestimate the women at CFSBK.
I love the shirts.They are obnoxious and I love them.
@stella, I can never sleep well in the summer heat, wake up every 90 minutes or so… Fall can't come soon enough!
Came in (groggy) for squats, hit 220x3x5 Ok. Last time I was around this weight for 5×3 the last set felt crushingly heavy, but after trying heavier weights in a Wendler cycle reps at 220 feel very doable.
WOD – partnered with luca w/24kg,finished in ~20:38 I think. This was really hard, and for whatever reason the closest I've come to throwing up after a cf workout. Went home, showered, sat in front of a fan for half an hour, showered again, got ready for work. Finally feeling normal an hour later…
Got some AR in at 6:30p with DO.
Bought myself a swole patrol tank last night, now I'm imaging myself wearing it at the beach, natch, and someone racing up to me, mistaking me for a lifeguard asking for help, and then I just flex and point to a real lifeguard.
never forget: I'm not a strong swimmer
6am private with Josh. Power clean, hang squat clean, jerk complex. Power clean PR: 242. Form was a bit ugly, but I'll take it. Old PR was 215. Missed a squat clean at 242 which would have been a PR by 6#. Felt a lot of pop on the cleans today, but wasn't pulling under very well on the squat cleans and didn't feel solid in the catch. Hit 231 on the jerks. Left shoulder has been feeling wonky for a week, but it felt alright today. Getting oh-so-close to my goal of a 250# clean.
7 pull-ups, 130m run
14 pull-ups, 270m run
21 pull-ups, 400m run
14 pull-ups, 270m run
7 pull-ups, 130m run
8:35 (or maybe 8:25, my brain is muddled). Runs felt slow. Pull-ups felt strong. Too much sweat on the bar provided additional excitement.
The right side of my neck is kinked from carrying K-Star's massive book around in my gym bag. The irony.
I'm surprised K-Starr hasn't done a mobilitywod about gym bags/side bags/purses.
will you be selling/shipping those in XXXXL out to LA by any chance?
I miss you guys, even Fox
Dropped into crossfit live fast this AM (where becca did her competition last week at the jersey shore). Workout was broken into 4 parts:
-1000m row for time (4:16.1)
-30/20/10 front squat (Rx= 185/123) an toes to bar (I did 73 and knees to elbows, 14:40)
-2 min amrap HSPUs
It was ok. I don't know what the crossfit certification levels actually mean, but am once again reminded that the CFSBK coaches are all at level 11 in my book.
@joel: yes I am surprised by that too. And so guilty.
I'll fly out there and go toe to toe with you any time, holmes! Hope that all is well.
8am with Noah.
Recovery squat Wednesday, partnered with John:
45×5, 135×4, 185×3, 230x3x3
I like having these days to practice the bracing strategies. These lifts felt more organized than previous weeks' efforts.
WOD, also with John. 24:51 (a little long). Went for 32kg overhead for the swings, which was very tough. Happy to have tried that weight, though in rounds 2 and 3 I broke the second iteration of swings to 7/3. Burpees, as always, were brutal.
Enjoying these longer conditioning pieces.
Fun class with Arturo. Got 8 reps at 385 on my rep out — felt good, might've had one or more in me. Looking forward to moving up in weight.
WOD was a gasser — that second set of 10 kettlebell swings each round was painful. Finished in 16:18 with Katie.
6:30 with Melissa and Nick
Squats went pretty well, except for one crazy rep in the last set. 125x3x5 feeling pretty good with my "new" shoes.
Wod. 16 kg kettlebell Russian swing and burpees 10/15/10
First 3 rounds were 1:30-1:40 then I couldn't remember the starting time to subtract from the ending time. Burpees got slooooow. 15:24. Partnered with Patrick.
Squats partnered with Mike.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 270x3x5
Accessory WOD partnered with Nancy: 17:07 (I worked with a 24kg bell).
Squats partnered with Mike.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×2, 255×1
Work: 270x3x5
Accessory WOD partnered with Nancy: 17:07 (I worked with a 24kg bell).
HB BSQ:230x3x5
Bench press: 145x5x5 positions are getting better. Brought my hands wider and used the fox I racking method
Power snatch: 65kx3x2
2 hours later
High hang squat snatch with straps
Worked up to 74kilos
We have no Internet at the gym and I have no Internet at home (on my phone) don't hold your breath for a 12pm blog post unless it kicks in soon.
Sooooo hungryyyy
Got stranded by the R train at Jay street on my way to 7:30 class soo instead I went home and headed to the school playground with my kettlebell.
16kg, my rounds were pretty consistent at about 1:40, my shadow partner busted out 1:20 rounds (!) so I didn't have to do any complicated math with my iphone.
warm-up/cool down: lil bit of mobility & one-arm alternating farmer carry with the kb.
David O…– I noticed you had an early elbow bend/shrug. Is that intentional to keep the bar closer?
No, it's an error that I've had a hard time shaking. My three biggest flaws on the snatch are an early arm pull, donkey kick and not shrugging up into the bar when I receive it overhead
Who are you, Dee??
Hey Gabrus!!! Hope you are well, my brother.
Squats went something like: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3
205×5, 230×3, 255×2 – That was way heavier than I was expecting it to be.
WOD in 21:34 with Darla (1.5 pood for me) – I love partner WOD's
I'm a big fan of skipping the warm-up and having longer / more intense WODs!