Fitness: 3×5 Across
Performance: 5/3/1 3 week
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3+
Or Recovery Squat 70%x3x3
Post loads to comments.
3 Intervals, each for time of:
Run or Row 400m
Rest about a 2:1 ratio.
Post time to comments.
compare to 12.23.12
Danae in a great reciving position on her Dumbbell Split Cleans
- Don’t forget that next week we’ll be hosting Whitney Hubbard for a CFSBK beginner yoga workshop. Great for people who want to do some recovery post classes or are just yoga-curious.
- Congrats to Bjorn B who won our Spartan Race raffle last week!
Hack It Up
Read “Hack It Up” in the CrossFit Journal which discusses the use of supportive gear in training and competition. They talk about everything from squat suits to belts to kinesio tape. Do you use any supportive equipment? What have been your experiences with it?
Speaking of the CrossFit Journal, a certain Brooklyn professor is the cover for June’s Collected Articles page
We’ve just ordered a fleet of “Bowflex Upper Cuts” so we can all get “tore up from the floor up”. You’re welcome.
yeah you'll get an upper cut when that thing snaps shut and clocks you in the face!
secret from yesterday's post, i found out the square36 discount is more than ten dollarssssss! bonus!
you can use all the money you saved to put an uppercut on that 6×6 mat for just $14.95+ shipping & handling 30 day money back guarantee.
STEP UP YOUR GAME!!! Holy shit, thats amazing.
I mean, I guess my chest didn't deserve respect before, but with the New BowFlex Upper Cut SYSTEM, I can get tore up from the floor up and my chest will get the respect it deserves.
I'm still waiting on the Shake Weights.
I dunno, those partner facing hand-clap pushups they try to diss look pretty amazing to me. Who wants to try them next warm-up?
Shake weights! HAHAHAHHAHA!
Got my vacation WOD in at Cooperstown CrossFit. As it turns out, half of the 9:30 class were visiting from somewhere in NYC.
Weighted push-ups: 15#x13, 25#x10, 35#x4 (probably didn't rest enough between rounds), 45#x3. Pretty cool — I didn't realize I could go that high!
Partner WOD:
AMRAP 5 min 10 power cleans/10 FSQ 65# (Rx)
Rest 3 min
AMRAP 5 min 10 hang power snatch/10 T2B (had these at the beginning, not so much after round 2)
Rest 3 min
AMRAP 5 min 10 power cleans/10 push press.
This was brutal! I have my rounds written down somewhere but I'm too lazy to look. The best part: jumping in the hotel pool afterward!
3 rounds
12 OHS @75
10 Hand release push-ups
10 Ring rows
HBBS 8X4 @ 80% – rest 2 minutes
3 rounds for time of:
25m Sled Drag (facing forward, i.e. running style) 135
20 Burpees
25m Sled Drag (facing forward, i.e. running style) 135
30 KB Snatch 16kg (15L/15R)
Total: 17:20
Need to start making 8AM weekend classes as the heat and humidity in the gym are sapping my strength. Reps of 270 started feeling heavy in rounds 7 and 8. Looking forward to 10×3 tomorrow.
Conditioning work was *brutal* (AKA awesome).
First time with the sled drag in a wod and loving it.
Burpees were exhausting, need to improve my conditioning in this modality.
Scaled the KB snatches from 24kg to 16kg as my hands are starting to tear and I need them for tomorrow's WOD of: 1RM snatch, 1RM C&J, and lots of bar muscle ups.
Good times lifting with Dave Fung — congrats on the engagement!
Squats partnered with Marco:
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 245×1
Work: 265x3x5 (Still need to work on my left knee caving in a bit).
Man, it was hot and sweaty up in the box today.
Squats partnered with Marco:
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 225×1, 245×1
Work: 265x3x5 (Still need to work on my left knee caving in a bit).
Man, it was hot and sweaty up in the box today.
@Todd: You and me, baby – we're gonna warm up like that!
Hang Snatch Doubles@ 77%X4
Power Jerk Triples@75%X3
HB Back Squats Doubles@80%x4
Clean Pull Triples@105%
This new programming is pretty punishing. I hardly finished it and now i feel like i might pass out.
Did some solid back lever practice with Crystal before class. Rings club never ends!
Squats felt pretty solid (I'm actually wondering if all the back lever work has made me better at activating my hamstrings). Rowing was frustratingly wimpy.
Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
Worked around 60kilos today. Snatches weren't really clicking today
Power Clean and Push Jerk
Did about 4 singles at 198
Today's hella hot Intensity day:
(45x5x 95×5, 135×5, 185×3)
-felt like I was going to pass out on a couple. I'm sure the heat had a role in it but maybe I'm just holding my breath too long. Will still go up 5# next week.
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3)
-clearly the bench is my weakest lift. I don't quite hate it but I strongly dislike it. will stick with a 5# jump next week.
(135×5, 185×4, 225×3)
-felt the best these have felt since beginning. will make another 10# jump next week.
335×5 (PR)
Failed for the 2nd week in a row at this number
Effed up my back on three…like crunch and splat…no bueno. Nervioso…
Alcohol and ibuprofen and sleep and see.