CFSBK is running special hours for the holiday. We’ll be open from 8:30am-12pm today for Open Gym! There will be no evening classes. Tomorrow’s we’ll have Thursdays WOD or Saturday’s WOD on tap as usual for folks to choose from. Coach David will be there to assist you in your programming choices. Want a floater WOD? HERE YOU GO:
For Time:
Row 1000m
Then, 5 Rounds of:
10 Wall Ball Shots
10 Burpees
CFSBK taking a walk on Herondale/Sol Flower Farm
Beginner Yoga Workshop with Whitney Hubbard
Saturday, July 13
Date: 2:15-3:45pm
Price: $15
Cap: 16 participants
Location: CFSBK!
Location: CFSBK!
Do you think you’re “not flexible enough” to do yoga? Have you been kinda-sorta-interested in checking it out before, but you wouldn’t go to a studio with a bunch of pretzel-bendy people or a teacher who is telling you to feel the aura of the person’s heart chakra next to you? Do you ever have mobility issues that restrict your movements in Crossfit? Are you interested in the complementary aspects of Crossfit and yoga?
This class will be an introduction to the foundations of a yoga practice, taught with the Crossfit athlete in mind. We’ll explore simple breathing exercises (pranayama), break down key poses (asanas), learn a bit about yoga philosophy, and leave time for some long stretches and deep rest. Your body and mind will thank you for this extra bit of recovery, and you’ll walk away with useful experience to incorporate into your own AR, other yoga classes, and your regular training.
Email whitneymhubbard(AT) with any questions or concerns! And here’s a link to my website if you want to find out more about my yoga background/certification or where else I’m teaching:
Building an Injury-Free Body with Mobility Expert Kelly Starrett Greatist
Don’t Cross CrossFit Inc
What if Barbie looked like a real woman? TheFeed
a happy 4th to all our cfsbk peeps. we miss you a lot! love, the mcgraths in ireland!
McGrath! We miss you, Liese, Lucy & Finn!
Mgmt: Can we do the usual Thursday snatch/press workout today at open gym?
Re: yesterday's discussion, can I have "Swoledonnell" as my lifting nickname?
Ignored the crazies doing FGB and Barbara in favor of two-lift Thursday.
Press 57×3, 65×3, 73×7. Whoof. This is getting heavy. Worked up to 83 on the snatch/OHS complex with some good tips from DO.
Happy birthday 'Murica!
Happy 4th, everyone!
I'm just wondering if anyone was at the latest class last night (Wed., 7/3) and took any of that CSA meat that was left in the cooler from some dummy (ME) who forgot to pick up their share. If anyone has not eaten their delicious meat yet, and feels like giving it back to me, I would be extremely grateful. I know this is a long shot, but I figure CFSBKers are good, upstanding folk who might take pity on a fool. 🙁
MCGRATH! We miss you!
Harbara today! It was really quite nice to roll in and have Paddock simply say "Hey! Half Barbara aka Harbara – do it with us!" And the decision was made. 7 sweaty peeps deep, good times.
I want to give a huge shoutout to yesterdays 4:30pm class. I had a horrid day at work and my stupid broken toe was killing me so running was a super bitch. When I truly wanted to throw myself on the sidewalk in a teary heap all the kind little encouraging "JB" words by other runners kept me going. Over the moon appreciated and xx and oo to all.
Thanks David for the open gym this morning!
Press 48
Floater WOD: thanks Ariel and Sara (and Kevin) for partnering up on this. No idea of the finish time, just know we were all swimming in our own sweat
Feeds the Soul to be back at SBK after a couple of days.
Clean Grip Snatch practice
Clean and Jerk@75%x4
Stiff Legged Snatch grip Deadlifts@242 5×3
Jerk Dips@95% 315 5×3
mcgraths!!! ahoy!
Bianca S: please email me to discuss your CSA issue. mignyc at gmail dot com.
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 HBBSQs @ 135
8 Ring Push-Ups
6 Strict Chin-Ups
4 Rounds + 10/8
Yeah, thanks David for open gym, everyone looked like they were having fun. I know I was:
Light and slow squatting 45×5, 75×5, 85x5x3
400m runx3
15-10-5 DL @ 155
15-10-5 Small green band pullups
… only 2:44 past the 13 minute "limit" because for me, there are no limits.
Big McGrath hugs across the pond.
McG – You are missed greatly! I hope you and the family are happy, well and enjoying life!
Happy 4th all.
david, you are the freaking best. thanks for opening the gym despite the holiday. that floater wod was a bitch and the best possible way to start my day. michelle it was a blast to work out with you from beginning to end, and i doubt i could have finished without the awesome encouragement from sara and kevin when, um, everyone else finished and i was the only one still pushing my way through.
julie you are a goddamn warrior for working out (and running!) with a broken body part. much respect.