Fitness: 1×5 across
Leave room to go up over the next 6 weeks
Performance: 5/3/1 “5 week“
65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5+
Add 5-10 lbs to your Training Max from last cycle.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
400 Meter Run
20 Toes to Bars
20 Burpees
20 Overhead Squats, 95/65
20 Burpees
20 Toes to Bars
400 Meter Run
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coaches Melo and Lady Fox take a capri sun break
CFSBK Rowathalon Today!
SBK is sending a team of eight to compete tpday at a rowathon at Reebok CrossFit Fifth Avenue to support the Emergency and Trauma Fund at Boston’s Children’s Hospital, where some victims of the Boston bombing were treated. “Rowathon” – sounds fun, right? That’s 42,195m of pure joy on the erg. Each athlete will row 5000m consecutively, and then roll over into a pool of her sweat to make way for the next victim. And all the action will be projected on a virtual river on a big screen! So come and cheer on our rowers – doors open at 8:30AM – and please donate to this cause here
Mike Creamer, a coach at Reebok CrossFit Fifth Avenue, is the organizer of the event. Be sure to list CFSBK as your affliate.
Sam Alter
Nadine Boles (Bay Ridge CrossFit)
Josue Diaz
Ryan Joyce
Jonathan Kava
Melissa Lloyd
Adele Myers
Aaron Soules
Good Luck Team CFSBK!
How To Get Better At Rowing CrossFit Rowing
BSQ: 132.5x5x3
WOD (20'', 20kg): 231
Deadlift: 165×5
A tad aggressive for the first exposure…
WOD (knee raises, 43#): 13:45
Loved this WOD. Lost a lot of time because I did the burpees strict (!). Kind of wish I had gone heavier on the OHS, but maybe it was for the best.
DL – 250×5, 290×5, 330×10 Started to slow down towards the end but felt like I kept good position on the DL.
WOD – 9:43 Rx
I love this photo
hey MGMT did Kamau leave our ipad at the gym? I was to WOD drunk to account for it.
DL 135×5, 185×5, 205×5 and lifted 225 once for fun.
I figured out the main problem with the punch card… FEAR. When you come 2 or 3 times a week, you know some things are gonna suck, but that everything will work out in the end. When you come once every 2-3 weeks, you walk in afraid, warm up scared, lift with trepidation, and WoD in a panic… and you're slow. My partner B-Brad caught and passed me at the finish.
Subbed "knees to somewhere off the ground" for toes to bar and did 75lb. FSQ instead of going overhead.
Awesome day on the farm with a fun crew. Raced to open gym to get my deadlift on.
135×5 185×5 205×5 235×5 265×11
All overhand, wasn't expecting to keep going on the rep-out, especially after the long day. Ended up having some problems with the start and the finish after the first few. Pulled some singles after rest to work on them.
3×5 fat bar L-sit chins in the last few minutes.
Also, this photo is amaaaazing!
I'll check tomorrow morning. I'll email you to confirm and stash it in the office tomorrow morning
Having been super physical active Saturday into Sunday I was surprised I did the Wod at open gym in 12:00 flat. Not sure who the guy was at the end cheering me to keep moving… It helped.
Shutouts to Dan and Asta for the egg and apple pre workout.