Work up to a heavy 3 on the pause squat.
Your partner will give you the “Lift” command on every rep. The point of a paused squat is to develop some strength in the bottom position by spending a bit longer ther. Work on your organization and trouble shoot any issues you might be having.
Post loads to comments.
Work up to a heavy but perfect set on the following barbell complex:
4 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
2 Push Presses or Push Jerks
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Shaye Gets Down With Dumbbell Thrusters
- Thanks to everyone who came out for “Wet Hot American Summer” Movie night last night. We love you all! Got any suggestions for future movie nights?
Chiropractic and ART Body Work
Got some issues with your tissues? Sore shoulder? Funky Hip? Come see Dr. Jason Fidler on Saturday and Friday nights at CFSBK to get an assesment and some body work done on yourself. To learn more about these services and Dr. Fidler’s background, click here
Amazing Facts
Greg Glassman: Be Better Period
Re-posting b/c I missed this by a second…
Thanks for the positive feedback on the clean video. Very happy about it. I needed that breakthrough.
Love the programming. Another opportunity to say that our coaches are the best.
are we going to be doing the 4-3-2 CJ comples every sat? if so, I am up for it.
Had such a great time at the movie night, awesome initiative!
Happy to put some faces to the names I see on here a lot, haha hey Christel!
Oh and the movie was stupidly hilarious!
I'm gonna throw Paul Rudd's cafeteria tantrum next time coaches tell us to strip down our barbells…kidding!
Rings seminar people: 50/50 chance I won't be able to make it today. ConEdison is a bunch of idiots. Either way, I'm planning on doing some rings + handstand practice tomorrow at open gym.
Recovery squat: 225×3, 250×3, 275×3
First work since back tweak Friday. Felt decent, back felt fine.
Private w/ David to work on my cleans…
Did drill work for foot work and getting in proper position to catch. Basicslly hang cleans to Fromt squat to hang cleans up to 145# and then to 155 for singles of hang power cleans to squat.
Fun and nice to work with David. Definitely a big help.
Future movie nights: My Cousin Vinny, anyone?
I think we need a prospect park play day.. Volleyball/frisbee/croquet etc..
Manuel and Patricio will be playing at Cafe Dada tonight at 7th Ave and Lincoln Pl. with members of the BCM Jazz Ensemble. 7-9ish. It's a pretty awesome party. The kids can really play!
@Emma-Lisa, hi 🙂
Anyone interested in doing more gymnastics stuff: rings strength with Ken is awesomely fun, challenging, and rewarding.
Today for some reason my pull up was gone….my dip finally appeared though. I love when new things click that are essential parts of bigger goals.
Rings goal summer 2013- muscle up. It's in my near future.
My Cousin Vinny would be great for a movie night. A few more suggestions: Shawn of the Dead, Princess Bride, Spirited Away, Kill Bil Vol. 1, Mean Girls, Mystery Men.
10 sets of 3 @ 255
Exactly 2 minutes of rest between sets #brutal
12 minutes to work up to a 1RM Snatch
95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155f, 155f
12 minutes to work up to a 1RM C&J:
135, 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200
Then 30 bar-muscle ups, with 5 burpees at the start of every round.
8 minutes to the second to finish this, scales with a 12 inch box.
Thanks to Josh for the heads up on the scaling option on the bar muscle ups.
@stella and mike. YES! To any/all of those movies. Also, please have another movie night soon!
To add to the recent comments about SoulCycle, here is Fabrizio Goldstein, who apparently prefers the moniker "Fat Jew":
*citibike soulcycle link:
Great class today with Josh and McD
Pause Squat with Ellie and Cassie…
45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 135×3, 140×3
These were great. Really like practicing the control and finding that spot at the bottom. I generally go really really really low on my squat and am aiming to be able to find a good squat with less depth so I don't have so far to travel down and up as I add more weight on the bar!
4 HC, 3 FSqt, 2 S2OH:
Drills @ 33#
Compex @ 63#, 83#, 93#
During 93#, b/t my third and fourth HC, I turned the bar over to put it in my hip crease to find my hook grip again… and I guess I got a little overzealous with the weight. It came down into my hips and back and knocked me right over onto my ass and almost into Julian lifting behind me. wow. Was happy to hear that McDowell has also done this. Picked it back up to finish the cycle at 93. Loved it!
@Whitney I'm friends with Fat Jew and he is exactly like you see in the video, in real life. Seriously. That is no act. Sorry to have missed all the shenanigans this weekend but camping has been awesome.
Texting from the woods!
@JB – can we go to one of his citibike soulcycles soon??
@Whitney – I just texted my friend Nick to see if we can do some shenanigans with him. Seriously.