Work up to a heavy 5 on the pause squat.
Your partner will give you the “Lift” command on every rep. The point of a paused squat is to develop some strength in the bottom position by spending a bit longer ther. Work on your organization and trouble shoot any issues you might be having.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds NFT of:
20 Wall Ball Shots
1 Farmer’s Carry
20 Weighted Sit-Ups
Post loads to comments.
Congratulations to Coach Laurel and Malcolm on the birth of their first son, Max! 7lbs, 8oz
- Veggie CSA Delivery today! Please come with a bag to pick up your produce between 6 and 8:30pm!
- CFSBK Movie Night Commeth! Check out the event page for details on our screening of Wet Hot American Summer this Friday night! Movie will start at 8:15pm, please arrive around 8pm. In the meantime, you can watch Paul Rudd clean up his mess
- Best of luck to Joe Fabiani who will be leaving us for new horizons in Califorina!
“Thank you Jess and David — you guys and the rest of the team have created a very special place in CFSBK. I will miss it, and will be sure to come by when I visit the area. I plan to keep up with CrossFit at CrossFit Merge in Glendale, CA” -Fab
Inc Magazine at CFSBK Today at noon
Inc Magazine is doing a story on the business of CrossFit and will be shooting video for the online segment of the piece today during the 12pm Group Class. If you don’t want to be on film, please let us know and we’ll communicate that with the crew. Burt Helm si writing the article and started with CFSBK about a month ago. After completing Foundations with David and taking regular group classes, Burt also did interviews with tons of people associated with CrossFit, including spending 3 days with Greg Glassman. We’re excited to see how the article turns out!
Hiring Front Desk Staff
CFSBK is looking for new talent to staff the front desk on mornings, afternoons and evenings. Responsibilities include handling inquires from walk-ins, managing basic membership issues, light cleaning/organization and other miscellaneous duties. Ideally, we’d like to hire from within so that candidates are already familiar with CrossFit and CFSBK but are open to talk to new folks if they’ve got good people skills and are committed to joining the gym. On top of an hourly wage, FD staff will also receive a comped membership. We are looking for people who can devote at least 2-4 days of their week to FD and can commit to 6 months of work with us barring extenuating circumstances.
Please email info(AT) to inquire.
A CEO’s Stable Regimen Without the Horses WSJ
Is Math a Feature of the Universe or a Feature of Human Creation?
Congrats, Laurel and Malcolm!
Max! Welcome, little kettlebell!
Aww congrats Malcolm and laurel!
Welcome, Max!
Everybody (not including me) should go to bed already!
Welcome to planet earth, Max! Can't wait to show you around
Welcome Max!
Congrats Laurel and Malcolm! And welcome, Max! Lotsa love to all of you.
Congrats on the nugget Laurel and Malcolm! He's precious.
@DO cracking up over your scolding…
Welcome little Max! Congratulations M and L!
Awesome news on the baby front, Laurel and Malcolm! Looking forward to seeing the kid on the rings at the gym.
Did this workout yesterday.
45×5, 135×5, 185×4
205×5, 225×5
3 rounds: 20 Wall ball @ 20#
Farmers carry (2 poodx1; jerry cansx2)
sit-ups (20@25#x1; 20@35#x2)
Congratulations to Laurel and Malcolm!
Congratulations Laurel and Malcolm! He's beautiful!!
Hi CFSBK Army: I've created a meal train for Malcolm & Laurel if you'd like to drop by some eats for the new fam. Sign up here:
I picked a couple of weeknights for dropoff days so feel free to sign up whenever is convenient. They eat paleo/primal with dairy. Carbs fine (plantains, potatoes, etc.) but for sure NO GLUTEN (Laurel is celiac). No sugar too.
And, congrats M&L!
Welcome little Max! Congrats! Looking forward to meeting you all.
Beautiful photo of a beautiful baby. Congratulations!
6am with Noah (!) and McDowell. Pause squats: 245×5. Felt solid, though my butt is a bit sore from yesterday's DB OHS. 3 rounds of the accessory work: 25# plate for the sit-ups, jerry cans for the farmer's carry and a 30# med-ball for the second and third rounds of the wall-balls. I generally feel strong on wall-balls. The 30# med-ball crushed me.
Congrats Laurel and Malcolm! Max, welcome to the CFSBK family!
Did this workout last night with Melissa in the 8:30 class, where I was the only one doing it.
Pause squats: 225×3 My legs were actually pretty worn out from the 64 DB OHS @ #40 I did the day before, and I knew I wouldn't make my fourth rep, so, on Melo's advice, I backed way off to #155 and did a bunch of work on positioning.
almost finished 3 rounds of 20 wall balls (#20), farmer's carry (1 x jerry cans, 2 x 2pood kbells), and 20 #25 weighted situps. The situps were super hard on my shoulders, which have taken a beating the last three days in a row.
I managed to come early to class to roll out my shoulders, traps, quads, and calves, which are all super tight and sore, and was glad I did.
Also, did a yoga class in the morning at Abhaya yoga in dumbo, and felt I needed to do more of that. Some good teachers there.
Congrats Laurel and Malcolm!
6am with McDowell and Noah. Pause squats at 130#. These felt good. Used a 14# medicine ball and 9' target. These felt way better than the last time we did wall balls. Pumped. Sit-ups with 15# and then 25# plates. Farmer's carry with 16kg KBs (too light), then 24kg KBs and then 28kg KBs.
big congrats to Laurel & Malcolm! and welcome Max!
Malcolm and Laurel and Max! Now the real fun begins!!!!
Congratulations Laurel and Malcolm!
Last night's strength cycle: Texas Method Intensity Day (Squat)
Squat: Warmup (For Tom): 45×8, 95×6, 135×5, 185x4x 225×2, 275×1, 315×1
Work: 365×3 (PR)
This was an ugly set from start to finish. I'll give you the blow-by-blow.
Rep 1: I didn't get any bounce and basically had to pause squat that shit. It was slow and hard. Tough start.
Rep 2: Good bounce, moved much faster although I came forward a tad.
Rep 3: Decent bounce, total grind, really slow. Must have lost my back here and went into flexion. With almost 2x body weight on it. Not good!
Spinal erector is slightly tweaked in the mid-back. Had to opt out of the Deadlift that was planned. Feels better after some contrast last night.
This set/weight was my benchmark for prepping for 405. Glad to make it, but not so happy with how I made it. Hopefully I'll only have to take a few extra days off for the muscle to shore up.
Congrats Laurel & Malcom! He's a cutie!
Last night I went to 6:30 class with MeLo & Josh, did some paused bench presses and learned that I don't have much coordination for one-arm db overhead squats. Had to drop the weight way down to #10 to make it happen. It felt like I was at soulcycle or something, jkjkjk I've never soulcycled.
folks who already rspv'ed for the farm visit
you probably got an email from the farm asking you to RSVP yet again. since you already RSVp'd to me, I will pass your info on to the farm, so you don't need to do anything (unless you really really want to.)
following up on yesterday's coffee topic, here's a new yorker article on caffeine's negative affect on creativity –
congrats laurel and malcolm!
So adorable. Congratulations!!
Also, Siena would like to apply for the front desk position.
…skills include, tho not limited to, muscle ups, whistling while creating mythical worlds on paper, hiding stop watches
Congratulations guys, that's awesome news! You're gonna love it!
If you're looking for any onesies with names like Jaworski, Dawkins, etc on the back, you just let me know!
I'm very, very, happy for you guys. Enjoy!
Texas Method Recovery Day
Squat 235x3x3
Press 135x5x2
Clean Pulls 205x2x10
Felt good to move after being so sore from Monday.
Nice numbers, Rob! I'd be happy ending with a 365×3 before this meet. Sounds like a 405# squat is in your near future.
Still trying to post to the blog, no luck.
The 6am with McD and Noah this morning was packed but well organized. Big thanks to Noah for the tips on the pause squat, these felt good but not good enough and I'm pumped to make the improvements in the next cycle. I couldn't believe I could carry those jerry cans today, for only 1 set of the 3, even though it was hell. When I put them down I literally levitated about 3 inches off the ground. Did anybody catch that? It was unreal, and the perfect opportunity to do an air squat – literally airborne…
Rob, all of that vol is paying off – nicely done.
tried posting this earlier but it didn't go through. a new yorker article about caffeine impacting creativity
and congrats laurel and malcolm!
Congrats Laurel and Malcolm and welcome Max!
Makeup post:
Monday-volume day
-squat 185x5x5
-bench 85x5x5
-active recovery class
-comp class. 'Fran' in 5:48 (wasn't looking to PR tonight so I'm pretty happy this was only 20 secs away from my best)
Wednesday-recovery day
-squat 150x3x3
-press 65x3x3
-chin-ups and weighted sit-ups.
Congrats Laurel and Malcolm!
Josue, I totally know what you're talking about. When I put down the 2-pood bells I thought my upper body was going to detach itself at the waist and just float up to the ceiling.
Congrats Lauren and Malcolm! Looking forward to meeting Max.
Welcome, Max! What a cutie! Congrats to Laurel and Malcolm on the new addition to the family!
Thank you everyone for the well wishes. We are all doing well and hope to be going home tomorrow.
Great day of lifting today…
242F (missed it a bit forward but felt light so i went up)
253F, 253F, 253
265.5F, 265.5F, 265.5 (PR!!) Booyah Link to video of it…
Power Clean+Push Press+Pause Jerk+Jerk
Clean Pulls@330x3x3
Pause Squat @ 95#–in retrospect, should've planned timing better and gone up maybe another 10lbs. Knee cap is tender these days so I held back.
WOD was fun. FC 35/40/45 (45 felt like my best round…weird)
weighted situps 10/15/15
Wall Balls w/ 14/20/14
Hey! Did anyone from the 5:30pm or 6:30pm class tonight accidentally grab an iPhone? Black protective case, crack in the top left corner of the screen, screensaver is a little dog? If yes that is JB's and it would be magnificent if it were returned asap. Thanks so much!
iPhone still missing. My dad had a stroke and a heart attack so its a pretty desperate situation that I have my phone close at all times. I don't care of the where or the how, just please post on the blog if you have it OR return to the front desk asap.
If you do have it or find it tonight please please email me at
Sorry to blow up the blog with missing iPhone stuff, but the last time it was used was in the coat room at 7:04pm – my handbag and tote were on the floor between the blue radiator thing and first water heater. Thanks!
Great little 6:30 class with McD and MeLo.
Pause squats @ 125#
Didn't even make it through 2 rounds of the NFR work. Too much chatting (shocker). Ended up falling down on one of the wall balls because JBails and Shaye made me laugh at the exact moment the ball was coming back towards me. Smooth.
Farmer's carries with 24kg kettlebells x 2. Sit-ups with 25# plate x <2. Wall balls with 14# ball, 10' target x1.
volume squat: 235x5x5 with 3:00 rest
Bench 145x5x3
DB Bench/Chin Up Couplet
The idea of whether math is real or not keeps me up at night.
This is a post about food, not working out.
Went to Dino BBQ w/Todd and Matt K
Ohh my lord it's good. Mac and cheese, brisket, pork, BBQ beans, wings were fantastic.
I really can't wait for the CFSBK to all be there post some celebration. It's PERFECT!
Service was good and there is a full bar.
cfsbk summer commence!
It seems to me that if Math is able to correctly describe the behavior of "things" in the universe, and these things existence are independent of human consciousness, then the answer seems simple. Yes, math must be real. While the way humans "do" math is obviously a construct of our physical brains, the fact that we are able to correctly describe the behavior of planets, stars, and electrons must prove that what we call math is intrinsically part of the universe.
David, you might like David Deutsch's book 'The Beginnings of Infinity'. A lot more along the lines of 'Is math real?'