Radhika being “Unladylike”
I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who came out this Saturday for my performance. I love our gym and all the people there so much and it was just so much fun. We raised $430 for Womens Education Project – which is almost enough to send two women to college. If we didn’t have enough Indian fans, we do now! –Radhika Vaz
Jonathan Schleifer’s Testimonial
Wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for having my back when my foot was injured. A little more than 6 weeks out of the boot I completed an 11 mile Tough Mudder at starting altitude of 8k. The overall conditioning from CrossFit at CFSB and in particular your support when I was in boot enabled me to finish strong, not necessarily fast, but strong. I completed all 20 obstacles and was the only one on my team to take them all on. The rest had been training with the Tough Mudder program or with personal trainers.
2007 Greg Glassman Interview
Check out these two interviews taken during a 2007 Pittsburgh Level 1 cert. (This is the weekend David O got his Level 1). Some interesting insight into a young Glassman and CrossFit.
Glassman Interview Preview Part 1
Glassman Interview Preview Part 2
What will your caffeine intake probably be today? Note times and types.
This Is Your Brain on Coffee NYT
Decaf iced coffee at home, 9 am.
That's it. Gave up caffeine to combat insomnia and chronically elevated cortisol.
N.B. It didn't work.
So far: one decaf black. 730 AM.
There'll probably be two more of these during the day.
Just go google "coffee meme" and look at images, you won't be disappointed.
Caffeine: None, unless I grab an iced tea at some point. I feel like my life would be easier if I could stand the taste of coffee, but I really, really can't.
Got to 155×5 on pause squats. My forearms are FRIED from farmer's carry.
I love the 2007-era Crossfit-branded Hummer.
Drinking a coffee now. Will have a second. Will likely have a coffee or tea in the afternoon.
6am with McDowell and Jess. Paused bench press: 245×5. Pretty sure I didn't have 250. The pause felt great on the warm up sets and was tough on the work set. Accessory work with a 30# DB. Overhead squats were laughable on the first round and got better on the second and third rounds as I figured out how to organize better. Run times of 1:29, 1:34 and 1:30.
Caffeine intake: double espresso at 5:30am. Double cappuccino at 8:30am. Double espresso at 1:30pm. The cappuccino is unusual as I'm mostly espresso only.
Drinking iced coffee now, and just signed up for the Staten Island half in October. Anyone else running it??
This has been my desktop background for the past two years. It never stops being true, so I never change it. http://ow.ly/m8SK2
i've cut my caffeine intake way down, to only a regular coffee when i get to work and an iced coffee at 3:30. On weekends I'll make a double espresso or something and maybe get another iced coffee if i'm out and about. Real bummer because coffee is one of my favourite drinks, but it was really messing up my sleep
i tried soul cycle last night. it was interesting. i prefer crossfit
Unrelated to coffee, but worth a click: Protein ketchup. Kicked in the face by Chuck Norris. Aaaaw yeah.
http: //www. dudeiwantthat.com/food/snacks/protein-ketchup.asp
just lost 10 mins to googling "coffee meme". MISHIK!
1 coffee in AM, sometime during the day an iced double espresso with almond milk, maybe more coffee depending on the situation. Down from like 6 cups a day.
My caffeine intake is all coffee based. I used to require way more coffee than I currently do, hooray!
My current intake is a small cup with almond milk for the morning commute. Now that the weather is warmer I sometimes grab an iced coffee when I get into the office.
I've always been of the (possibly weird) belief that caffeine "doesn't work" if it's not hot coffee so I never start the day with iced coffee. Yes, I'm a weirdo.
First cup of black coffee was at 8am. Second at 9:30am. Will probably have a third in about half an hour, and then maybe a fourth after lunch. Black coffee only on weekdays and then I usually treat myself with a cappuccino or coffee with cream on weekends. Wheeeeeeee coffee!
JJ, I am sending that to my (coffee-obsessed) husband right now.
black coffee in the morning, black coffee in the afternoon (which is sometimes iced).
In the 2nd Glassman video Dave Castro is teaching the progression and you can see Jacinto stalking around back there watching people. Pretty cool.
The actual content of the video…my mind goes haywire every time I here gymNAST.
@JJ exploding dog is the best!
HAHAHAHAA!! I too just lost 10 (at least) minutes to googling coffee meme…thanks Mishik! Made my day. Also @JJ…that's hilarious!
Pause squats at 105# and I hate my forearms.
I usually only drink one iced coffee in the morning somewhere between rolling out of bed and into gym clothes and out my door. That way, by the time I wake up, TADA! I'm already at the gym and figure I should just workout whilst there. I love you 8am class!
But on weekends or if I have a bunch of evening activities I might grab another iced coffee during the day. I wish I could drink more because I *LoVE* coffee, but too much and I stop sleeping well :/
I have an iced coffee with milk or a hot black coffee in the morning, depending on my mood/ weather, and sometimes a second cup late morning. Also, I have a cup of green tea mid-afternoon.
Today I did my FIRST CHIN-UP!!!!!! I was practicing negatives (Fox's pull-up programme B-day) and Jess asked me if I could do a chin-up, so I tried and succeeded!!!
@LUCA: HAH! soul cycle. i had a hilarious conversation with Noah where we compared our own SC experiences, complete with raucous imitations of "doing downward dog on your bike" and "working your traps with three-pound dumbbells while pedaling."
it was the most awfulest "fitness" experience of my life.
I can't imagine a world without coffee. You people who choose not to consume it are nutso!
One coffee upon waking usually at 5 or 6am. It's literally the 3rd thing I do when I get out of bed after peeing and brushing my teeth. I feel like I'm acutely aware of the caffeine opening my eye lids as I sip. Then another usually in the late morning or early afternoon. I mostly stick with good black coffee or espresso but every so often I grab Dunkin Donuts on the way to the gym in the morning. I used to down 5-7 cups a day and would be still popping espresso as late as 8pm in the gym…this was no bueno. Interestingly, I've noticed that when I consciously consume less alcohol I unconsciously consume more coffee.
There's something called Aquacycle which involves spin under water. For real. Google that shit. I found out about it from an infamous non member of the gym.
@michele i refused to do the dumbbell thing. kind of a douche move (and i later got shit from my GF for it) but I needed to maintain some level of dignity. turns out reason they're so light is so you "tone" instead of "bulk up". who knew?
Coffee is a real pleasure for me. I gave up the caffeinated version for decaf when I was pregnant, with some very limited exceptions, including taking the NYS bar exam (on that day the reintroduction of caffeine into my non-adapted body created something close to pure euphoria). Since the baby's been out of my belly, I've more or less kept to decaf to avoid a wired baby from nursing.
I like really good coffee Americano style in the mornigs, but since I'm still a decaf gal, I've been adding milk more often than not. I love lattes in the winter, and iced coffee in the summer. Absolutely agree with ginacatto that hot coffee is the only one that actually "works". I like my hot coffees only in the morning (sometimes I give in to the smell and have it again in the afternoon, but its usually overkill, unless its a latte). Cold coffees are reserved for hot summer afternoons.
Congrats, Charlie, on your first pull-up, so exciting! I'm hoping that one day I'll get there. Maybe I need to do some "toning" on the soul cycle. And Fox, I recently learned about Aqua-cycling as well, from a family friend who is all over that shit. Goes to show the countless ways that you can make money on in the fitness industrustial complex.
Oh, and congrats to Radhika, I heard that it was yet another smashing performance, and for a good cause to boot. Glad we had a family representive there, even though we couldn't all make it.
Fall/Winter/Spring: 1 Ball pint jar of coffee with milk or cream via: French Press or Melita or Chemex
Summer: 1 Ball pint jar of coffee with milk or heavy cream via: homemade cold brew method. Bonus edition of ice cubs made from regular brewed coffee.
Occasionally an espresso with a little lemon if out and the place has rad coffee, or if my doctor yells at me to gain more weight then big fat delicious cappuccinos or lattes.
Year Round: Afternoon green tea – iced or hot
And that is my caffeine jam.
Two big boy espressos at 5am. maybe they are doubles, I don't know. Large coffee at my desk at 6:45. Tea time around 2pm.
Fell off the wagon kind of hard with the baseball season, I ran 3 divisions this year, and I was steamrolled. I still don't know which end is up. I get back under the bar this week, and I can't wait. Still playing squash but I look forward to throwing the barbell around, and doing my cindy workouts at the beach.
Fall/Winter/Spring: 1 Ball pint jar of coffee with milk or cream via: French Press or Melita or Chemex
Summer: 1 Ball pint jar of coffee with milk or heavy cream via: homemade cold brew method. Bonus edition of ice cubs made from regular brewed coffee.
Occasionally an espresso with a little lemon if out and the place has rad coffee, or if my doctor yells at me to gain more weight then big fat delicious cappuccinos or lattes.
Year Round: Afternoon green tea – iced or hot
And that is my caffeine jam.
Hello CFSBK! Miss you guys. Coached two baseball teams and ran three divisions this year, I have been steamrolled, and not in the gym. I still really don't know which way is up. I will be getting back under the bar this week. Looking forward to some beach Cindy workouts as well.
Anyhow, two espressos this morning, 5am. I think they are technically doubles, at least. One large coffee at 6:45. I'll have tea around 1:30, but anything later, I won't be able to sleep.
Have a great day folks!
@LUCA: I actually refused to do the dumbbells too, so that makes two of us douches.
my argument, which i prepared in my head in case the instructor asked, was that she (the instructor) had horrible flabby bat-wing arms, so why would i "do arms" like her?
fortunately, it's too freaking loud and pulsating and SOULFULLY CLUBLIKE in a SC class to have such a nuanced conversation.
Fresh Ground Grumpies Coffee with Heavy Cream first thing in the morning.
An Iced(Black) from Gather, who serve an amazing Intelligensia brew@ 330 or so.
Noon Class (to destress before a Pediatrics Oral Exam Final)
Power Snatch+Snatch
198, 198
208F, 208
213F, 213
Paused Front Squat Triple
Felt strong so I went for a PR single @340, Got it.
I googled coffee meme. You were right. It was not disappointing.
Coffee to me is a great deal about the ritual as much as the caffeine. I suppose I could switch to tea but I only have 2 a day so I am not too up in arms about it.
I know there are a lot of non-profit types in our super cool community. I have my office out of the Centre for Social Innovation and there are some great networking events/opportunities there – you are welcome to grab me in class or give me a shout and I can get you invites. Also we are starting a practitioners in community resiliency club there so if you are interested in that area you are welcome.
Also there is some bear mountain hiking on tap this weekend that you are welcome to – there may be not so paleo birthday rice crispie treats at the top, just sayin'. Interested: melag2001@gmail.com.
AM – Americano with cream, had it iced for the first time this year this morning.
Afternoon – Either black coffee (chemex in the office) or coffee, coconut milk (full fat) and chocolate whey protein blended with ice. Soon it will be espresso in the afternoon once we can get this machine working in the office.
I slowly titrated down to decaf last year and spent a good 3 months there before coming back to regular. I'll probably do another decaffeinated stint soon to reset. The best thing ever is a shot of espresso pre-workout after zero caffeine for months.
COFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! fcuk yeah!!!
I love the taste of good black coffee. Sometimes I'll go to bed already excited for the morning cup. Anyone else?! :-/
My usual routine, including today…
-wake up and either have about 2 small cups of black french press coffee OR walk to Southside on the corner (best ever) and have a large Americano… or if it's summer, iced americano
-in the afternoon (maybe 2pm… as is the case as I write this), an iced americano. used to only drink black but since my month in europe drinking 5 cortados a day, I sometimes like adding in a small splash of whole milk.
-in the winter, I'll sometimes sub the second coffee or black tea with a bit of milk or a (hopefully not sweet) chai.
I gave up coffee entirely for my senior year of college. It was pretty cool. Not sure how I did that, considering I woke up hungover for many a dance class at 9am. I remember substituting with a LOT of hot chocolates in the winter. Once I moved to New York it was game over.
Monday's work (making up Sunday):
-foam roll and mobilize
-warm up DL: 95×5, 125×3, 145×1
WOD: 4 rounds of:
-3 DL @ 145
-7 kipping PU's
-21 DU's
time= 7:01
Did four rounds instead of 7 for the sake of time. My back also fatigued super quickly on these. And my hand tore, again, even though I was doing thumbs-around grip. bummer dude.
Tuesday's work:
Pause Bench:
45×5, 65×5, 85×5, 90×5, 95×5
this is super cool because 95 is where I ended the last cycle. felt like I had more in there, too. definitely an area where this super flexi back of mine is useful
DB OHS… 2 rounds @20#, 1 round @25# ! these are cool and got easier as they got organized.
Run 400m (short and … fine)
Hollow rocks… 1 round of 30, 2 rounds of 20
Then, wanted to see what else I could do with the OHS, so did 2 each side @ 30# and then 2 each side @ 35#.
Work week: around 9am, one 16oz coffee from coffee cart in front of my building. Sometimes I get another small cup around 2pm. Both cheap & black.
Weekend: as much as possible. Sometimes hot, sometimes iced. Always black.
Make-up posts…
Sunday OG:
The Chief at 75# with mostly knee push-ups
Early rounds I was just shy of 4 rounds; later rounds, just over 3
Worked up to 70# on pause bench yesterday
NFR work: did :30 hollow hold instead of rocks and generally used 10# DB for OHS – challenging enough for me, but still able to keep good form (I think)
Did one set of 5 at 205 and another (barely) at 215 – this was tougher than expected
Managed to get up to 45# on the OHS, which I was happy with. Max Hollow Rocks was 42
I’m sorry if this post is repetitive, but it didn’t look like it posted.
Work week: around 9am, one 16oz coffee from coffee cart in front of my building. Sometimes I get another small cup around 2pm. Both cheap & black.
Weekend: as much as possible. Sometimes hot, sometimes iced. Always black.
Make-up posts…
Sunday OG:
The Chief at 75# with mostly knee push-ups
Early rounds I was just shy of 4 rounds; later rounds, just over 3
Worked up to 70# on pause bench yesterday
NFR work: did :30 hollow holds instead of rocks and generally used 10# DB for OHS – challenging enough for me, but still able to keep good form (I think)
Thanks Noor! It was only a chin-up though. But soon, hopefully!!!
I slept perhaps 3 hours last night, many of them with Linus whacking me in the face with his stuffed dog (first and last time he's slept in our bed). So I'm kind of amazed that my caffeine intake is per usual today: 2 cups black, probably 24 oz total. usually made at home in the french press. For a time we were good about doing 50-50 most of the time but have slipped back to 100% caffeine, would like to titrate back down so I have somewhere to go besides 4 cups of coffee on bad days like today.
Weekends I add heavy cream. YUM.
6am class after one too many whacks with the stuffed dog, yesterday's work:
125 on the pause bench. Then, a shitshow. I cannot do one-armed DB OHS. At all. Thanks to all of you for not busting out laughing at me this morning.
i was just as surprised as everyone else to get an email from herondale just now asking to RSVP to them for the farm day.
sorry for the confusion, everyone. i'll work it out so folks know where to reply.
I love Soul Cycle. Just like crossfit, it isn't for everyone.
@Charlie, there is nothing "only" about your first chin-up, well done!
I usually take a hot coffee (lately with vanilla whey protein) into the shower. Then I have a large iced with milk when I get to work. I'll have a third coffee of some sort in the afternoon, usually iced. Iced coffee totally works and I drink it year round if I can find it. I don't know exactly when I starting enjoying a cup of coffee more than a cold beer, but it happened.
I usually take a hot coffee (lately with vanilla whey protein) into the shower. Then I have a large iced with milk when I get to work. I'll have a third coffee of some sort in the afternoon, usually iced. Iced coffee totally works and I drink it year round if I can find it. I don't know exactly when I starting enjoying a cup of coffee more than a cold beer, but it happened.
I usually take a hot coffee (lately with vanilla whey protein) into the shower. Then I have a large iced with milk when I get to work. I'll have a third coffee of some sort in the afternoon, usually iced. Iced coffee totally works and I drink it year round if I can find it. I don't know exactly when I starting enjoying coffee more than beer, but it happened.
@Ben W: YES, i love shower-coffee! it's almost as good as shower-beer. i think have to give credit to McKensey for introducing me to the shower-coffee idea.
@Noor: amazing use of "fitness industrial complex".
@Ben W. Looks like you either had too much coffee or too little today but we got it! Hot in the shower, large iced with milk at work, and iced in the afternoon.
I love coffee and tea.+++ I just started drinking coffee again daily after atleast 3 years of only occasionally drinking it because of ugly side effects, mainly sweaty armpits. I never drink it upon rising. It follows pg tips, both with lots of milk. I only have really tiny cups, maybe 3 ounces once or twice a day. I don't have caffeine after 3pm unless I'm cold and then I will drink tea all night long.
That totally wasn't my or coffee's fault.
@Ben and JJ!! YESSS! I love shower coffee too! Shower wine is also awesome. Bonus if it's boxed wine and you don't even bother with a glass 😉
Noor! Come back soon! I miss you. And, yes, it made my day 🙂