Radhika being “Unladylike”
I just wanted to say thank you again to everyone who came out this Saturday for my performance. I love our gym and all the people there so much and it was just so much fun. We raised $430 for Womens Education Project – which is almost enough to send two women to college. If we didn’t have enough Indian fans, we do now! –Radhika Vaz
Jonathan Schleifer’s Testimonial
Wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for having my back when my foot was injured. A little more than 6 weeks out of the boot I completed an 11 mile Tough Mudder at starting altitude of 8k. The overall conditioning from CrossFit at CFSB and in particular your support when I was in boot enabled me to finish strong, not necessarily fast, but strong. I completed all 20 obstacles and was the only one on my team to take them all on. The rest had been training with the Tough Mudder program or with personal trainers.
2007 Greg Glassman Interview
Check out these two interviews taken during a 2007 Pittsburgh Level 1 cert. (This is the weekend David O got his Level 1). Some interesting insight into a young Glassman and CrossFit.
Glassman Interview Preview Part 1
Glassman Interview Preview Part 2
What will your caffeine intake probably be today? Note times and types.
This Is Your Brain on Coffee NYT
Hahahaha… as always B-Dubbs killin' it with the blog posts.
I have had many a beer shower, but never a coffee shower. I'm going to have to figure this out with the limited space in there… sounds too good to pass up.
CONTROL Z hopes to undo this statement:
"I don't know exactly when I starting enjoying coffee more than beer, but it happened."
It happened when you erased the gdoc and your brain.
makeup post from yesterday, when I did 6am with Nick
pause bench: 165# Not sure I could have done #170 with the pause. Felt heavy.
Used a #40 DB for the overhead squats in the accessory work, which was *hard*. Had to alternate sides every two reps on my 4th and last set. Running was slowish.
Caffeine: about 6 cups of strong black tea throughout the day.
Charlie: What Noor said. Celebrate!
All this talk of coffee reminds me that there is a whole world I'm not experiencing. But WHY? Why does coffee lie to me? How can something that smells SO GOOD taste SO BAD?!
The blog has not let me post for days now.
congrats to Malcolm and laurel on the birth of Max!!
1. I'm not sure I understand my relationship with coffee in that I'm a regular drinker of it, but never "crave" it and rarely actually feel like it has any affect on me. I think moreso I just like how it tastes. I average 1 cup of something a day, not not every day.
I love espresso, cappuccinos and lattes. In the summer, I'm all about black iced coffee.
2. Exploding dog is amazing, JJ. Although the quality went down about 5 years ago IMO.
3. Today was a nice rest day for me. I went to NJ to see my dad. (which required subways, buses and walking given my post car life), went to the MOMA, and finally ate at Hu Kitchen where I naturally ran into some other CrossFitters.
Caffeine: so many years on a construction site had me up to about five or six cups a day (it's what you do – work, coffee break, work, coffee break etc). Insomnia led me to cut back to only a few cups; and currently, nothing after 12noon. But the very first thing I do in the morning is grind a batch of espresso and drink a cup or two. One or two double-sized portions of espresso before & after crossfit and maybe one cup at work, around 11am – just when the coffee break whistle blows.
I did read once about a link between filtered coffee (i.e. through a paper filter) and unfiltered coffee and something to do with prostate cancer. I wonder if anyone knows about that one? Right now I'm all about the espresso at home w/o a filter and I forget if that is good or bad.
12noon bench press: Working with Charlie today – the pause really made a difference. I hit 110 1×5 and when I tried 120 only made it to four lifts. For the WOD, since I can't organize my shoulders for an OHS I ended up with a 30lb DB front squat and dragged my tired self through three or four rounds (lost track).
@ Whit- There is no doubt that i go to bed already excited for my Fresh Ground Grumpies that awaits me. Best thing ever. These days I take my morning cup with heavy cream and some salted butter, cone drip, STRONG. Afternoons its a iced black from a place that brews amazing Intelligensia. Then maybe a caffeine pill/espresso shot before lifting.
Came in for a nooner to destress before an Oral exam I had today
Power Snatch+Snatch
198, 198
208F, 208
213F, 213
Paused Front Squat
275×3, 290×3.
Was feeling strong so i went for a PR single @340, nailed it.
Had to leave early for my test….no WOD.