Work up to a heavy set of 5
A “paused” Bench Press means that the lifter must wait for the “lift” command before pressing the bar off the chest. This is how powerlifting meets are contested and prevents hard bounced off the chest. We’re using it today to develop some positional strength at the bottom. Bench Pressing will be on for Mondays in the upcoming cycle.
Post loads to comments.
18 Minutes, NFRs of:
8e Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead squat
Run 400m
Max Set of Unbroken Hollow Rocks OR 20 Reps
Try to get about 3 rounds. Go as heavy as you can organize well on the OHS, if mobility restricts you from performing the overhead portion, carry the dumbbell in a front rack position.
Go hard on the run, take your biggest rests before and after it.
Post experience to comments.
CFSBK Movie Night
When: Friday 6/21. The film will start at 8:15pm, please show up around 8:00pm
Where: CFSBK
How much: Free!
Celebrate the first official day of Summer with Movie night at CFSBK. We’ll be screening the comedy cult classic, “Wet Hot American Summer“. Please RSVP in the event page so we know how many to plan for. All are welcome, non-members included.
CFSBK will be providing free beer for the event, all are welcome to bring their own alchohol as well as (ideally paleo) snacks. This movie is not appropriate for minors. It’s also hilarious.
Plot Description
The setting is Camp Firewood, the year 1981. It’s the last day before everyone goes back to the real world, but there’s still a summer’s worth of unfinished business to resolve. At the center of the action is camp director Beth, who struggles to keep order while she falls in love with the local astrophysics professor. He is busy trying to save the camp from a deadly piece of NASA’s Skylab which is hurtling toward earth. All that, plus: a dangerous waterfall rescue, love triangles, misfits, cool kids, and talking vegetable cans. The questions will all be resolved, of course, at the big talent show at the end of the day.
View the trailer here.
CSA Members: RSVP Now for the June 30 Farm Visit!
On Sunday, June 30, our farmers from Herondale and Sol Flower farms will be hosting CSA members (and their families) for a daylong farm visit in upstate New York. We’ll tour the farms, visit with Herondale intern Margie Lempert, and enjoy a pig roast. If you have tasted Herondale’s incredible pastured pork, you know how exciting this prospect is!
We are working out transportation details with the idea of combining a scenic train ride with a quick bus trip from the station to the farm (so nobody has to drive.) In order to plan the transportation and meal
details, we are asking those who want to come to RSVP by Saturday, June 22.
If you are coming, please email Michele at mignyc (at) Don’t forget to say how many will be in your party.
RSVP now!
Inc Magazine at CFSBK this Wednesday
Inc Magazine is doing a story on the business of CrossFit and will be shooting video for the online segment of the piece this Wednesday during the 12pm Group Class. If you don’t want to be on film, please let us know day of and we’ll communicate that with the crew. Burt Helm si writing the article and started with CFSBK about a month ago. After completing Foundations with David and taking regular group classes, Burt also did interviews with tons of people associated with CrossFit, including spending 3 days with Greg Glassman. We’re excited to see how the article turns out!
Do You Pee During Workouts? CrossFit
Thanks coaches for programming paused benching today (and maybe in the next cycle?). Very helpful for figuring out where I should go on Titsday.
Re: Pee during workout vid… we were JUST talking about this on the platform. I think I have a new phobia. Joy.
I hope that the only reason I have never peed my pants during a work out was not just in the knowledge that noone else did it and therfore I wouldn't do it. Those puddles are burned in my memory.
Lisa, strength in numbers.
I guess it wouldn't bug me so much to pee a bit if I crushed workouts like some of those ladies…
Random but I have a cooler and shoulder ice pack if anyone wants it – not used much 10 bucks or 2 beers. Looks like this: if you are interested.
peeing while lifting heavy (not to mention during double unders, which i distinctly recall bringing up with alarm to my foundation coach Laurel) is so common it is practically a truism.
you don't have to be a TFBA to earn the right to pee under load – it happens to most of us 🙂
a lifter i know recommended using a tampon even if you're not menstruating, and i was astounded to find it works. it's a little counter-intuitive, but the relief it provides makes me not care.
i realize talking about urinary issues is kinda personal but i wanted to try and be up front about how common it is, and to share something that works well for me and many others.
I've always dealt with this by visiting the ladies room before each class and before each heavy lift or double-under WOD. The amount you stand to lose by emptying before class will be noticeable only by you. 🙂
I just tell people I have a very sweaty penis.
Hey shoe freaks:
Eastbay is running a 20% off $99+ right now, and has Nike Romaleos for 189 in a bunch of sizes. That means your cost out the door is about $150. Good deal if you are in the market for WL shoes, I know I've talked to a few folks recently looking for a pair (or a backup/office pair.)
Signed up for a meet in the NJ in August.
Texas Method Day 1 – Volume Day
Squat 295x5x4
Bench 200x5x4
Felt heavier than I wanted it to.
rsvp to me if you are coming to the CSA farm day June 30! email me: mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Hey CFSBK! A little PSA…
Occasionally, random valuables and smaller lost items make their way back behind the front desk (as opposed to in the giant bin next to the fridge that fills with tshirts, tanks, shorts, pants, and shoes at an astounding rate).
Of note, there is a black make-up bag with a bunch of make-up, ear-buds, a charger, etc. that has been back here at least a couple months. There are also nice things like glasses, sunglasses, and watches.
If you've been missing something in the past couple months, stop by the desk and describe your item to us… maybe it's here!
And, as always, thank you for washing your communal dishes! It's hot and humid these days, so cleaning what you borrow before you leave ensures that the folks in class after you have cups to use. Hooray!
1. liked the pause bench presses today. did mine at 90#
2. i love *everything* about this upcoming movie night. except the fact that I can't be there.
"I want you inside me" "what?" "I mean, hey what's up? from before?"
I wish you all wet hot american summers…(but not wet like pee wet. wet like awesome)
single dumbbell overhead squats are real tough. i was complete disorganized and making a mess of it. just shows that there is always something new to learn…
Went to the (non cfsb) gym intending to do pause BP, but realized while warming up how sore I am from the kipping class last night! Felt much more sore than if I had done a bunch of strict, I guess it's because there's a lot more range of motion (and in my case, flailing)?
Anyway I practiced light cleans instead. I don't know why it seems important to me but I'm keen to be able to do this movement with grace instead of just muscle cleaning the bar. Not graceful yet. Finished with tabata sprints, but didn't push myself past 90ish+% effort. Maybe next time. I feel like running intervals these days, must be summer?
great tips ladies, i'll try the tampon trick on wednesday when i squat
Loved the pause bench press! Heavy set @ 95.
First time a WOD has left me utterly frustrated/pissed off. Felt like I was going nowhere on my runs and my knee has been giving me a lot of grief lately so the DBOHS became front rack OHS for more stability.
4 full rounds, + 8e DBOHS + run 400m
5:30pm with MeLo and DO. Worked up to 103# for the set of five, which felt heavy, but not bone-crushingly so. I think I'm going to try to work a pause into all of my benches for this cycle, because I do tend to bounce the bar off of my chest a lot.
Couldn't organize the overhead dumbell squat thing to save my life, so worked the front rack (heh) with a 30# bell instead.
And then!! I did my very first chin up(s)! And did not even pee a little while doing them.
Paused Heavy 5 Bench@ 275#
Hit a PR afterwards @320#
I didnt even know peeing during a workout was a thing! Im sort of less then excited to lay on the floor now.
I like cake.
Strength cycling…
Bench: 210x4x5 and 160×12
Triceps were screaming by 1/2 way through this. 4th set was tough. Jeremy talked me thru set 5 and I rocked it out. 160×12 was pretty easy.
I then BS'ed with and lectured various A-cyclers that would listen.. They took in good spirits.
I did a set of 7 chins and two sets of 10 ring rows, very horizontally for some pulling. Big DL tomorra.
Thought I'd post on the board even though I've been working out on weekdays at crossfit black box. We did split jerks today. Not only did I have a new PR at 155 but the coach had everyone stop and watch me do it cuz I had the best form. Credited that to the coaches at CFSBK!
Rob, you had me at hello, and I faithfully recorded your rep scheme.
I may be a noob ("what is the Texas method? Isn't that an oxymoron?"), but I am your noob, and a proud noob.
6:30 with MeLo&DO
Hit my target 185×5 on the paused bench, which is only 10lb under my 195×5 rep out from the last 531 1 week.
Loved the workout. Took my time between movements and rounds but really pushed the runs to make sure I got through three rounds.
Hollow rocks: 35, 26, 26
400M runs: 1:45, 1:36, 1:33
All 3 rounds of the DB OHS at 40#; rounds 2 and 3 were MUCH better once I got the balance and the movement dialed in.