7 Rounds For Time of:
3 Deadlifts, 315/205
7 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
21 Double Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Melo working on her Back Walk Overs
- Today is the last day of Crush Week!
- Happy Father’s Day to all our amazing CrossFit Dads! Here is a special video for you
Alan Lynch wants you to check out this charity event
On March 6th, 2013 3 1/2 year old Cameron King was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cameron has so far undergone 4 rounds of chemotherapy at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital in NYC with many more treatments on the horizon. Cameron’s parents, Eve and Christopher King , were recently told that Cameron needs a bone marrow transplant. After weeks of searching, a donor was found and Cami is awaiting final tests and a green light to receive the transplant.
On Sunday, June 23rd we are running, walking, and partying to raise money to offset Cameron’s medical bills and hope you will, too… Read more and sign up here!
Graham Holmberg in 2013
The Power Of The Crowd with Rich Froning
New Study Finds It Is Impossible To Lose Weight, No One Has Ever Done It, And Those Who Are Trying Should Give Up
Thanks to Radhika for a hilarious and thought-provoking evening.
To followup a jorts question from Mike, let JB help clear it all up.
Jorts are simply denim cutoffs but the "j" for jeans and "orts" for shorts. The only argument is that some people believe they should be hemmed to be a proper jort. I do not agree.
Yes you would have worn these at Woodstock and I'm happy to share that everyone sans the kiddos and dogs at SBK know what Woodstock is. The town AND the festival!
Supplies Needed: Denim. A sharp implement such as scissors, knife, nail clippers. Whatever you may have on hand. Cut. Be careful not to go close to your junk or all the bits will hang out all over the place and that's just gross.
Wiki says: From 'jean shorts', another name for denim shorts but typically cut longer than Daisy Dukes (mid-thigh for women and at the knee for men). Commonly worn by fans of the Florida Gators.
Trivia: Josh Harrellson, a basketball player (Hornets/Knicks/Wildcats/Heat AND MORE), while at the University of Kentucky he earned the nickname "Jorts" because he was often seen wearing them.
Urban Dictionary: “Jean shorts. Worn mostly by children and douchebags. Jorts are perhaps the easiest way to recognize people you will not like. If you wear jorts, you probably don’t talk to girls.”
I will fight Fox to lay claim to this is the Summer of Jorts. He will win but I'll still fight even knowing that I am doomed.
Shoutout to Gina Gatto for helping to supply me with jorts supplies. I'm disappointed in all the rest of you.
Radhika's show was awesomely hilarious. Its influence was felt far and wide: after the show I had an intriguing discussion centered on – among other things – sharts and shaving pubic hair.
9 am with Fox and Arturo.
11:07 @ 245#. This was a little early for me and I was a little low energy. Good way to finish off crush week. I really liked the emphasis on heavy movements.
12:01, Rx deadlift, jumping pullups, counted attempts in my 21s. Glad I did the deadlift Rx, which was a little more than the recommended scale for me, but since I couldn't organize a kip today to save my life, it was good to compensate for going easy on the pullups by going hard on the deadlifts.
Handstand kickup practice afterward. Thanks DO for the pointers — I have a feeling I'll get there soon because of the advice.
Lots of Informed freestyling A/R
7 Rounds For time
3 Deadlifts, 275
7 CTB Pull-Ups
130m Run
Deadlifts felt pretty light, but so that I could move quickly 275 was a good choice. I did all the Pull-ups unbroken except the last round. Runs were.. well running. I would have stopped at the 12:00 cap but wasn't really even looking at the clock until I finished.
Good to be outside and have the old heart pumpin
Lightly used limited edition Men's L SBK Kitten tee up for grabs…I never wear it.
christian at crossfitsouthbrooklyncom
6:50 rx on today's WOD. Felt pretty good – everything was pretty much equally tough. Still feeling it almost 12 hours later.
Dr. Mike, it's been covered extensively, but where I'm from, they are just "cutoffs."
Clean and Jerk
253F (somethings up with my low back…not good)
Front Squat
That's crazy fast, Dan L.
Long and fun OG tonight:
Halting snatch dl > hang power snatch > ohs
74×3 94×2 114×1
114×1 124×1 134×1 144×1 149xF,1 156×1(PR) 159×1(PR) 161xF
Clean and Jerk
161×1 166×1 171×1 184×1
Some banded planche work, then to loosen up:
3x Skin-the-cat to l-sit
3×12 ghd sit ups.
Got there way late, wasn't sure what to do so just went at C&J
Felt great today. Surprising bc I have been feeling twingy d/t drunken dancing yesterday.
85×3, 125×3, 155×3, 165×3, 175x2PR for jerk (first jerk failed) two cleans at 180, but failed both jerks. I could have done it if I felt super committed, but going up to 180 was a big deal in itself for me. (Was having the "is this ego or is this safe" convo with myself.) Of note: this was all power cleans.
Surprise weighted pull-ups! 9#x3! (Dicking around with my bike chain on my waist.)
Strangely, I'm way more excited about this than the C&J
Jake, Sarah: thanks for the feedback!
JB: Wow! You blew me away with that PhD-like exposition on "jorts". I'm a changed man!
How about some new words to celebrate this new found knowledge:
"jorted"-to loose ones jort/shorts, or anything else of value
"jorting"-the act of wearing those things, like cavorting around in ones jorts-which is what I think Jake or Noah both do a lot of!