For Time:
Row 1000m
75 Kettlebell Swings, heavy
50 Toes to Bar
25 Dumbbell Thrusters, heavy
Run 800m
Post time and Rx to comments.
- Want something to do tonight? Theres still room for Radhika Vaz’s one woman show, Unladylike: The Pitfalls of propriety happening tonight at the gym
Massage By Inka
Sip For The Sea
What do sustainable seafood, 20 top chefs, Ariel Kalishman, The Wildlife Conservation Society, Hurricane
Sandy relief Brian Scott and The Hess Collection winery have in common?
One great night to help rebuild the NY Aquarium!
Ariel’s company Sea to Table and Brian’s company The Hess Collection have teamed up with the Wildlife Conservation Society and created a food and wine pairing event which will raise funds specifically for NY’s only Aquarium in Coney Island. The Aquarium has just partially reopened after being severely damaged during hurricane sandy.
On Thursday September 12th, 20 of NY’s best chefs will be pairing sustainable sea to table and farm to table dishes with with sustainable wines from the Hess portfolio at The Central Park Zoo.
How can you help you say?
Brian is looking for a graphic designer to help put together the program that evening. If you would be interested in donating your efforts for a great cause, 2 VIP passes (valued at $500 ea) and some wine, please send Brian a note: bscott(at) He can give you all the details.
3 Steps To Fix A Broken Diet Precision Nutrition
I did a scaled and modified version of this WOD yesterday at OG.
20kg kettlebell, 30 K2Es and 40lb DB front squats (all to take care of my shoulder).
Finished in 18:09.
For some reason, I find chippers the easiest kind of workout to handle psychologically. Just knowing that I will not be returning to a movement feels comforting somehow.
Speaking of Jorts…..
I am in total agreement that store bought Jorts is a major credibility issue. My question is on proper length. I am a bit old school when it comes to shorts. I mean they are called Shorts, so they should be Short? Not Daisy Duke, but more like 70s Big/Magnum P.I. So is that a proper Jort or are we hitting the knee? Or maybe too technical for a Saturday morning…
Sky's out, Thighs out….
Friday night open gym @ CRUNCH!
Hell of a rockin' time at the globo in Manhattan. Luckily the music isn't played loudly….
Squat, Texas Method Volume Day: 285×5, 305×5, 315×5, 305×5, 285×5
Top set very solid. 315 was my intensity day triple (just one heavy set) 10 weeks ago…
Bench: 227.5 x2x3
2nd reps hard, but not too grindy.
Cleans: 165×3 and 170x2x3 (PR for reps)
Need to get serious about these– I'm reaching the limit of what I can do without technique…
Long workout, but good to hang out with one of my oldest friends in the world and talk about Molly Hatchet!
@Mike from yesterday
Fun workout today, 20:19 with 30 then 25# thrusters. I can't do 50 t2b but I'm happy to have done 20 before switching to lat pulls. Started the run really slow bur caught my breath a bit, then finished strong(ish). Looking forward to the pullup class tomorrow, I want to do Murph rx next year!
Soooo…………..25 minutes and counting
I always say annoying things like "that was so much fun" and "fun fun fun fun"
Today sucked with hints of fun, and I didn't finish it. I don't want to make excuses but Todd stole my best friend and I thought left me locked out of the apartment. After the mild freak out i found out I had another lap to go. Instead of finishing I decided I would just come back for rings. Who needs friends when you can work out all day instead?
As soon as I thought I was catching up on weaknesses a new one showed up: toes to bar. In volume these really should be done with a kip. Can't wait for open gym.
WOD in 23:18 ish – wasn't really sure when I came in but Gareth came in a little after me at 23:30 ish so I'm going with that.
Came off the row in awesome time, and wasn't sprinting, steady and brisk – 4:09
KB's – love them. Did 20, 15, 15, 15, 5, 5, . Rested a fair amount between, but banging out 20 kb's even at 24kgs is awesome..yeah for gigantic hips
Did lat activations with my knees up, moved pretty briskly. I feel like these are easy but I'm not quite at T2B yet. Something to practice more at OG.
Aaaannnnndddd…… then shit got real. 25# DB thrusters were terrible. Sets of 5 all around. And a couple of them barely got up there. I had noodle arms. The 800 meter run was atrocious. I felt like there were bricks on my feet. If I had the normal capacity for running, my time on this would be much better. Definitely on my list of things to do more outside of the gym.
Did this yesterday with noon class. 19:34 I think with 24kg and 40lbs. Broke everything up into small sets. Run felt gross but wasn't actually as slow as it felt. Another good AR with the captain today.
Hey all,
My pullup workshop tomorrow is nearly full- currently have one spot open and an odd number of people, which makes things a little tough to run (we do lots of partner work.)
If you were interested, please sign up! It might be a few weeks before the next one!
Email me @ noah(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn(dot)com
20:42 @ 32kg KB and 40# DB
Took the row kind of easy but then broke the KB swings into pretty big chunks which left me gassed on the T2B which broke down to singles at the end.
11am class today. Love the mobility we've been doing lately since I don't do enough of it on my own. Traps were still super sore from Thursday's cleans.
Today's WOD: 23:21
-24kg American swings, 30# thrusters
the row was a little over 4mins. KB swings in sets of 10 until the end where it was 8-7. T2B were a shit show. I've lost my ability to cycle these together during a workout so they were in very slow sets of 2-3 throughout. DB thrusters went 7-5-6-7. Run was slow. Fun to chase Ellie and MeLo!
Last long WOD for me for a couple of months while I switch my training focus to my Powerlifting meet in August.
18:24 at 32kg and 50#. 50 was a little aggressive but happy with my time overall. Kbs were Russian
Did this yesterday with josh except we switched db thrusters to db snatch plus lunge. The combination movement was hard. I did the 75 kb swings unbroken which was maybe a mistake as it got me pretty tired pretty quickly. The final run was more like a crawl. Total time: 23:12 But I had a great time doing this wod even in suffering and I am feeling it today (getting up at 4am with the newborn probably doesn't help)
Very needed A/R class after some traveling. Hip opener/extension work, partner shoulder and banded wrist work, lax ball shoulder and trap rolling.
Noon class with Joshdowell. More mobility work – shoulder and quad rolling. I felt great at this point of the day. Until:
WOD in 24:24 with 28 kg bell and 40# dbs. Felt ok until the thrusters. I suck at and hate thrusters. T2Bs took too long, I used to be able to cycle them.
Then, friends and family free lunch at Dinosaur BBQ. Ribs, chicken, brisket, mac & cheese, beans, kale, wings, etc. Thanks Todd and Luca.
Hey MGMT is tomorrow a crush week WOD or a back off week WOD ? Having a debate wih Todd and Crystal, we need to declare a winner
Your post was the best yesterday. You're one of my fav individuals.
Holy shit Radhika is fucking funny. And I can listen to her indian/british accent all day.
Late night lift Sesh
75M, 75M, 75M (BOMBED AGAIN)
Clean and Jerk
80×1, 85×1, 90M
Back Squat
Was supposed to do my intensity day but I wasn't feeling great so I just did 225x3x3 and called it a night.
I need to groove my Snatch bar path more often. Ive lost my snatch!
The Wine Club liked your Snatch DO!
Radhika is mass funny, I was texting Corbett during the show so he was included. SHIT! We should have Skyped! Blurgh.
late make-up post in case someday I wanna track back and remember how brutal this wod was…
26:20 PLUS about 2 minutes to do 25 burpees. ouch.
20kg face-height swings
T2B (a tough mixture of strict and kipping… lost technique and strength on good kip for these so they were 1-3 at a time)
25# DB's