Radhika Vaz Performing for Charity at CFSBK This Saturday!
You may have seen Radhika Vaz around; she tends to hang about the lifting platforms but is occasionally known to stray. The people who have suffered her most are members of Coach Fishers strength intensive program, she clings to that class like her life depends on it and we hear that she will not shut up between lifts.
And so we have decided to give her an opportunity to speak uninterrupted for just one hour on JUNE 15 @ 8PM when she will perform her one-woman comedy show for CFSBK members and friends.
Radhika’s show has sold out shows in New York, LA, and several Indian cities that white people have not heard of. Except for Dave Turnbull who has heard of everything.
Unladylike: The Pitfalls of propriety.
Some women just don’t have the heart, mind or body to be a lady. Presenting one woman’s struggle to achieve propriety from adolescence to about now.
Written and performed by Radhika Vaz, directed and developed by Brock Savage.
“…the Indian Wanda Sykes…” The Huffington Post.
“Vaz looks like an angel but is a rebel in disguise.” Time Out Mumbai.
For tickets. $10 per ticket at the door or online here.
All proceeds benefit Women’s Education Project so they may continue to develop resource centers for young women from the poorest families in India to succeed in higher education.
Just so you know $250 sends one woman to college for a year. That means just TWO tickets pay for ONE full month of school. It also means you will have fans in India. For more information email radhikavaz(AT)gmail.com OR cfsbkinfo(AT)gmail.com
Born This Way
Coach Nick’s brother Josh edited a documentary called “Born This Way” that will be screened at the Human Rights Film Festival on Friday, June 21st (9:15 PM), and Saturday, June 22nd (7:00 PM). The film, which provides “intimate access to the lives of four young gay Cameroonians…steps outside the genre of activist filmmaking and offers a vivid and poetic portrait of day-to-day life in modern Africa. Lyrical imagery, devastating homophobia, the influence of western culture and a hidden-camera courtroom drama mysteriously coalesce into a story of what is possible in the global fight for equality.” Check out the trailer and get your tix here!
Beer & Biodiversity
The Final Nail In The Cardio Coffin TNation
Cannot wait to finally see Radz on Saturday 🙂
Radz! Make sure you pee before she starts or you may wet yourself laughing. She'd probably like that, though.
Tomorrow's wod in 25:31. Horribly, painfully slow, although I was happy that I rxed the movements and went heavy with the weights. The movement in the middle of the workout (without giving anything away) took the longest and I was doing them in sets of 2 and 3. It seems like I always go so slowly during the wods, and in the moment I feel like I couldnt possibly move any faster, but then after its over I am sometimes disappointed with my time and feel like I shouldve pushed it more. After several years of crossfit I'm still struggling with this.
Tomorrow's WOD in 21:49 (or 20:49 – having a hard time remembering numbers this week). Pleased with my heavy weight choice; didn't do one of the movements Rx'd. This crush week I've tried to work on not diddle-daddling between movements. Think I did a decent job with that today. Thanks Nick for cheering us on, and apologies for dropping dumbbells today!
QUESTION! I'm pretty happily amazed at how much bigger I am this summer compared to last summer, but a sad side effect is that none of my jorts are fitting. I have literally Hulk ripped my way through two pairs and can't even get the others over my thighs. Does anyone have some old denim jeans like.. in the low 29-30's that I can have to make into new jorts? I figured if I'm all swole and stuff others are too and there might be a WORLD of SBK denim waiting to be made into jorts. #sharingiscaring #jortsofsummer #jortofthejungle
please hit me up at julie.barnard@gmail.com pretty please!
6am with McDowell
Thursday's WOD with Joe
Did the cleans at #145, we got 10 rounds, +2 cleans
Then we ran a one-mile cash out sharing a sandbag between us. That was harder than the wod. No idea how long it took us.
holy crap that TNation article is my life story (i even have the same picture of myself in front of the placid ski jumps) except that it took me a full year to realize i need to quit it with the cardio. It has been exactly one month since I stopped running, biking and swimming. I hope that in another 4 weeks I get abs just like that lady did. Optimism.
I don't know what tomorrow's WOD is but it sounds hard, so if anyone would like to join me for it at OG tonight, I would welcome the company.
Speaking of Jorts,
The gym will be screening Wet Hot American Summer next Friday after Open Gym. Free beerz. Come kick off the first official day of summer with a great movie! Check out the event page on the right for more details
Anyone interested in two Postal Service tickets tonight at the Barclays Center? $100 (face value) OBO. rebecca.carvalho(at)gmail.com.
If anyone is lucky enough to be near the gym there is free lunch at Dinosaur BBQ for training day today – go get some and make me jealous!
Friend of the box Gillian (Mounsey) Ward won the Southern Powerlifting Federation's national OPEN meet today with these lifts:
Squat: 336.1, 352.7, 369.3 PR
Bench: 259.0, 270.0, 281.1 PR
Deadlift: 418.9, 457.5 PR,
Total: 1107.9 PR
She also qualified for the GPC WORLD powerlifting championships in Hungary in September.
Hot damn those are some big numbers from Gillian. Awe-inspiring.
That T nation article is pretty familiar to me too. I remember when I first started trying to get in shape after putting on a ton of weight freshman year of college, I couldn't run more than a couple minutes, so I would just sprint like a madwoman until I couldn't take it anymore and then walk until I'd caught my breath, and do it over and over again. I got super lean really quickly, and figured it was because I was doing so much cardio, but really, I was doing intervals! Then as I got better at running and started doing longer distances, I couldn't figure out why I was not fitting into my new skinny pants anymore even though I was doing everything that mainstream fitness magazines were telling me to do (including throwing around little pink dumbells). Gooooooood times. </end rant >
1) Radhika's show is awesome, so if you are on the fence buy tickets now. We are going for the 2nd time because I NEED TO LAUGH.
2) Gillian is ridiculous. That bench press is paused by the way. Amazing….
Day 1 of my official training cycle for the next OLY meet (July 21st) aka, the Road to RIO 2016.
Power Snatch+Snatch
(187, 198, 209)X3 : Failed on the very last Full snatch at 209. My hands were in so much pain. This was a very difficult sequence.
Snatch Pulls
264x3x3, 275×3
Front Squat
318×2, 323x2x2
YEOW. That is one hell of a powerlifting total!
Yesterday's WOD with Rachel (Rachael?). 19 rounds + cleans + 3 pushups. I cleaned at 95# and did ring pushups, which I was pretty pleased about. Stuck around for only 1/3 of the Miracle Mile, only to find when I got home that the 9:30 meeting I was rushing to had been rescheduled. Can't say I'm sorry about that 😛
I like any post that begins with "speaking of jorts."
I'm wearing jorts as I write, and loving it.
2013 Summer of the Jort
Fall in
I always wondered: which jort carries heavier street cred? Bought or cut?
@Gracie – I have been eating lobster rolls and drinking beer in Redhook since 2:30pm so I apologize in advance but. homemade jorts are THE ONLY WAY. Its the way of the jort. Bought is just.. Williamsburg. No cred. NO CRED. Red card. Period. xo
BTW shoutout to my girl gang leader @gina gatto for wanting to hook me up with jorts materials. she rules. you other do not. yeah.. i'm mentally looking at some sbk dudes and seriously remember hearing bitching about their thighs being too big for their jeans. womp womp GIMME. please.
One does not simply 'buy' jorts… They must happen.
Tis true. The real path to jortdom is to squat so much the lower legs explode off of your jeans and are instantly vaporized.
2nd best is to cut them in one blow with a sword.
3rd is nail clippers.
4th. I had an emt make some at pimlico downs race track in Bawlmur for a music festival. It was, hot, like the sun.
Okay. I've waited long enuf. At the risk of looking foolish, ignorant, or worse, I am going to ask the question: WTF IS A JORT? I missed this word in my upbringing. When I first read it, my brain saw "joint" not jort! I've gleaned from the posts it has something to do with thighs, shorts, and music festivals…
Which raises a number of other key points:
-Chris Fox seems to know what it means-and he is younger than me, so maybe this term got started in the 80's???
-Would I have worn it to Woodstock?… but then I'd have to explain to you all what Woodstock was!?
-David Turnbull, who knows everything, hasn't weighed in yet … maybe, he doesn't know everything… or maybe he is waiting for me to confess my ignorance? … or, maybe he is out of town this weekend?…
-now look at some other disparate facts: Jake wears jorts, Noah loves to hear the word, they get made a racetracks says Tom, and Chris has christened this the "summer of jorts".
Boy am I confused!
I love words so much. So, what sensitive CFSBKer is going to educate me … in a delicate manner now… on this important issue? JB? You started this. How about it?