Teams of 2 alternate rounds to complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans 185/125
6 Ring Push Ups
9 Squats
The ring push-up is a far more advanced version and requires high levels of shoulder strength and stability. Perform a standard push-up if you can’t organize the ring version perfectly.
Post partner, Rx and rounds completed to comments.
Izzie hitting Squats at the gym
CrossFit In The Dark
Izzie is our first visually impaired athlete at CFSBK (he describes his level of sight as looking through a coffee straw in the dark) and Gais is his friend and CrossFit partner in crime. Izzie is using CrossFit to improve his game in a sport called Goal Ball. Below he talks about what its like to take Group Classes at CrossFit.
I hear coach Fox say “lean towards your right side and actively push your knee over the toes of your right foot from this bottom of a squat position” and my nerves start to fire. He then goes on to lead us with more ballistic stretches and before I know it, he accompanies three chimes of a timer with a “3, 2, 1”, count down. Before I know it, I am amazed at how quickly my imagination of the childlike contour of his body vanishes. Almost instantly Gais starts dragging me to help carry the bumper plates from the front of the gym to our assigned rack. Time passes and warmup sets are completed. I ask Gais to read me how much time is left on the clock and he says “9 minutes”. It’s at that very moment when my Goalball instinct starts to kick in. For you see, in Goalball, all players are blindfolded and therefore cannot read the scoreboard. Therefore, players must rely on their time management skills to help them make favorable decisions on the court.
I think to myself “9 minutes, its crunch time”. In fact, almost every minute spent at the box is crunch time. Soon after our work sets are complete, we move on to a WOD where I start to tell myself that this is where my endurance for Goalball will come from. It’s in these next 10 minutes of double unders bounded by blindly following Gais around the block that I’ll become the best Goalball player New York can offer. The exhilaration of running feels amazing to say the least. Every crack on the street and and every change in texture feeds a my body with an unparalleled sensation of information. I never imagined being able to run around south slope with my visual impairment. Nevertheless, after nearly running into a tree and off a tangent on Degraw, the WOD is finally finished. My lungs burn and remind me of the time I played against the Russian Goalball team for the Bronze Medal in 2011. That game made it to overtime and with barely any energy left, , USA scored the winning goal in the last minute of OT.
This is what a day at CFSBK is like for me. It reminds me of every loss and win I experienced on the Goalball court. It reminds me that there’s still a ton of things for me to learn about my own fitness and capabilities. In fact, a few days ago coach Jessica guided me to do a cat skinning. (Forgive me if I misquoted the exercise name). Never in my life did I think I would be able to make such gains in strength, mobility, flexibility and endurance both in the Crossfit box and on the Goalball court. I would like to thank the coaches at CFSBK for their patience and support in my athletic and weightlifting endeavors. A couple of weeks ago, my team brought the gold medal home for New York in the Western regional competition. It has been over 10 years since New York has brought home a gold medal from a regional tournament and I believe that Crossfit deserves much appreciation for this accomplishment. I am now preparing for my last competition of the season, the Goalball Nationals, which will be held in Vancouver Washington through the dates of June 20-23. I will be competing with my team the New York Knights and hope to contribute towards bringing home another gold medal.
In conclusion, Crossfit has brought me to a profound realization about my visual impairment and it’s that my blindness is nothing more than a nuisance. it’ll sometimes make things more difficult for me, but it’ll never make them impossible. So thanks to all the CFSBK members and staff who choose to light a new candle with me instead of blindly cursing away in the dark.
– Izzie
Check out the trailer to “A Shot In The Dark” a documentary about Goal Ball Featuring our own Izzie
Izzie, thanks for a glimpse inside the world of goal ball! I do hope you will stay with us when your competitive season is over. Its great having you in the gym.
Wow Izzie! Beautiful story, thank you for sharing it with us! I wish you and your team all the best of luck in this tournament, get that gold!
Izzie is everything I love about SBK. Learn about a new sport and provide a glimpse into alternate way of thinking
As for the chief —– FCUK YES … Doing this 2x Noah where you at?
Izzie is one of my hands down favorite people to coach in the gym, mostly because he makes it so easy, and is a funny guy to boot. (Gais is a pretty awesome guy in his own right, just sayin)
Iz- when can we all come to a Knights game?! I'm pretty sure we could get a pretty good group, seems like an awesome time.
And for anyone interested, since Izzie is probably to modest to brag, you can Google "New York Knights Goalball" and there's a bunch of videos of them playing and its awesome.
Rock it Izzie! Great write-up – always a pleasure to see Gais and you working hard at the box.
Ok, that got me a little bit choked up, and a little bit fired up. Very cool.
I partnered up with Izzie and Gais at the CF Total and I was humbled by their teamwork and focus. Not to mention the massive amounts of weight they were lifting compared to my sets :). Nice work guys and best of luck Izzie.
6am class – For the first time I felt confident in form with this morning's power clean round-up. Light yet grounded and I managed not to catch them all on my collar bone! I gave the ring pushups a shot. They were shaky but the challenge was thrilling. Thanks Jess and David for all the corrections. Christian and I nearly pushed through 6 rounds. Maybe if either of us made a point to have some breakfast beforehand we could have managed more. Or perhaps it would have ended up all over the floor :/ Either way I need to figure out how to get some more sustenance in me before these 6am classes. Don't really feel like I'm giving it 100%. Tried to run David's miracle mile with a medicine ball and failed after one choppy jog around the block. Maybe I should eat whatever Joy and Rebecca are eating. Those girls came back having done two thirds with sandbags. Damn!!
Fantastic story Izzie, its really a pleasure having you at the gym. Today's workout will be a challenge for a remote crossfitter, given that I'll have to do some sort of solo version, but hopefully it will work out, and maybe I'm a little relieved at not having to try whatever the "miracle mile" is at the end 🙂
Josue, maybe you should try bringing a protein shake with you in the morning on the way to the gym, have half before and half after. I started using this "blender bottle" that I really love and treat myself to a banana milk vanilla protein shake in the afternoons. Goes down pretty easy and as long as I don't have too much before a workout, it doesn't come back up!
Izzie, great write up! I've really enjoyed having both Gais and Izzie at the gym, they're a good team and a great addition to the CFSBK community.
DH3, I totally spit coffee everywhere when I read your comment. FCUK YES, CHIEF.
Running the Corporate Challenge tonight (HOPEFULLY IN THE HAIL! YES!), so that should be interesting.
Awesome write up Izzie! I would definitely be interested in going to watch a game sometime.
Got to 6:30p class last night with MeLo, Arturo & McDowell. I was happy to be able to Rx this one! Finished in 13:07. Was able to keep all the rowing pieces to around my 2k race pace, probably crept up a bit higher on the last one.
@asta That's the point!
In for goal ball.
Izzie, I just cried when I read your post. The last paragraph is beautiful. It's wonderful to be reminded of the kinds of things people can achieve with a strong will, positive attitude, and guts. You are inspirational! Congratulations on your big win at the regionals.
I loved the WOD today! Well, I always love partner WODs because they are fun and you get to rest. I was partnered with Maggie, and I did 93# for the cleans, strict push ups, and squats. We got 13 rounds + 3 cleans + 3 push ups. Really fun!
I am SO SORE from rowing/squatting yesterday. Dang!
Izzie FTW. What an inspirational way to start my day.
Asta: HAIL?! Noooo! Oh god, my flight home is screwed!
Thanks so much for sharing Izzie. Keep on rocking!!!
Izzie, great write-up and congrats on your big win. Good luck at Nationals!
6am with Jess and David. Partnered with Joy. I did the cleans at 83# and did strict push-ups. I think we got through 17 (or 18) rounds + 3 cleans + 4 (?) push-ups. With Joy's motivation, did 2/3 of the mile cash-out with a sandbag, 1/3 without. Really liked this WOD.
Izzie, incredible write up & a great documentary piece. You're an inspiration to us all. Ps: my students watched the documentary and think you are the "". They hope to one day watch you play.
Rock on Izzie! Good Luck at Nationals!
Hey All,
Thanks so much for your thoughtful responses.
To answer Noah’s question, the next time you can come watch me play is this weekend as it’s our last practice before we leave to Washington. All are invited to come by and watch us play or even volunteer by goal judging. The address is 1957 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY. (It’s at PS 269). We practice from 2:15 till 5:15 this Saturday afternoon. If you need any further information then please contact me at
Also, if anyone is interested in the documentary, here’s a narrative piece that I just came across in my inbox this morning. Unfortunately I seem to be the one doing all the narrating, but I think you can follow progress of the documentary through this site. I may be mistaken though.
I look forward to today’s WOD. I don’t completely understand the online post because my screen reader is having a hard time reading the way the numbers are posted, but I’m sure one of the coaches will explain it at the box :]
I vote for a CFSBK field trip to see "A Shot in the Dark" when it is released.
@Izzie: when is that?
Awesome writeup, Izzie. Would love to see the rest of that doc!
Hey All,
Thanks so much for your thoughtful responses.
To answer Noah’s question, the next time you can come watch me play is this weekend as it’s our last practice before we leave to Washington. All are invited to come by and watch us play or even volunteer by goal judging. The address is 1957 Nostrand Ave Brooklyn, NY. (It’s at PS 269). We practice from 2:15 till 5:15 this Saturday afternoon. If you need any further information then please contact me at
Also, if anyone is interested in the documentary, here’s a narrative piece that I just came across in my inbox this morning. Unfortunately I seem to be the one doing all the narrating, but I think you can follow progress of the documentary through this site. I may be mistaken though.
I look forward to today’s WOD. I don’t completely understand the online post because my screen reader is having a hard time reading the way the numbers are posted, but I’m sure one of the coaches will explain it at the box :]
"Miracle Mile"
What is it?
Just read above Noor's post and answered my question. Run with a med ball.
Is that something we could do after work outs? I'm always worried that I don't need to do more stuff, or that maybe more will actually be harmful in the long run. Rowing daily has only been beneficial to my rowing though, in and out of wods. I guess it's do whatever you feel like doing at that time and rest when you need, right?
@Noor A. – thanks for the advice! Maybe I can blend some stuff together the night before and all I have to do is drink up in the morning. Usually I'll blend a ton of stuff in a protein shake after the workout, but from now on I'll try it before and after.
@crystal – Normally after a W.O.D. I try to work on something I feel we didn't cover much ground with that day, but still take it easy on myself – like sit-ups or static holds. Rowing sounds like a good option too. Even though the W.O.D.s are pretty much full-body I feel out what I think I can handle exercising a bit more. Then I try to get a decent stretch in, time permitting. I would say if D.O. is challenging us to a medicine ball mile after the W.O.D. he thinks we can should be able to handle it 🙂
Can I convince anyone to total with me in OG tomorrow? On the earlier side? Pretty please?
Two days without lifting heavy things makes Serene a very dull girl.
Also-learned so much from your writeup Izzie!
Izzie, great write up, thanks so much for sharing and for being a part of the community!
Is there a crush WOD on Saturday, or is that day 1 of back off week?
Crazy inspiring Izzie!
Fortunately I had the privilege of doing a workout with Izzie and Gais once. And it was inspiring to see them work so well together. The write up was great.
12 noon with Jess & Josh: couldn't drag myself out for 6am – fighting a cold and I feel like crap. But I'm taking a friend's advice and trying to make my body as inhospitable as possible for this cold.
Partnered with Rivka on the WOD. We managed 8 rounds. My power clean was 100 lbs which felt fine throughout. I'm sure from the previous cycle of the 2ea EMOTM WOD.
My first time on the ring pushups and I felt that the cue to keep the arms externally rotated (do I have that right?) helped. Problems didn't come up until round 7 or 8 – and by then I just struggled through.
PS: the shoulder stretch was agony – when the partner locks down the shoulder and we're supposed to lower to the floor. Argh – need to fix the shoulder problems somehow.
Richard G.
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean
Worked up to 200lbs
Felt text book today, happy to hit 2 bucks.
Hang Power Clean + 3 Front Squats
I was too lazy to break the bar down and set up a rack so I just took them from the floor. Felt light today.
Rack Jerk
Worked up to 185×1
A little hit and miss but mostly hit. I had a few REALLY sharp lifts that felt about 60lbs lighter than was on the bar. Felt a lot of pop and like my dip/drive was really grooving well today.
Izzie is the man, that is all. Next time the Knights play in NY we should organize a gym trip/cheering section. THE BLACK SEA
Sorry for eating so many comments today. I guess I was really hungry. There are a few released comments sprinkled into the conversation above, including Izzies.
Hey Samir, The doc is set to be released by August some time.
Correction to my above post, practice starts at 1:00 PM this Saturday. We negotiated for extra practice time to prep for nationals.
All are welcome to come by.
4:30 with Josh.
WOD with Chris. 17 rounds plus 16 of 18 reps in the 18th round. Did this at 165, which was the correct weight, I think. Could move quickly but had to focus on each rep.
Combo of heavy brick, jog, and erg for the cash out, followed by some foam rolling and mashing.
Make up post for yesterday:
12:09 Rx'ed, with rows between 1:42 and 1:50. A bit of a mindfuck getting under a bar that heavy when you're winded.
1. Izzie you are inspiring and awesome, kill it at Nationals!
2. DO YES to black sea!
3. I think this is the first Crush Week in a long time that I have actually enjoyed. Partnered with Nancy, we are basically BBB (best barbell buds), and ended at 9 rounds 75#. I used the blue band for pushups. Good times.
Partnered with Irwyn.
I did this at 135, Irwyn at 165 for a few rounds before he went to 155. We got just under 16 rounds.
5:30 with Josh. Briefly considered doing this rx'ed, but then totally chickened out. 113# and regular push ups. Odd number of people in class, so I got left without a partner, but Josh helped time me so that I rested for the same amount of time I'd worked. Made it through 11 rounds. The mile run afterwards was really the most brutal part.
6:30 with Josh
Loved getting some extra shoulder mobility work in, been working them a lot solo but every minute counts.
WOD with Pablo, 16 rounds (I think?) plus 3 cleans. Ended up sticking with RX weight and it was tough but do-able. Only 1 missed catch.
Then due to a series of bad decisions, I ran a mile, in the rain, in a 50lb vest, barefoot. Spine felt compressed (again!) afterwards so some more bar hang time and 3x:20 hanging L-sits DIY cashout.
Hey all,
Anyone have nice cursive handwriting that can help me with a little art (ahem, motorcycle) project? Happy to trade an hour of personal training for the help. Email me! Thanks!
4:30 with Josh.
Partner with Leslie. Rocked out 16 rounds, 3 clean, 3 push-ups. Cash out: mile run.
My whole body is shot. Damn I love crush week. I hear little whispers here & there about some epic crush Friday showdown… I'm not saying it was Alan who told me…but it was Alan.
7:30 with Jess.
15+ rounds @ 165 with Julian. Thought briefly about rx'ing but went conservative due to some ongoing back tightness. Then an uncomfortable cash out of max plank. Got a paltry 2 min and then had a lot of fun watching Mer and Marco kill it.
Noah, what are you looking for?
I might be able to help you out.
Partnered with the awesome Willie on this one! We got through 22 rounds plus cleans and pushups. Clean weight was 155 and I did ring pushups and Willie did strict push ups. That man powered through everything and did not let me rest!
One very slow mile afterwards with one of the smaller Rogue sandbags.