4 Rounds For Time of:
500 Meter Row
5 Back Squats, 225/135
Today’s workout has a 15 minute Cap. Scale the squats to no more than 65-75% of your max, even less for beginners. The sets should be done unbroken and un-belted. Go hard on the row, then take your time setting up and executing each squat as perfectly as possible.
Post time and load to comments.
- Attention CSA Members! Don’t forget that your vegetable and egg pick-up is today between 6-8:30pm
So Long Grant!
Grant Werle will be leaving Brooklyn on June 14th and heading to LA for a new job. We wish him the best of luck moving forward!
“Thankfully the timing works well and in true CFSB nature, I won’t be missing this cycle’s Crush Week, and will be sent off soar but in shape!
Thank you CFSB for everything… the fitness knowledge, the support, the callus’ and resulting sweaty t-shirts. In only one year, I felt so at home in the Box and have made numerous friends for life.” -Grant W
Samir Chopra in the CrossFit Journal
I was recently contacted by the CrossFit Journal to see if there was anyone in our community who could possibly wax poetic about the parallels between writing and CrossFit. I knew just the man, “The Professor”, Samir Chopra.
Check out the free CrossFit Journal article, “The Written Word” where Hilary Archer discusses writing and CrossFit with two authors. As an added bonus, CFSBK photog Asta Fivgas shot the pictures of Samir for the article.
See the worldwide rankings comparing results at this years CrossFit Regionals (One guess who won the men’s division..)
I kind of love today's WOD – which i did Tuesday. RX at 225#, 13:02. Probably could have pushed myself more on the rows, but wanted to make sure I did the squats properly.
Geek that I am, I like that link also with the worldwide rankings – it sure must suck to be the two athletes from Central East region who scored top 10 worldwide and still didn't make it to the games?
Question for everyone: My mother has arthritis in her neck. Does anyone have a recommendation for physical therapy in Brooklyn who might be good for a 75 yo woman with arthritis (rather than an athlete-oriented practice necessarily?) Thanks
Congrats Samir! Even kept it under wraps from me!
6am with McDowell
11:09 on the wod. I wasn't sure how fast to take the rowing, so I aimed for 2 seconds slower per 500m than my 2k race pace. My pace crept up a bit from there, especially in the third piece, but I think it was a pretty good guideline.
It was interesting lifting while I was still out of breath from rowing. On my last lift I paused 10 seconds at the bar to catch my breath, but I wish that I hadn't. When I thought about it after, it would have been much better to take my 500k with a 5-second slower split time and not have had to pause at all. Also, when I did start lifting, I thought "I could probably do this even when I'm totally out of breath." I think it was more *disorienting* than it was *hard* to squat while I was still breathing hard from the rowing, so I think there's room to improve my time in a workout like this by just jumping into the higher-weight movement without waiting to catch my breath.
Also: big class this morning! Thought McDowell did a great job managing a complicated wod with lots of people.
Today's WOD at 10:18 rx'd. Was hoping to go under 10 mins, but was pretty happy with the pace. Some squat reps were a little ugly as I'm fighting a lingering bad habit of knees caving in.
Fun WOD, though, and great job by McD (with an assist from Josh) with the huge class and lots of moving parts and people.
6am with McDowell.
Paired up with Pierre for some glorious adductor mashing then with Chris P. for the WOD. Used 165lbs for the squats and thinking I probably could have gone a tad heavier. It is definitely a strange feeling to squat when you are out of breath. Happy with my performance but frustrated with my rowing technique as usual.
Which brings me to my next thought. Is there any way we can get Nick to do a Rowing Workshop similar to the Kipping, Double Unders and Gymnastic Workshops? I feel like with a few key pointers I would be able to break some bad habits that are holding me back. If not I will ask if he is available for a couple of private tutoring classes.
Great article featuring Samir!! I sent the link to my writer friend in WA trying to convince her that crossfit pairs well with writing. Also fun because I've read The Weird Sisters, written by the other featured author.
Update from yesterday, went to 7:30 with MeLo & Josh for some running/burpee WOD action. Finished in 13:45 w/ knee burpees. I was able to get through the burpee sets unbroken which was exciting. On the second run my legs felt heavy & awful and I spent the trip around the block counting off the next set of burpees in my head. To my surprise when I jogged back into the gym I still had those 20 burpees to do.
+1 Rowing workshop
6am with McDowell and Josh. Did the WOD in 13:49 rx'd. But for the CFT on Sunday, I wouldn't have done the weight rx'd – no excuses now! I found that I really had to pscyh myself up to unrack the bar since I was a bit afraid that I would drop it from being out of breath. Mental challenge in addition to physical challenge, which was good.
I foresee HQ giving a few invites to the Games to the guys from CE who finished Top 10 worldwide but didn't qualify. It only makes sense to me. Maybe in future years the rules will be Top 3 in your region or Top 10 or 20 worldwide. Otherwise I bet we see people moving to Greenland (there is one gym there, I checked) for the Open.
Crossfit Nuuk, I'm in.
Nice work Samir. And props to Asha for making you look almost bad ass.
There has been some talk about adding wildcard entries to the Games next year, but I don't know that they'd jump right into it this year without having announced it beforehand.
Also, cool article, Samir!
Nice two-fer B-Dub. You mixed up Asta with Asha AND you flamed me. What's next? You'll chew gum while rowing?
You're better off moving to Africa. Their only male qualifier came in 294th in the world
OK, Noor's been using my machine again.
Samir… you're so dreamy.
I'm so sad to be missing crush week! But not that sad as I'm busy getting my beach on. Visited CrossFit Fort Myers today. Super nice people. Bench press1rm testing 110# (PR)! Then 10 min AMRAP ascending ladder wall ball/burpees. Whew it's hot here! 117 reps, 14#, knee burpees
My bust. Typo, not a mix up. Sorry Asta.
veg and egg csa pick up tonight, 6-8:30
Holy Hell, you guys. Today's workout is NOT A JOKE. Took me 15:40 at 110 (65% of 170). Afterwards my quads siezed right up and I thought I might fall over.
Oooo back squats in a WOD. Interesting!
So my boyfriend is out of town and since I don't know what to do with myself other than lots of exercise classes, I went to Soul Cycle last night for the 1st time in a long time. It was great as usual, but nothing like paying $34 for a 45 minute workout that started 8 minutes late.
That being said, thanks to all of the coaches at CFSBK for always starting group classes on time no matter what happens in the class before to make sure we get our full hour. Much appreciated!
Samir: awesome profile! The whole time, everything that the two of you said, I just thought either, "YES! Preach, sister!" or "Ugh, preach, sister." Writing is a bitch I couldn't ever give up. Well done.
@Julian: You're pretty cute yourself…
@Alex: I"m glad it resonated, brother!
Dinosaur BBQ opens one week from today on Union Street.
@Julian: You're pretty cute yourself..
@Alex: Glad it resonated, brother!
So excited about Dino for so many reasons. I'll be coming to 6:30 class tonight with some friends-and-family pre-opening invites for this weekend. Hit me up!
Tuesday Night Strength omni-cycle
Bench: 207.5 x 4 x 5 and 155×12
I think that's a 4RM PR, but Jeremy noted after the first set I could have just done 5, which I almost did. By the end though, it was getting tough so probably best leaving it 5×4.
Most notable was the fact that 12 reps at 155 was a lot easier than 10 reps two weeks ago.
Squat: 380×5 (PR)
This is still moving well. Nice to be hitting 5RM PRs for 3 weeks running.
Sweat factor=high
@Todd hook me up! been a fan since first going to the syracuse spot 13 years ago!
As a proud graduate of Syracuse University, I couldn't possibly be more stoked for our very own Dino BBQ. Ah, memories. Pretty sure the crowd won't be quite the same as it is up there…
13:33 on the WOD today @ 125#, which is 75% of my 1RM. Freaking HARD!
Whoops, I wish I squated 380×5. I pulled that….
6am with McDowell and Josh. WOD Rx in 10:50. Squats are a bit scary when you're out of breathe. In hindsight, wish I had pushed myself a bit harder on the rows.
Paraphrasing Dan E, all I can say about today's WOD is "Joy don't row." Thanks Rebecca for staying to see me finish.
Samir, double triple quadruple threat!
Being from Syracuse, going to college in Rochester, and being able to smell Dino for the last few weeks from my apartment on President St has me super, super excited. Mostly for the salt potatoes. YUM.
Monday's Run/Burpees in the rain – 13:40; no knees (I'm with you, Stella, no more knees for me)
Wednesday's Row/Squat in the heat/humidity – 14:01; 115# (~65% of 175#)
I like hearing about everyone's work-out preferences. For me, Monday's= fun. Wednesday's= terrible! Watching Kiki tackle this at 135# was impressive.
Really slow SMR, took me about 15 minutes to actually get primed and feeling physicall ready
BB Warm-Ups
Hang Snatch
Worked up to 155lbs. Solid catch kind of a funky recovery. Bar was feeling light today.
Did hang Power Snatch, pause, then OHS until I needed to drop under. Brought my hands about 2" more narrow and it made a world of difference on my wrists. Had an "aha" moment which explained why snatches had become so painful on my wrists and hands recently.
Chin Ups
Then I rowed a NFT 2000m as an extended cool down. IN THE SUN. So glorious
Todd – if any of those Dino BBQ invites are left, I'll totally take one.
TODD! Meeeeeeeeeeeeee please! Dino! Dino! Dino!
Was in an awful mood today until I made it in for the 4:30 class. Feeling a lot better now. Partnered with Chris, finished in 12:35. Squats moved pretty well at 175# and kept all the rowing sets under 2 minutes. I was kind of surprised at how long it took me to transition between exercises since I didn't think I spent that long getting air, but haha my tri transitions are even slower, so….
@michelle THANK YOU for the PSA! After spending last year vegetarian, I'm making up for lost time with my bbq consumption. More options = more.
@lauren b I was sick on Monday (and Tuesday, and this morning…) so didn't make it in for running and burpees, but WODs like that are usually my favorites. I feel like with running you can always tweak your pace a little bit to get the intensity where you want it. I liked today's workout too but since I managed to do the squats pretty quickly I'm always going to wonder if I could/should have added 10#. I think I would have preferred to row after squatting, so I could have cached out on the last 500m. As it was I saved something because I didn't want to get squashed.
13:08 Rx'd (From the Floor)
Sat in the sun in front of the gym for over an hour afterwards. Glorious.
Matt, JB, they went quick today but if anyone who got them wants to book a 4-top and invite more cfsbk-ers…we COULD take over the place. I also left 2 for the coaches with Arturo and McDowell. I'm waiting to hear back on whether I can get any more. You'll be on my list.
Loved today's WOD. Totally bitchin. 12:03 #90.
Enjoyed the sunshine after 🙂
Something weird is in the air…..I don't hate rowing. I think I love it.
6:30 with Melo, McDowell, and Arturo
12:45/ 95#
Rowing was great. I wanted to go a little heavier and definitely could have. During warm ups I started freaking out and wondering if I could make it through 4 rounds.
My only problem was my squat set up. I was looking straight ahead and for the first 2 sets did not feel in control. Felt like I gained my composure in the last two which involved looking down and in front. I will get it someday.
I'm prepared to cancel my social commitment if tomorrows wod is awesome…..must come to every day off crush week but don't want to burn out.
A mile cool down to discuss what went right/wrong with myself.
6:30 with MeLo, Arturo, and McDowell
MAN that was brutal. 13:58 rx'ed. Took so long under the bar to squeeze out all the squats on rounds 3 and 4 that I felt totally compressed afterwards, "crushed," if you will…
A little hang time on the bar and 3×10 ghd sit up cashout while my partner was rowing, then plenty of foam rolling the legs, glutes, and t-spine once i got home.
happy to see you back on the right path, pcker.
TODD is my hero – cant wait to hit Dinosaur Saturday!!! Thanks!
13.22 Rxd. That was hard.
Hard to get the breathing right to go down for the squats. And of course, my quads felt like jelly.
13.22 RxD.
Getting the breathing right was the hardest part. Legs were like jelly afterwards.
12:17 (95lbs on the back squat)… first WOD in 2.5 months.
Got a membership at the UT Austin gym for the time being but am hoping to join Crossfit Central in the next couple months.
@Samir – loved the Ebert quote… so true, dude.
12:42 @ 195#
Oof. Legs were burning after.