For Time:
Run 800m
30 Burpees
Run 550m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
10 Burpees
Run hard and fast, chip away at the burpees without taking any long rests.
Post time to comments.
Thanks to everyone who particpated in and volunteered at the LGBT WOD yesterday!
- Front Desk Maven Lisa F took a bunch of shots at the Total yesterday. Check out our Flickr page to see them!
Zen and the Art of Crush Week!
In traditional meditative disciplines you aim to cultivate mindfulness in a physically neutral setting. Often the practitioner sits in a comfortable position and tries to bring attention toward their breathing. In Yoga, we see a more dynamic approach where rhythmic breathing becomes interwoven with a controlled flow through a series of postures . In both of these instances, the intention is for the pilot to become more tuned into the “now”. At CrossFit, we achieve something very similar through a very different approach. During an intimidating lift or difficult conditioning piece you’re forced to deal with the moment at hand. The high discomfort level of what we do takes that moment and amplifies the physical inputs to the point where you can’t help but focus on what’s happening. You know this intuitively and it’s why you get nervous before a 500m erg test or 3 rep max Back Squat attempt. You know that once you start you’ll be forced to deal with the “now” until it’s all over. Every second gets dragged out and every moment to rest or doubt yourself becomes amplified against what needs to get done. Take this opportunity to set your intention for the approaching workouts. Whenever you find yourself deep in the agonizing “now” embrace it and stay on task. Don’t look around the room to see where everyone else is, don’t check the clock to see how much time has gone by and don’t make excuses to try and avoid what your feeling. Just keep fighting the barbell up or chipping away at reps until you’ve completed the task. If you lose focus and get derailed, don’t let it mess with your head, just come back pushing harder. Remember, you’re here to get stronger, both physically AND mentally.
Enjoy Crush Week!
MLB Unsure Why It Ever Agreed To Hold League-Wide ‘Teeny Tiny Boy Shorts Day’
Weightlifting Tips – Staying Back on the Snatch California Strength
Mark Bell Discusses Rippetoes Squat Style
CrossFit WOD 100623 Demo with Miranda Oldroyd
I cant wait to do this! I want a midnight class.
Hey boss… I'll try to bet on time, but…
Long day at the gym yesterday.
On the road back from upstate to make it in time for the 12:30 Total. Worked with Zach and Samir, with MeLo watching closely.
295 (PR) / 310 (PR) / 325 (PR, +32.5 lbs)
135 / 142.5 (PR) / 150 (PR +15 lbs)
365 / 377.5 (PR) / 400 (PR +25 lbs)
I was thrilled to go 9 for 9 for a total of 875. This beats my previous total from February by 75 pounds. I have to definitely credit the programming from these past few months, along with the recent rekindling of my relationship with whole milk. The most heartening thing is that both the squat and press felt as if there was room to grow. The 400 lb deadlift was a total treat.
Stuck around to for the Stonewall WOD, which was brutal after the Total. Managed 3 rounds even with 135 lb cleans and shoulder-to-overheads. Thanks to all who watched or participated.
Long day at the gym yesterday.
On the road back from upstate to make it in time for the 12:30 Total. Worked with Zach and Samir, with MeLo watching closely.
295 (PR) / 310 (PR) / 325 (PR, +32.5 lbs)
135 / 142.5 (PR) / 150 (PR +15 lbs)
365 / 377.5 (PR) / 400 (PR +25 lbs)
I was thrilled to go 9 for 9 for a total of 875. This beats my previous total from February by 75 pounds. I have to definitely credit the programming from these past few months, along with the recent rekindling of my relationship with whole milk. The most heartening thing is that both the squat and press felt as if there was room to grow. The 400 lb deadlift was a total treat.
Stuck around to for the Stonewall WOD, which was brutal after the Total. Managed 3 rounds even with 135 lb cleans and shoulder-to-overheads. Thanks to all who watched or participated.
Ugh, I was hideously slow today. But at least I showed up. God knows when I saw it was running and burpees, I didn't want to. 15:30, keeping to my vow of never doing knee burpees again.
Handstand kickup practice after. That was a stupid idea. My shoulders were, all, "WHY?"
Ha! I wondered what happened to that line went from my fantasy baseball e-mail last night! Apparently it became a post on here… must've been clicked over to the wrong window.
Felt pretty good today. Went out a little fast on the first 800m and was sluggish on the middle 550m. 10:31. Thanks Nick for pushing me.
Total from yesterday
175-180F-180 Fail
335-350-360 Fail
All these numbers are recent PRs and definitely the heaviest I've gone in each since my back injury in March 2011. Still a long way from where I want to be, but I'll take some progress over none. Think all of the final lifts were doable at current strength levels with a little tweak in technique and a little more familiarity with the load.
Today: 10:50–Went out pretty hard on the first run, did all burpees UB, but second and third runs were slower than I'd hoped.
Ok. Trying this again. First total yesterday. I was really nervous at the beginning, but definitely won't be next time. I do think my inexperience showed overall as my form was off for at least one attempt of each of the lifts,
My squats weren't looking so good and I think I forgot to give myself my usual cues- stage fright maybe? Missed my final rep at 175 as I did not get low enough, which was disappointing.
Missed my first press as I used my knees, but they felt good after that.
Deadlifts went well, despite having dropped a barbell on my toe (owie!) Again, the second and third attempts went better than the first, thanks to cues from Fox.
I feel like I could definitely have done more with the press and deadlift, but that just means I have lots of room to grow. Roll on, next cycle!
Squat 170(PR)
Press 68 (PR)
Deadlift 210 (PR)
Total 448
Thanks Coach Fox for lending your ever-watchful eye and to Joy and Sara for being awesome partners. Also, it was great to meet some peeps I only previously knew from this blog.
Sounds like y'all had fun afterwards. Wish I could have stayed!
I had to work and now it's raining so I am not sure I feel capable of running and burpees until tomorrow. I love the inspirational Crush Week piece of writing btw.
Congrats everyone on your numbers!
I'm moving (yes, again). I have a sizable 1 bedroom that will be available July 1st, in Boerum Hill: Wyckoff bet Smith & Hoyt.
If you are interested email me at
Looking forward to crush week.
Yesterday's total was all kinds of awesome. I was debating not totaling – I'm so glad that I did.
Fun to lift with Shawna and Chaneve, who both rocked it with PRs yesterday!
130/145 (PR)/165 (F)
165 was a solid 25# over my previous PR of 140# and while I was gung-ho to try for it, I think I might have mentally psyched myself out a little bit by thinking, "Hm. I bet that's going to feel pretty heavy even when I just unrack it." It's the most weight I've ever had on my back before and I think that I didn't come out of the bottom quite aggressively enough. Totally okay with failing this one, because I think I've got it.
53/65 (PR)/75 (PR)
This was a total surprise. Press is easily my weakest lift and my technique still isn't so great, but I decided to go for broke after Coach Noah pointed out that 65# was fast. 75# was a grind and I was oddly uneven – strangely stronger on my left side, which is typically weaker – but it went up. Pretty stoked about this one.
165/180 (previous PR)/190 (Fx2)
While squat and press felt smooth, this felt heavy from the beginning, probably due to fatigue – even light warmup sets felt gnarly. Matching my previous PR of 180 felt tough and I didn't think that I had it, hence the multiple f-bombs that I dropped while I was moving that bar at a glacial pace – I'm not usually a yeller but thought I was going to fail and really didn't want to do that at a weight that I'd already done before, so sorry for the outburst, fellow CFSBKers. 190 barely came off the ground. Noah pointed out that wearing Oly shoes when deadlifting isn't always the best and I'd never done it before, so for fun, I shucked them to try one last time for a non-legit PR. It didn't move any more than it had a few minutes before, so it wasn't the shoes – it was me. 🙂
After eating Good Fork brunch, I was out of commission for the LGBT WOD, though I'd hoped to make it.
This cycle totally rocked. Kudos to the coaches for the awesome programming and a special shoutout to Noah for his coaching yesterday.
@Lisa F,
Not only did you take awesome photos, you took some vids as well. I didn't see them on Flickr. Can we have them emailed?
Squat: 295, 305, 315PR
My last warmup and first attempt @ 295 felt unbalanced. I've been playing with my foot position. I think I might be onto something and I'm hoping to lock it in next cycle.
Press: 180, 187F, 187PR
I was a little disappointed as these have been going well and I felt confident that I would get 190. I know, don't complain about a PR. The second attempt at 187 felt more organized and I remembered to aim for my nose.
DL: 345, 365, 385F
I wasn't expecting to PR here as these weren't feeling too strong until the end of the cycle. I took a shot at trying to beat my previous PR of 375 and it wasn't close. 375 or 380 would have been a more reasonable final attempt. Still, I think I'm heading in the right direction with this lift.
Total: 867 PR (by 2 lbs!)
All in all a good day, especially considering my preparation leading up to the total was less than ideal, due to a funeral and a going away party. Good crew and a good energy in the gym at 12:30. Stellar coaching as usual.
Sorry Noah for the "Team Jake" dig. Completely joking. I could never choose between you and Jake.
Coming to you remotely from downtown Bklyn. I really don't like burpees, running on a treadmill, or the rain, but I'm still glad I did this. Took me 16:05.
Wasn't sure I was going to total this time and I'm glad I did. Super-duper great to lift with the magnificent JBails. I've been semi-consistent on this cycle, but wheels kind of fell off mid-May when I went to Colombia and took a full week off. I'd missed about half the press exposures and basically all the deadlift exposures. So I wasn't sure what to expect.
Squat: 205, 225, 230F
Press: 105, 115F, 115F
Dead: 225, 245, 265F
225 is my previous squat PR from this winter, and 245 is 5lbs off my previous deadlift PR. So this tells me that I'm maintaining strength at my current level of consistency, and that's pretty great when you get to be my age–I'm stronger than I was 3 years ago and as strong as I was six months ago. I'm bummed about the press–112 is my previous 1RM from a long-ago total with Katie Mears (maybe 2010?) and I felt like 115 should have gone up, but it wasn't the day.
So great to be in the gym with the whole gang, usually I'm part of the small but mighty 6am army and never see anyone else.
Why is it that Rich Froning always manages to be better? He did ridiculously well this weekend at Regionals.
And how much would it suck to be a top athlete in the Central East division? I would move regions!
Total was awesome yesterday. Didn't have PRs but now I do and I was psyched with what I achieved. I felt like $1MM until the WOD this morning. Thanks to all the coaches to helped us set that benchmark!
QQ: Did some digging on the cycles, Since we did back off last week and this week is crush. Does the new cycle start next week?
I enjoyed this one which was a great surprise since I usually hate burpee's. 12:33. I did not sprint the runs which allowed me to go steady through all the burpees without stopping. I was able to sprint the last ten.
2 Power Snatch+2 Behind the neck snatch grip PP
WOD:13:40. Its always more dramatic to run in the rain.
6:30 with Melissa and Josh
I obsessively practiced handstands until I hurt myself. I can't miss crush week so will be subbing out pec centralized work until I get better.
Wod- 10:45
I love running in the rain!
Box jumps- I feel like I got off so easy with these instead of burpees. 🙁
I was still conservative in my run, but knew that coming in I would catch my breath on box jumps so didn't hold as much back as I probably would've had I done burpees.
Then I rowed 1000m with splits not much slower than my 250m sprint splits? I feel like something clicked and rowing is getting much friendlier. I little extra work really pays off.
I watched videos on nutrition today and am tempted to go paleo to see if I can get stronger, faster. I just finished off the best rugelach in the world (Schelsky's on Smith) so maybe I can start clean tomorrow….or the next day….or the day after that.
Strength re-cycle…
Squat (Intensity day of the Texas Method): 360×3 (PR)
This is my first squat PR in forever. For some reason I felt really crappy all day almost bagged this, but I'm glad I got it in.
Then I did some clean which felt really wonky so I cut that short and moved to the press…
Press (Wendler 3/week): 137.5 x 6
I had 1, maybe two left in the tank. Reasonable.
Stoked to be in new territory on the squat after so many stops and starts These last 8 months.
I was pretty bummed about my total performance. Going in, I wasn't sure whether I was going to total given that I had had a crappy week and my back which I pulled several weeks ago was still not 100%. I'm still not sure whether totaling was the right move. I failed at a PR attempt in my squat, and bc of a lack of confidence, didn't attempt my last PR and did 5# less. My press wasn't even close to my old PR, but I did PR my deadlift which is funny considering it's my least favorite lift and I'm not particularly good at it. So I was feeling pretty down about the whole thing until I read Charlotte's post above and it put things in perspective for me. My numbers tell me that, notwithstanding my press numbers, I have maintained strength this past year despite 8 months in which I wasn't lifting bc of my foot and arm. So while I am disappointed and frustrated, I am confident that my numbers will go back up. Thanks Charlotte for putting it back in perspective for me, and congrats to everyone on their PRs.
More proof how persistently stregnth gains persist!
Congrats Rob on that 3-RM. The set was smooth and quite pretty.
Unlike your clean.
Sorry guys my doubles or nothing spot as been sold! Thanks all for the interest and helping me out!