Fitness: 75%x5x2
(75% of last week’s working weight)
Performance: 40%x5, 50%x5, 60%x5
Post loads to comments.
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time. row as many meters as possible in 20 minutes. Use one C2. No partner can row more than 500m at a time.
Post total meters to comments.
The Mobility Cert Participants
Today is the monthly meat share pickup, as well as the first weekly pickup for the vegetable and egg shares.
Do not take your shares without speaking to Michele and checking your name off the list.
Pickup is from 6-8:30 PM at the gym; bring bags, boxes or other transport mechanisms to take your items home.
Remember: unclaimed shares are donated to gym members promptly at 8:30 PM, so please don’t be late. Questions or concerns, call or text Michele at 347-645-4524.
How Sore Are You Today? Jim Wendler
Pull-Up Progression, Part 1 CrossFit Invictus
Falling Asleep Fast David Dellanave
How Sore Are You Today? Jim Wendler
Pull-Up Progression, Part 1 CrossFit Invictus
Falling Asleep Fast David Dellanave
Back off squats – 120, 150, 185 – felt nice and light
Row with Luca and Andrew – 5356m total. Broke it up in 500s
Traveling for work, but maintained my 7 AM habit at CrossFit NapTown in Indianapolis. Super nice people.
WOD 1: 400m run, 500m row, 400m run for time. 6:22 which I'm not entirely happy with. Then again, I did today's WOD yesterday so I am just about done with the erg for a while!
WOD 2: Grace at 83#, 5:07. Should have tried this Rx but I was chicken.
Does anyone have a Kangaroo Elite standing desk? My office might order some.
@Ben W: I have the Kangaroo Junior. I think it's mostly the same, with the exception of how the monitor is placed. I LOVE IT. It is great.
Hey, Paleo people! Having my breakfast at Hu Kitchen on 5th ave and 14th street in Manhattan this morning, and they gave me a little flyer for their organic happy hour. Every Thursday starting at 6pm, they have grass-fed burgers cooked in coconut oil on grain-free bread and half price organic beer, wine, and hard cider. If you're in the city for any reason check it out. They have a bar, seating upstairs, and WiFi.
Also, @ Stella – I'm sitting here right now and they're playing Phil Collins – your kind of place!
Hey – couldn't figure out how to rsvp on the facebook page so I'm doing it here – I'll be at the LGBT Wod on Sunday afternoon.
I read and LOL'ed at this today:
I learned that you should do squats before a date (because your date can smell them!) and that we should eat more chicken because huge dinosaurs evolved from them.
I love Scott. That video was perfectly edited. It made me so happy (which I prefer over tear jerker videos that make me hate myself for crying.)
I went for my movement assessment today at my new gym. I nearly died. There might have been a 40 yard, indoor turf sled push involved. Oy.
Back on the platform yesterday. First day is always light and always hard. Great to be back.
Squat: 225 X 5 X 3
Press: 105 X 5 X 3
DL: 275 X 5
Thanks JJ.
I just did a few air squats in the office, trying to loosen up, and I ripped the living sh!t out of my suit pants. Good riddance weak pants.
6am with Josh & McDowell
It was an honor and a privilege to paddle with Team Awesome this morning (Alan & Rob U). Thanks to their steady and strong pulling, and NASCAR-like transitions, we rowed 5,024m. It was Rob who anchored and dug deep to pull us across the 5k mark. Well done!!
PS: squat was fine, and looking forward to my first total event on sunday.
richard g.
Haven't been sleeping well and generally feeling weak and low-energy lately, so I went back to sleep rather than making it to 7am today. Made up for it with DIY warmup, squats, and rowing during lunch:
warmup – 3 rounds of our standardized warmups, but there's no way to ring row so I did 10 pushups, pullups, and reverse lunges w/25lb dumbbell overhead. Thought about K-Star saying to generate torque from the hands during pushups; thought about DO telling me not to chicken-neck or pull my legs during the pullups; reverse lunges, thought about good form holding the weight overhead. I feel like that is way too much self-criticism for just warmups!
Backoff squats were no problem, highest weight was 175×5. Thought about keeping feet straighter and torque again. I feel like my form is sucking everywhere, which hopefully just means I'm noticing more? Anyway, plenty to work on even at a lower weight.
And… I misread the WOD before heading to the gym! Mistake! I thought it was in groups of 2, so I did equal-time "row 500m; rest" pairs for 20 minutes. Finished my 6th 500m row at 19:18, which is about 1:45 splits on each one. Ugh, the, last, one, was, slower…
Hey anyone have feedback on Crossfit Queens? I think its at 18-31 27th in Astoria. I haven't been able to hit some of the weekend WOD's at SBK and thought to give them a shot on occasion. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
funniest moment today..
– Gina screams at the erg
– Samir asks "what are you guys doing over there?"
– Gina responds, "WE'RE WINNING!"
I guess you had to be there
I learned today that I row faster when Rickke and Fox wave their crotches in my face. Go Team Crotch Dance!
4:30 class
DeLoad Squats based off 375
wanted to do Monday's "fun" WOD but decided to not be a poos by avoiding erg sprints…
20 min AMMAP with Rickke and Katz
1648 meters
That was tough. Matt pulled the lion's share.
6:30 with ArturoMeloMcDowell
Deload squats, worked some position tweaks, Arturo said I'm going too deep again. Maybe too much olympic lifting is screwing with my squat-feel.
WOD with Ben and Ryan. We were gunning for Team Crotch Dance. I was the heavy man in the boat, drifting from 1:35 to 1:45 splits as I fatigued, while those two kept pulling 1:30-1:35's almost to the end! We kept our transitions pretty tight using the pit-crew style strap-in. Ben went out too hard on his anchor leg, I jumped in when he started cramping up, and I thought it'd be faster to just not strap in for a 30 second sprint. I was wrong, couldn't stay organized and was flailing. 5672M.
6:30 with Melissa, McDowell and Arturo.
Deload squats. 105x5x2. I have head positioning problems. Looked out across the room today to the where the wall meets the floor and felt like that could help me stay more neutral.
Rowing 2 days in a row! I definitely do not like it but I am hating it a lot less. We got to 4,284? I had no expectations for this.
Cool down mile run. Then hand stand practice. Tire flip 10-15 times and lots of game of thrones conspiracy theory talk.
Oh yea, 5 strict pull ups are getting very easy in standardized warm ups. I don't want this cycle to end.
730 with McD, Arturo and Melo
5731 Meters with Nuge and doug.
Squatting partnered with Julian.
Deload sets: 205x5x2
Rowing WOD, partnered with Shawn and Cloyde: 5194 meters
6:30 with McD, Arturo, and Melo
Deload squats — McDowell gave me a tip on the start of my squat
[45×5] 115×5, 140×5, 170×5
Valiant effort on the WOD with Todd and BW. Pulled most of my legs at 1:26-1:30. Happy that they stayed pretty consistent.
Props to BW for putting it all out there on his last leg, and to Todd for jumping in at the last second.
It's always more fun to scream at the erg?
Fun/awful day at the gym! Worked with Hailey & Whit on the squatting & WODing. Fun times as (always) on the erg. Whitney crushed it on the last leg! Like for real for real. I believe we ended up with 4,721m exactly.