Kelly Starrett talking 1st rib and cervical spine mechanics during the CFSBK Coaches private seminar yesterday
- Farewell to Jennifer Nelson who had her last class at CFSBK yesterday before moving out of state. You’ll be missed, “Jenny”!
- Happy belated birthdays to Whitney Hubbard and Kiki Proctor!
Radhika Vaz Performing at CFSBK!
You may have seen Radhika Vaz around; she tends to hang about the lifting platforms but is occasionally known to stray. The people who have suffered her most are members of Coach Fishers strength intensive program, she clings to that class like her life depends on it and we hear that she will not shut up between lifts.
And so we have decided to give her an opportunity to speak uninterrupted for just one hour on JUNE 15 @ 8PM when she will perform her one-woman comedy show for CFSBK members and friends.
Radhika’s show has sold out shows in New York, LA, and several Indian cities that white people have not heard of. Except for Dave Turnbull who has heard of everything.
Unladylike: The Pitfalls of propriety.
Some women just don’t have the heart, mind or body to be a lady. Presenting one woman’s struggle to achieve propriety from adolescence to about now.
Written and performed by Radhika Vaz, directed and developed by Brock Savage.
“…the Indian Wanda Sykes…” The Huffington Post.
“Vaz looks like an angel but is a rebel in disguise.” Time Out Mumbai.
For tickets. $10 per ticket at the door or online here.
All proceeds benefit Women’s Education Project so they may continue to develop resource centers for young women from the poorest families in India to succeed in higher education.
Just so you know $250 sends one woman to college for a year. That means just TWO tickets pay for ONE full month of school. It also means you will have fans in India. For more information email radhikavaz(AT) OR cfsbkinfo(AT)
SAVE THE DATE: Farm Visit June 30
Women’s event 7 (Rope Climb, Squat Clean) at the 2013 North Central Regional featuring Elizabeth Akinwale
CrossFit becoming the Next Great Spectator Sport Forbes
Setting Records in Big Sky: Froning and Bailey
Everyone should see Radhika's show. She is fabulous and the show is hysterical … and you will see Deepak a/k/a husband, in a whole new light.
So. Freaking. EXCITED!
Good cause. Very cool!
Fun morning…
Weather was great…
2 Lift Tuesday…
WOD @ a constant moving 9:50
@ The Foxes…your Russian Spa is on Living Social this morning.
Anyone at CFSBK know how to write scripts that scrape data off a site? I think I have a fairly easy and legal job but I dont know enough about this stuff. If anyone has some time and can share some insight, email me at shawnsadjatumwadee at gmail
Yay for nice weather!
Squats: 80×5, 100×5, 120×5. I haven't loaded the bar with <100 for a work set in a long time. Weird!
Team WOD with Paul and Rachael (sp?). I forget what number we actually got to. It was pretty brutal.
It is depressing that I will not be able to see Radhika's show. We had already bought purchased for Steve Cohen's magic show. Is anyone taping it? After so many hours on the platform, everyone's heard of everything. I now know more about comic book characters than I would ever have imagined.
6am with Jess and McDowell. Deload squats: 125×5, 155×5, 185×5. Easy peasy. Metcon kicked the shit out of me and everyone else. Nobody ran the cool down jog: we all walked with a stilted gait.
Radhika's show is quite delightful and, unsurprisingly, irreverant. Enjoy it!
Also, I wanted to thank everyone for the incredible warmth and well wishes you showered Jeremy and me with yesterday. Makes me continue to miss home just as hard.
The link to buy tickets isn't working.
Fixed, Thanks Ben
6am with McDowell and Jess
deload squats: 2 x 5 @ 175#, pretty easy
metcon: Rowing cleaned my clock as usual. I think I dropped 10 sec/split on *each* split…
6am with McDowell and Jess. Deload squats: 85, 105, 125. Then metcon with Alex and Harish (sp?). Some number of meters, 40 fewer than the other team. Oof.
Makeup post from yesterday:
made it to 4:30 class! Did a class with Nick for the first time since…Linus was born?? Fun.
Deadlift: this was my first exposure since I'm never in on Mondays. Went for 225×5. Felt tough but very doable.
Deload press: 40, 50, 60. Hilariously light-feeling. Nice to work some blood into the shoulders.
WOD: 9:56 with 24kg bell. Awesome to chase Coach MeLo who is a speed demon.
remember: meat, veg and egg CSA pickup is tomorrow!
Belated congratulatory post to Margie and Jeremy!! What a hell of a trip you're returning from, huh?! Much love and happiness from BK.
Go to the show it is AMAZING.
On Instagram I said I was excited for what the Supple Leopard is going to ad for Active Recovery. Mr. Martinez said get ready for a world of pain – eeekk.
After first week of strength and still getting over that dang mountain beating me up it should get interesting.
That picture is actually Kelly explaining how proper follicular mobility will allow you to achieve the perfect coif of "Golden" Myers.
I *wished* $250 would pay for one year at Columbia. Jeez.
Hey all – I now officially live in the far far suburbs of Chappaqua, NY, and just wanted to say one final thanks to all the coaches and members of CFSBK. I've learned a lot in my 6 months in the gym. This place has forever changed my perceptions of fitness and particularly changed the way I look at weightlifting. It's also made me completely rethink what I can hope for out of a gym – supportive & inclusive members, a dedicated coaching staff that actually cares about your health and performance, and a place where I genuinely want to spend time. Brooklyn has been really good to my family and me for the past 5 years. My biggest regret is not finding this place sooner.
Thanks again to all. Hit me up if you ever get lost N of the city.
john dot hack at alumni dot duke dot edu
@ JohnH,
Sorry to see you go, John and thanks for the kind words. If you ever get lost on your way to work and find yourself in Brooklyn.. stop by! this will always be your home!
@ Mel,
Do you hear me smokey? You're entering a world of pain.
Did anyone ask Kelly about his thoughts re: High Bar /Low Bar Squatting?
Who wants my eggs? I just realized I signed up for 2 dozen eggs per week but I will be gone for a week and a half starting Thursday. So I'll be around to pick up my eggs on Wed but won't be able to eat them. Contact me, sameer – at – or find me at the gym at 7p. I'll have some eggs to unload.
@David nothing like Big Lebowski, kettlebells and Kelly Starrett all rolled into one. I have to come Saturday now – nervous AND curious
Yes, the short answer is that it doesnt really matter as long as you're not violating basic alignment principles. He generally advocates a slight hybrid version with the elbows much lower, the thumbs around the bar and a slight gaze forward instead of down. With the bar being carried in the low bar or just north of the low bar position
I met Mister Supple Leopard yesterday. Due is effing TALL. I thought he would be my size but of course all swole and such.
I came to morning class today!!! wahoo! the possibilities are endless with a BIKE! out of bed at 7:32am and strolled in for 8am class with lady fox on a beautiful morning.
did 3 sets of 5 kipping PU's with the standard warm-ups. played with thumbs around grip which i hardly ever use in WODs because i find it time-consuming and uncomfortable. but word on the street is it's way better, so i'm going to get there lil by lil.
95×5, 125×5, 145×3, 160×5
all five were pretty quick and in good position. happy with this and interested to see what happens with the total.
deload Press:
33×5, 40×5, 45x5x2… light and easy, as it should be. good to focus on form and staying tight in a hollow position.
11:03 with 16kg and strict push-ups. daaaayyyuuum those push-ups were slow. may have been from waking up at 7:30 and not eating breakfast before class? or from all the birthday cake i ate saturday, sunday, and monday? hmm… either way I don't think I did more than 3 at a time during the whole workout. oh well.
-first time running since i've been back in town cuz of my foot/ankle situation. after a few little pinchy moments, it seems to be alright now.
What a great day to put weight overhead!
Power Snatch+Snatch
(189, 203, 213)x3
Front Squat
315x2x2, 325×2
Two lift Tuesdays…we're on to something here. Can't get enough double days ๐
Dead lift @ 135 (probably could've pushed it higher but I'm a chicken sometimes)
Press @ 75%: 55 (strange stopping there…I WANT MORE!!! Growl*)
WOD: no idea what time the clock said…all I know is that I felt like a T Rex on that last 400m run…(scary murph memories popped into my head)
…T Rex hates push-ups
Two lift Tuesdays…we're on to something here. Can't get enough double days ๐
Dead lift @ 135 (probably could've pushed it higher but I'm a chicken sometimes)
Press @ 75%: 55 (strange stopping there…I WANT MORE!!! Growl*)
WOD: no idea what time the clock said…all I know is that I felt like a T Rex on that last 400m run…(scary murph memories popped into my head)
…T Rex hates push-ups
Radhika's show is hilarious. You have to see it– 100% awesome….
Was planning on squatting today but it's time for a couple of extra day's rest, so here's last night night's numbers:
Bench: 205x4x5
I decided I needed up the intensity so I added 5 pounds and went from 4 sets of 5 to 5×4.
Drop sets: 185×5, 165×5, 145×5, 135×5 with as little rest as possible (~10 seconds pulling plates off). Figured I change it up and go body builder. 20 reps as fast as possible. Seemed better than 155×10. Maybe it will gimme a little somethin-somethin'.
Thanks to Margie for the spot!
DB Triceps roll-backs: 20x8x5 and 20x7x3 all with 12 seconds rest.
Got a pump. Arms felt Huge. ๐
Ring Rows: fully horizontal: 3×10
I'll have to make these harder and elevate my feet next time.
6:30 active recovery
First lesson of ar: do not come sockless after going sockless all day in shoes with leather insides.
I felt sore from Monday. Still feel sore, but I believe in the power of ar. Tomorrow is going to be an awesome day.
Then I rowed 5x 250m with 1 min breaks to see if I could handle it. I could. Then a mile cool down. Now I can't sleep and do want to come to class tomorrow.