Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1 (1 week)
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Bench Press e6/6
Power Clean
Perform 2 Reps on the minute for 10 minutes.
Today’s reps should be heavy but crisp. Make sure every bar is racked correctly before fully recovering. Go heavier than last week
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Power Clean e6/6
The Myers’ finish up mile #2 at Memorial Day Murph
- Farewell to Corbett M who will be down south for the next few months. You will be missed!
- Check out Bekka P’s awesome Memorial Day Murph phots on the CFSBK Flickr
Sasha’s IFTT Email set up for Blog Posts
“Just wanted to share this thing that I’ve set up. Using IFTTT, I configured your blog to e-mail itself to me every day. I find it really useful to keep my head in training on days when I can’t make it, and thought others might find it useful too.
A Visitor Experiences Memorial Day Murph at CFSBK
Hi Crossfit South Brooklyn –
I am a default gawker on your scene there at Crossfit South Brooklyn. An Crossfinnocent Bystander. I’ve been offered a viewport into your group there that few people get to see. But today, on Murph day, I got a special preview into what you guys have there.
My girlfriend, She Who Must Remain Nameless, (Voldmort) is a member of your group and is enthusiastic about everything going on over there. She’s told me about Murph, and the Murph, and I think it’s pretty amazing. She encouraged me to come on down to see her and everyone.
I thought awesome I’d like that but in the spirit of things, I figured I’d run there instead of drive, do my own Memorial Mile. No GPS. No Phone. Just me, running to your box on my own wits and memories of rusted buildings.
I dug in, and ran my turtley way over there – invented an amazing app idea in the mids of runners bliss, – but got confused and wandered for a little bit when I ran across the bridge…which way was it?
Suddenly, bam….” sorry.”” ..sorry…” two people go blasting by me at an easy trot, clearly running together, and running strong.
“I must be getting close….” I followed them as close as I could.
I made the left on 3rd Ave, and like turning the home stretch could see the hive of activity as people were running around.
People running hard, for the joy of it, for the pain of it, for the victory in every stride.
but when I cam running down DeGraw street i was greeted with the most incredible cheer I never deserved in all my life, as Crossfit South Brooklyn, en masse, were getting behind me and I was truly lifted up.
And if that is the spirit of murph, then that spirit is in you guys, and i’m glad i felt i. that was aweosme crossfit SB –
-slim jim
Is Racewalking a Sport?
Perhaps the best thing to come out of this weightlifting discussion? This PBR commercial, posted on that Starting Strength Forum post:
OG on as regularly scheduled for Sunday night
8:30 with Jess.
Wonky day.
[45×5, 135×4, 155(???)x3] 185x5x3.
Hit all 75 reps this cycle, which feels great. I think I'd do one more linear progression if bench shows up again soon–don't think I hit the wall here.
All over the place. Started at 175, upped it to 185, dropped down to 165, and back to 170. Blech.
Pulls were plenty high according to the video, just didn't attempt to get elbows around on some reps.
We'll miss you, Corbett!
this whole debate has got me feeling like such a NEWB…woof.
Anyway– many thanks to Josh for his support yesterday and for a great class.
Making excellent headway with my lifts since I figured out some dietary issues. Broke through my bench plateau and steadily adding 5 lbs every week again. Jigga yes.
Power Cleans: I dunno if it was the crazy heat, or the last 24 hours spent crying over the loss of my puppy, but I lifted lighter (-10lbs) but CRUSHED IT on form a few times. Luckily, Josh witnessed the best one after he gave me some crazy good pointers. I was beaming. Oh, and LOVING my new Romaleos. My knee felt like a million bucks.
Much love to the CFSBK community. Thank goodness this place exists on the really shit days.
He he I love good rant days for this blog. It will make the platform more interesting tonight.
Every time I have to lift something heavy Corbett's voice from a deadlift video is in my head: OK there strong lady you pick that shit up! I am going to go find some Lambrusco to spill out on the floor in your honor 😉
Decision time – Titsday or Strength Cycle Total —- Hmmmmm…..Want cake and want to eat it to…..