For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
The full version above is a bit too much for most folks. We’ll explain how to scale for volume and movements at the gym. The average times for this workout range from 45 minutes to just over an hour. Blazing fast times as Rx’d are in the mid to low thirties.
Post time to comments.
compare to 5.27.12
Memorial Day Murph
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
“This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.”
- To learn more about Lieutenant Michael Murphy check out the his page on the Navy Seals website and his biography on wikipedia.
- To learn more about “Murph Day”, read, “At CrossFit, a Military Regimen With Geek Appeal” from the NY Times. This article was based on their visit to CFSBK and CrossFit NYC last year.
This workout is dedicated to everyone who has sacrificed their lives in the US Armed Forces. Take a moment today to thank someone who has served and reflect on those we’ve lost. If you’d like to donate to a good cause, we recommend the Wounded Warrior Project.
Participation Reminder
Please be ready to go at the time you signed up for. That means you’ll need to get there early and warm-up on your own. Here is a good MWOD for that if you’re not sure what to do. The gym will provide beer and meat for all who attend. If you can bring a side it would be much appreciated. We’ve also got commemorative T-Shirts in house today. They are first come first serve!
The gym will be open starting at 7:30am today. We’ll start grilling around 11:00am and be done around 3pm… maybe. There are no evening classes today.
I did all 100 pull ups in my dreams last night. Does that count?
Probably posting this in the wrong place, but I'm bringing a cucumber salad. GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY!!!!
In regards to the MWOD video, stretching tips was cool. Wine cellar in garage was cool. Ripped crack in shorts was not so cool.
First time doing Murph.
8am round, woke up at 6am to stretch, hydrate, caffeinate myself.
I have to say, I was scared of this workout but I tried to be zen about it. In the end, it wasn't as bad as I though it would be. Granted, I had to scale down to box pull ups and knee pushups. Still, I didn't think I would be able to do more than half. Yet at the half mark I felt I still had plenty in me so I kept on going. Legs and arms were wobbly by then, but not to the point where I had to stop. Hardest part for me were the push ups, which I had to pause every 5, 3, 2, and later 5, 2, 1, 2. Calfs were cramping up during the last mile run, will stretch and foam roll now that I'm at home.
1) I have a new found respect for the military
2) I learned that I'm capable of doing more than I think I can
2) And I ♥ CF for it
Thanks to all the coaches for their encouragement. As an introvert, I silently appreciate it, always, but take the opportunity to vocalize it here.
53:18. Switched to a double round snake pattern late in the game which turned out to be a bad move. My pull ups crashed and my hands ripped. The last quarter was a struggle but I'll take it.
Did this last night with the vest for the first time. It was AWFUL. But I'm glad I did it. Good luck to everyone today! Eat a burger or two for me.
Wish I could be there. With you guys in spirit.
Remember the fallen.
From Bagram, Afghanistan
53:15 in the 10:15 heat
This was my first Murph attempt, and I scaled to jumping pull-ups and knee push-ups. I made it 3/4 of the way through except for the push-ups, which were gone at #110 (thanks David for the help!). The first lap of that second mile was definitely the worst but got easier as I loosened up. Even with the ab mat, my knees are skinned all to hell, which is even more incentive to work up to strict push-ups.
I had a blast today and am so inspired by all the incredibly strong men and women at this gym. Thanks for hosting such a great event, and a special thanks to everyone who serves in the armed forces.
Half Murph with 1 mile runs in 43:06. Started off Rxed but dropped to knee push ups halfway through. So excited to do kipping pull ups in the WOD for only the second time ever – and I did 50 of them!
Thanks to all the coaches and volunteers for putting together such a fun and delicious event. I heart CFSBK!
Did my 1st Murph at another affiliate as I am out of town for the Memorial Day wknd with the family, and I missed the familiar faces and coaches. But, it was awesome to at least have my Dad cheering me on 🙂
Had to modify for pull-ups (box) and started my push-ups strict, then changed up to strict down, knees up, then knees down & up..but hey, got it all done in 51:21. Very pleased.
I think I blacked out on the last mile…1st mile in 7:41, 2nd mile in 8:15
Hope everyone is having killer WODs and an awesome time at the BBQ! Missing the CFSBK community today!
Full murph with jumping pull ups, and dropping to knee push ups after the first 150 strict. Finished in 52:05, which felt more like 2 hours. Fun times! Thanks to coaches and BBQers for an awesome morning.
Good times today. Murph at 8:45am w/ 20# weighted vest: 51:26. Front loaded the squats with a 5-25-5-5 pattern (push-ups, squats, push-ups, pull-ups) for the first 10 rounds and then switched to a 5-5-5-5 pattern. Front loading the squats was aimed at helping the second run. It didn't work. The second run felt like I was moving through molasses.
Thanks to everyone for a great Memorial Day!
38:17 rx.
Great to hear from you. Stay safe, friend.
51:15 with jumping pullups.
I went into this wondering whether I should do 1/2 or 3/4. Fox said 1/2. DO said 3/4. And I got to the 3/4 mark and I could still do 2 pushups at a time…so I said screw it, I'm going to do the whole enchilada. I can't believe I just did 200 strict pushups.
I love that this workout allows so many diverse personal goals. KH achieved hers of kipping pullups, I achieved mine of never letting my knees touch the ground. (Well, at least not DURING a pushup, although there was plenty of knees-on-ground BETWEEN pushups.)
Next year I will have mastered kipping pullups, damn it. And then it's time to do this sucker Rx.
And by 51:15 I mean 51:21. I need a nap…
1st murph ever. 55:58 with switching to knee push ups halfway through. Wasn't too pleased about that. The cheering at the entrance point helped with time b/c otherwise I was walking around the other 3 corners during the last mile. Most painful part of this entire WOD; the thunderous high five w/ Fiore during the 1st leg. Thanks for the good times, food, and whoever made that quinoa salad, I better see you on Iron Chef soon.
Rolan, you just reminded me: WHO made that amazing fennel/red cabbage salad with the pistachio dressing? WANTS THE RECIPE. WANTS THE PRECIOUS.
Sat it out due to general exhaustion and unhappy low back. Still, great coming out and enjoying all the positive energy and sunshine with my Crossfit family. Love you all, great work today. It's awesome to see so many people digging down and finding ways to push themselves so far- definitely envious of you all today.
Happy 3 day weekend!
Great morning doing my first Murph ever at the 8:45 session. Finished in 51:34 with severly torn up hands. So happy I got to experience Murph with my friends. Peter inspired me, I may try it with a vest next year.
So much fun! Did 1/2 Murph with 1 mile runs. Knee push-ups after 15, which kinda felt easy-ish/ fast but no way I could have done strict- I'd still be there. Jumping C2B. 31.52. Absolutely amazed I got through it. The second lap of the last mile was awful, but the last one went really fast. Not sure whether to aim for strict push-ups or full Murph next year, but I have some time to decide. So inspiring to see the coaches' heat later too, especially Jess and MeLo. You ladies ROCK! Not to mention Jacinto. Wow! Can I be like you when I grow up?! Amazeballs. Lots of fun meeting people afterwards and the food was YUM. Love being a part of this community. Thanks for a great day!
Hit the 11:45 heat for my first Murph. Did it R'xd in 50:51. Push ups were by far the hardest part. That and ripping my hands up. Going to try preventative tape next time. Had and awesome time at the BBQ also. Great to see so many people out
8am 40:53 rx. I always enjoy this one. I use the x 20 pattern at a medium pace with no rest which gives me a pretty consistent 40min finish. I finished shoulder to shoulder with Mike. On the last mile I said, "don't wait for me." He answered, "If you weren't here I'd be walking!"
My first Murph and it was great. Originally, I was going to do half, but ended up going for full Murph with jumping pull ups. I was surprised that the push ups were my biggest obstacle this time. I basically stalled out at the last round of push ups. It was done in 62:18, happy that I finish, when I did not think I would in morning. Also, love the BBQ afterwards. Thanks everyone. Looking forward to do better next year.
Thanks to the community for making today such a great day. I am amazed year after year that people choose to spend their Memorial Day working out and hanging at their gym, which I am proud to be a part of. Special thanks the Grillin' and Chillin' volunteer staff! You gals and guys rocked!
Rx'd 42:30 (? not sure about the seconds) This was actually a PR that I wasn't expecting. I give credit to the "all eyes on the coach's heat" situation. Was lots of fun to hear you all cheering us on..thanks. Made me even more aware of moving well which always pays dividends in performance down the road. Went with 10-20-30 for the second year in a row and it worked well for me.
I've always loved Murph Day. Not just because of the workout but because we get to get our fabulous community together, bbq and kick off the start of summer. Today was a gorgeous, not too hot day and just felt so right.
Murph rx'd in 56:00
-this was considerably better than last year when I finished well over 60 mins (I don't know the exact time because the clock stopped at 60). While pushups are still my goat, I actually felt strong throughout. It's really fun to go with all of the coaches and I always dread being the last one to finish. Especially because all of you are watching! But, today was good and I'm ok if I end up being last because it's not like I'm sandbagging it. I just get the pleasure of working with a lot of strong, fit people. Thank you all for the inspiration and motivation. There's no other group of people I'd rather spend the day/week/month/year with.
Big thanks to our volunteers and the coaches who helped run the show. And of course, huge thanks to David for providing the beer/meat and for creating this amazing community.
Thanks coaches for an awesome day!!
Thanks Murph for being an awesome warrior!!!
My 4 year old asked why we only do this once a day…
Rx @ 39:00. First timer. Super humbled by that and really impressed by all.
Most importantly, feeling pumped to be a part of this community of folks.
Simon! DAMN! That is impressive. Wouldn't shock me if you made leaderboard next time around.
Stella, nice job on all of those push ups! Followed this recipe with the addition of red cabbage and fennel fronds for visual effect. Thinking some lime would be nice too.
My first Murph at 8 am. 1 mile, 50 kipping pull ups, 100 push ups, 150 squats, 1 mile 34:54
Signed up for the first heat to get it over with asap. 10 rounds of 5,10,15 ended exactly when I needed them to. Murph with 100,200,300 is going to hurt. I'll be ready next year.
First murph 46:34. Jumping pull ups and knee push-ups. I'm so proud that I PR'd my first mile, though. Totally unplanned. In fact, I kept saying- the first mile is a warm up, the second mile your cash-out/cool down. Such a beautiful vibe in the gym. So proud of a community who honors those who've served our country in this way.
Thanks MGMT for organizing/hosting this event. Really fun to see so many people exceeding their own expectations. Top notch grub as usual. Perfect weather. Such a great day!
Next year, I'm wrapping my hands and doing strict push ups throughout. There. I said it.
Well, started out strong and then push ups did it to me again. 46:20 rxed with no vest. A moment for all of those that have fought for this country throughout its history and the difficulties they have endured.
@Earl – Good to hear from you, stay safe brother.
My 4th or 5th Murph, Rxed in 39:24, which was a nice surprise- definitely better than last year's atrocity, and reversed the trend of diminishing times on this workout for the last few iterations.
This is always an interesting mental workout which forces you to dig deep and live withing discomfort for a relatively long time. Had a great time doing it with the other coaches and special guests, felt like playing Blind Man's Bluff because you never knew when someone was going to finish and head out the door. Thanks to all who stayed and cheered/cajoled, a special thanks to my good bud DH3 who ran the entire last mile with me after finishing his own workout. Dude's a champ.
A great day at the gym, always. Humbling and intensely gratifying. Special thanks to our brothers and sisters doing thankless jobs in dangerous places, past, present, and future.
Earl, good to hear from you brother. Keep your head down and your spirits high. Drop me a line some time: noah (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com. Hope all's well.
Also, my personal favorite moment was BDubs looking at his shredded hands after the workout, and in his signature downbeat style simply saying "I made a tactical error."
I'm not sure what my Murph time was. Someone said fifty something way afterwards which is probably right. I had three goals
1. try to make 600 reps as perfect as possible
2. Don't stop just because I'm tired, especially on the 2nd run.
3. have fun.
Mission Accomplished
Thanks Crystal! That stuff really was like crack.
8:45am Murph heat with lots of fellow 6am'ers. Finished in 52:25, with jumping pull-ups. Really pleased with that! It was so much fun getting to cheer everyone on and hanging out afterwards! Thanks to the coaches and everyone else for making this an amazing event.
Thanks to all the men and women serving in our armed forces!
10:15 Murph in 52:01 –
Pretty happy. First time doing the full Murph – though with jumping pull ups and knee push ups.
1st murph 47:50something. Wish my hands didnt rip. I also wish I didn't have to goto work afterwards and not hang out.
11am Murph after a long weekend of doing less than nice things to my body.
A year ago Murph was my second group class, and I did Halfmurph with a green band for the pull-ups in about 34:30. Push-ups slowed me down a ton last year.
This year was Rx in 51:55. Eight minutes under my goal of an hour. Excited about several aspects of this:
(1) I got to complete the workout side by side with Matt for a good chunk of it, and watch him finish 10 minutes faster than he did last year.
(2) Pull-ups. These were not in my repertoire last year.
(3) I was strict about my ROM — I felt myself hit the deck on every push-up this year, and I can't say the same about last year. I tried to be very conscious of depth at the bottom of the squat and fully extending at the top.
Yet another fantastic event organized by the SBK coaches and community. The food was excellent, as were the crowds. It was great to have so many people shouting encouragement from the sidelines, and I was happy to give it back to later heats.
Weekend started with Regionals Event 6 at CF Garden City.
100 double unders
25 HSPU (2 abmats, scaled from 50)
40 T2B
30 S2O at 115lbs (scaled from 160lbs)
40 reverse lunges at 115lbs (scaled from 160lbs)
Finished in 24:50. This was probably the hardest workout I've ever done. The lunges were absolutely brutal.
Yesterday was a 6 mile hike in the Catskills to the top of Slide Mountain. Six inches of snow at the top–crazy!
I did a half-Murph with mile runs. Finished in 37:21, I think. I was so anxious all morning, and during the first mile just thinking the jumping pull ups were going to kill me. Squats and push ups were way worse, though. DO came over during my 8th round to correct something about my push ups and I was like "I finished this set…don't make me do an extra one."
Foodstuff was killer. Especially the spinach/egg/bacon salad, which was out early and gone in about 2 minutes. Props to whoever brought that.
Kids had an awesome time. Emet walked in my room at 5:45 this morning and asked "Where dat gym is?" They both want to go back!
45:30 Rx'd, 2 minutes better than last year.
I was really happy with my form this year. I focused on keeping every rep solid and organized. As a result I actually feel pretty good today and not beat up!
I made up Murph last night. Ruth and I were the only ones doing it in the 5:30 class. I took it without the vest and finished in 48:10. 1st Murph!