Fitness: Heavy 5
Work up to a heavy set of 5. This should be about 5-15lbs heavier than last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 (3 week)
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your sixth 3×5 of Pressing for the cycle. Add 2-5lbs from last week’s weight.
Performance: 5/3/1 (1 week)
Post loads to comments.
DL e5/6, Press e4/6
3 Rounds NFT of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53/35
12 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
Consider doing Ring Rows if you’re “Murphing” tomorrow.
Coach Nick and Charmel at CRASH Bs
Thanks to everyone who’s signed up for Murph tomorrow! Remember that we need some sides so if you can grab a fruit salad or make some quick veggies or crudite it would be much appreciated! We love you!
Competing in Silence
@mgmt- No evening classes tomorrow correct??
Deadlift: 265×3, 300×3, 340×5. Forgot to use a switch grip on the last set. Press: 140×5, 160×3, 175×6. Only managed 4 at 175 on the last wendler-1 day for press.
Pissed off today. Had low back issues a couple months ago and have been avoiding DLs. Was planning to go to 250-275 but at 215 started feeling a tweak, still eeked out the 235 which was maybe a mistake. The press rep out I hit one and dropped 2. Reset, got one more, lost 3 and racked. Slipped in one more but what the fuck. May have had to do with my back, may have had to do with the fact that 5 set I accidentally set too high, may have to do with being underslept and tired. May have had to do with it just not being my day. Pissed though, been working hard on presses this cycle and wanted to break through on my numbers. Damn.
Strikes and gutterballs.
10am w/Fox & Arturo
55 Press -had a hard time with the fourth and fifth rep and had to scale down to 53
125 deadlift – same as the previous time
Lesson of the day: don't expect to progress if you've been out for two weeks
11am class
Happy with these numbers. Must've been then BBQ and frozen margaritas that powered me through.
Huge 9 AM today!
Deadlift 155×5 (oops, was thinking 5-3-1 week), 180×3, 200×10 🙂 Feels great to say I literally did a ton of weight on my rep-out!
Press 60×5, 68×3, 75×6. Tried for a 7th and it went nowhere.
Sorer than I expected from yesterday's front squats. Dreading-anticipating tomorrow.
Murph is full. Are those of us who failed to claim a spot on the list SOL?
Nooner with Meloturo.
DL: 290×8 rep out
Press: 155×7
Took the the NTF as an easy cool down, 8 am Murph.
Hah, Meloturo, I like it.
45×5 75×5 100×5 110×3 125×4
135×5 185×4 210×3 240×3 270×6
Felt much better on deadlifts this week. I feel like I'm finally pulling properly even at near-max weights.
NFT Helen was fun, I pushed hard for the first 2 rounds and had to back off a little at the end.
Daniel – show up, we'll figure it out. The earlier heats would be better.
I junked up my ankle yesterday and was signed up for the 11am heat tomorrow, so I took my name off if anyone wants to take my place. I'll be there cheering for you!
Yes to OG tonight. I'm here!
I read that wrong. yeah just Murph day tomorrow.
Go get drunk! (on life)
Snatch Doubles
215 for 5 sets. (Pretty rough)
Clean and Jerk: One pull, one Clean, two Jerks
265 for 5 sets (Very rough)
HBBS 5×5@85%ish (This is brutal)
345x5x4 (Failed on rep 3 of the 4th set. Seeing double)
Im in for an odd scheduling week, which wont allow me to Oly lift most likely, which is a good thing because I think i really need the rest. STEP AWAY FROM THE BAR