Fitness: Heavy 5
Work up to a heavy set of 5. This should be about 5-15lbs heavier than last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
We are doing a rep out today on the deadlift. Any loss of position terminates the set.
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Press e4/6
Teams of 3 complete the following, chipper style.
150 Kettlebell Swings
150 Push-Ups
150 Calories Rowed
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CFSBK 1/2 Marathon Times
These CFSBKers ran the Brooklyn half marathon yesterday and put up some awesome times! Congrats on the great work guys. If we missed you, please post to comments so we can add you to the roster.
Ava Page: 1:43:21
Robert Underwood: 1:47:12
Jen Stopka: 2:42:25
Aileen Hanna: 2:11:25
A Grizzly Ate My GoPro Camera!
Insane Downhill Bike Race In Chile
Sam Ayide 1:21:37
Joe Fabiani — also 1:21:37 for the Brooklyn Half
2:03:18 Kiki Proctor Brooklyn Half
Luke Jackson 1:41:25 for the BK Half
Ran a 5K today — the last one I did was 8 years ago. Haven't been running at all and PRed by a minute. As Fox said recently, "it's almost like this CrossFit thing works."
9am with Arturo and Melo. Deadlifts: 245×5, 285×5, 320×8. Rep out felt good. Maybe had another one or two in the tank, but they would have been much uglier. 2 pood kettlebell for the accessory work. Did the 50 cal row in one sitting in a little over 2 minutes. Felt much harder than I thought it would.
Holy crap, Sam and Joe. Those are blazing fast half-marathon times.
Wow, fast half-ers!
10 AM with MeLo and
tanned Joshfacial-hair-less Arturo. (Seriously, with his baseball cap on I really thought it was Josh back from a vacation in the tropics.)Deadlift 145×5, 170×5, 190×10. WOD with Steph P and Laura, 20kg kettlebell. I'm happy with myself for having done all the pushups strict. Was delighted that this was NFT!
I think I dropped an Again Faster wrist wrap if anyone sees it. I also think I left a blazer there last week but I keep forgetting to check.
9 am. 275×10 rep out. Ditched the shoes and it felt pretty good.
Accessory work:
Swings: 32 kg, 5 sets of 10 each. Overhead.
Push ups: 5 sets of 10 each.
Row: 2 rows each of 25 calories..
We did it nonstop even though it was nft. Blood was pumping by the end.
Deadlift – 245×5, 285×5, 322.5×9 – had at least a rep or two in the tank. Rep 3 or 4 was a little ugly but did a better reset for the remaining reps and they felt a lot better.
Partner WOD with Todd and Everett – 32kg overhead / HR push-ups – broke the KB and PU up 20-20-10 and the row 25-25
11AM with MeLo and Arturo
Deadlifts with Everett and Dan
135×5 165×5 195×5 225×5 255×9
Reset to the same weight for this 531 cycle to really work on starting position and pulling properly at lighter weight.
WOD also with Everett and Dan, as described by Dan above. KB swings and pushups all unbroken. Kept both rows at exactly 25SPM and 1cal/pull.
Poconos "Run for the Red Cross" Marathon this morning. 3:26:51. Missed my BQ number (dammit) but great small race. perfect conditions. Too many gd hills.
Congrats to the Brooklyn 1/2ers! Sam and Joe – those times are ridic!
Make-up post from yesterday:
BSQ: 135x5x3
Repeated weight from Tuesday because it felt so crappy. Much better yesterday. Still going too low.
Odd mile with 50# sandbag. Forgot to check time on clock when I started, but I know it was slow and painful.
Deadlift: 165x5x1
WOD: worked with Ellie and Christian — 20kg KB swings and STRICT PUSH-UPS!!! Thanks Ellie for encouraging me to do them strict.
Congrats to all the SBK runners this weekend!
Two classes out at CFGC.
Saturday's class was a WOD in teams of three of:
300 KB swings (24kg)
200 box jumps (24 in)
1 mile run
Can't remember our final time on this one–it was around 28 minutes. Split the KBs into 6 rounds of 15 each and a round of 10, all unbroken. Box jumps went in six rounds of 10 and a round of 6/7. Mile run was a little glimpse of what Murph may feel like.
This morning was a mainsite workout from 2012:
7 RFT:
12 thrusters at 75lbs
9 toes-to-bar
200m run with 20lb medicine ball
22:03. All the thrusters were unbroken, the T2B were broken 5/4, except in round 5 when I went 3/3/3. The addition of medicine ball meant there was no rest for the shoulders on this one. This is the first time I did a high volume T2B workout without scaling to K2E halfway through.
Deadlift @ 290x5x1. These are feeling great this cycle. Old 1RM is 315 and it looks like I might be able to get to 310x5x1 by the end of the cycle. Cool.
Partnered with Ricky and Chris for the WOD. 32kg broken up to two sets of 25 for each movement.
A few days ago I left my black and red wrist wraps behind. Two coaches confirmed that they'd been put in the lost and found bin, but when I checked for them yesterday they were gone. This is the second time I've forgotten my wraps at the gym and had them disappear. I'd really appreciate if whoever took them would put them back in the bin.
They cost me 18 dollars plus tax.
Worked up to 335X5X1 at the 12PM class with some good tips from Pierre. Actually my previous 1RM was 325 so I guess this was a PR. My bench and squat feel like they're inching very slowly forward, but I feel like I'm getting stronger and stronger on the DL.
Stella, I had the same thought about Arturo/Josh (not as humorously articulated)
Great times on the Brooklyn Half all!
I couldn't make this AM's workout. Who would like to do the workout at open gym at 6pm?
Congrats to all the Brooklyn Halfers!
I did a bit of running this weekend as well — ran 17.11 miles of a 200 mile relay race. It went well and it was a blast. Averaged 9:05 minute miles. Battled some lower back tightness for the first three runs, but felt great by my fourth run. The hills felt great — thank you, squats!
Great job to everyone else who ran this weekend! It was a great day for it.
I knew it was going to be a tough half. I caught a pretty bad episode of food poisoning on Thursday and Friday. NYRR wouldn't let me defer to next year and I didn't want to waste my money, so when I woke up on Saturday and felt semi-okay, I decided to take it one mile at a time and see how it went. Not my best half by far, but considering I was throwing everything up less than 24 hours earlier, I'll take it.
I have to say though, out of all the half marathons I've run, this one felt the best (and I also trained the least for it). I wasn't as tired and didn't experience muscle fatigue like I did in the past. I have CFSBK and our wonderful coaches to thank for that 🙂
Olympic Lifting Meet
Clean and Jerk
Took 2nd Place! What an Fing GREAT EXPERIENCE.
2:01 BK Half
I ran the brooklyn half too! 1:49!