Jen Stop warms up her Thrusters
Meet Annie Thorisdottir
Check out this video CrossFit posted about “Iceland Annie”. In it she talks about growing up in Iceland, qualifying for nationals in both gymnastics and pole vaulting, being the most muscular girl in ballet and how she found CrossFit. Annie is the first repeat CrossFit Games champion and a 4 time Games competitor. Despite not competing this year due to injury, shes widely considered the most successful female CrossFitter we’ve seen yet.
Row For Boston
Next month Reebok Crossfit 5th Ave will host a Rowathon to benefit Boston’s Children’s Hospital where some of the kids who were injured in the bombings were treated. The Rowathon is a team indoor rowing competition open to all Crossfit affiliates in New York and I am inviting you to participate in this fun event to help raise some money for a great cause. Here’s how it works:
- The Rowathon is limited to 12 Crossfit teams. Each team will consist of an 8 person crew, from members and/or staff, and must include at least 2 females and 2 lightweights below 165lbs.
- Each team will be assigned a Concept2 row machine on which each crew member will row a minimum 5000m consecutively, relay style, to complete the full Rowathon distance of 42,195m or 26.2 miles.
- Each Concept2 will be connected to an interactive rowing software program so the race will take place in real time on a digital river and will be viewable to competitors and spectators on a large display monitor.
- The race is estimated to take approximately 3 1/2 hours to complete, with bragging rights, “Rowathon Champions” t-shirts and a trophy going to the winning team.
What the Internet Does To Our Brains Epipheo
Early start today up in Canton. Practicing my "No Rep" hand signal. Luckily I have some practice, it's very similar to "palms down".
Chicago ain't no sissy town and STOPKA AIN'T NO SISSY!
Recovery squat – 235 x 3 x 3
Saturday's WOD – without giving too much away 9:54 with 60#
I accidentally left a tag I ripped from my shorts next to the platform last night. It's tiny, but I would never want to litter. I can pick it up when I'm there tomorrow but if someone else does/has, thank you and my sincere apologies. ๐
Courtney — WORD!
I don't usually do both squat exposures each week but since I figured AR is going to be canceled tomorrow I decided to come in today. Fun squatting with KH and MeLLo, whom we totally peer-pressured on Facebook (at her request!) into coming in for a morning class. 140x3x3, easy. During Paleo challenge I would have been able to say that was BW, but…no. Not if I'm being honest with myself. ๐
WOD was terrible while it was happening, but I'm glad I did it. Used a 20# med ball, 10:07. My arms are destroyed, and I have SO MUCH RESPECT for those TFBAs who CrossFit while pregnant.
Dan, I was wondering why I had you in my sights for so much of that WOD. Oh right, because you were dealing with three times as much weight as I was!
6am with McDowell. Squats: 235x3x3. Easily the most solid squats I've performed this cycle. Metcon in 8:23. Not sure what weight I was using, though it was heavy. Hands were cramping afterwards. Good times.
AHEM, question of the day idea inspired by a current Facebook convo: What's the best lifting/WOD advice or cue you've ever gotten?
@Stella – deadlift, chest up.
No Annie at the games! I would have been happy with her winning again. Now I'm all about Kristan Clever. Don't know if she has a chance but I would bet on her in hopes that she did. $$$
Only do things that are awesome
– Jim Wendler
My personal favorite is DO's advice for bench press spotters: Don't teabag your bench partner.
My favorite: "Don't ever ask me for help again!" (Jeremy, while I was bench pressing, reminding me that our coaches know their sh*t and if they DON'T help you when they see you struggling with something, it's because they know you can do it.)
"don't you dare rack that bar."
– you know who
"fuck the bar" – Jeremy trying to get me to close my hips faster as I locked out a deadlift.
I'm going to get highschool on this wod advice
About courage "It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do."
Atticus Finch
Thanks for all for the peer pressure – amazing how much different your day feels when you have already done something awesome by 8am!! Esp. great to lift with Stella and Kristin – kids they ain't kidding when they say they match in the morning.
Squat depth is still suffering but oddly my last 2 were my best 2.
Me – I lost my squat. McDowell – It's at the bottom
Me – Bar is heavy today. Fox – well it is Metal its supposed to be heavy
Me – (first day back after surgery break) Le puff Le huff. MeLo – You just keep breathing and moving.
Me – Coughing coffee on the floor. Jess Fox – Really Mel, Really?
Me – Shaking my head not knowing if I could row anymore. Nick – YOU. BE. STUBBORN.
Me – Groaning in Agony. Noah – Wow you have an expressive pain face, that's OK
Me – Shit that was hard. Arturo (laughing) – Ya, wasn't it?
Me – Figuring out the clean. Josh – Don't think just butt back and explode.
Me – Yammering uselessly and nervously before dead lifting. Jeremy – Shut it and pick up that bar you already know you can.
Me – Staring at the ground mad I hit a wall on dead lift. Margie – Use your words
Me – This is HARD. David – I didn't say it wouldn't be hard I said it would be worth it
I've heard Mel has all of those tattooed on her like Memento just in case she forgets and needs inspiration.
Seriously though, pretty impressive memory Ms. Lloyd, and good summary of the different styles/sadism quotients of the coaching staff.
Nooner with Jess and McDowell today.
Bench 68x5x3 – felt fast!
On a related note, I am able to do all 30 push-ups STRICT during warm-ups. I do them in sets of 4-3-3 or 3-3-2-2, but I'm still stoked about it. Probably time to grease the groove and really get these babies locked down.
Cleans @ 103# – seems to be a good work weight for me. Probably going to stay here to work on dropping below the bar faster. And, well, doing everything faster.
Advice, from David, on cleans: yeah, don't do that anymore. (referring to moving slowly)
Noah they are tattooed on my abs all two of them that are showing too far after the Paleo challenge ๐
230×1 PR
230 felt goos jumped off the shoulders. Failed one at 235 afterwards that was dead before it started.
Bp. 135×5. 152 x5. 172×11 thx josh for spotting
Pc. Worked up to 175 for 5 singles then high hangs 135 x5 95 x5. Thx Jake for coaching
Loaded carries outside
Is there AR tomorrow ?
Yes, do tell! I was assuming there wouldn't be because DO is at Regionals, but with no announcement to the contrary I'm daring to hope.
Open gym.
130x5x3. My 6 week goal that I didn't believe I could get to at week 4. Yeaaaaaa
Run 1mile with 32lb sack, 9:34(josh you looked 2 seconds after I finished) ๐
Kipping pull ups 7,7,6,8,5 going to rx Fran
Strict pull ups 3×3. Standardized warm ups have made me so strong.
Rope climbs, I finally touched the top and almost had a heart attack and fell off.
Most amazing feat: 24" box jump. I'm scurred.