Fitness: Heavy 5
Work up to a heavy set of 5. This should be about 5-15lbs heavier than last week.
Performance: 5/3/1 (1 week)
We are doing a rep out today on the deadlift. Any loss of position terminates the set.
Post loads to comments.
Press e3/6
In Teams of 2, complete AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
15 Wall Ball 20/10, 14/9
30 Double Unders
Post rounds, partner and Rx to comments.
Fresh air and Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
- There is no Teaser class today
- Happy Mother’s Day to all our amazing CFSBK moms! We love you!
Happy Mother’s day to all our CFSBK Moms 🙂
Strength Cycle CrossFit Total Today
Starting around 1:15pm the CFSBK Strength Cyclers will be taking on the CrossFit Total to see how the past 8 weeks of training have paid off. If you love watching people lift heavy weights, come check this event out! Lifting should go until about 4:30 or so and then folks will head out to Root Hill Burger. All are welcome to attend! The CrossFit Total consists of three attempts at 1RMs in the following lifts: Back Squat, Press and Deadlift
The lifters:
Radhika V, Bev W, David T, Bethany E, Mckensey S, Rahsaan C, Dan N, Brandon C, Corbett M, Colin C, Gina C, Aileen H, Stephanie H, Matt I, Sameer P, Thibault C, Lauren H, Nick P, Clare D, Kabir S, Amanda M, Dave B
Instagram Roll Call!
Are you on Instagram?? If so CFSBK wants to follow you! Post your name to comments and we’ll follow you, or you can check us out at crossfitsouthbrooklyn. Maybe you’ll find some gym friends on there too!
Dark Matter: The Matter we can’t see
This Dog is better at board sports than you
CrossFit Games Update Show, May 10th
Good luck to all the strength cyclers today! I'm sorry I can't be there, but I encourage you all to cheer extra loud for Stephanie in my absence.
Happy Mother's Day to all the cfsbk moms!
Good luck totalers, and hugs to you moms.
On Instagram I am: togomonroe
9am was simply brilliant and forever I shall never look at an Ocelot in the same way. 3 top of some really great ladies and happily am back to my body weight on DL in addition to the same on backsquat – even with everything else failing this pleases me greatly.
Thanks for the hugs Stella and Joy, it was a rotten morning and you turned the frown upside down.
And to the lovely generous and kind hearted Noor who was so amazing in agreeing to be my substitute mum – happy day to you. xo
Kick ass today, Totalers!
JB, much love to you all day.
Deadlift: 160×5, 185×3, 205×6. Oddly, my grip started to go on the 6th rep. Grip is never what fails me first on deadlifts (I've never gone to switch grip, not even for 1RMs), but I guess maybe with volume it can.
WOD 8 rounds even with Joy, counting attempts. I never know what my doubles are going to be like before they happen, but today I was stringing them together in 10s and 12s several times. Hooray!
CFSBK Total Check List
1) Snacks
2) Protein shakes
3) Scribbled notes with target weights
4) Burt's Bees lip balm
5) Post-Total beer and burger money
11AM with DO and Josh
Have been having some revelations on deadlift starting positions lately, and with good cues from Josh and Jess today I think I have some more ideas on dialing it in further. Unfortunately today was not a good day for the lift itself.
135×5 185×5 225×5 255×3 285xF 280xF
What I do feel good about is that the 280 attempt felt locked in and I didn't give up any position to get it off the floor, I just had nothing left in the hamstrings to keep pulling. Going to reset lower for this next cycle and really work on strengthening this new starting position with some lighter weights.
WOD with Bjorn
Finished my 4th round with my only 20+ unbroken set of DUs just in time for Bjorn to get a few more wall balls in, couldn't dial in the DUs for the first 3 rounds though, I think I just need to practice them more often to maintain the rhythm. Wall balls were fast and unbroken.
Home to clean up and back to watch the total, see ya'll there.
DL – 275×5, 315×3, 345×6 – Same as my rep-out last week at 330. Felt good and could have pulled a couple more.
WOD – 11 rounds + 15 DU – worked with Ryan. Broke on the DUs a couple times, which wasn't so great, but overall moved through it pretty well.
JB – mucho amor y abrasos. Each year is different.
Stella – Congrats! You're stronger than your grip! (use the switch grip next week for the top set.
D-Turn – FTW! I love snacks and beer!
11am class
Could have pulled 7 and 8, glad I left them on the floor
WOD w/Doug
9 (maybe 11?) rounds plus 15 WB and 5 DU
I was by far the slacker on this team. Doug was an unbroken machine. I was the gasping, broken one. WB were broken and felt as good as they ever have. All gas, all fun.
Lots of fun taking classes this cycle. Reminds me of why I wanted to get involved with CrossFit, DO, and CFSBK in the first place.
Happy Mother's Day!! Good luck totalers – good luck Corbett!!
Instagram is rgreenspan – mostly pics of kids, and random shots from around brooklyn.
Deadlift – onward and upwards with 170. Very excited to be reaching new limits, thanks to DO for cueing me on my back & hip movement which made 170 feel so much better than 135.
205×3, 235×3, 265×5, 275×1, 285×2
WOD: Nine rounds plus some
ALSO: CFSBK peeps at the Total: if someone sees Noors white Samsung phone (by/on the Rogue squat racks), can you just leave it in the office? We'll pick it up tomorrow. Thanks so much!
good luck strong people.
that surfing dog also probably gets more tail (see what i did there?)
9am with Fox and DO. Deadlifts: 275×5, 315×3, 345×6. Not keeping the bar close enough, but otherwise felt good. Definitely had 1 or 2 left in the tank. Partnered with Ryan on the WOD. He's a double-under beast. We managed 12 rounds + 15 wall balls. DUs felt good today.
10am with Fox and DO.
DL with Pablo for a mini Foundations reunion.
[135×5, 205×4, 255×3, 290×1] 325×5
Good feedback from Fox on my back angle, and about taking these sets at a slower pace from here on out.
WOD with Dan L. 11 rounds, then the WB and half the doubles in my sixth turn. All WB unbroken, and lots of long strings of DU, including an unbroken round. Glad I repaired my rope–I've missed it!
On Instagram as MistahJoyce.
I am 'joncshea' on Instagram.
Instagram: chi11yfitzy
Awesome Total as always. Great atmosphere and loads of PRs.
Squat – 350 (PR by 15lbs), Deadlift – 415 (PR by 20lbs). So it worked out well.
Thanks Jeremy – the strength cycle continues to be great.
instagram: noble1nolan
Congrats Totallers! So great to see you all being your strong selves!
I'm finally starting to feel like I'm moving past recovery and getting back some of my strength. Thanks to the fabulous standardized warm-ups, which I fell in love with last time, I have my push-ups back. 165X5X1 with KHo and Charlie felt pretty good, as moving to switch grip always seems to make everything much better. Loving this cycle.
Awesome watching the total today.
Starting to wonder about doing the strength cycle….
Great effort.
instagram – hallerk
Benson CAN SURF?!?!?!?!
OG last night: thanks DO for coaching
lbbsq recovery day: 175x3x3
press: 95×5, 110×5, 125×6
DL: 220×5, 250×3, 280×4
high hang snatch: worked up to some 95# singles
loaded carries outside
OG from friday
BP: 145×5, 165×3, 185×9
PC emotm at 165#
instagram: micmcgraw