Mother, CrossFitter, TFBA… Charlotte K
Strength Cycle CrossFit Total This Sunday
This Sunday starting around 1:15pm the CFSBK Strength Cyclers will be taking on the CrossFit Total to see how the past 8 weeks of training have paid off. If you love watching people lift heavy weights, come check this event out! Lifting should go until about 4:30 or so and then folks will head out to Root Hill Burger. All are welcome to attend! The CrossFit Total consists of three attempts at 1RMs in the following lifts: Back Squat, Press and Deadlift
The lifters:
Radhika V, Bev W, David T, Bethany E, Mckensey S, Rahsaan C, Dan N, Brandon C, Corbett M, Colin C, Gina C, Aileen H, Stephanie H, Matt I, Sameer P, Thibault C, Lauren H, Nick P, Clare D, Kabir S, Amanda M, Dave B
Murph Day!
This year we’ll be holding Murph Day on Monday, May 27th during the morning and afternoon. All are welcome to come throw down! We also need some volunteer grillers to help out cooking copious amounts of meat provided by the gym. If you’re interested please email David(at) The WOD as Rx’d is detailed below for all newer folks not familiar with “Murph”. As always there will be scaling options. Also, look forward to special limited run “Murph” shirts day of!
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the Pull-ups, Push-ups and Squats however you’d like. Start and end with the run. If you’ve got a 20lb vest or body armour, wear it.
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
Have you done “Murph” before? Any thoughts going into this year?
The observable Universe vs The whole universe
Richard Feyman on Curiosity
Niel deGrasse Tyson on Sir Isaac Newton
@Mgmt – Question: Looking through the archives I saw you guys hosted a lean-out challenge last June. Are you doing this again this June? I could use another kick in the butt back towards better nutrition.
My wife: TFBA. *Grin* Yep!
That photo is timely โ it's our wedding anniversary today!
Charlotte–TFBA indeed!
This will be my 4th Murph, my favorite event of the year! Something you just grind through. But keeping in mind what my brothers and sisters in arms have been through over the last 12 years, it's a breeze.
Aww, happy anniversary, you guys!
I have yet to do full-Murph. I did half-Murph last year as a makeup, but didn't do it with the big group. This year it's time. I expect to be hurting for a while after.
I'm going to say this out loud before I change my mind. 200 push ups is INSANE and I want to do them, and all the other stuff. Murph!
Happy anniversary Charlotte and Nick.
Go Charlotte! Happy Anniversary to Nick and Charlotte too!
Last year I did a full Murph with a green band for pull ups and kneeling push ups. This year I am closer to getting real kipping pull ups so I'm thinking about doing a half Murph and trying to Rx the movements. Strict push ups are still a total goat, especially 100 of them…
Happy Anniversary Nick and Charlotte!
I've never done Murph and it looks I will finally be in town to do it. So excited for this!
Congrats Nick and Charlotte!
I did the full murph last year. (44:21)
It took me several days to recover. Your legs are not what hurts when you hit the last mile it's your arms, they are like 100 pound bags of sand.
I broke it up 9 squats 6 push-ups 3 pull-ups, then 3/2/1 for the last 5 sets or so. IBreaking them up into real small sets from the start kept me from totally burning out. Once your push-ups go they are gone so really protect your ability to do them. Go to knees earlier than when you hit the wall is important.
Good Luck
Last year I did 10-20-30 and was pleased with it, although I never expect or strive to go fast. I may try:
10 Push Ups
10 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
30 Squats
By far the worst/best part of Murph for most of us coaches is that we go together in one heat after most everyone else is done. This usually means that the sun is high and hot and that the gym floor is a messy pool of bodily fluid. I really enjoy plodding through the workout with my fellow ninjas but man, the sun and heat…Like DMak said though it's nothing compared to the sacrifices that women and men make each and every day to protect us and our way of life here in the States so I'll suck it up. Also, beer is at the end of the last mile.
STOKED for this year's Murph tees!
Man. Murph. It was (foolishly) one of the first Crossfit workouts I did. Last January on an unseasonably warm day with a friend at the East River Track. I didn't know what a kipping pullup was, but I'm sure I wasn't coming to full extension doing them strict. God knows what my pushups and squats looked like. All I remember is shuffling through the final run not much faster than I could have walked it, then lying on the ground for a solid hour with the taste of blood in my mouth.
I couldn't walk down stairs or wash my hair without pain for days. I am actually loving the programming so much this cycle I'm not sure I want to have to miss some of it for Murph!
Is this WOD running every hour in the morning and afternoon? When is the best time to come in for Murph?
I'm going to think this out loud to you guys:
I'm totaling this Sunday (so I'm probably out of running shape)
Next Wednesday (15th) I leave for Italy until the 24th (just wanted to rub that in)
I have to be able to move again for the Spartan race on June 1
I'll assign myself a mixture of bodyweight work to do on vacation.
Aw, hell let's do Murph!
What's the suggested scaling for pull-ups? Ring rows? Jumping?
Charlotte's totally my idol.
My strategy for Murph is to volunteer for the cooking squad.
@ Amy: No current plans, but FOXman is working on something bigger and more persistent
@ Rob: Yeah we'll have hourly waves I think. more details to come.
@GC: Depends on where you are with your pull-ups. 50 Ring Rows is a common sub for 100 pull-ups.
I've done Murph like 6 times at the point. I never feel really ready for it and it's always harder than I expect it to be, Especially when you realize you're only halfway done with the calisthenics and then again once you start the second run.
Ive done it "Angie style" once which is when you do all the movements in sequence as written. I've also done Rowing murph with 2K rows instead of 1 mile runs. They're all awful.
This year I'm considering:
Run 1 Mile
20 rounds of:
5 Pull-Ups
5 Push-Ups
15 Squats
5 Push-Ups
Run 1 Mile
DO — that is smart. I was thinking I'd do it Cindy-style but breaking up the pushups even more than that…yeah, smart.
Wow DO thanks for making me choke up a bit on my wedding anniversary. What a nice caption. Though I hardly feel I can lay claim to the TFBA title, especially in a WOD where Ellie was kicking my ass by an order of magnitude on the double-unders.
I came to CrossFit when I was 3 months pregnant with Linus, so he has literally grown up in the gym. Something I'm very proud of is that he knows we exercise and that it happens in a really fun place–I hope that fitness is always a part of his life as a result.
I've done a full Murph once. It's long. But as DMak said, you just grind through it.
This will be my third Murph.
1. The day of Murph has been very warm/hot/humid the last two times. Might not be this year, but if it is, do drink lots of water before, during and after. The heat last year was pretty bad.
2. The 100, 200, 300 can be partitioned any way you like. Some folks do 20 rounds of Cindy – 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats, just grinding them out. I've done this twice and have found out that my pushups break down badly this way. This year, I'm planning to do the following, which has been recommended to me by many folks.
5 pushups, 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 15 squats. I might also try 5 pullups, 5 pushups, 15 squats, 5 pushups.
As I cannot kip, I've always done 50 strict pullups instead. In 2011, I did pullups, last year I did chinups.
The hardest part of Murph is the last run – your legs barely move and your arms are on fire.
The best part is hanging out afterwards.
6am with Nick and McDowell. Squats: 215x3x3. Still slightly sore from squats and lunges earlier this week. The weight today felt good. Squats felt solid. Did the chipper Rx in 5:32. The middle movement was the toughest for me, I pushed through it unbroken, but slow. Finished up with a mile run since I skipped yesterday's cash out: 6:37.
Looking forward to Murph, though there is a question as to whether I'll be away that weekend. Last year I followed a 5/5/5/15 strategy (push-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, squats). Push-ups and pull-ups held up for the entire workout. Hardest part was the second mile run. I'm toying with the idea of wearing a weighted vest this year.
Richard Feynman is an amazing person. I wish I could have met him before he passed away. If you have never had the pleasure, read "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman."
I used to go to the beach every Memorial Day, but Sandy changed all that. This year, I Murph.
One other thing. I rowed a 5000 piece the other night and Iron Maiden's first album (Paul DiAnno on vocals, not Bruce Dickinson) was made for the erg. No one denies this.
Happy anniversary, Nick and Charlotte.
Feyman is one of my favorite people in the whole world! And, notice that wonderful Brooklyn accent with which he delivers his insights and words of wisdom about the world around us.
Its just music…
I must use his famous advice to all of us about critics at least once per week: "What do you care what other people think?"
Let's make him a posthumous honorary member of CFSBK!
6am w/McDowell & Nick
Should have done yesterday's workout. I did squats Wednesday and was too tired today. The bar fell behind me on my first set ๐
My crazy streak tell me to try the Murph, but my rationality says you have no business there, you could barely keep up with today's WOD.
Happy Anniversary to Nick & Charlotte! And Happy Birthday to me on Sunday!!! ๐
Michelle — first-timers can do 1/2, 1/3, or even 1/4 Murph. Do it!
Thanks Stella! I may just do it then ๐
Mike, it is no surprise to me that you are a RF fan. As for posthumous membership, I leave it to mgmt, but he is leaderboard material.
Happy anniversary Charlotte and Nick!!
Two years ago, I just came for the beer and food, but I did meet some great people for the first time โ Jess Bailey, PR, Samir. Super creepy that I remember, I know.
Last year, I did a half (or maybe just a quarter?) with knee push-ups and thick green banded pull-ups, broken up like Cindy(?). Made the mistake of not hydrating before or after and then getting drunk afterwards. Would not recommend that approach…
This year Iโm going to be flying back to NY on a redeye from Utah after a long weekend of slothing with my BFF. Might sit this one out or at least take it very easy.
I have done 2 Murphs W/weight vest. Both days have been very hot and very humid. 55 minutes, and then something around 42 minutes the last time.
I broke it up into 20 rounds of Cindy, which seems most logical to me.
I must say I will not being doing this workout ever again, at least with a weight vest. 300 weighted squats are not what my knees need to go through anymore.
I've Murphed 3x and found the best success with the 5 pushups / 5 pullups / 5 pushups / 15 squats. I was dumb enough to wear the vest once…and when they pulled my body from the twisted, burning wreck…it looked like this.
Hoping to join you guys for this year's festivities (sans vest). Miss you guys!
Large Marge!
Feynman was from the Rockaways. His little book on quantum electrodynamics is actually quite readable, and you will get the hang of some of the strangeness of the quantum world.
My Dad has been trying to coax me to read Feynman for years, he practically worships him (being a brilliant jew from Brooklyn like himself of course).
What struck me about that video is that he really spends most of it talking about biological phenomena, not electrons or quarks or stars or black holes which is what I think of when I think of physics. It's kind of amazing how he connects the abstract theories of Quantum Mechanics with the physical manifestations of our day-to-day life. Granted, that's the point of physics, but it's gotten so crazy and "removed" from observable (by the eye) reality these days….
I liked observable universe even more though. That blew my mind. One question though– if the universe was created from a singularity (the big bang) wouldn't it's initial location be the center of the universe? And everything is simply expanding from there?
PS the Astronaut video the other day was brilliant. I love the image of this paper thin layer (the atmosphere) protecting us from the coldness of space. So fragile…
last year was my first Murph. I did 5-10-15 and it worked great but push-ups are my strong suit. My weak suit is heat and going last and being in the back corner of the gym KILLED. My plan is everything the same but earlier. Let me add a caveat to those planning strategy: don't throw your body curve balls. If you normally have a nice breakfast before working out, don't skip it in favor of an early start time. Murph sucks enough without messing with extra variables.
My downfall was going on a three day silent meditation retreat the next day. I figured: great, I'll do this big work out and then it's okay if I don't exert myself for three days. Whoops! Try sitting crosslegged for 10 hours a day after doing 300 squats! Jesus Christ I'm a moron. The other thing I'm thinking about changing is getting a massage between Murph and meat.
Make up for yesterday:
Cleans @160
Happy anniversary Nick & Charlotte!
Last year's Murph done in 42 minutes plus change. Hot as fuck so I'm hoping the weather is better this year and can break 40 minutes. hmm. so I've surely just jinxed myself. Oh well.
Broke up into 20 round cindy style, tho did pull ups, then squats, then push ups (moving from high to low, marking the white board on the ground at the end of push ups. see how smart I am? [such a dork]). when the push ups started to fail around round 10, I found that if I could power through six, I could get the next four pretty easy after a few breaths.
Don't gas yourself on the first mile. And yeah, that second mile is simply the worst no matter what.
I am thinking of different ways to scale the Murph – the Supple Leopard book mentions the use of a SlingShot for assisted push ups. Has anyone ever used one of these things? Is it worth the 50 bucks?
Unfortunate timing for Murph this year, right in the last week of Wendler. I'd really like to focus on finishing Wendler strong to hopefully take the bus to PR City. There's gotta be a total coming up? But since I've never completed rx'd Murph (two years ago I scaled the pullups, last year I bailed half way to due a hangover/hands bleeding into the chalk bucket/1000 degree spot in the back corner of the gym situation), I want to do it. We'll see, the Rosa strategy is looking strong. If I do it, the Chris A downhill strategy will be in effect.
There's no way this statement is true:
His little book on quantum electrodynamics is actually quite readable
Happy anniversary Nick and Charlotte!!
This will be my first time doing Murph. I am really excited (read: nervous)! Reading everyones strategies is very helpful. I'm considering going the 5 push up / 5 pull up / 15 squats / 5 push up route. It'll be easier to maintain the push ups a lot longer if I break them down like that.
I am looking forward to the mile runs the least. Also, why, WHY did I sign up for a half marathon? Oy.
I was out of town and did a makeup Murph and have a post photo. I looked like I was on the tail end of a 7 day bender. Broke it into:
5 Pull-Ups
5 Push-Ups
15 Squats
5 Push-Ups
Squats are my jam so that's never an issue, I like to race Charmel on those, hoping to be in town this year so I can get destroyed with all you knuckleheads.
Happy anniversary Nick and Charlotte!
And Samir? "His little book on quantum electrodynamics is actually quite readable?" You're adorable.
I just thought of this myself, but don't forget to consider how your Murph Monday plans will be impacted by the Arrested Development season 4 devouring on Netflix that will precede.
Tell me you've got an exit strategy.
Looking forward to my first (modified) Murph at CFSBK! Did a modified Murph on Thanksgiving last year. Broke it into 10 pull-ups (banded to jumping), 20 push-ups and 30 squats. Dropped to knee push-ups for a round or so in the middle, but then peer pressure got the best of me and went back to strict push-ups. I like the idea of splitting up the push-ups a bit more, so I might try that. Seems like I'm alone in thinking the last run was the best part – but by that point, there was a light at the end of the tunnel.
I thought the same thing to myself, I thought the epicenter of the big bang was the center of the universe and could be identified by observing cosmic radiation… or looking at some sort of common point that all observable matter is expanding from..
Similarly, does the universe have an orientation beyond what we've assigned to it? Meaning, we always look at the earth from a consistent perspective but why isn't it upside down.. bascially, does the universe have an up and a down? I dont think so, right?
Isaac Newton is a ballerrrrr
Fun Huge 12:00 Class. I was siked that my partners and I were super efficient and got all of our sets in even when we struggled with the math a bit lol. I jumped up only a few pounds from last time, but felt good and know I can go up a bit more next time.
I really like the structure of the every minute on the minute wods. It gives you a lot of opportunities to practice challenging moves and focus in on different components each time.
I kind of skimmed right by the murph post because it didn't seem relevant as a newbie, but reading in the comments that it can be scaled- maybe I will try for a 1/4 Murphy. Even that sounds crazy hard, but a challenge I could try.
noon class with Jess & McDowell and 35 CFSBKers – really enjoy this cycle, two-lift day. 105 on the bench for the 3×5 fitness, which was fun because I failed on 100 last month doing the 3×8's.
And then the cleans were fun for the same reason. Partnered with Camillo and we cleaned 95 for the first seven then increased to 97.5 for the last three. Six months ago I couldn't clean 95 once.
Congrats to Nick & Charlotte on the anniversary!
Love the Feynman!! Loved his shuttle "O" ring & glass of ice water story also.
Murph – possibly a birthday present to myself. But I'm not running these days so is rowing a possibility?
@Ben W, @JB: Feynman's book on QED was intended to be a popular disquisition, hence the readability.
@Rob: 'Center' of the universe doesn't make any sense now as the mass distribution varies in different regions, possibly distorting space-time so that whatever the original 'point' was, its not the center anymore.
@David: You're right – there isn't any up or down really. Always relative to a particular co-ordinate system. Indeed, space itself is a purely relational entity – not a container with things inside it. Take away the objects and their spatial relationships and you have no space.
Richard, if you can't run you can't run…but dear god the idea of rowing after doing all those pushups and pullups makes my shoulders cry!
Did Halfmurph last year with a green band for the pull-ups and I had the epiphany at about my eighth round of Cindy that I could split the push-ups in half and save some time.
I made it a goal for my one year to Rx Murph — so that's the plan for me.
The sun and heat and general outofshapedness during Murph last year almost killed me. I've done it 4 or 5 times now, and each year I do worse, which I think is mainly mental burnout.
This year the goal is to hydrate better and run a little slower, I was seeing stars from about round 4 of the calisthenics on, which is just way too early. Other goal is not to get beat by McDowell while he is wearing a vest and I am not. That was embarrassing.
Stella – thanks for that – hadn't thought of that, maybe I'll run and suffer the heel, and hope for the best on the rest.
227.5×1 (PR)
Strength class finished early so I decided to hit a heavy press. Went up better than 225 a few weeks ago
Warmed up (way too short of a warm up and lacked focus)
240 (felt very heavy. need to warm up more)
225x1x5 with a bunch of dumb ass misses
Very hard to snatch during OG when its busy, I had zero focus
Clean and Jerk
310 FAIL (Cleaned it and barely missed the jerk forwards)
This will be my first murph and I'm freaking excited/terrified.
I'll take any tips and advice on how to go about it ๐