Mother, CrossFitter, TFBA… Charlotte K
Strength Cycle CrossFit Total This Sunday
This Sunday starting around 1:15pm the CFSBK Strength Cyclers will be taking on the CrossFit Total to see how the past 8 weeks of training have paid off. If you love watching people lift heavy weights, come check this event out! Lifting should go until about 4:30 or so and then folks will head out to Root Hill Burger. All are welcome to attend! The CrossFit Total consists of three attempts at 1RMs in the following lifts: Back Squat, Press and Deadlift
The lifters:
Radhika V, Bev W, David T, Bethany E, Mckensey S, Rahsaan C, Dan N, Brandon C, Corbett M, Colin C, Gina C, Aileen H, Stephanie H, Matt I, Sameer P, Thibault C, Lauren H, Nick P, Clare D, Kabir S, Amanda M, Dave B
Murph Day!
This year we’ll be holding Murph Day on Monday, May 27th during the morning and afternoon. All are welcome to come throw down! We also need some volunteer grillers to help out cooking copious amounts of meat provided by the gym. If you’re interested please email David(at) The WOD as Rx’d is detailed below for all newer folks not familiar with “Murph”. As always there will be scaling options. Also, look forward to special limited run “Murph” shirts day of!
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
Run 1 Mile
Partition the Pull-ups, Push-ups and Squats however you’d like. Start and end with the run. If you’ve got a 20lb vest or body armour, wear it.
In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.
Have you done “Murph” before? Any thoughts going into this year?
The observable Universe vs The whole universe
Richard Feyman on Curiosity
Niel deGrasse Tyson on Sir Isaac Newton
Glad I checked back in tonight.
1) Happy Anniversary to Charlotte and Nick. You guys rock. Hope it was great.
2) Mind blown again. And I belong to a gym where one can ask a serious cosmological question and the gym owner is thinking the same questions and a PhD of philosophy responds. I'm going to have to ponder that a bit Samir.
3) Workout Log!
Squat (TM Volume Day):
Warmups: 45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 185×4, 225×2
Work: 265×5, 295x5x3, 265×5
Things felt really hard today so I chopped off the top of my usual pyramid. Very tough tonight, I don't think I was fully recovered and this took forever.
160x3x3 then more practice:
I missed the 3rd rep of the 2nd set at 160 where things got real messy. I dropped it down and practiced more. Going to have to take David's advice a bit further and really start squatting. Once it gets heavy I'm not getting under with any form or grace. Good cue from Michele regarding my latest bad habit (I find a new one each month) of jumping too early.
Tough workout today, but it was rewarding and glad I got through it. Definitely need some serious recovery. I'm already really sore.
210×5 PR
Squat volume day