Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your third 3×5 of Bench Pressing for the cycle. Add 5-10lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: 5/3/1 (1 week)
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Bench Press e3/6
Power Clean
Perform 2 Reps on the minute for 10 minutes.
Today’s reps should be heavy but crisp. Make sure every bar is racked correctly before fully recovering. Go heavier than last week
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Power Clean e3/6
Cute Overload: Zach gets his Down Dog on during Active Recovery class
Noor Writes about Tough Titsday
Check out Noor A’s great write up on the events of the last few days:
CrossFit, Women and “Tough Titsday”: A Woman’s Perspective
LGBT NYC CF is a growing network of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) Crossfitters in NYC. We come together to workout and to promote greater visibility of LGBT people in the Crossfit community.
- Sunday, June 9th, 3-4pm
- Followed by post-WOD socializing at Die Koelner Bierhalle
- To RSVP, please go to the Facebook event page If you don’t have facebook, you can also RSVP by posting a comment to the event page!
- The workout has not yet been created but will be scaleable and inclusive
Related reading – Crossfit Homophobia: One Does Not Have Time for Such Affairs
Do you like cooking and helping people?
The House is located on the Upper East Side, on 73rd between 1st and York. We usually have a wait-list of volunteers, but we still need about 7-10 more people this Saturday (5/11) from 4:30-8:30 pm. Email me ASAP at katharinereece(at) if you’re interested. You’ll get an email in a couple days with more info.
Mindfulness with Jon Kabat-Zinn
EPA Plan To Clean Up Gowanus Meets Local Resistance
1 week on the bench – 175×5, 200×3, 222.5×8 – Failed at 215×8 last cycle, so making nice progress
Did the Power Cleans at 200 – felt easier than 185 or 195 did.
Active Recovery cuteness!
Bench 90×5, 105×3, 115×8. Remembered what Jess said to me last week about having more in the tank than I thought I did, and am really happy with that result.
Cleans at 93#. Kinda slow today, but not a disaster. I'll take it, considering I ate a bunch of garbage yesterday (seriously, cannot remember the last time I crammed that many sweets into myself in one day) and I feel like garbage this morning as a result.
Strength Wednesday!
squat: 167.5×3
bench: 97.5×2 missed the 3rd due to wobbly bar path, ugh
chins: 7,6,6 w/ christmas band combo
At this point I'm mostly nervcited for the total this sunday!
Noor's piece on Tough Titsday is amazing!
6am with Jess and David. Bench: 200×5, 230×3, 260×5. Tried for 6 on the rep out and it wouldn't go. 260 matches my heavy 5 weight from the previous cycle. Power cleans: 185×2, 195×2, 205x8x2. First few sets at 205 felt great. Last 2 were tough and ugly.
Great, great piece, Noor. You nailed it.
GINORMOUS 6am class today–29!! Awesome to work w/ Steph P on the cleans.
I'm a week behind on bench so did the "3" day:
(45×5, 75×5) 100×3, 110×3, 125×12!!!
Very excited about this repout. Also very excited for the shout-out from DO afterwards. Fun to be with some of my strong lady peeps to be excited with me. 'Nuff said.
Cleans at 115, felt better than 105 last week.
Wussed out of the DIY cash-out. Have been struggling with a cold and used that as an excuse.
6am with Jess and David. 95x3x5 on the bench press. Per Jess's recommendation, I made a note to go for at least a 5# jump next week. Did the cleans at 83#. Got some helpful performance points from both Jess and David — continuing to work on positioning, but feel like I'm getting there. Thanks to Joy's encouragement, I did the DIY cash-out. Nice way to end class!
Great piece, Noor.
For the record I am a big fan of the 5:30am class idea. It is so cool to see this community growing so fast.
Awesome response Noor!
I haven't commented on this whole shenanigans, mostly because a lot more eloquent people said what I was thinking, a lot better than I could have said it. I think the silver lining of this ridiculous situation is that we've got to see some really thoughtful writing from our population (including DO and Margie). I almost wish there were more (sane) opportunities for people to write these pieces and appreciate what an intelligent group of people we have working out around us. The exact opposite of what I imagine "bro culture" to be.
But for the record, Titsday could have been named "We All Hate Christine" class, and I still would have taken it and loved it. The substance of the class is so anti-misogyny that it's amazing to me that someone could make such a strong judgement on the name, without finding out more about it.
What an incredible piece, Noor!
I am constantly in awe of the women I am surrounded by during group classes. I feel that this event has strengthened the CFSBK community, as well as the women within it. What can we do but keep kickin' some ass!
Well that escalated quickly…
I'd just like to state that Katie Hogan is my hero.
I wanna be like her. 898# total.
Sarah, I will help you out with the side pony. You will also have to perfect the laugh-cry, aka tears of joy.
I'm floored at how big the classes have been in the AM I can only imagine how crazy the PM is.
Hit 130 3×5 so the slow climb back to what it. Once was continues. Cleaned to 105. Need to work on that "jump" after the hip pop.
Can't believe CBS picked up on it now. Could have used a little time to go over the story I think. I also still believe that Jezebel writer didn't do an ounce of journalism on the piece to begin with. Cheers to Noor for her take.
Great Post Noor.
I felt angry when I first read the jezebel article. But after sleeping on it, I now actually feel sad for the author, as she will never be able to truly experience what CSBK is about.
In the word of Stephen Hawking
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
Has anyone been to CrossFit NapTown in Indianapolis? I have to go out there next month for work and it's the closest box to my hotel.
Nice one Jfid.
I'm with you Pierre. Who lets a stupid 3 letter palindrome derail them from something they really enjoyed?
Preach, Noor! Wonderfully witten.
Any recs for boxes in Philly? I'll be there for a work conference next week and would like to pop in for an early morning WOD. Thanks for thoughts!
a friend of mine sent me this a while back.
He goes to Fearless Athletics/CrossFit Philly and says it is a great box.
hope it helps
Hahahaha. Crossfit "studios."
Thanks, Pierre!!
Also, sometimes I wish I could edit posts on the CFSBK blog. Your article, while wonderfully witten, Noor, was just as wonderfully written as well.
Courtney — I know a couple who goes to CF 215 and likes it. I also saw Marian wearing one of their shirts to AR on Saturday so I asked her about it and she liked it too.
I haven't weighed in on Tough Titsday because I've been so impressed by what everyone else has said (and particularly Noor – what a clear, well-reasoned response!) that I didn't really feel like I had much to add.
But, as someone who generally doesn't have a big problem with political correctness (or, at least, as big a problem as others), I'm struck by this notion that if something offends anyone at all, it shouldn't exist. It's one thing if a potential member of the community is offended by the name, but what difference does it make that some random people running in the park (female or otherwise) don't like it? I don't understand how that's relevant to anything.
I know it's just the local CBS affiliate, but still…
Power Cleans @ 215
Power Snatch
Bench- 270×6 for rep out
Either I just got checked out heavily bc my CFSBK v neck makes me look awesome or I got a really nasty look from an uniformed Jezebel reader. It was weir either way.
@Courtney: Central CrossFit in downtown PHilly is also good.
Jake L– email me your email please–
6:30 class with Fox and Josh
Bench with Dave and Luca
45×5 95×5 145×5 165×3 185×7
Cleans with Ben
175#, caught a couple a little low on the shoulders, but no major mishaps. Did the last set at 180 to see what next week would feel like… not terrible.
6:30 with josh and fox.
My first exposure to bench and cleans. I didn't know where to start. Now I have to come every Thursday because I loved it and want to add more weight.
65x5x4. I added an extra set not paying attention.
Partners with Christine. I had a break through thanks to not wanting to switch weights between sets. I started with 73# at the 4 minute mark started using her 83# without missing any! I have never been able to clean more than 80# for one. I knew I was strong enough to go higher, I just over think it, pull too soon, am afraid to get under it, have slow elbows….and anything else under the category of not going to get it. Clean and jerk camp come back.
Squat repout @170lbs – 9 reps.
Cleans: One step forward, two steps back. I wasn't on today, dropped 20 pounds off my intended 150.
I. Love. Thursdays. Specifically, the OTM cleans. I was telling the ladies while we were benching that I've been noticing that I'm starting to look a little swole. Could be the lifting. Or my shitty diet and I'm literally just swelling. Hard to say.
Joel – how it is possible that you don't know whether you were getting checked out or being thrown a dirty? I'd go with you were getting checked out (yay, you!). Those v-necks are dope.
Bench: 65x5x3
Cleans: 98#
I've been really conservative on these cleans, but I might need to do a 10# jump next week. I'm already scared.
Got some extra work in today since I missed Monday…
Barbell Press: Wendler 5/week: 125×8
Definitely 1-2, maybe 2-3 left in the tank. First time BB pressing in quite a while. Shoulder felt good– worked on "High collar bones" and breaking the bar for external rotation.
DB Press: 60x6x3
Two less reps than last week, but immediately after the press rep out, I'll take it.
Chins: 4 sets of 6 reps
Curls: 40x8x3
I should have done tri's too to make it a true "arms" day,but maybe tomorrow)
Did some bridges afterwards.
It was real nice getting to bench with Chris and Josh, thanks for the encouragement!
45×10, 75×5
115×5, 130×3, 150×11
My left shoulder felt a bit strained on the second rep of the repout but I adjusted, locked down my shoulders and it was all good.
Cleans: 2x on the minute for 10 minutes at 155
This was a 10# jump and the most I have cleaned in a long time. It felt quite good and was going up nicely. Dan Rx was giving me a lot of great feedback and then pulled out his phone and used the Coach Eye app and filmed me – wow what an eye opener!! Can't thank you enough Dan!
630 with Josh and Fox
Bench 70x3x5
Cleans at #98 with K-Mo Money Mo Problems
Hashtag dream team
DIY 800 meter run cash out
7:30 with the Foxes.
Benched with Doug and Mike. It was red plate day!
[45×5, 115×4, 155×3] 170x5x3 — Fox noted to control the descent more.
Then cleans with Doug at 165. Made all twenty attempts today, and was really happy with the majority of them. Hitting all twenty was a big feat — approaching a PR here!
This week marks one year at CFSBK.
Over the past twelve months, I've shed any and all past anxiety I had around stepping into a gym and looking "weak." I feel like I possess a new toughness that has helped me both in and out of the gym.
As far as numbers go, the changes are dramatic. In my first cycle, I was squatting 135×8, deadlifting 175×5, benching 95×5; I had never cleaned or snatched or climbed a rope before, and had barely a strict pull-up. I've added about 80% to those lifts across the board (in the past week I hit 255×8, 315×5, and 170×5 on those movements), developed bodyweight movements despite adding weight, and run and rowed distances long and short faster than I have before. All this is testament to the excellent programming in place, but also the willingness of our coaches to answer questions and tailor advice to individual needs.
Nothing keeps me coming back to the gym as much as the people, though. From the coaches to the Supple Leopard crew and my CRASH-Beasts, you guys are a pleasure to lift, sweat, learn, and grow with. Thanks, all of you!
Great post, Ryan.
Bench 220×7
Power Cleans @195
Joel w,
Pretty sure she was checking you out.
6:30pm class with Fox and JMart
(45×5, 65×5, 75×3)
90×5, 105×3, 115×8
-these felt good. and it's one more rep than I got during week 1 when I was repping out at 10# less. crazy.
Power Cleans:
stuck with 123 for all reps today. I'm so much better at the hang clean than full clean so there's plenty for me to work on. Always fun to partner with Ellie and watch her move fast under the bar.
JFID, those were my exact thoughts (in Will Ferrel's voice) when they walked in. Followed by.. the realization that it must be a really really slow news week.
Front Squat: 165x3x3
Deadlift: 325×4… then x1
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you all liked the post. Its been a great discussion on the blog, which in itself counters so much of the nonsense from Jezebel. Unfortunately, such "news" venues are much more interested in sensationalism than they are a really good story. There are so many good stories in the gym, I feel lucky to share the space with all of you.
I was very happy to be able to get 95×3 today on my rep out, something close to the weight I was pre-strength cycle and pre-pregnancy. Its been nice seeing the numbers slowly creeping up after so many months of performance going down. And, though this is a little later than I had hoped, I finally have my push-up back.