Congratulations to Kate and Bennett Brash on the birth of their third child, Baxter
- The CFSBK Softball team, “The Calaveras” will be playing tonight at Red Hook Fields at 6:30pm. All are welcome to attend and spectate.
Do you like Wine and Festivals?!
Resident Somolier Brian S is looking for up to 8 volunteers to help him out. Details below:
The Great Googa Mooga is coming to Prospect Park next month and The Hess Collection is a winery partner! What this means is that I have a select number of wristbands which I can offer to CFSBK members for FREE!
Well – sort of free.
I am going to be out of town that weekend and am looking for people to help pour in the VIP Wine Tent. If anyone there would like to help out pouring wine during the event they will get in free. They can work as little or as much as they like as long as someone is behind the table the entire time.
There are 8 weekend wristbands and 4 Friday night wristbands. All info about the festival can be found here: Please have anyone interested contact me ASAP at bscott(AT)
After I have all of the wristbands spoken for, I will host a tasting/training seminar so everyone is educated on the wines.
If you could switch bodies with anyone for one day (Freaky Friday), who would it be?
CGI of How Titanic Sunk
The Happiest Olympic Worker in the World
It’s Getting Hot out Here
Cfsbk am I reading your mind or are you reading my posts?
I would swap bodies with an animal. Maybe land, maybe air? Hopefully not one in line for the slaughterhouse or one that easily becomes prey. Or a bird in close proximity to glass buildings.
Anyone listen to Ted talks? My subway rides got an upgrade with a new podcast app. "how a dead duck changed my life." I'll just add necrophilia and leave the rest of it a surprise. TGIF!
Melissa Loranger, so I would know what it was like to be able to do a muscle-up for one day. ๐
Squatted (140x3x3) and partner WOD-ed with soon-to-be dad Gabe (MOAR BABIES!), 13 rounds + 2 squats in this Cindyesque little drill. Glad to have been able to use the WOD as kipping pullup practice.
Congrats, Brashes! CFSBK baby army FTW!
Gene Simmons in the 80's
RIP Jeff Hanneman
Sad day for metalheads and rock fans in general. When I first heard Slayer in 1986 I was completely blown away and, a little scared. Had no idea that they would grow to be such an influence to multiple genres.
Fox: you just made me crack up … re Gene, not Jeff.
Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known by his ring name The Rock.
This is a very interesting QOD. Would you' just be inhabiting the body, but you wouldn't have their personality? Or would you be just be them, personality, skills and all? if you were just them, then it wouldn't be much for the 'real you', would it? Or would you realize it was you 'being someone else'? And would this cause you so much discomfort that inhabiting someone'e else's body wouldn't really let you enjoy whatever it was about their lives that you wanted to take on?
Sorry, I'm rambling, but I thought this might be interesting for some folks, about a thought experiment on a similar topic:
Dmitry Klokov
Rick James
Duh: Ido Portal.
hah charlotte, good call.
i think my freaky friday conventions you know you're in the wrong body so you're still thinking somewhat as yourself which raises some questions about how this would work if you're switching into someone's body for their brains because then do you get their intelligence or expertise?
those thoughts aside my mind first went to switching with, julie foudy, during the 1999 women's world cup, preferably on a game day, the final would be even better, thanks. yes, that would mean i wouldn't take a pk, but that's fine because if i'm still in my own head, i don't want to go there.
is anyone following any of this?
I'm with Crystal on this…some animal. Preferably a large cat. Like a puma, or a cheetah…or a leopard!
Happy to return to the box today after a week of fighting with allergies. Couldn't let two-lift Thursday pass me by!
8am with McDowell
bench press 3×5 @85#
clean first 5 @68, other 5 @73
also…just for the heck of it, I was screwing around after class and OMG you guys! I did a pistol. a few of them…not pretty, but they happened. ๐
that was very exciting for me. closely followed by some depressing DU practice…nothing like DUs to take the wind out of my sails.
Happy Friday everyone!
I would say Eli Manning on Feb 3, 2008 but that's too much pressure if I had my own brain so I'll go with Jeff Feagles, same night. Punter power!
I was thinking I'd like to trade places with a pro football player as well (any one will do, really.)
The reason I say that is that I am fascinated by the idea of having a super high tolerance for, or even perhaps having an active love affair with, pain. By that I mean, what kind of mental and physical processes does someone have when they feel pain, but keep on going?
It's inconceivable to me.
I love reading memoirs of football players because they're always so nonchalant about it – getting beat up is just part of the job. HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!
Obviously this is interesting to me because I'm the opposite.
Barring that, though, I'd be happy being Gillian for a day, shit.
LMAO @JR Rick in the 80s, Jesus that would be FUN. Jake and Charlotte had some really good ones if not them I'd settle for Lu Xiaojun.
I'm changing my Freaky Friday wish to be Jay Z, so I can makeout with Beyonce.
I'd FF with Beyonce so I could spoil Crystals fun.
That olympic worker video is the finniest things I've seen in a while
I'd FF with Beyonce so I could spoil Crystals fun.
That olympic worker video is the finniest things I've seen in a while
JJ I was here with my calipers!!! ๐
OG (I cant figure out the whole BOLD thing yet and im getting discouraged)
Snatch- I had wine with lunch today, I did not expect much…
225 FAIL ( I had Katz stand in front of me and stare so as to practice for my competition, HARD)
235 FAIL
235 FAIL
255 FAIL (didnt even finish the pull, felt too heavy)
255 (PR!!!) Most unexpected lift ever. Ill take it.
Clean and Jerk: 286x1x4
Sots press
words you want bolded < / b >
Just take out the space and there you go
Oops.. I'll just show you on a white board at the gym..